Error related to service manager - selenium-webdriver

I'm running test cases in protractor and observing error message from point to point as "] InterfaceProviderSpec prevented connection from: content_utility to: content_browser" which in return failing some of my test cases. I have not observed this error message before and observing it now after updates in chrome browser.

Find attached imageRun Sql server browser under services.


SignalR IIS With React - "Server returned handshake error: Handshake was canceled."

I am developing a .Net Core (3.1) web application hosted with IIS 10. When I am trying to use SignalR on localhost, I am able to connect totally fine and receive messages from the backend, but after I publish it to IIS, I get the error: "Server returned handshake error: Handshake was canceled." In the client logs on Chrome's console, I get the message: "Information: SSE connected to" before I get the error described above (which you would think means that I connected successfully)...
I have seen other posts where people have suggested that I have to enable webSockets on IIS, and I have already checked the my site has this enabled.
I have also seen people suggest to try using the longPolling argument in the withUrl function when creating the connection, and this has not helped either.
I have also added SignalR Event Log Trace Listeners to my web.config file, and the only warning I get that might be related to this issue is that I get a warning from the .NET runtime that reads "Failed to determine the https port for redirect." I am not sure what this means or if it would be related to SignalR, but as this also appears to deal with Middleware, it might be significant.
One thing that I thought might be related is that my site is just one of multiple hosted on this server, so that when I am running locally, I can use the following to connect to SignalR:
hubConnection = new signalR.HubConnectionBuilder().withUrl("/output").build();
But because of the way this site is deployed on my server, I have to use this:
hubConnection = new signalR.HubConnectionBuilder().withUrl("/MyApplication/output").build();
when I deploy the site or else I get a 404 error...
Would there be any issue there? I noticed when inspecting the network requests that on localhost, the URL to connect with the socket is "wss://localhost:44315/output?id=..." and I get the "Status Code: 101 Switching Protocols", but after I deploy, the url that is used is "" and I get a "200 OK" just before receiving the error described at the top. Why does wss get used on localhost but http is requested from my client when I deploy?
FINALLY discovered the issue after days of debugging... The reason I was getting a "101" response on localhost and not when published is because 101 is basically the server (IIS in my case) saying "I support web sockets". I realized that because I wasn't getting this when published, web sockets were probably not enabled in IIS. It was weird, however, because I went into IIS manager and it said that web sockets were enabled, but after much more research, I found that you also have to go into "Server Manager" and enable it as well (see here and follow step by step instructions). I did not realize both were required.

Server Error in application

Running my application on local with dev_appserver for finding event list from Google calendar and it works fine.
when I deployed through app-engine (deployment done successful) and when I run the file it gives me below error
Error: Server Error
The server encountered an error and could not complete your request.
If the problem persists, please report your problem and mention this error message and the query that caused it.
Google lot about this error still unable to find solution for the same
my app.yaml file structure.
- url: /calendar
When I run this It is giving me mentioned error.
Any idea what changes need to do to run my application on live?
I feel that you didn't changed your client id and client secret which u registered for domain when deploying to appengine server. So you are getting this error.
Check your application logs from your GAE admin page.
Hopefully you'll find some info there to help debug.

Load operation failed for query x. the remote server returned an error: notfound

I published a silverlight application with wcf ria service to my local host on windows 7 (IIS7).but when i run application in browser ,my silverlight application can not connect to wcf ria service and i receive the following error:
load operation failed for query x. the remote server returned an
error: notfound
how can i fix this problem?!!!
The 'Not Found' error returned by IIS is something of a misnomer. Many times it masks over something else that happened and thus hides the true error.
One such instance of this is when the amount of information returned by the query exceeds IIS's limit of how much information it can return (the default for IIS 7 is something like 4 meg). This will result in the 'Not Found' error. To diagnose this condition, change your service so that it returns only a single record guaranteed to be less than 4 meg in size. If this is the case, you can change the IIS default, or change your data load strategy (the latter is preferable).
Other conditions can be diagnosed similarly.
I'd try attaching a debugger to the method you're calling in the service. There is probably some error happening which comes back as NotFound. Also, make sure you've enabled Silverlight debugging in the properties of the website project.
Please enter This URL in Browser
"http://Your Site Address/FolderName(s)/MyApp-Web-DishViewDomainService.svc
Service name is full name of service replace dot with dash
for example if your domainclass is mynamespace.mydomainclass
service address is mynamespace-mydomainclass.svc
the browser return error causes your problem
if error is not found check web.config setting
otherwise pls write your problem
a problem is possible to be a number of record and change maxItemsInObjectGraph

RIA Domainservice - Notfound error - how to get more debug information?

I'm having problems to find enough information to figure out what's missing on my published Silverlight application.
Running the applicaton locally (but with the db connectionstring to the "live" database), everything is running fine.
However, when I try to run at the published remote site it fails. It seems to be related to the db connection, but I don't get any detailed error from the server.
I've added a "debug" code at RIA service completed method
if (myLoadOperation.HasError)
The messagebox displays:
Load operation fail for the query 'GetData'. The remote server returned an error : NotFound
What is not found??!?
Additional information I get from JIT Debugger (VS2010)
NotFound. at System.ServiceModel.DomainServices.Client.OperationBase.Complete(Exception error)
I suspect that it might be a dll related to EF or RIA which may be missing on the remote server, but I'm not quite sure how to identify what's wrong. It's a shared hosting environment.
Could it be located to the MySQL provider?
connectionString="metadata=res://*/Model.Model1.csdl|res://*/Model.Model1.ssdl|res://*/Model.Model1.msl;provider=MySql.Data.MySqlClient;provider connection string="server=xxxxxxxxx;User Id=xxxxxxx;password=xxxxxxxxx;Persist Security Info=True;Allow Zero Datetime=True;Convert Zero Datetime=true;database=xxxxxxxxxx;" providerName="System.Data.EntityClient"
I've uploaded the following dll's to the server's bin folder:
I found the blog post WCF RIA Services - “Not Found” Error Message to offer several methods of debugging this very generic error message. Using tools like Fiddler and WCF Binary-encoded Message Inspector for Fiddler should give you a better understanding of what the real error message is.

Silverlight error message [Arg_VersionString]. Don't know where to begin

One of the users of a silverlight app I wrote gets this error message:
[Arg_VersionString] Arguments:
Debugging resource strings are
unavailable. Often the key and
arguments provide sufficient
information to diagnose the problem.
I checked the log of the application that is hosting the silverlight plugin and I see no exceptions. The services seem to be working properly, I even witness the trace of this user running the app, and I can confirm that the service successfully returned data.
Something must be happening on the client side, but I don't know where to start. The software is in production already, there are no debugging tools on that server other than DbgView and the problem only seems to be occuring for this particular user.
What would you do?
In order to reduce the size of the Silverlight plugin, The strings of error messages were removed. So if any unhandled exception gets thrown this is the message you will recieve.
In order to get the full version of the exception the user has to have the Silverlight Developer Runtime and not the client runtime installed.
If you have a record of the data returned to the client, you might try using Fiddler to inject that data into the client running on your machine and see if it fails. If it does you should get back the full error message.
