MMU disabled vs MMU enabled with one-to-one paging - arm

I am trying to understand the difference between these two modes of operation, (mostly in arm processors):
MMU is disabled.
MMU is enabled, but using one-to-one paging, i.e. virtual address is same as physical address.
From my understanding in both cases the memory is accessed as flat memory, one-to-one paging.
Is that correct ?
Thank you.

sure, you can map the virtual to physical however you like including one to one such that they are equal. There are still differences vs having the mmu off, each and every access has to go through the mmu and be looked up and converted (even if one to one), these tables themselves are in ram as well and that takes time, there is a little cache to help (TLB) but pretty small. Then there are the other settings in the mmu, cachable or not, protection which may require an additional lookups within the chip which may or may not take extra clock cycles.
So purely from an addressing perspective, sure the virtual address and physical address can be the same for the whole address space. there are some bits in the mmu table that replace some bits in the physical address and you can set those to match for some or all of the address space.


Are memory mapped registers separate registers on the bus?

I will use the TM4C123 Arm Microcontroller/Board as an example.
Most of it's I/O registers are memory mapped so you can get/set their values using
regular memory load/store instructions.
My questions is, is there some type of register outside of cpu somewhere on the bus which is mapped to memory and you read/write to it using the memory region essentially having duplicate values one on the register and on memory, or the memory IS the register itself?
There are many buses even in an MCU. Bus after bus after bus splitting off like branches in a tree. (sometimes even merging unlike a tree).
It may predate the intel/motorola battle but certainly in that time frame you had segmented vs flat addressing and you had I/O mapped I/O vs memory mapped I/O, since motorola (and others) did not have a separate I/O bus (well one extra...address...signal).
Look at the arm architecture documents and the chip documentation (arm makes IP not chips). You have load and store instructions that operate on addresses. The documentation for the chip (and to some extent ARM provides rules for the cortex-m address space) provides a long list of addresses for things. As a programmer you simply line up the address you do loads and stores with and the right instructions.
Someones marketing may still carry about terms like memory mapped I/O, because intel x86 still exists (how????), some folks will continue to carry those terms. As a programmer, they are number one just bits that go into registers, and for single instructions here and there those bits are addresses. If you want to add adjectives to that, go for it.
If the address you are using based on the chip and core documentation is pointing at an sram, then that is a read or write of memory. If it is a flash address, then that is the flash. The uart, the uart. timer 5, then timer 5 control and status registers. Etc...
There are addresses in these mcus that point at two or three things, but not at the same time. (address 0x00000000 and some number of kbytes after that). But, again, not at the same time. And this overlap at least in many of these cortex-m mcus, these special address spaces are not going to overlap "memory" and peripherals (I/O). But instead places where you can boot the chip and run some code. With these cortex-ms I do not think you can even use the sort of mmu to mix these spaces. Yes definitely in full sized arms and other architectures you can use a fully blow mcu to mix up the address spaces and have a virtual address space that lands on a physical address space of a different type.

How to debug an aarch64 translation fault?

I am writing a simple kernel in armv8 (aarch64).
MMU config:
48 VA bits (T1SZ=64-48=16)
4K page size
All physical RAM flat mapped into kernel virtual memory (on TTBR1_EL1)
(MMU is active with TTBR0_EL1=0, so I'm only using addresses in 0xffff< addr >, all flat-mapped into physical memory)
I'm mapping a new address space (starting at 1<<40) to some free physical region. When I try to access address 1<<40, I get an exception (of type "EL1 using SP1, synchronous"):
Inspecting other registers, I have:
So, based on ARM Architecture Reference Manual for ARMv8 (ARMv8-A profile):
ESR (exception syndrome register) translates into: Exception Class=100101 (Data abort without a change in exception level) on pages D7-1933 sq. ; WnR=1 (faulting instruction is a write) ; DFSC=0b000100 (translation fault at level 0) on page D7-1958 ;
FAR_EL1 is the faulting address ; it indicates TTBR1_EL1 is used (since high bits are all 1). The VA top 9 bits are 0b000000010, which indicate that entry 2 is used in the table ;
Entry 2 in the table indicates a next-level table (low bits 0b11) at physical address 0x82003000.
So, translation fails at level 0, where it should not.
My question is: am I doing something wrong? Am I missing some info that could lead to the translation fault? And, more generally, how to debug a translation fault ?
Everthing works when I write to tables before enabling the MMU.
Whenever I write to tables AFTER enabling the MMU (via flat-mapped table region), mapping never works. I wonder why this happens.
I also tried manually writing to the selected tables (to remove any side effect from my mmapping function): same result (when writes are done before MMU is on, it works; after, it fails).
I tried doing tlbi and dsb sy instructions, followed by isb, without effect. Only one CPU is running at this time so caching should not be a problem - write instructions and MMU talk to the same caches (but I will test it next).
I overlooked caching issues within a single core. The problem was that, after turning the MMU on, the CPU and table walk unit didn't have the same view of memory. ARMv8 Cortex-A Programming Guide states that cache has to be cleaned/invalidated to point of unification (same view for a single core) after modifying tables.
Two possibilities can explain this behavior (I don't fully understand how caches work yet):
First possibility: the MMU does not have the required address in its internal walk cache.
In this case, when updating regular data and making it available to other core's L1, the dsb instruction simply waits for all cores to have a synchronized state (thanks to coherency network): other cores will know that the line has to be updated, and when they try to access it, it gets updated to L2 or migrated from the previous core's L1 to their L1.
This does not happen with the MMU (no coherency participation), so it still sees the old value in L2.
However, if this were the case, the same thing should happen before the MMU is turned on (because caching is activated way before), except if all memory is considered L1-non-cacheable before MMU is activated (which is possible, I'll have to double check that).
A minimal way of fixing the problem may be to change caching policies for table pages, but the cache maintenance is still necessary to clear possible old values from the MMU.
Second possibility: in all cases tested, the MMU already has the faulting address in its internal walk cache, which is not coherent with data L1 or L2.
In that case, only an explicit invalidate can eject the old line from the MMU cache. Before the MMU is turned on, the cache contains nothing and never gets the old value (0), only the new one.
I still think that case is unlikely because I tested many cases, and sometimes the offset between previsouly mapped memory (for example, entry 0 in the level 1 table) and newly mapped memory (for example, entry 128 in the same level 1 table) was greater than the cache line size (in this case, 1024 bytes, which is more than any cache line size).
So, I'm still not sure what exactly causes the problem, but cleaning/invalidating all the updated addresses works.

What is the difference in cache memory and tightly coupled memory

Due to being embedded inside the CPU The TCM has a
Harvard-architecture, so there is an ITCM (instruction TCM)
and a DTCM (data TCM). The DTCM can not contain any
instructions, but the ITCM can actually contain data.
The size of DTCM or ITCM is minimum 4KiB so the typical
minimum configuration is 4KiB ITCM and 4KiB DTCM.
It looks like tcm have same purpose as cache memory.
No. They didn't used the word cache in explanation
A cache uses access patterns to populate data within the cache. It has extra hardware to track the backing address and may have communication with other system entities (SMP) to track when a cache line is dirty (someone else has written something to primary memory).
The 'TCM' (tightly coupled memory) is fast, probably SRAM multi-transistor memory, like the cache. Both have a fast dedicated connection to the CPU. However, the overhead to implement the TCM is far less than a cache. Typically TCM is found on lower-end (deeply embedded probably Cortex-M) ARM devices.
Most CPU caches have a lock down feature which enables them to behave like the TCM. However, the TCM does not have on the fly capabilities to buffer high use code and data. Because of this, the TCM (and locked cache) is probably more deterministic which may help hard real time applications.
This is what I found that I feel is more concise and to the point.
Cache memory is implemented with on-chip memory and control logic. Tightly coupled memory is implemented with on-chip memory and a dedicated connection.
Tightly coupled memory has a fixed span in the address map. Cache does not live in the address map (.... well it kinda does.... just don't think of it as a physical memory) but instead serves as an intermediate between the processor and the memory to (hopefully) provide more efficient memory accesses.
Tightly coupled memory has deterministic access time. Accesses through the cache are not deterministic since the data will either live in the cache (hit) or the data must be fetched from main memory (miss).
While both are very fast accessed memories, cache stores dynamically data/code which has been lately used in order to improve access speed, compared to standard memory connected to the global Avalon matrix. Every time a memory access is required, the processor checks if the required data is already present in the cache or must be newly fetched from memory; in the meantime, old unused cache data is being continously replaced with new data.
Tightly coupled memory is also a fast access memory, since it exploits a dedicated port, but it has static content: you decide what you need there and you specify it in the linker script.
TCM has allocated address space so you can find it in the memory map. You can control the data that will be stored there already at link time. Just think of it as a normal system memory that has access times similar with cache. Usually the data from TCM is uncacheable.
If we ignore the dual-configurable cache-cum-TCM, cache memory should be connected to Bus Interface (BIU) to connect external memory, whereas TCM aren't. Reason is TCM has original data by itself. Whereas cache is temporary storage (for speed) of external memory content.

Arm cortex a9 memory access

I want to know the sequence an ARM core (Cortex-A series processor) accesses memory? Right from Virtual Address generated by core to memory and Instruction/Data transferred from the memory to the core. Consider core has generated a virtual address for some data/instruction and there is a miss from TLBs, then how does address reach to main memory(DRAM if I am not wrong) and how does data comes to core through L2 and L1 caches.
What if required data/instruction is already in L1 cache?
What if required data/instruction is already in L2 cache?
I am confused regarding cache and MMU communications.
tl;dr - Whatever you want. The ARM is highly flexible and the SOC vendor and/or the system programmer may make the memory sub-systems do a great many different things depending on the end device features and needs.
First, the MMU has fields that explicitly dictate how the cache is to be used. I recommend reading Chapter 9 Caches and Chapter 10 Memory Management Unit of the Cortex-A Series Programmers Guide.
Some terms are,
PoC - point of coherency.
PoU - point of unification.
Strongly ordered.
Many MMU properties and caching can be affected by different CP15 and configuration registers. For instance, an 'exclusive configuration' for data in the L1 cache is never in the L2 can make it particularly difficult to cleanly write self modifying code and other dynamic updates. So, even for a particular Cortex-A model, the system configuration may change things (write-back/write-through, write-allocate/no write-allocate, bufferable, non-cacheable, etc).
A typical sequence for general DDR core memory is,
Resolve virt -> phys
Micro TLB present? Yes, have `phys`
TLB present? Yes, have `phys`
Table walk. Have `phys` or fault.
Access marked cacheable? Yes do 2.1. No step 4.
In L1 cache? Yes 2b.
If read return data. If write fill data and mark drity (write back).
In L2 cache? Yes 3.1
If read return data. If write fill data and mark drity (write back).
Run physical cycle on AXI bus (may route to sub-bus).
What if required data/instruction is already in L1 cache?
What if required data/instruction is already in L2 cache?
For normal cases these are just cache hits. If it is a 'write-through' and 'write' then the value is updated in cache and written to memory. It it is 'write-back' the value is updated in cache and marked dirty.Note1 If it is a read, then the cache memory is used (in both case).
The system maybe set up completely differently for device memory (Ie, memory mapped USB registers, world shareable memory, multi-core/cpu buffers, etc). Often the setup will depend on system cost, performance and power consumption. Ie, a write-through cache is easier to implement (lower power and less cost) but often lower performance.
I am confused regarding cache and MMU communications.
Mainly the MMU will provide information for the caches to resolve an address. The MMU may say to use/not use the cache. It may tell the cache it can 'gang' writes together (write-bufferable), but should not store them indefinitely, etc. So many of the MMU specifiers can selectively alter the behavior of the cache. As the Cortex-A cache parameters are not defined (it is up to each SOC manufacturer), it is often the case that particular MMU bits may have alternate behavior on different systems.
Note1: The 'dirty cache' may have additional 'broadcasts' of exclusion monitor information for strex and ldrex type accesses.

Significance of Reset Vector in Modern Processors

I am trying to understand how computer boots up in very detail.
I came across two things which made me more curious,
1. RAM is placed at the bottom of ROM, to avoid Memory Holes as in Z80 processor.
2. Reset Vector is used, which takes the processor to a memory location in ROM, whose contents point to the actual location (again ROM) from where processor would actually start executing instructions (POST instruction). Why so?
If you still can't understand me, this link will explain you briefly,
The processor logic is generally rigid and fixed, thus the term hardware. Software is something that can be changed, molded, etc. thus the term software.
The hardware needs to start some how, two basic methods,
1) an address, hardcoded in the logic, in the processors memory space is read and that value is an address to start executing code
2) an address, hardcoded in the logic, is where the processor starts executing code
When the processor itself is integrated with other hardware, anything can be mapped into any address space. You can put ram at address 0x1000 or 0x40000000 or both. You can map a peripheral to 0x1000 or 0x4000 or 0xF0000000 or all of the above. It is the choice of the system designers or a combination of the teams of engineers where things will go. One important factor is how the system will boot once reset is relesed. The booting of the processor is well known due to its architecture. The designers often choose two paths:
1) put a rom in the memory space that contains the reset vector or the entry point depending on the boot method of the processor (no matter what architecture there is a first address or first block of addresses that are read and their contents drive the booting of the processor). The software places code or a vector table or both in this rom so that the processor will boot and run.
2) put ram in the memory space, in such a way that some host can download a program into that ram, then release reset on the processor. The processor then follows its hardcoded boot procedure and the software is executed.
The first one is most common, the second is found in some peripherals, mice and network cards and things like that (Some of the firmware in /usr/lib/firmware/ is used for this for example).
The bottom line though is that the processor is usually designed with one boot method, a fixed method, so that all software written for that processor can conform to that one method and not have to keep changing. Also, the processor when designed doesnt know its target application so it needs a generic solution. The target application often defines the memory map, what is where in the processors memory space, and one of the tasks in that assignment is how that product will boot. From there the software is compiled and placed such that it conforms to the processors rules and the products hardware rules.
It completely varies by architecture. There are a few reasons why cores might want to do this though. Embedded cores (think along the lines of ARM and Microblaze) tend to be used within system-on-chip machines with a single address space. Such architectures can have multiple memories all over the place and tend to only dictate that the bottom area of memory (i.e. 0x00) contains the interrupt vectors. Then then allows the programmer to easily specify where to boot from. On Microblaze, you can attach memory wherever the hell you like in XPS.
In addition, it can be used to easily support bootloaders. These are typically used as a small program to do a bit of initialization, then fetch a larger program from a medium that can't be accessed simply (e.g. USB or Ethernet). In these cases, the bootloader typically copies itself to high memory, fetches below it and then jumps there. The reset vector simply allows the programmer to bypass the first step.
