How to remove last character of last row in tmap using Talend? - database

I am extracting two columns using textractjson and passing it to a tmap component where I am concatenating both of the columns as single one.
Also, I want a comma at the end of each row except the last row.
I am not sure how to do this.
There are two columns in tmap as input:
In output, I have concatenated them to:
The problem is I dont want the comma in the last row.

This depends on your job layout and input structure.
You seem to use tExtractJSON, which could mean you get the data from a REST call or out of a database.
Since there is no fixed row amount because of the JSON data structure, you wouldn't be able to use ((Integer)globalMap.get("tFileInputDelimited_1_NB_LINE")). Again, since we don't know your job layout, this depends on it.
If this is not the case, I would count the rows in a tJavaRow component first and then add a second tJavaRow where I'd concat the strings (wouldn't do that in the tMap), but omit the last comma. I'd be able to find the last row with the count I did first. This depends on your Java skills.

You may also concatenate all the rows in a global variable using a tJavaRow, with a comma at the end for each row.
Then, start a new subjob (onSubjobOk) then using a tJava, remove the last character (so the last comma).
Pretty simple, don't have to know how many rows from the input flow but supposing you want the result as a single string (here contained in a global variable).

I might be wrong also. Basically concatenate FirstName and LastName , Create record number column using Numeric.Sequence() function and use one more context variable and store the same sequence number here(it might store last value) also in tJavaRow component. = input_row.FirstName+""+input_row.LastName+","+;
output_row.record_number = Numeric.sequence("recNo", 1, 1);
context.lastNumber = Numeric.sequence("recNo", 1, 1);
create a method in custom java routine.
public static string main _nameChange(String name,Integer record_number){
if(context.lastNumber == record_number){
name = name.substring(0,name.length()-1);
return name;
return name;
Now call _nameChange method within tmap component. Now you can trim the last row's last character.
Ror reference check this


Filter array on unnamed column in PowerAutomate

I am creating a workflow in PowerAutomate. I have some content that I turn into an array by splitting at [TEXTTOSPLITAT]. The "split text" happens at the beginning of the content so while I get all the rows I want, the first row is "". A freshly split string is broken into unnamed columns so how would I then use the filter array action and filter on [content in row] is not "" to shave off the blank first row?
For this requirement, you have two options:
First solution: Remove the first split text before you do the split. For example, I have a string content named var1 and its value is ,11,22,33. I want to split it to array with , symbol so I initialize another variable named var2 with the expression substring(variables('var1'), 1, sub(length(variables('var1')),1)) as its value. The expression is to remove the first ,. After that, use split(variables('var2'), ',') to split var2 to array (shown as below screenshot).
Second solution: As I don't know details of your split operation and your content, so if it's not convenient for you to remove the first split text before do split operation, you can choose this solution. Do same thing as you mentioned in question and when you want to use "Filter" action, use skip(variables('<the array name>'), 1) as the input content of the "Filter" action (shown as below screenshot).

SQL Server: STRING_SPLIT() result in a computed column

I couldn't find good documentation on this, but I have a table that has a long string as one of it's columns. Here's some example data of what it looks like:
I would like to create a new computed column using the STRING_SPLIT() function to return the third value in the string table.
Result #1: "Apple"
Result #2: "Cake"
What is the proper syntax to achieve this?
At this time your answer is not possible.
The output rows might be in any order. The order is not guaranteed to
match the order of the substrings in the input string.
STRING_SPLIT reference
There is no way to guarantee which item was the third item in the list using string_split and the order may change without warning.
If you're willing to build your own, I'd recommend reading up on the work done by
Brent Ozar and Jeff Moden.
You shouldn't be storing data like that in the first place. This points to a potentially serious database design problem. BUT you could convert this string into JSON by replacing : with ",", surround it with [" and "] and retrieve the third array element , eg :
declare #value nvarchar(200)='Example:Seagull:Cake:Chocolate'
select json_value('["' + replace(#value,':','","' )+ '"]','$[2]')
The string manipulations convert the string value to :
After that, JSON_VALUE parses the JSON string and retrieves the 3rd item in the array using a JSON PATH expression.
Needless to say, this will be slow and can't take advantage of indexing. If those values are meant to be read or written individually, they should be stored in separate columns. They'll probably take less space than one long string.
If you have a lot of optional fields but only a subset contain values at any time, you could use sparse columns. This way you could have thousands of rows, only a few of which would contain data at any time

SSIS Script Component - get raw row data in data flow

I am processing a flat file in SSIS and one of the requirements is that if a given row contains an incorrect number of delimiters, fail the row but continue processing the file.
My plan is to load the rows into a single column in SQL server, but during the load, I’d like to test each row during the data flow to see if it has the right number of delimiters, and add a derived column value to store the result of that comparison.
I’m thinking I could do that with a script task component, but I’m wondering if anyone has done that before and what would be the best method? If a script task component would be the way to go, how do I access the raw row with its delimiters inside the script task?
I ended up going with a modified version of Holder's answer as I found that TOKENCOUNT() will not count null values per this SO answer. When two delimiters are not separated by a value, it will result in an incorrect count (at least for my purposes).
I used the following expression instead:
LEN(EntireRow) - LEN(REPLACE(EntireRow, "|", ""))
This results in the correct count of delimiters in the row, regardless of whether there's a value in a given field or not.
My suggestion is to use Derrived Column to do your test
And then add a Conditional Split to decide if you want to insert the rows or not.
Something like this:
Use the TokenCount function in the Derrived Column box to get number of columns like this: TOKENCOUNT(EntireRow,"|")

resultset to get values from next row

hi i'm new to java how ever i googled and got code to connect to database and retrieve the values.
the problem is ResultSet gets the value only from FIRST ROW of the table
here is the code..
String stmt = "select * from tablename";
ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(stmt);
String val = resultSet.getString(3);
it returns only the 3rd value (because i have mentioned that and i need that column value only) of the first row, but i need to get the every 3rd value (column) of every row and store it in a array.
The code you have posted should already be getting the 3rd value in each row. There's nothing obviously wrong with what you've shown. It's just a matter of trying different things and figuring out what it is that you think you know that isn't true.
Verify the query works by itself in a SQL client like Squirrel or whatever you have handy.
Add printlns or logging to verify you're actually executing the part of the code that has the query.
Add some text to the println in your code so that if the value is blank you'll still see something get written.
Change the query to state the column explicitly instead of leaning on *, so it reads like select mystuff from tablename, and see if you can make that query work.
Once you are ready to add the part where you store the values, you would be better off using an ArrayList than an array, because the list will resize as you add things to it. ArrayList is backed by an array, the ArrayList takes care of the resizing for you. If you really do need an array you can call the toArray method on the list to create one once it's populated. So it would look like:
List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
String val = resultSet.getString(3);
String[] vals = list.toArray(new String[] {});

Select specific rows from a column in a MATLAB workspace into an array

I have a column filled with data in those rows and i would like to select the 1st row from that column but skipping the 2nd row and choosing the 3rd row after and insert them into an array.
Example of the row:
Basically, i would want to select the first row, which is 153....282 and then select the 3rd row which is 30...1661 and repeat this process for all other rows accordingly. From there i would like to then insert those data into an array.
The source of these data are from a PostgreSQL database which i have imported into my workspace.
Is this possible to do?
If I understand correctly, this should work:
output = data([1 3],:);
This selects the 1st and 3rd rows of data, and adds them to a new variable called output. To select every odd row, use the colon notation and the end keyword, like this:
output = data(1:2:end, :);
This starts at the first row selects every 2nd row until the end.
One solution would be to dump it all to a text file and then use importdata() which will allow you to specify the delimiter character, as in data = importdata(file.txt,':'). This will give you a MATLAB array data full of numbers, which you can then process as you please.
Let's assume that after you import your data, it is a cell array of strings, called A (this is what it appears to be in your question, because of the single quotes on each line).
First, let's get rid of the the letters appearing in the data, since we probably want just the numbers. We do this with a regular expression replacement:
A = cellfun(#(x) regexprep(x, '[^\d:]', ''), A,'UniformOutput',0);
Next, we use the strread function to parse each line into an array of integers
B = cellfun(#(x) strread(x, '%d:', -1), A, 'UniformOutput',0);
Now each element of B is the array form of the corresponding element of A. So you can get the 3rd row, for example with
