Click Link using Robot Framework doesn't work with Firefox - selenium-webdriver

I'm new with Robot Framework. I made couple of scripts, that I have tested with Chrome and Firefox. With Chrome everything works fine, but with Firefox I have one tricky problem. I try to click link called Post like this:
Click Link link=Post
With Firefox it won't work and I just get following error:
ElementNotInteractableException: Message:
In Chrome, this same test is working fine.
Firefox version is 53.0.3 (64-bit).
Selenium Driver version: 3.4.3
Geckodriver version: 0.16.1
Any suggestions? What can I try?

You can use
Click Element xpath=(//a[text()='Post'])[1]
or there will be different class for mobile and web I guess.
You can add these to narrow down on single element out of two.
Something like:
Click Element xpath=//a[text()='Post']/parent::div[contains(#class,'web')]


React.js: How to use clipboard.setImageData() for FireFox?

In a react-website (programmed in TypeScript), I want to copy an image into the user's clipboard, which works fine for Chrome and Safari, using navigator.clipboard.write() with ClipboardItem.
However, FireFox does not support this - it only supports another function: browser.clipboard.setImageData() (reference).
How can I use this function inside my react-TS code?

Model.Classify() gives GL_INVALID_OPERATION: Object cannot be used because it has not been generated
TensorFlow.js version
Browser version
Google Chrome: Version 73.0.3683.75 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Describe the problem or feature request
I followed the steps from Google Codelab:
The given example works fine, but when I made some changes to the example for my Blog with multiple images, it gives this error:
As you can see, when I click on the first image, it works fine. Loads the model, does classification, displays the results. As I click on a second image, it gives these errors. This seems to be happening on this Windows Laptop [Dell Inspiron, Windows 10] with this Version of Chrome only as I am also testing the same thing on a MacBook Pro with the exact same version of Chrome without any errors.
Code to reproduce the bug/link to feature request
You can check my Blog here [] and look for errors in the console. Also, you can find the complete code for this here [].
This issue was resolved by using an updated version of TensorFlow.js. Take a look at the code with the update here:

Chrome freezes when closing a $uibModal instance

When testing one of the modal windows on my chrome browser freezes for about 50 seconds after I close the modal. For this time I can not do anything in that specific browser tab. I can not even scroll.
The console output does not show any errors.
I implemented the component modal in my own web app and the same happens.
Does anybody know about that issue?
Version of angular: 1.5.0
Version of angular-ui-bootstrap: 2.4.0
Version og Google Chrome: 55.0.2883.95 (64-bit)
OS: macOS Sierra 10.12.2
Btw: In Safari everything works fine.
Recently I came across with a similar issue. and Then figure out it's because of the CSS Display:block Attribute check try making it in to null on your modal div. this will take you in to the modal and out from it smoothly.
Hope this will help you some how.

Does Selenium Webdriver 2.53 supports Firefox 46.0?

Using webdriver 2.46 with firefox 41.0.1 is fine. Now I upgraded webdriver and firefox to 2.53 and 46.0. Lots of test scripts failed with updated one but those run successfully with old versions.
Anybody faces this issue? any idea?
We had the same issue. (selenium 2.53 and Firefox 46.0) It appears that with version 2.52 and 2.51, selenium corrects an overlapping(see below).But without that update, Firefox had more flexibility. It became more fragile with latest updates.
As you can see here:
2.52 :
Updated Firefox driver to include ability to disable overlapping
element check. This includes a new constant for the name of the
2.51 : Updated Firefox driver which includes fixes for the clicking in
overlapped elements. In keeping with project support policy for
Firefox, This driver has been tested with Firefox 44 (current
release), 43 (immediately prior release), 38 (current ESR release),
and 31 (immediately prior ESR release).
They update the Firefox driver and makes him more fragile and make the user experience as realistic as possible(because the user can't click on something he didn't see ,of course).
I had version 2.47 and firefox 40 before, and like you, lot of test failed with new version.
The solution:
Make sure to scroll into the page to see the elements you want to click on or validate.If the element is at the bottom of the page and your element is under an other, try to hide the object over.
Use the JavascriptExecutor included in selenium package
to do your manipulations as shown here :
Hope it helps

AngularJS not working on some browsers/devices

I'm using Angular on my site, but I've been having reports on it often not working. Often users have to try different browsers/devices to get it to work. On my computer it works fine on Chrome, Opera and Firefox, latest versions. I've had reports of the page not working for visitors when using Firefox (version 31.6.0) and Safari though.
I have a smartphone of brand Öwn (Chilean or Peruvian I think), and the angular code does not work on this phone. I've tried using Chrome and the Öwn browser (some browser of their own). I have expandable content powered by jQuery, and that works fine, so it's definitely only Angular the page has problems with.
I tried removing all dependencies (using ngAnimate and ui.bootstrap for datepicker, and ngDialog), but still doesn't work on my phone.
I'm sorry I don't have more details. This is the page where the problems happen:
Does anyone have a clue? Thank you!
The problem in the end was in the code of an Angular function. When declaring a new object, I hadn't applied a value to one of the variables. This:
var tourObj = {groupId: groupId, pricePP: pricePP, savingsPP};
should have been this:
var tourObj = {groupId: groupId, pricePP: pricePP, savingsPP: savingsPP};
It was tricky since some browsers accepted it (Chrome and later Firefox) but many didn't. To locate the problem I checked error console of Safari Mac, and all it said was that and were missing. .map files are for showing debug messages with minified code. Once the .map files had been added (find .map files for angular here, clicking folder for your angular version), the error console showed me exact location of the error.
