Reactjs every time refreshing page on setState - reactjs

I'm using MultiSelect Plugin for Select DropDown. Here onChange event I'm storing the value in setState. Here is below code :
onChange: function(option, checked) {
var newArray = this.state.options.slice();
this.setState({options: newArray});
The above code is working fine, I'm able to store the array value in state also. But the only issue is that page is refreshing everytime while storing the value in state.
Please do let me know where I'm going wrong here. I tried to figure out but couldn't get the solution.

Yes, that's what React is meant to do. If you do not want it not to re-render then you have to override the shouldComponentUpdate method.
shouldComponentUpdate() {
return false; // Will cause component to never re-render.


React nested state object not updating

I am trying to update a nested state object (checkedObjects) in a react class component, to track when checkboxes are checked and unchecked. checkedObjects has the following structure:
checkedObjects: {
[assignmentName]: boolean,
verifyObjects is a local variable that checks if the new name property was actually received. When I console out the contents of these objects however, checkedObjects is empty, while the new property was added to verifyObjects (see screenshot below). Can anyone advise why the state variable checkedObjects is not updating immediately?
Code Snippet:
this.state = {
checkedObjects: {},
incrementCount(totalCount, id, checked, assignmentName) {
console.log("increment: totalCount", totalCount, " ; id:", id, checked);
// If a checkbox is clicked with an assignment name store on the checkedObjects
if (assignmentName) {
let verifyObjects = { ...this.state.checkedObjects };
verifyObjects[assignmentName] = checked;
this.setState(prevState => {
let tempObj = {...prevState.checkedObjects}
tempObj[assignmentName] = checked;
return {checkedObjects: tempObj}
console.log("SelectedAssignmentsObj:", this.state.checkedObjects);
console.log("VerifiedObject:", verifyObjects);
} //if
State updates don't occur instantaneously. When we call the setState() function, it schedules a state update. Try console logging tempObj to see the value that is being put inside of this.state.checkedObjects.
In short, your code is working the way it should but you wont be able to see the state update right after calling this.setState() [because the state update is scheduled and didnt happen at that instant]. If you want to ensure that your state did update the way you wanted, can add a dummy button on the side that console logs the value of this.state.checkedObjects or you can use the chrome extension React Developer Tools to find out the values in the state object.

React dev tools show empty state, console shows data

I'm having a strange issue with state in my React app. I set initial state as an empty array and in the componentDidMount() method I retrieve some data from Firebase. I put the JSON objects into a new array and call setState(), passing it the new array.
The problem is that it doesn't seem to be updating state. From what I can tell:
Render() is being called after setState
My callback on setState() is being fired
When I console.log the array that I set the state to, it looks fine
The strangest thing, when I inspect state in the Chrome React Devtools, it shows empty but for some reason I can print the array to the console using $r.state.nameOfMyObject
If I change some other piece of state directly from the dev tools, the app immediately renders and finally displays the piece of data I've been struggling with all along.
I thought maybe there was some issue with updating the array; maybe the diffing algorithm didn't go deep enough to see that the data inside the array changed. To test this, I tried to set the initial state of the object in question to null, but then set off errors throughout the app that it was trying to call various array methods on null.
I've tried walking through the app, console logging each step, but I can't find the issue.
Snippet of initial state:
state = {
fullSchedule: [],
currentSet: [],
componentDidMount() {
const activities = [];
const projectReference = firestoreDB.collection("project").doc("revision001").collection("activities");
projectReference.get().then(function(querySnapshot) {
querySnapshot.forEach(function(doc) {
this.setState({fullSchedule: activities});
this.setState({currentSet: activities}, () => {
console.log("State updated from DB");
console.log("called setstate");
I can't tell why the setState() method doesn't seem to be setting the state, any ideas?
projectReference.get() is asynchronous, and you are trying to set the state right after you call it, which won't work.
try setting the state inside then callback:
projectReference.get().then(function(querySnapshot) {
querySnapshot.forEach(function(doc) {
this.setState({fullSchedule: activities, currentSet: activities});
This should give you a better idea of what's going on.

Modify Child state from parent just once

I have created a <Form> Component that makes all the form-fields you give to it controlled by injecting value and onChange props to the form-fields by iterating through them. This has been working perfectly well for me for most of the forms I have created.
When I needed to have the functionality of the form-field values controlling some aspect of the parent state, I added a onFormValueChange prop to the Form that would get called whenever a field value gets updated. Using this I can track a subset of the changes to the Form's state.
However, now my problem is do I override the value of a form-field, conditional on some event that occurs in the parent. I have not been able to figure out how to override the Form's state just once. If I give it a prop that sets an override value like {name: string, value: any}, then on every update this override value will override the form-field's value which is not good.
These are the solutions I thought of but they seem extremely hacky and I was hoping someone in the SO community can help.
Set an override prop on the Form Component which times out after around 100ms and hope that the user doesn't try to modify the form in that tiny duration. But I dislike using setTimeout for hacks like these.
Pass a disableOverride function along with the overrideValue prop. Then in my Form's shouldComponentUpdate I can just call disableOverride() in the callback of the setState I will use to override the value. Something like:
shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) {
if (nextProps.override) {
const { name, value } = nextProps.override;
const newState = Object.assign({}, this.state, { [name]: value });
this.setState(newState, () => {
return false;
return true;
But this also feels unnecessarily complicated, and possibly quite vulnerable to crashing unexpectedly.
EDIT Some further clarification: The point of this would be so that for example if I have 'country' and 'city' fields then if 'country' is cleared, then the 'city' should get cleared too. I can track the state of 'country' with onFormValueChange but don't have an API to modify the Form state in order to clear the 'city' field.
I came up with a solution. It was absurdly simple, I dont know why it took me so long.
componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) {
if (!isEqual(prevProps.override, this.props.override)) {
const { name, value } = nextProps.override;
[name]: value
isEqual is an object comparison function taken from lodash

React.js input cursor reset with async onChange handler

If I have the following react component:
class Cmpt extends Component {
setValue( e ) {
this.setState({ value : });
render() {
return <input value={this.state.val} onChange={this.setValue.bind(this)}/>
Now this works as expected, editing the text doesn't reset the cursor to the end of the input. If I modify it such that the setState happens in async, the cursor reset occurs:
class Cmpt extends Component {
setValue( e ) {
setTimeout( () =>
this.setState({ value : }) );
render() {
return <input value={this.state.val} onChange={this.setValue.bind(this)}/>
Obviously the fix is to not call setState synchronously - but I don't understand why the async version doesn't work properly. In my head, the chain of events is as follows:
User adds a character to an input field, changing it from ACD to ABCD
The value of the input DOM node is changed to ABCD to reflect this
Some time passes
setState is called - changing the state of the react component from ACD to ABCD
a render call is triggered - the React diffing algorithm compares the DOM nodes value (ABCD) to the value of this.state.value (ABCD). It sees that both are the same and therefore doesn't trigger a redraw and the cursor is preserved
Clearly my mental model is wrong because a redraw is being triggered - causing the cursor reset.
Please can anyone explain why?
A state changes will always trigger a new render call. After that React itself decides on what to re-render. But it will always get triggered by changing the state. Even if you do
it will call the render method.
Sorry guys, found a duplicate question that answers my question:
In ReactJS, why does `setState` behave differently when called synchronously?
I can't figure out how to mark my own question as a duplicate unfortunately :(
My mental model of the order of events is wrong. Apparently react triggers a synchronous re-render at the end of every event handler, so render is getting called after the DOM changes, but before the react state has changed - causing a redraw and a cursor reset
Thanks all

React Router "Link to" does not load new data when called from inside the same component

I am building an app with the following details
it is universal javascript
node js
When routing with the Link tag from component to component it works perfectly. It calls the data that the component requires and renders the page. But when I click on a Link that uses the same component as the current one all I see is the url change.
Things I have tried to get this to work.
Attempt 1
So far I have tried the steps in this question but the solution wont work for me. This was the code I implemented
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
if (nextProps.article.get('id') !== this.props.article.get('id')) {
console.log('i got trigggerd YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS');
But the variable nextProps is always the same as the current props.
Attempt 2
I decided to call the same code I use in componentWillMount but that didn't work either.
componentWillMount() {
let { category, slug } = this.props.params;
this.props.loadArticleState({ category, slug });
It just creates an infinite loop when I put this into componentWillReceiveProps.
I belief the problem is clicking the link never calls the data associated with it. Since the data is loaded with
static fetchData({ store, params }) {
let { category, slug } = params;
return store.dispatch(loadArticleState({ category, slug }));
Any help is appreciated.
Solution I Used
I created a function to test if the previous data is the same as the changed data.
compareParams(prevProps, props) {
if (!prevProps || typeof prevProps.params !== typeof props.params) {
return false;
return, prevProps.params);
So this tests
are there any previous props?
and then if the props are equal to the previous props?
then return false if there are if this is the case
if not then we see compare props and previous props parameters
In ComponentDidUpdate
In the compoonentDidUpdate we use this function to determine if the data should be updated
componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
if (this.compareParams(prevProps, this.props)) {
This code updates the body of a page that uses the same react component if it receives new data.
maybe you can try use onChange event on Route component, check Route API and then signal to child component that refresh is needed...
