How to get different data in ng-repeat ? - AngularJS - angularjs

I'm using AngularJS and I have created an web app.
I don't know how to get values from one specific link.
I have an admin page where I have all users and I get them using ng-repeat
<div ng-repeat="user in allusers">
But I have created routes for example user level and I have added them to -- (that's example so I will get user level via user email)

The recommended approach would be to have the service that retrieves the users, send the user's level in the user object itself.
But, if this is not an option and you have to make separate service calls to get the user's level, this is how you would do this.
function getUserLevels(users) {
for(var i=0; i<users.length; i++) {
function getUserLevelForUser(user) {
$http.get(BASE_URL + '/' +
.then(function (response) {
user.userLevel =;
Since I do not have access to your API, I've created a plunker app that invokes the Open Movie Database API. In this demo, instead of the user's level, I will be fetching a movie's director. Also, instead of using the user's email in the url, I will be using the movie name.
See working plunker here


Session Handling in Angular JS, with Spring MVC

I am creating a project in AngularJs at frontend and Spring MVC in backend.
Now assume when a used logged in and if he wants to update his information, for this i have created an api which request for emailid and update the rest object in database of that email id
Now i have some questions,
1.) I dont want to use CookieStore or others sessionStorage or localstorage (because of my personal vulnerability experience and also i want to use session only) in Angular, how can i do it in angular with Spring MVC.
2.) How can i retrieve the email id from session to update data?
3.)If a user goes to another page how can i maintain that session in another page, how can i check that session is there and user is authentic to see the page
Read a lot about it but unable to find the exact solution with session. Answer over there is manage it by cookieStore.or localstorage, Please help
Let's try and see what is happening here using cookies is the right way to this, you may think it is not safe but is the safest way to do it. With cookies you will be sharing the same session in all tabs, so you can handle in all tabs and share it.
There is also an alternative option and is using URL rewriting, quoting #vanje in this question in stackoverflow
the session is only identified via a URL parameter containing the session ID. So every internal URL of your web application has to be enhanced with this parameter using the method HttpServletResponse.encodeURL(). If you are using a web framework like Wicket, chances are good that this is already done for you.
Lets go now with the Angular JS - Spring MVC approach:
There is no need to access the session within the Angular JS front-end, if you need to use it and you are using JSP you may use scriplet to retrieve the information openening a <%= session.getAttribute("user") %> , but as I said there is no need to do this. You may call your function, and retrieve this information in your controller in Spring.
You have a controller in angular JS that calls with http to your REST controller in Spring such like this. assuming that you save your user first in session:
$scope.getUserInfo= function () {
$http.get(appContextPath +'/rest/getuser/').success(function (data) {
$scope.user= data;
You may have a request mapping for the URL above:
#RequestMapping(value = "/rest/getuser", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public User getUserInfo (HttpSession session) {
User nUser = session.getAttribute("user");
return nUser;
I think the best way is to create a method in your AngularJS controller and then call it.
Java code:
#RequestMapping(value = "/menu/get", method = RequestMethod.GET, headers="Accept=*/*")
public #ResponseBody Empleado showMenu(HttpSession session) {
Empleado empleado = (Empleado) session.getAttribute("empleado");
return empleado;
AngularJS code:
.controller('myMenuController', ['$scope', '$http'
function($scope, $http){
getEmpleadoInfo = function () {
$http.get(myContextPage + '/menu/get')
.then(function(data) {
$scope.empleado = data;
This way, when you load the page, the object will be loaded on the scope.

Linking Data in Firebase

I am designing a forum and have a layout like this in on my Firebase:
|-creator: "userOne"
|-creatorUID: "simplelogin:1"
|-text: "Some Text"
|-creator: "userTwo"
|-creatorUID: "simplelogin:2"
|-text: "Some Other Text"
|-firstName: "John"
|-user: "userOne"
|-firstName: "Sue"
|-user: "userTwo"
On my forum page. I simply use a Angular ng-repeat to get all of the posts on Firebase and list them out. I also want to print out the first name of whoever created the post, but right now, I can only access {{ post.creator }}, which just gives the username of the person who posted. How can I link the post's creator (or creatorUID) with the first name field of that person's profile?
If you're just displaying the the users firstName I would place the users name in the postIDX object.
This would be quicker and produce less requests to Firebase with you going back and fourth with each post to get the usersFirst name.
more information on structuring data and best practices can be found here:
Updated from response
if you wanted to get the user details then within every request to the postIDx you'd need to do something similar to this (not tested and quick mock up).
var fbRef = new Firebase('firebase path'),
postDetailsObject = {};
fbRef.child('posts').once('value', function(snapshot) {
// loop through each post
var postDetails = childSnapshot.val(),
profileDetails; = postDetails;
fbRef.child('profile/' + postDetails.creatorUID).once('value', function(profileData) {
postDetailsObject.profile = profileData;
Then return the postDetailsObject in to angular so you can loop through the single object.

Making a logged in user-variable in AngularJS+laravel

I'm trying to make a global variable called theUser which contains the userinfo if logged in.
I have tried putting this in my SPA php file:
app.value('theUser', '<?php echo Auth::user(); ?>');
And it works but only after refreshing page. (Login happens via angularjs logic + a $http request to auth/login which returns userinfo if logged in)
In my angular auth app, I have done this:
var login = $"auth/login", sanitizeCredentials(credentials)).success(function(data) {
theUser = data;
$rootScope.theUser = theUser;
And that works, but only when the user logs in. If I refresh, theUser is empty. And I can't get these two solutions to work together. I probably need another approach.
All I want is an user variable that I can access from anywhere in my app,
which is set if the user logs in, or have been logged in before. Using Laravel 5.1.
Here is my auth app service js:
How can I make this work?
Why dont you use PHP-Vars-To-Js-Transformer by Laracasts. Then whenever a User logs in, you could set a Session variable auth_user and then get that variable to JavaScript as shown below (in your Laravel AuthController#login):
\Session::put('auth_user', \Auth::user());
'theUser' => \Session::get('auth_user')
And when the User logs out: \Session::forget('auth_user');
theUser variable will be available anywhere in your JavaScript (or you can Namespace it also, check the Github link above).
on top of the page under script tag
window.user = <?php echo Auth::user(); ?>
app.value('theUser',window.user); ($rootScope, theUser) {
$rootScope.theUser = theUser;
For accessing the logged in user from your JavaScript files, you may try something like this (Create a view composer, also layouts.master dictates layouts/master.blade.php):
View::composer('layouts.master', function($view) {
$user = null;
if(Auth::check()) {
$user = Auth::user();
$view->with('authUser', $user);
In the master layout try this (So User variable will be available as JS object if the user is logged in):
<script>var User = {{ $authUser or 'undefined' }}</script>
This is just an idea, implement it according to your need. Also, you may use a namespace like App.user. I wrote an article about this lasr year, you may
check it here. Btw, it was for Laravel 4.x.
We have made use of html5 local storage to overcome this once the user is logged in, you just put the user's info on html5's local storage (works on all browsers, even mobile).
It has some drawbacks which you have to overcome, and also have some control on your routes filters to avoid someone loading page they shouldn't be allowed to see.
But I'm afraid my answer applies better to our solution and I don't think this answer is perfect but might guide you in a better solution. Our app publishes an API for angular's use and this angular is somewhat empowered with some extensions to ease routing.

How to make initial authenticated request with token from local storage?

I'm using vanilla flux with some utils for communicating with my APIs.
On initial page load I'd like to read some token from local storage and then make a request to my API to get my data.
I've got a LocalStorageUtils.js library for interacting with window.localStorage. My container component handles all login/logout actions and reads the current user on page load.
componentWillMount() {
LocalStorageUtils reads the value and brings it into Flux via ServerAction similar to the flux chat example.
get(key) {
var value = window.localStorage.getItem(key);
if (value) {
ServerActionCreators.receiveFromLocalStorage(key, value);
That puts the user into my UserStore and into my views where I can show the username and some logout link, etc.
I also have ApiUtils.js for requesting data from the server. So the question is: Where do I tell my ApiUtils that I have a logged-in user at initial page load?
I could call some method inside ApiUtils from my LocalStorageUtils but that does not feel right.
Or do I have to make another round trip whenever I get a change event inside my container component?
You should pass the user as data to your ApiUtils class and removing the need from being concerned about how your ApiUtils is used.
var ApiUtils = function () {
this.get = function (endpoint, data) {
return theWayYouSendAjaxRequests.get(endpoint).setData(data);
// Wherever your ApiUtils is used.
var api = new ApiUtils();
api.get('/me', {user: userFromStore});
I found a solution that works and feels right.
As getting data from local storage is synchronous there is no need to pipe it through Flux via ServerActionCreators. Simply use LocalStorageUtils to get the current user and call the login method with that user. The login Action is the same you would use when a user initially logs in. login triggers getting new data from server. The new data is saved in my DataStore and the user is saved to my UserStore.
Thanks for all hints at Twitter and at

using the googleapis library in dart to update a calendar and display it on a webpage

I am new to dart and I have been trying to figure out how to use the googleapis library to update a calendars events, then display the calendar/events on a webpage.
So far I have this code that I was hoping would just change the #text id's text to a list of events from the selected calendars ID:
import 'dart:html';
import 'package:googleapis/calendar/v3.dart';
import 'package:googleapis_auth/auth_io.dart';
final _credentials = new ServiceAccountCredentials.fromJson(r'''
"private_key_id": "myprivatekeyid",
"private_key": "myprivatekey",
"client_email": "myclientemail",
"client_id": "myclientid",
"type": "service_account"
const _SCOPES = const [CalendarApi.CalendarScope];
void main() {
clientViaServiceAccount(_credentials, _SCOPES).then((http_client) {
var calendar = new CalendarApi(http_client);
String adminPanelCalendarId = 'mycalendarID';
var event =;
var events = event.list(adminPanelCalendarId);
events.then((showEvents) {
querySelector("#text2").text = showEvents.toString();
But nothing displays on the webpage. I think I am misunderstanding how to use client-side and server-side code in dart... Do I break up the file into multiple files? How would I go about updating a calendar and displaying it on a web page with dart?
I'm familiar with the browser package, but this is the first time I have written anything with server-side libraries(googleapis uses dart:io so I assume it's server-side? I cannot run the code in dartium).
If anybody could point me in the right direction, or provide an example as to how this could be accomplished, I would really appreciate it!
What you might be looking for is the hybrid flow. This produces two items
access credentials (for client side API access)
authorization code (for server side API access using the user credentials)
From the documentation:
Use case: A web application might want to get consent for accessing data on behalf of a user. The client part is a dynamic webapp which wants to open a popup which asks the user for consent. The webapp might want to use the credentials to make API calls, but the server may want to have offline access to user data as well.
The page Google+ Sign-In for server-side apps describes how this flow works.
Using the following code you can display the events of a calendar associated with the logged account. In this example i used createImplicitBrowserFlow ( see the documentation at ) with id and key from Google Cloud Console Project.
import 'dart:html';
import 'package:googleapis/calendar/v3.dart';
import 'package:googleapis_auth/auth_browser.dart' as auth;
var id = new auth.ClientId("<yourID>", "<yourKey>");
var scopes = [CalendarApi.CalendarScope];
void main() {
auth.createImplicitBrowserFlow(id, scopes).then((auth.BrowserOAuth2Flow flow) {
flow.clientViaUserConsent().then((auth.AuthClient client) {
var calendar = new CalendarApi(client);
String adminPanelCalendarId = 'primary';
var event =;
var events = event.list(adminPanelCalendarId);
events.then((showEvents) {
showEvents.items.forEach((Event ev) { print(ev.summary); });
querySelector("#text2").text = showEvents.toString();
