Ng2-Admin-using exists components - angularjs

I am new to angular 2/4,and I am trying to use ng2-admin as a base, and trying to build on to of it a full dash board includes beck-end.
I am facing lots of issues while trying to use exist component(such as basic table) in a new simple module. I can't find any detailed documentation on ng2-admin beside creating new page.
Is there anyone who can guide me please?

Never mind, i found the solution 😀
what actually i did was to redefine the Declarations/Providers correctly.
when using "ng" to generate new things,it is also adding unnecessary deceleration in some places so this was my first mistake,also some used providers/services was needed to be declared on the right module.after understanding how the structure should be ,i kept the rules and i was able to add what i needed without any issues.


Looping through materials and meshes (and animations) in a gltf file and importing into three js

I'm sure this has probably been asked before, but I'm fairly new to threejs (and React Fiber), so part of my problem here is not really knowing how to phrase what I need..
I know what I want to do must be possible, because it is possible to drag and drop any gltf file here: and see it rendered correctly.
So, what I want to do, is create a loop which will traverse all parts (nodes?) of a gltf model with/without animations (such as this one) and output it as part of a webpage.
Currently, I find myself tediously trying to add a <mesh> for each and every part of a model, and I know there must be an easier way.
I have found the source-code for the viewer here, but as mentioned, I'm still quite new to this library, so any help (or link to a similar question), would be appreciated.

Managing Angular Module names in a large project

I'm working on a a large scale angular project with a team of devs.
the problem we run into is if you have several files for a component, say a directive.
in the definition of both files you would have to attach them to a module, however one file must create the module with []. If the developer forgets to poke around they will add [] in the second file called will actually overwrite the module. so now it becomes a memory game. Each developer has to remember to only declare the module in one file []
we have been using the following approach. Is there a better way?
where some-directive-module only contains the module creation, includes any dependencies, and does any .config needed. Still the dev needs to remember to
angular.module('some-directive') in all the other files without the square brackets.
.config(//someconfig stuff);
angular.module('some-directive).directive(//declare directive);
angular.module('some-directive).controller(//declare contrller used by directive);
I suggested that instead we should do the following, it eliminates the issue of overwriting modules, but I received some negative feedback from one of the other devs
.config(//someconfig stuff);
angular.module('some-directive.directive',[]).directive(//declare directive);
angular.module('some-directive.controller',[]).controller(//declare contrller used by directive);
Is there a better way? Or is one of the above options correct?
The recommended way (by multiple competent people) is to use the setter-getter-syntax (creating once with angular.module("someModule",[]) and accessing with angular.module("someModule") from there on). Putting the module definition and configuration into one file seems very clean and is common practice between a lot of developers. But make sure not to create a module for every single directive - group services, directives, constants and so on into reasonable functionality-modules instead.
Making clear what a file contains by its name is also a good idea in my opinion, so your some-directive-module.js approach seems fine to me. If developers "poke around" and "wildly add []", they should get a slap on the wrist follwoed by an explanation how modules work in angular, so they stop doing it ;-)

Setup for enhancing the C language using mbeddr and mps

I'm trying to write some new statements for an internal C DSL.
The tool of my choice is MPS and the base is the c-core of mbeddr.
I found this tutorial on the internet. Since it is a little old, I am not able to duplicate the exact structure of the setup itself.
What I want to do is to create a new language. This language must be extended by com.mbeddr.core. I found, how to extend the language and did so. I needed to extend every single language com.mbeddr.core.* by its own, everything else did not work (it does not even work properly now).
The I created a new statement in a structure module. There I extended the concept to a Statement (c.m.c.statements.structure is shown). Then, following the video tutorial, I wanted to add an expression as a child, this is where it fails.
I am not sure where I went wrong here. It is very difficult to set it up properly, since all tutorials/guides are outdated.
Thanks for your help,
Best Simon

Modifying CakePHP's XML Helper

The current XML Helper in CakePHP doesn't give you the ability to specify if you want the whitespace to be significant or non-significant. Normally it wouldn't matter, but I'm working with a strict API that requires certain values to have no excess characters surrounding the value (no \n's or \t's). I'd like to modify the Cake source to support this ability, and if anyone has done this before and has any tips or advise on how to start, I'd appreciate it. Actually I believe the most helpful thing would be if someone has a flowchart of how Cake comes together (ie: starts in index.php and flows through router.php or what-not). I'd like to get a better understanding of how Cake is constructed (even from a high level).
If you want to change one of the built-in helpers, just copy it into your /app/views/helpers/ directory and edit it from there. The version in your app will be used instead of the original.

Are there any limitations on what libraries can be imported in a t4 template?

We're trying to learn to use T4 Templates. I have a desire to use the System.Data.Entity.Design.PluralizationServices library in order to better pluralize some Entity Model names within my template, but I've come across some issues in the achievement of this goal.
Running code to generate output text. I think this is possible, but if it's not going to work, then there's no need to go any further. (I could call Date.Now.ToString() and get the expected result. I haven't tried anything much more complicated yet)
I am in a Silverlight App, and so I can't add a reference to the project for the PluralizationServices library in the place where I need the generated .cs file. I was planning on just moving the .tt file to a non-SL app, using the namespace and moving the generated file to the correct space. Haven't got that far yet, so I don't know how much trouble that will be, but it doesn't seem like it should be too hard.
My current problem is that when I import the namespace of the library, I get an "ErrorGeneratingOutput" and I haven't been able to move on past that yet.
I am having a hard time finding information about how the import command works, so I assume that it's just obvious. At the same time though, this one doesn't work so I wonder if it might be an exception to the standard.
<##import namespace="System.Data.Entity.Design.PluralizationServices" #>
I have no idea why adding this line (and only this line) causes everything to break. I haven't even started to try to use it yet! Is there something somewhere about libraries in T4 that I should know or read? Thanks!
Here a description of how the import directive works. Without knowing the actual error T4 reports when transofrming the template in your environment, I can only guess that you didn't add an assembly directive to reference the System.Data.Entity.Design assembly. If this doesn't work, look at the errors reported by T4 in the Error List of visual studio, which should be more helpful than "ErrorGeneratingOutput".
