How to mutate Values inside a Array - arrays

I need to mutate the following array:
struct Person {
var name: String
var age = 0
func showPersonArray() -> [Person] {
var dataArray = [Person]()
dataArray.append(Person(name: "Sarah_Yayvo", age: 29))
dataArray.append(Person(name: "Shanda_Lear", age: 45))
dataArray.append(Person(name: "Heidi_Clare", age: 45))
return dataArray
How could I split the "name"-key into two keys: "givenName" and "familyName".
Some nice person gave me this code before:
let arraySeparated1 = { $0.substring(to: $0.range(of: "_")!.lowerBound) }
let arraySeparated2 = { $0.substring(from: $0.range(of: "_")!.upperBound) }
Is it possible to make the mutation inside the struct?
The function showPersonArray() is only for demo and test.
Maybe there is a way to work with a target struct, like this:
struct Persontarget {
var familyname: String
var givenName: String
var age = 0
struct Person: Array -> [Persontarget] {
var name: String
var age = 0
// Here the split/mutating code
return [PersonWithTwoNames]
Or with an String extension. Possibly my question sounds pretty newby-like, but i´m trying the whole day...
Thanks everyone!

I would write an initializer on the new Person type, which initializes it from the old person type (which I called LegacyPerson):
import Foundation
struct LegacyPerson {
let name: String
let age: Int
func getPersonArray() -> [LegacyPerson] {
return [
LegacyPerson(name: "Sarah_Yayvo", age: 29),
LegacyPerson(name: "Shanda_Lear", age: 45),
LegacyPerson(name: "Heidi_Clare", age: 45)
struct Person {
let familyName: String
let givenName: String
let age: Int
extension Person {
init(fromLegacyPerson person: LegacyPerson) {
let index = "_")!
familyName: index.upperBound),
givenName: index.lowerBound),
age: person.age
let people: [Person] = getPersonArray().map(Person.init)
people.forEach{ print($0) }

Create a method or computer variable for your Person class that returns what you want.
func firstName() -> String {
return self.substring(to: $0.range(of: "_")!.lowerBound)
You should not force cast though

with help of computed property defined in an extension
struct Person {
let name: String
let age: Int
let person = Person(name: "Maria_Terezia", age: 300)
extension Person {
var names:[String] {
get {
return name.characters.split(separator: "_").map(String.init)
for name in person.names {


SwiftUI - How to append data to nested struct?

I have Student class that is connected to a struct - Details. Which has a nested struct - Subjects. I know how to append to a normal struct or class but I am having difficulties trying to append to a nested struct. What I have is a Form where a student's name and number of subjects are asked after which they have to enter the subject name and grade. Then, press the save button in the Toolbar items/ NavigationBarItems.
class Students: ObservableObject {
#Published var details = [Details]()
struct Details: Identifiable {
let id = UUID()
let name: String
struct Subjects: Identifiable {
let id = UUID()
let name: String
let grade: String
let subjects: [Subjects]
The View class:
import SwiftUI
struct TestStudentView: View {
#StateObject var students = Students()
#State private var name = ""
#State private var numberOfSubjects = ""
#State private var subject = [String](repeating: "", count: 10)
#State private var grade = [String](repeating: "", count: 10)
#State private var details = [Details.Subjects]()
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
Group {
Form {
Section(header: Text("Student details")) {
TextField("Name", text: $name)
TextField("Number of subjects", text: $numberOfSubjects)
let count = Int(numberOfSubjects) ?? 0
Text("Count: \(count)")
Section(header: Text("Subject grades")) {
if count>0 && count<10 {
ForEach(0 ..< count) { number in
TextField("Subject", text: $subject[number])
TextField("Grade", text: $grade[number])
VStack {
ForEach(students.details) { student in
ForEach(student.subjects) { subject in
HStack {
Text("Subject: \(")
Text("Grade: \(subject.grade)")
.navigationTitle("Student grades")
Button(action: {
//let details = Details(name: name, subjects: [Details.Subjects(name: "Physics", grade: "A"), Details.Subjects(name: "Computer Science", grade: "A*")])
//^Above to append
}, label: {
I have tried creating a variable of type [Subjects] but that would not let me append to it after the Textfield values are entered it gives me the error : “Type '()' cannot conform to 'View'; only struct/enum/class types can conform to protocols” (Which makes sense, as it would require a button). I have also tried appending to it once the save button is pressed using a ForEach but that also gives me the same error.
I think you want the model change to be the responsibility of your Students class. Try adding a public method to Students and call it from your view, like this:
class Students: ObservableObject {
#Published var details = [Details]()
public func addDetails(_ details : Details) {
Then in your button action in the View, replace students.details.append(details) with a call to this method:
let details = Details(name: name, subjects: [Details.Subjects(name: "Physics", grade: "A"), Details.Subjects(name: "Computer Science", grade: "A*")])
Is that what you're trying to do?
Your view tries to do too much for a single view. Your trying to add students and grades in a single view. The answer of Asperi is correct. However your error is indicating that something else is wrong with your code. Try to run the code below in an isolated environment and it should work fine.
For now I just added a save button for each grade it will add the grade to the first student always.
import SwiftUI
class Students: ObservableObject {
#Published var details = [Details]()
struct Details: Identifiable {
let id = UUID()
let name: String
struct Subjects: Identifiable {
let id = UUID()
let name: String
let grade: String
var subjects: [Subjects]
struct TestStudentView: View {
#StateObject var students = Students()
#State private var name = ""
#State private var numberOfSubjects = ""
#State private var subject = [String](repeating: "", count: 10)
#State private var grade = [String](repeating: "", count: 10)
#State private var details = [Details.Subjects]()
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
Group {
Form {
Section(header: Text("Student details")) {
TextField("Name", text: $name)
TextField("Number of subjects", text: $numberOfSubjects)
let count = Int(numberOfSubjects) ?? 0
Text("Count: \(count)")
Section(header: Text("Subject grades")) {
if count>0 && count<10 {
ForEach(0 ..< count) { number in
TextField("Subject", text: $subject[number])
TextField("Grade", text: $grade[number])
Button(action: {
if students.details.count > 0 {
var test = students.details[0]
students.details[0].subjects.append(Details.Subjects(name: subject[number], grade: grade[number]))
}) {
VStack {
ForEach(students.details) { student in
ForEach(student.subjects) { subject in
HStack {
Text("Subject: \(")
Text("Grade: \(subject.grade)")
.navigationTitle("Student grades")
Button(action: {
let details = Details(name: name, subjects: [Details.Subjects(name: "Physics", grade: "A"), Details.Subjects(name: "Computer Science", grade: "A*")])
//^Above to append
}, label: {

Creating an array of struct without duplicates

Recently started learning Swift and is now faced with the problem (code below will insert):
I create an array of structure from 3 arrays. When creating an instance of the structure, I need to do it by random (randomElement as I understood) - all 3 parameters must be unique. How do I check for uniqueness in the function?
arrayOfHumans = createRandomHuman()
struct Human {
let name: String
let surname: String
let age: String
var email: String
var arrayOfHumans = [Human] ()
var humans: [Human] = []
let nameA = ["Tim", "Mike", "Stan"]
let surnameA = ["Burk", "Sims", "Stoch"]
let ageA = ["12", "30", "25"]
let emailA = ["", "", ""]
func createRandomHuman() -> [Human] {
for _ in 1...3 {
if nameA.isEmpty == false {
let human = Human(name: nameA.randomElement()!,
surname: surnameA.randomElement()!,
age: ageA.randomElement()!,
email: emailA.randomElement()!)
return humans
Actual result:
first Struct {
name: Tim
surname: Sims
age: 12
second Struct {
name: Mike
surname: Stoch
age: 25
third Struct {
name: Stan
surname: Burk
age: 30
A solution is to shuffle the surname, age and email arrays separately to get a random but unique order.
let nameA = ["Tim", "Mike", "Stan"]
let surnameA = ["Burk", "Sims", "Stoch"]
let ageA = ["12", "30", "25"]
let emailA = ["", "", ""]
func createRandomHuman() -> [Human] {
let shuffledSurnameA = surnameA.shuffled()
let shuffledAgeA = ageA.shuffled()
let shuffledEmailA = emailA.shuffled()
var humans: [Human] = []
for i in 0..<nameA.count {
let human = Human(name: nameA[i],
surname: shuffledSurnameA[i],
age: shuffledAgeA[i],
email: shuffledEmailA[i])
return humans
let arrayOfHumans = createRandomHuman()
Another way is to shuffle the indices
func createRandomHuman() -> [Human] {
let indices = nameA.indices
let shuffledIndices = (0..<3).map{ _ in indices.shuffled()}
var humans: [Human] = []
for i in 0..<nameA.count {
let human = Human(name: nameA[i],
surname: surnameA[shuffledIndices[0][i]],
age: ageA[shuffledIndices[1][i]],
email: emailA[shuffledIndices[2][i]])
return humans
If I understand you right, you want to ensure that all randomly created humans are different.
If so, the question is when are 2 humans different. This depends on your problem. Thus you as the programmer have to define it.
You can do it by adopting the Equatable protocol.
As soon as your structs conform to this protocol, you can loop through all previously initiated humans, and check if the new randomly created one is equal to one of them. If so, create a new one.

Swift 4 Array Find or First

I'm trying to perform a filter on an array of structs whereby if the element exists return the element, otherwise return the first element in the array. At the moment I have a func to do this, was wondering if there was a more efficient way. Predicate or Array extension?
For example, if this is my array of structures and method:
struct Person {
let name: String
let age: Int
let items = [Person(name: "Fred", age: 12),
Person(name: "Bill", age: 14),
Person(name: "Jane", age: 15),
Person(name: "Mary", age: 12)]
// Find the person based on name, if no match, return first item
func filterOrFirst(with name: String? = "") -> Person?
if (items.contains(where: {$ == name}))
return items.first(where: {$ == name})
return items.first
print(filterOrFirst(with: "Bill")) // prints Bill
print(filterOrFirst()) // prints Fred
You can do it like
func filterOrFirst(with name: String? = "") -> Person? {
if let item = items.first(where: {$ == name}) {
return item
return items.first
So you need not to traverse complete array two times. You can use ternary operator here. But it increases compilation time.
You can get idea from this:
var arrData:[String] = ["Cat","Dog","Horse","Sheep"]
func respondTheValue(strSearch:String) -> String{
let stringToSearch = strSearch
if let index = arrData.index(of: stringToSearch){ //Check if data is present or not
return arrData[index]
}else{ // Data not present then return first
return arrData.first!
And use it Like:
let responseStr = respondTheValue(strSearch: "Dog")
print(responseStr) //Case True : Output -- Dog
let responseStr1 = respondTheValue(strSearch: "Fish")
print(responseStr1) //Case False : Output -- Cat
Hope this helps.

Is there a better way to create an index of an array?

I made up a method to add a variable rankto an array of structs.
The array friutsArrayis created like in the function makeFriuts(). After that, the data gets sorted and according to this, every item gets a rank, respectively index.
In the end I need the FriutsWithRankstruct like it is.
But I´m wondering if there is a better, more effective way to to that. Maybe by even skipping the whole Friuts struct:
struct Friuts {
var name: String
var price: Double
struct FriutsWithRank {
var name: String
var price: Double
var rank: Int
var friutsArray = [Friuts]()
func makeFriuts() {
friutsArray.append(Friuts(name: "mango", price: 1.2))
friutsArray.append(Friuts(name: "banana", price: 0.79))
friutsArray.append(Friuts(name: "orange", price: 2.2))
func makeFriutsWithRank(data: [Friuts]) -> [FriutsWithRank] {
let dataSorted = data.sorted { $1.price < $0.price }
var datatoappend = [FriutsWithRank]()
var i = 0
dataSorted.forEach { fruit in
i += 1
let name =
let price = fruit.price
let rank = i
let result = FriutsWithRank(name: name, price: price, rank: rank)
return datatoappend
let friutsArrayWithRank = makeFriutsWithRank(data: friutsArray)
With more effective i mean not necessarily less code. I think the two arrays are now created with two iterations. Is it possible to skip the whole Fruits struct and work just with one struct and one iteration?.
I have applied some modification on your code, please read the inline comments. Not much more optimised, but more readable for sure.
// Typo fixed + it is a single Fruit, not Fruits
struct Fruit {
var name: String
var price: Double
struct FruitsWithRank {
// You already have a variable holding name and price, Friut
// Lets just reuse Fruit object
var fruit: Fruits
var rank: Int
var fruits = [Fruit]()
func makeFruits() {
fruits.append(Fruit(name: "mango", price: 1.2))
fruits.append(Fruit(name: "banana", price: 0.79))
fruits.append(Fruit(name: "orange", price: 2.2))
func makeFruitsWithRank(data: [Fruits]) -> [FruitsWithRank] {
let dataSorted = data.sorted { $1.price < $0.price }
var datatoappend = [FruitsWithRank]()
// Use `enumerated` to get index and the object straight away
for (index, fruit) in dataSorted.enumerated() {
// Just init your `FruitsWithRank` with the fruit and the index
let rankedFruit = FruitsWithRank(fruit: fruit, rank: index)
// Add to your array
return datatoappend
let fruitsWithRank = makeFruitsWithRank(data: fruitsArray)
Following the edits of your question, i have applied some changes. If you need FruitsWithRank having name and price, you can just create tuples with name and price, and create an array straight away without any loops or appends. You can omit the makeFruitsWithRank function, and sort, enumerate and create your types straight on the tuple array.
struct FruitsWithRank {
var rank: Int
var name: String
var price: Double
let rankedFruits: [FruitsWithRank] = [
(name: "mango", price: 1.2),
(name: "banana", price: 0.79),
(name: "orange", price: 2.2)]
.sorted { $0.price < $1.price }
.map({ return FruitsWithRank(rank: $0 + 1, name: $, price: $1.price) })
In the end this isn't much more efficient than your code, but it is more compact:
func makeFriutsWithRank(data: [Friuts]) -> [FriutsWithRank] {
let dataMapped = data.sorted { $1.price < $0.price }
.map { FriutsWithRank(name: $, price: $1.price, rank: $0 + 1) }
return dataMapped
Is it really necassary to have Struct? Because you already have sorted, the index can serve as rank.

Array of structs: How to save in coredata?

I´m trying to save an array of structs into coredata. I did a lot of research, but i cannot find the solution.
Here´s what i´ve got:
import Cocoa
import CoreData
class ViewController: NSViewController {
struct StudentsStruct {
let firstName: String
let lastName: String
let age: Int
let Studentsdata: [StudentsStruct] = [StudentsStruct(firstName: "Albert", lastName: "Miller", age: 24), StudentsStruct(firstName: "Susan", lastName: "Gordon", age: 24), StudentsStruct(firstName: "Henry", lastName: "Colbert", age: 24)]
override func viewDidLoad() {
let student: Student = NSEntityDescription.insertNewObject(forEntityName: "Student", into: DatabaseController.getContext()) as! Student
for items in Studentsdata {
student.firstName = StudentsStruct.firstName
student.lastName = StudentsStruct.lastName
student.age = StudentsStruct.age
let fetchRequest: NSFetchRequest<Student> = Student.fetchRequest()
print (student)
The DatabaseController is solution i´ve got from this tutorial:
It´s not so important, it´s just making the "getContext" function.
Whats important, in teh commandline "student.firstName = StudentsStruct.firstName" i´m getting the error "instance member "firstName" cannot be used on type ViewController.StudentStruct.
After trying and trying, i´m running out of ideas how to get the array of structs into coredata.
This is the DatabaseController file:
import Foundation
import CoreData
class DatabaseController {
private init() {
class func getContext() -> NSManagedObjectContext {
return DatabaseController.persistentContainer.viewContext
// MARK: - Core Data stack
static var persistentContainer: NSPersistentContainer = {
let container = NSPersistentContainer(name: "StudentCoreFile")
container.loadPersistentStores(completionHandler: { (storeDescription, error) in
if let error = error {
fatalError("Unresolved error \(error)")
return container
class func saveContext () {
let context = DatabaseController.persistentContainer.viewContext
if context.hasChanges {
do {
} catch {
// Replace this implementation with code to handle the error appropriately.
// fatalError() causes the application to generate a crash log and terminate. You should not use this function in a shipping application, although it may be useful during development.
let nserror = error as NSError
fatalError("Unresolved error \(nserror), \(nserror.userInfo)")
for any help thanks in advance!
Ok, you are right, i forgot to execute the fetchrequest. Here´s my current code:
import Cocoa
import CoreData
class ViewController: NSViewController {
struct StudentsStruct {
let firstName: String
let lastName: String
let age: Int
let Studentsdata: [StudentsStruct] = [StudentsStruct(firstName: "Albert", lastName: "Miller", age: 24), StudentsStruct(firstName: "Susan", lastName: "Gordon", age: 24), StudentsStruct(firstName: "Henry", lastName: "Colbert", age: 24)]
override func viewDidLoad() {
let student: Student = NSEntityDescription.insertNewObject(forEntityName: "Student", into: DatabaseController.getContext()) as! Student
for item in Studentsdata {
let student: Student = NSEntityDescription.insertNewObject(forEntityName: "Student", into: DatabaseController.getContext()) as! Student
student.firstName = item.firstName
student.lastName = item.lastName
student.age = Int16(item.age)
let fetchRequest: NSFetchRequest<Student> = Student.fetchRequest()
do {
let searchResults = try DatabaseController.getContext().fetch(fetchRequest)
print("number of results: \(searchResults.count)")
for result in searchResults as [Student] {
} catch {
print ("error")
It´s running without errors. Now i´m getting 32 search results. Every entry is: age = 0; firstName = nil; lastName = nil;
For comparison, this code, without the loop is working:
import Cocoa
import CoreData
class ViewController: NSViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
let student: Student = NSEntityDescription.insertNewObject(forEntityName: "Student", into: DatabaseController.getContext()) as! Student
student.firstName = "henry"
student.lastName = "miller"
student.age = 22
let fetchRequest: NSFetchRequest<Student> = Student.fetchRequest()
do {
let searchResults = try DatabaseController.getContext().fetch(fetchRequest)
print("number of results: \(searchResults.count)")
for result in searchResults as [Student] {
} catch {
print ("error")
You need to access the item in your for loop also you are currently accessing the same object Student object in for loop instead of that you need to create a new Student in every iteration of for loop.
for item in Studentsdata {
//Create new student in for loop
let student = NSEntityDescription.insertNewObject(forEntityName: "Student", into: DatabaseController.getContext()) as! Student
//To get firstName, lastName and age access the item
student.firstName = item.firstName
student.lastName = item.lastName
student.age = item.age
//Save context now
In case someone is interested, I found the solution:
You first have to set up the struct in the CoredataEntity Class like that:
import Foundation
import CoreData
struct StudentsStruct {
let firstName: String
let lastName: String
let age: Int
public class Student: NSManagedObject {
#NSManaged public var firstName: String?
#NSManaged public var lastName: String?
#NSManaged public var age: Int16
var allAtributes : StudentsStruct {
get {
return StudentsStruct(firstName: self.firstName!, lastName: self.lastName!, age: Int(self.age))
set {
self.firstName = newValue.firstName
self.lastName = newValue.lastName
self.age = Int16(newValue.age)
Then use the same struct to paste the data:
import Cocoa
import CoreData
class ViewController: NSViewController {
let studentsdata: [StudentsStruct] = [StudentsStruct(firstName: "Albert", lastName: "Miller", age: 24), StudentsStruct(firstName: "Susan", lastName: "Gordon", age: 24), StudentsStruct(firstName: "Henry", lastName: "Colbert", age: 24)]
override func viewDidLoad() {
for items in studentsdata {
let student: Student = NSEntityDescription.insertNewObject(forEntityName: "Student", into: DatabaseController.getContext()) as! Student
student.allAtributes = items
let fetchRequest: NSFetchRequest<Student> = Student.fetchRequest()
do {
let searchResults = try DatabaseController.getContext().fetch(fetchRequest)
print("number of results: \(searchResults.count)")
for result in searchResults as [Student] {
print("student: \(firstName), \(lastName), \(age)" )
} catch {
print ("error: \(error)")
Thats it.
Perhaps this is lazy. You could also just encode your array as a json object and then create a field on your NSManagedObject for it as a transformable. When you want to retrieve you'd just decode and downcast to the proper type. That's what I did in one of my projects; worked fine.
