WPF change cursor for TabControl header text in XAML - wpf

I have tried the following below but it always ends up setting the cursor for all of the elements instead of just the TabControl header text.
<TabControl Cursor="Hand"></TabControl>
<TabItem Cursor="Hand"></TabItem>
Thinking I might have to override some template of some sort?
Thanks in advance.

Try defining the structure of the header and assigning the cursor pointer to that:
<TextBlock Text="Header goes here..." Cursor="Hand" />
<Label Content="Content goes here..." />


How to set a specific header height for groupbox?

As the title say, I need to know how can I set a specific header height for a GroupBox, suppose I've this:
<GroupBox Header="Test">
this will display an header height based on the content of the header, but is possible also set a specific header height? How?
Instead of using a string for setting the GroupBox Header property, use directly a TextBlock, something like that:
<TextBlock Text="High Header" VerticalAlignment="Bottom" MinHeight="100" />
<Button Content="Button1" />

MahApps.Metro AnimatedSingleRowTabControl doesn't work

For some reason my Tab Control doesn't seem to work as described.
Instead of seeing this (From Mahapps site)
I see this
I have tried fiddling with every single property to try to get the scroll bar to go away and to have left/right scroll buttons as shown in the example, but absolutely nothing works.
What am I missing?
EDIT: - Added my XAML
<Controls:MetroAnimatedSingleRowTabControl Controls:TabControlHelper.IsUnderlined="True" Margin="5" ScrollViewer.PanningMode="Both" ScrollViewer.CanContentScroll="False" ScrollViewer.HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Hidden">
<Controls:MetroTabItem Header="Thread Image Download">
<Controls:MetroTabItem Header="Random Board Stats">
It doesn't exist a style key for this TabControl. So you must add the resource dictionary to the place where you need it. So MahApps should solve this in the next releases (site note for me).
<ResourceDictionary Source="pack://application:,,,/MahApps.Metro;component/Styles/Controls.AnimatedSingleRowTabControl.xaml" />
<TabItem Header="this tabcontrols tabs">
<TextBlock FontSize="30" Text="Content" />
<TabItem Header="appear only on a single line">
<TextBlock FontSize="30" Text="Content" />
<TabItem Header="if they are overflowing">
<TextBlock FontSize="30" Text="Content" />
<TabItem Header="instead of wrapping them">
<TextBlock FontSize="30" Text="Content" />
Hope this helps.

TabControl: all TabItems collapsed, but content of 1st TabItem still visible

I've got a rather strange behavior on a TabControl, whose TabItems are all collapsed: The content of the first TabItem is still visible (but the header is not).
The TabControl and its TabItems are setup like this:
<TabItem Header="Data 1"
Visibility="{Binding Path=DataTable1.HasRows,
Converter={StaticResource BoolToVisibility}}">
<UI:ShowData DataContext="{Binding Path=DataTable1}"/>
<TabItem Header="Data 2"
Visibility="{Binding Path=DataTable2.HasRows,
Converter={StaticResource BoolToVisibility}}">
<UI:ShowData DataContext="{Binding Path=DataTable2}"/>
If none of the data tables contains any rows, none of the TabItems should be shown. (I known that I could hide the whole TabControl in that case, but that's not the point here.)
Actually the content of the tab item "Header 1" will be displayed despite the TabItem being collapsed! The TabItem's header itself is collapsed, the TabItems border which contains its content and the content itself are displayed.
This can easily be reproduced using this code (note using Collapsed or Hidden does not make any difference:
<TabItem Header="Test 1" Visibility="Hidden">
<TabItem Header="Test 2" Visibility="Hidden">
So what's wrong here? Any help/hints are appreciated!
Ok, so you've found a real problem here... I looked around online and found several posts that relate to this. Some say that this is a bug, while others say that it is the designed behaviour. don't know which, although it certainly seems to be more of a bug than a feature.
Either way, you want to know how to deal with the problem. .. there are several solutions. One is just to set the TabItem.Content to null whenever you want to hide the tab and another is another involves adding an empty TabItem and selecting that item before hiding (so that it's empty content is shown).
You can attach a handler to the TabItem.IsVisibleChanged Event to be notified when the Visibility property has been changed:
public void TabItemIsVisibleChanged(object sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
// Hide TabItem.Content here
Here are some links to the relevant posts:
Bug in TabControl/TabItem`s content visibility?
WPF TabControl - Select different tab when TabItem Visibility changes
Is there a workaround for this tabcontrol/tabitem bug
Another solution that I prefer over the ones suggested: Bind the visibility of the TabItem and its content to the same property (using the BooleanToVisibilityConverter).
Here's a simple example:
<UserControl.Resources >
<BooleanToVisibilityConverter x:Key="boolToVis"/>
<TabItem Header="TabItem 1" Visibility="{Binding Item1Visibility, Converter={StaticResource boolToVis}}">
<Label Content="Content 1" Visibility="{Binding Item1Visibility, Converter={StaticResource boolToVis}}"/>
<TabItem Header="TabItem 2" Visibility="{Binding Item1Visibility, Converter={StaticResource boolToVis}}">
<Label Content="Content 2" Visibility="{Binding Item1Visibility, Converter={StaticResource boolToVis}}"/>
Could be a WPF bug, anyway bypass by binding the content visibility to the tab item visibility.
<TabItem x:Name="_test1Tab" Header="Test 1" Visibility="Hidden">
<Label Visibility="{Binding ElementName=_test1Tab, Path=Visibility}">Test1</Label>
<TabItem x:Name="_test2Tab" Header="Test 2" Visibility="Hidden">
<Label Visibility="{Binding ElementName=_test1Tab, Path=Visibility}">Test2</Label>
My solution to this was to put the TabItem I wanted to hide in another position. The problem happens only if you want to collapse only the first TabItem.

WPF: How to set background of TabItem?

How to set the background of TabItem? I tried the following code:
<TabItem Header="Test" Background="Blue" Foreground="Red" />
Foreground works, but Background does not work.
Any ideas? Thanks
What is happening is that in the case of a single tab, it is always selected, and so you are only seeing the selection style of the tab item.
For example, take a look at the following TabControl:
<TabItem Header="Tab A" Background="Blue" Foreground="Red">
<Grid />
<TabItem Header="Tab B" Background="Green" Foreground="Navy" >
<Grid />
<TabItem Header="Tab C" Background="LightBlue">
<Grid />
Tab A will not display its Blue background until you select a different tab. If you truly want the Background to remain the same regardless of whether it is selected or not, you will need to override the control template of the TabItem.
See the question TabItem Background color changes when tabitem selected or hover over for an example of how to do this.

Images are not sharp in selected TabItem

I have a TabControl. The header of each TabItem contains a StackPanel with an icon and a Label.
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<Image Source="/LoginPanel;component/Icons/icoLogin.ico"</Image>
<Label VerticalContentAlignment="Center">Login</Label>
<!--some further code here-->
<!--some further code here-->
Each icon in each non-selected TabItem is displayed as expected. The Icon in the currently selected TabItem is somewhat cloudy. If I switch to another Tab, the de-selected Tab-Icon becomes clear; the new selected Icon becomes cloudy.
I already tried the following to solve this:
but nothing happens
Width="32" Height="32"
to prevent scaling.
All of this without any effect. Can some please give me a hint? Thanks in advance
This works for me:
<Image Source="/LoginPanel;component/Icons/icoLogin.ico"
Consider setting 'RenderOptions.EdgeMode' to 'Aliased' too.
<Image Source="/LoginPanel;component/Icons/icoLogin.ico"
See Image in WPF getting blury here on SO.
