Getting a token request error when used .search with spotipy - spotipy

I am currently trying to use the spotipy package to scrape artist information from Spotify. When I am trying to make a non-authorized request, I am getting a token error. Can someone help me out?
non-authorized request1
error 2png


invalid_grant error in (Exchange code for token - Discord oAuth)

I am completely stuck here.. the authorization works fine, but keep getting the following error when i initialize my POST request to exchange an oAuth code for a token. This is using and Discord's API.

instagram oauth issue (make sure your redirect_uri is identical to the one you used in the OAuth dialog request)

Im trying to get basic data from instagram profiles, I am using a local webpack dev server to run my react app, I am also using Firebase functions, the function on firebase sends oauth/authorize request to instagarm's api, im getting a code response back and return it to my react popup, i then send the code to instagrams api for oatuh/access_token but im getting the following error:
Error validating verification code. Please make sure your redirect_uri is identical to the one you used in the OAuth dialog request
Im running localhost:3000 as https with an ssl, i've set the redirecturl in the instagram developer tools to https://localhost:3000/instagram-popup/
the popup is the page I'm, loading to get the access token, it does get the code from the firebase function correctly, but fails the last call... I have lost SO many hours on this issue, if anyone has been in this situation and solved it, or didnt even encounter it but knows what i can do to fix it, i would really appreciate any guidance here

unTappd API getting the access token

I am trying to get the unTappd API token. I have never tried to get an API access token before. So please bear with the simplicity of the question. I have been given the CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET. How do I get the access token?
I have seen some information online using other languages aside from React. The function in my code works as it pulls random data fine and displays it. I just need the access token and I can get the unTappd information.
The documentation is here. DOCS

Getting contacts from SalesForce - 403 forbidden error

I'm trying to build a functionality where user can export contacts from salesforce. I used REST API and the below api to get contacts from user account. I'm able to access contacts from my account but if I login as different user(account which is not used to create the API key) then I'm not able to use the below API, I'm getting 403 forbidden error, am I doing something wrong?
I tried to search for document related to this but unfortunately I couldn't able to find one. Can somebody please help me on this?

Salesforce REST API getting an error 401

I am using REST API get information from Salesforce to my PHP page. After a long time don't use on PHP page I take a error message "failed with status 401, response [{"message":"Session expired or invalid","errorCode":"INVALID_SESSION_ID"}], curl_error , curl_errno 0". Please help me how to recall Authentication on php to avoid session timeout? I want my Page is always connection to Salesforce. please tell me other suggestions to resolve it.
The session ID or OAuth token used has expired or is invalid. The response body contains the message and errorCode. -
Just catch that 401 error and reauthenticate.
Or use the refreshToken when using Oauth. As documented here:
