What happens if you set role = "" on an HTML element? - reactjs

I am using ReactJS to create a generic wrapper component. I want to pass in role as a propType and on my rendered div have something like <div role={role}>.
My question is, what if a role isn't passed in and I end up with <div role="">? Will that mess up screen readers, etc.?
I don't want to make it a required prop because this is just a generic wrapper div and not all elements will have a role.

No, it shouldn't mess anything up.
As far as a browser is concerned, there's not really any difference between <div role=""> and <div>


access to child element in tailwind reactjs

Could you tell me the way to do something like this in tailwindcss:
I'm trying to style the first element by the way passing classes when it's rendering,I want to change its child's style, but the code above did not work.
I tried to put that classes inside component by default, but I realized, the component need to reusable, so that it is not reasonable.
please help meeeee.
thank you so much, have nice day.
In tailwind 3.1, arbitrary variants can be stacked with built-in modifiers or with each other, just like the rest of the modifiers in Tailwind. You can see the document here. You are missing : after first.
<div className="first:[&>.a-child-class]:text-5xl">
<p className="a-child-class">first</p>
<p className="a-child-class">second</p>
<p className="a-child-class">third</p>
<p className="a-child-class">forth</p>
Tailwind Play demo

Getting wordpress posts with react shows special chars instead of apostrophe

I am getting what I am assuming is json data from a wordpress blog endpoint like so:
I am looping through and showing the tiles for now:
<div>{posts && posts.map((post) => <h1>{post.title.rendered}</h1>)}</div>
But the post titles are not displaying properly. For example the word Don't shows Don’t
I have discovered that I can use dangerouslySetInnerHTML to fix this issue but is it safe? The fact that it has the word 'dangerously' in it is worrying.
I believe dangerouslySetInnerHTML is the way to go about this - but I will go into more detail as to why "dangerously" is in "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" and hopefully that will help you make an informed decision for your situation.
What dangerouslySetInnerHTML does is render any HTML string given to it within the DOM element.
For example:
<h1 dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: post.title.rendered}} />
(as an aside, note the __html key has two underscores)
Will properly render the string Don’t to Don't.
This is all pretty harmless, however, if, for example, the value of post.title.rendered could be set by an untrusted party (such as an arbitrary user), and if this arbitrary user wanted to do some damage, they could enter a string such as:
<script type="text/javascript>
// Do evil stuff
console.log('I did some evil stuff');
This code would then be executed by the browser when the page loads - because React would have generated the following DOM:
<script type="text/javascript>
// Do evil stuff
console.log('I did some evil stuff');
So with all that in mind, if you are sure that the value of this field is within your control (and not anyone else's) and you also know that there will not be any arbitrary code in these strings, then go ahead and use dangerouslySetInnerHTML.
However, if there is the possibility that someone besides yourself could manipulate this field, I would instead look to something like decode-html-entities - this way you can have the presentation you want, without compromising your app/users.

How to display an array of objects in with typescript?

I'm very new to typescript.
I've got a wrapper component, and a bunch of child components that I want to display.
So, something like this is in my parent component html: <component-card [someData]=someData></component-card> works just fine and displays my component. But how do I display a list of them?
Simply doing <li *ngFor="let card of componentCardArray"></li> doesn't work. I tried different ways
Most tutorials just cover simple types, I searched for hours and can't find a way to do it.
Okay, I figured it out! I was forgetting to put the selector after the whole *ngFor directive thing. So, here is how my components are displayed now in my wrapper.html:
<div *ngFor="let card of cardArray">
<component-card [myData]=myData></component-card>

Can I name elements within components anything I want?

If I have lets say App component, like this
const App = () => {
<p>hello world</p>
can I name div whatever i want like I did below? It works in the browser just fine but Im not sure,
const App = () => {
<p>hello world</p>
Yes You can. But:
if You want to work with React, don't capitalize the name of div like this: <Whatever>, because it will seems to React that this is an another Component.
And when Your project gets bigger, it will start to get more complicated, so its a good practice to write tags by they names.
Yes you can name them whatever you like, people often do it so the markup is a bit more friendly to read and understand. For example Appcues injects their widget into your website and if you look at the markup for it, it has elements like <appcues/>.
Just check the browser support for these custom HTML tags, I think most major ones do support it but just to be safe.

Passing child's events to a parent

I am enhancing a textarea with autocomplete functionality like this:
<MentionAutocomplete ref="autocomplete">
<Textarea ref="editor"/>
The idea is that MentionAutocomplete can use any thing like textarea or input in itself and still work.
This works nicely and its achieved by the autocomplete listening to keyboard events like this:
But I recently ran into an issue, where the autocomplete complains that field.value is undefined. I am assuming that the Textarea component might be doing something, or there might be a browser extension messing with it.
So ideally I would like to do something like this:
var self = this;
<MentionAutocomplete ref="autocomplete">
<Textarea ref="editor" onKeyUp={(event) => self.refs.autocomplete.keyUp(event) } />
But I am wondering, is this the right approach? Is there a better way?
If I understand your issue correctly, you can define the event handler on the parent, and pass it through to the child:
<div className="MentionAutocomplete">
{React.cloneElement(this.props.children {handleEvent: this.handleEvent})}
handleEvent here is a function you define on the parent where you can pass the event or whatever and is available on the child through this.props.
Another approach that seems a good fit for what you're trying to create would be to create a higher order component which essentially wraps a component with another to add functionality.
