multidimensional arrays in VHDL - arrays

I want to do multiplication of 2 matrix,and I am trying to make an array of std_logic_vectors in VHDL.
package matrice is
type t11 is array (32 downto 0,0 downto 19) of unsigned(7 downto 0);<
type t1 is array (0 downto 19) of t11;
type t2 is array (0 downto 194) of unsigned(7 downto 0);
entity matrice_test is
Port (clk : in STD_LOGIC;a : in t1;b : in t2;multi :out t2);
end matrice_test;
architecture Behavioral of matrice_test is
type t11 is array (M_MAX-1 downto 0,0 downto O_MAX-1) of unsigned(N-1 downto 0);
type t1 is array (0 downto O_MAX-1) of t11;
type t2 is array (0 downto N_MAX-1) of unsigned(N-1 downto 0);
The error that I am getting:
indexed name prefix type t11 expects 2 dimensions

I can't reproduce your error (how about submitting an MCVE), but this
type t11 is array (323 downto 0,0 downto 19) of unsigned(7 downto 0);
should be this
type t11 is array (323 downto 0,0 to 19) of unsigned(7 downto 0);
-- ^
-- |


Asynchronous load data in counter bug

I build a counter with asynchronous load in VHDL. When i press the button(which should load data in counter) it will not increment the data but it will go like that: if the counter displays 10 -> 1, 11->2, etc..
It works fine when i press the button repeatedly but if i left the button a while the next time when i press it will not work fine.
My counter:
library IEEE;
entity countfeed is
Port ( Clock : in STD_LOGIC;
Num_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15 downto 0);
ALoad: in STD_LOGIC;
data : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 downto 0);
end countfeed;
architecture Behavioral of countfeed is
signal count : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 downto 0) := X"0000";
Num_out <= count;
if(ALoad = '1') then
count <= data;
elsif(rising_edge(Clock)) then
if(ECU = '1') then
if(count(3 downto 0) = X"9") then
count(3 downto 0) <= X"0";
count(7 downto 4) <= count(7 downto 4) + 1;
count(3 downto 0) <= count(3 downto 0) + 1;
end if;
if(count(7 downto 0) = X"59") then
count(7 downto 0) <= X"00";
count(11 downto 8) <= count(11 downto 8) + 1;
end if;
if(count(11 downto 0) = X"959") then
count(11 downto 0) <= X"000";
count(15 downto 12) <= count(15 downto 12) + 1;
end if;
if(count(15 downto 0) = X"9959") then
count(15 downto 0) <= X"0000";
end if;
elsif(ECD = '1') then
if(count(3 downto 0) = X"0") then
if(count(15 downto 4) /= X"0") then
count(3 downto 0) <= X"9";
count(7 downto 4) <= count(7 downto 4) - 1;
if(count(7 downto 4) = X"0") then
if(count(15 downto 8) /= X"0") then
count(7 downto 4) <= X"5";
count(11 downto 8) <= count(11 downto 8) - 1;
if(count(11 downto 8) = X"0") then
if(count(15 downto 12) /= X"0") then
count(11 downto 8) <= X"9";
count(15 downto 12) <= count(15 downto 12) - 1;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
count(3 downto 0) <= count(3 downto 0) - 1;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
end Behavioral;
My data processing(where bS is the button, disp_n the output of the counter, data is the data to load:
if(rising_edge(bS)) then
data(15 downto 8) <= disp_n(15 downto 8);
if(disp_n(7 downto 0) = X"59") then
data(7 downto 0) <= X"00";
elsif(disp_n(3 downto 0) = X"9") then
data(3 downto 0) <= X"0";
data(7 downto 4) <= disp_n(7 downto 4) + 1;
data(3 downto 0) <= disp_n(3 downto 0) + 1;
end if;
end if;
end process;
ALoad <= bS;
architecture Behavioral of toplevel is
Component ClockDivider is...
Component BCD is...
Component DebouncerC is...
Component edge_det is...
Component countfeed is
Port ( Clock : in STD_LOGIC;
Num_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15 downto 0);
ALoad: in STD_LOGIC;
data: in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 downto 0);
end Component;
signal bSS,bS,bM : STD_LOGIC; --Debounced buttons
signal clk1s : STD_LOGIC; -- 1 Hz Clock
signal ECU,ECD : STD_LOGIC; -- Enable Count Up/Down
signal Reset : STD_LOGIC; -- Reset
signal disp_n: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 downto 0);
signal ALoad: STD_LOGIC;
signal data: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 downto 0);
signal btS,btM: STD_LOGIC;
signal dataS: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 downto 0);
--Execution Unit--
E0: ClockDivider port map( Clock => Clock, ClockDiv => clk1s);
E1: BCD port map( Number => disp_n, Clock => Clock, Anod => Anod, Segment => seg);
E2: DebouncerC port map( Clock => Clock, Button_in => StartStop, Button_out => bSS);
E3: DebouncerC port map( Clock => Clock, Button_in => Seconds, Button_out => bS);
E4: DebouncerC port map( Clock => Clock, Button_in => Minutes, Button_out => bM);
E5: Reset <= bS and bM;
E6: countfeed port map(Clock => clk1s, Num_out => disp_n,ECU => ECU,
ECD => ECD,ALoad => ALoad, data => data);
E7: edge_det port map (Clock => Clock, Signal_in => bS, Signal_out => btS);
E8: edge_det port map (Clock => Clock, Signal_in => bM, Signal_out => btM);
ALoad <= btS or btM;
if(rising_edge(bS)) then
data(15 downto 8) <= disp_n(15 downto 8);
if(disp_n(7 downto 0) = X"59") then
data(7 downto 0) <= X"00";
elsif(disp_n(3 downto 0) = X"9") then
data(3 downto 0) <= X"0";
data(7 downto 4) <= disp_n(7 downto 4) + 1;
data(3 downto 0) <= disp_n(3 downto 0) + 1;
end if;
end if;
end process;
if(rising_edge(bSS)) then
ECU <= not ECU;
end if;
end process;
end Behavioral;

How to concatenate two arrays in VHDL

I have some types like this :
Type MyCharacters is ('0', '1' ... '9', 'A', 'B', ... 'Z');
Type CharArray_8 is array(1 to 8) of MyCharacters;
Type CharArray_16 is array(1 to 16) of MyCharacters;
Type CharArray_32 is array(1 to 32) of MyCharacters;
and 4 Signals with this types :
Signal S1, S2 : CharArray_8;
Signal S3 : CharArray_16;
Signal S : CharArray_32;
I want to concatinate S1, S2 and S3 and assign the result to S, like this :
S <= S1 & S2 & S3;
but this code is wrong and have error, how I should concatenate them ?
Should Array types be declared as SubType of MyCharacters ?
but this code is wrong and have error, how I should concatenate them ?
There isn't an implicitly declared concatenation operator (&) defined for multiple array types. You need to either declare an overload operator allowing different types with the same element types to be concatenated (which is burdensome, requiring at least three functions for each possible combination) or make the array values the same type either by using type conversion or as in these first two answers declaring a single unbound array type. The array types are eligible for type conversion, having index ranges compatible with type S3 and the same element type.
Should Array types be declared as SubType of MyCharacters ?
In addiition to named subtypes object declarations shown by Renaud Pacalet subtypes can be defined through subtype indications (a type mark and a constraint) in object declarations:
type mychararray is array(natural range <>) of MyCharacters;
signal S1, S2: mychararray(1 to 8);
signal S3: mychararray(1 to 16);
signal S: mychararray(1 to 32);
The & operator is implicitly declared following the type declaration (a one dimensional array type).
See IEEE Std 1076-2008 6.4 Objects, 6.3 Subtype declarations, 5.3.2 Array types (mychararray is an unbounded array type) and 9.2.5 Adding operators (& concatenation operator).
The Mycharacters type is a scalar enumerated character type (discrete values), mychararray is an array type (elements, here the scalar type Mycharacters).
Renaud Pacalet asks about the use of the string type, your 36 value MyCharacters type requires 6 bit binary values to represent after synthesis, three quarters of the way to the std.STANDARD character type (requiring 8 bit binary values). On the other hand you can convert to ASCII values by adding the position value of a MyCharacters to "110000" (16#30# or 48, noting the 'LEFT index position of your array type is '0') if you include the :, ;, <, =, >, ?, and# characters before A:
30 0 31 1 32 2 33 3 34 4 35 5 36 6 37 7
38 8 39 9 3a : 3b ; 3c < 3d = 3e > 3f ?
40 # 41 A 42 B 43 C 44 D 45 E 46 F 47 G
48 H 49 I 4a J 4b K 4c L 4d M 4e N 4f O
50 P 51 Q 52 R 53 S 54 T 55 U 56 V 57 W
58 X 59 Y 5a Z
Instead of declaring type MyCharacters you could use type character with appropriate index constraints in your object declarations:
subtype MyCharacters is character('0' to 'Z');
type mychararray is array(natural range <>) of MyCharacters;
signal S1, S2: mychararray(1 to 8);
signal S3: mychararray(1 to 16);
signal S: mychararray(1 to 32);
Bundle that into a Minimal, Complete and Verifiable example:
entity mychar_concat is
end entity;
architecture foo of mychar_concat is
subtype MyCharacters is character range '0' to 'Z'; -- 16#30# to 16#5A#
type mychararray is array (natural range <>) of
character range '0' to 'Z';
signal S1: mychararray (1 to 8) := "01234567";
signal S2: mychararray (1 to 8) := "89:;<=>?";
signal S3: mychararray (1 to 16) := "#ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO";
signal S: mychararray (1 to 32);
function valuehex (inp: MyCharacters) return string is
variable retval: string (1 to 2);
variable hexval: integer;
variable remainder: integer;
hexval := character'pos(inp) / 16;
retval(1) := character'val(hexval + 48); -- where '0' 'pos is 48.
-- expects inp is less than 'Z', (9 * 16 > 'Z')
remainder := character'pos(inp) rem 16;
if remainder < 10 then
retval(2) := character'val(remainder + 48); -- offset to '0'
retval(2) := character'val(remainder + 48 + 7); -- offset to 'A'
end if;
return retval;
end function;
S <= S1 & S2 & S3; -- & implicity declared for mychararray
wait on S;
wait for 0 ns; -- skip "00000000000000000000000000000000" default S
report "S = " & string(S);
report "valuehex(MyCharacters'LEFT) = " &
valuehex(MyCharacters'LEFT) & "H";
report "valuehex(MyCharacters'RIGHT) = " &
valuehex(MyCharacters'RIGHT) & "H";
end process;
end architecture;
ghdl -r mychar_concat
mychar_concat.vhdl:37:9:#0ms:(report note): S = 0123456789:;<=>?#ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO
mychar_concat.vhdl:38:9:#0ms:(report note): valuehex(MyCharacters'LEFT) = 30H
mychar_concat.vhdl:40:9:#0ms:(report note): valuehex(MyCharacters'RIGHT) = 5AH
Where 30H is a '0' and 5AH is a 'Z'. Additionally see 16.2.2 Predefined attributes of types and objects.
We see that we derive 7 bit ASCII or 8 bit ISO/IEC 8859-1 character values (See 15.2 Character set) from MyCharacters values with little effort.
In either case the concatenation operators (array & array, element & array, array & element) are implicitly declared following the declaration of a single dimensional array type (mychararray here).
No, your array types cannot be declared as subtypes of MyCharacters, which is an enumerated type, not an array type.
Your 3 array types are different and independent types. The concatenation operator (&) is not defined on the combination of them that you use. You could overload it for this specific case but the simplest is probably be to use a common base type, that is, a parent unconstrained array type and declare subtypes of it with fixed ranges:
type mychararray is array(natural range <>) of MyCharacters;
subtype CharArray_8 is mychararray(1 to 8);
subtype CharArray_16 is mychararray(1 to 16);
subtype CharArray_32 is mychararray(1 to 32);
This way, they would all have the same base type and the implicit concatenation operator that is automatically declared with the mychararray type would work on any combination of them (assuming the size of the result is the same as the size of the variable it is assigned to, of course).
Note: I guess that you already know the string type (array of characters)?

5 seconds Timer in VHDL

I am using 50MHz clock in fpga and trying make 5 seconds timer. below cnt_t reach to 5 x 50MHz (x"0EE6B280" --> 250,000,000) then make time_tick_32 to 1 and make cnt_t <= x"00000000";. The code below did not work never time_tick_32 gets 1.
signal cnt_t : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 DOWNTO 0) := x"00000000";
signal time_tick : STD_LOGIC:= '0' ;
signal time_tick_32 : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 DOWNTO 0):= x"00000000";
process (clk_50) IS
if falling_edge(clk_50) then
cnt_t <= cnt_t + '1';
end if;
if (cnt_t = x"0EE6B280") then --if 5 seconds
time_tick <= '1';
cnt_t <= x"00000000";
time_tick <= '0';
end if;
end process;
signal cnt_t : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 DOWNTO 0) := x"00000000";
signal time_tick : STD_LOGIC:= '0' ;
signal time_tick_32 : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 DOWNTO 0):= x"00000000";
-- I assume you begin your architecture somewhere
-- Can make the following a concurrent statement
-- (unless it is some kind of shift reg assigned in a diff process...
-- then you will get multiple driver issues)
time_tick_32(0) <= time_tick;
process (clk_50) IS
if rising_edge(clk_50) then -- Changed to rising_edge;
-- Any particular reason you are using falling_edge?
if (cnt_t = x"0EE6B280") then --if 5 seconds
time_tick <= '1';
cnt_t <= x"00000000";
time_tick <= '0';
cnt_t <= cnt_t + '1';
end if;
end if;
end process;

Array type VHDL code

i've written this code for a ROM memory in a MIPS architecture:
library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
entity ROM is -- instruction memory
port(a: in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(5 downto 0);
rd: out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 downto 0));
-- Memory is organized in 2^6=64 words by 32bits
-- Memory is NOT byte addressable!!
-- port a is connected to: pc(7 downto 2)
architecture synt of ROM is
type ramtype is array (63 downto 0) of STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 downto 0);
-- Test code from Harris book
constant mem: ramtype := (
0 => X"20020005",
1 => X"2003000c",
2 => X"2067fff7",
3 => X"00e22025",
4 => X"00642824",
5 => X"00a42820",
6 => X"10a7000a",
7 => X"0064202a",
8 => X"10800001",
9 => X"20050000",
10 => X"00e2202a",
11 => X"00853820",
12 => X"00e23822",
13 => X"ac670044",
14 => X"8c020050",
15 => X"08000011",
16 => X"20020001",
17 => X"ac020054",
others => X"00000000")
rd <= mem(to_integer( unsigned(a)));
When I compile my program, cadence shows me this line error:
expecting an expression of type ramtype (this happens for each line of the declaration of the constant mem.
I don't understand why...can someone help me?

3-stage MD5 pipeline in VHDL

I am trying to implement a 3-stage MD5 pipeline according to this link. In particular the algoritms on page 31. There is also another document which describes data forwarding. The MD5 algoritm is described in RFC1321. This is done in an FPGA (Terasic DE2-115). There is no schematics in this project, only VHDL code
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity md5core is
port (
CLOCK_50 : in std_logic;
SW : in std_logic_vector(17 downto 17)
end entity md5core;
architecture md5core_rtl of md5core is
type r_array is array(0 to 64) of std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
constant R : r_array := ( x"07", x"0c", x"11", x"16", x"07", x"0c", x"11", x"16", x"07", x"0c", x"11", x"16", x"07", x"0c", x"11",
x"16", x"05", x"09", x"0e", x"14", x"05", x"09", x"0e", x"14", x"05", x"09", x"0e", x"14", x"05", x"09",
x"0e", x"14", x"04", x"0b", x"10", x"17", x"04", x"0b", x"10", x"17", x"04", x"0b", x"10", x"17", x"04",
x"0b", x"10", x"17", x"06", x"0a", x"0f", x"15", x"06", x"0a", x"0f", x"15", x"06", x"0a", x"0f", x"15",
x"06", x"0a", x"0f", x"15", others => x"00");
type k_array is array(0 to 66) of std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
constant K : k_array := (x"d76aa478", x"e8c7b756", x"242070db", x"c1bdceee",
x"f57c0faf", x"4787c62a", x"a8304613", x"fd469501",
x"698098d8", x"8b44f7af", x"ffff5bb1", x"895cd7be",
x"6b901122", x"fd987193", x"a679438e", x"49b40821",
x"f61e2562", x"c040b340", x"265e5a51", x"e9b6c7aa",
x"d62f105d", x"02441453", x"d8a1e681", x"e7d3fbc8",
x"21e1cde6", x"c33707d6", x"f4d50d87", x"455a14ed",
x"a9e3e905", x"fcefa3f8", x"676f02d9", x"8d2a4c8a",
x"fffa3942", x"8771f681", x"6d9d6122", x"fde5380c",
x"a4beea44", x"4bdecfa9", x"f6bb4b60", x"bebfbc70",
x"289b7ec6", x"eaa127fa", x"d4ef3085", x"04881d05",
x"d9d4d039", x"e6db99e5", x"1fa27cf8", x"c4ac5665",
x"f4292244", x"432aff97", x"ab9423a7", x"fc93a039",
x"655b59c3", x"8f0ccc92", x"ffeff47d", x"85845dd1",
x"6fa87e4f", x"fe2ce6e0", x"a3014314", x"4e0811a1",
x"f7537e82", x"bd3af235", x"2ad7d2bb", x"eb86d391", others => x"00000000");
type g_array is array(0 to 64) of integer range 0 to 15;
constant g_arr : g_array := (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
1, 6, 11, 0, 5, 10, 15, 4, 9, 14, 3, 8, 13, 2, 7, 12,
5, 8, 11, 14, 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 2,
0, 7, 14, 5, 12, 3, 10, 1, 8, 15, 6, 13, 4, 11, 2, 9, 0);
type w_array is array(0 to 15) of std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal W : w_array;
constant AA : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"67452301";
constant BB : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"EFCDAB89";
constant CC : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"98BADCFE";
constant DD : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"10325476";
signal res_A : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"00000000";
signal res_B : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"00000000";
signal res_C : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"00000000";
signal res_D : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"00000000";
type in_str_t is array(0 to 5) of std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
constant in_str : in_str_t := (x"68", x"65", x"6c", x"6c", x"6f", x"6f");
type pad_str_t is array(0 to 63) of std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal pad_str : pad_str_t;
type state_t is (start, padding, init_w, state_1, state_2, state_3, state_4, done);
signal state : state_t;
signal a, b, c, d, f : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"00000000";
signal i : integer range 0 to 64 := 0;
signal g : integer range 0 to 15 := 0;
--signal tmp_b : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal akw : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal ak : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal b_tmp : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
--tmp_b <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(b) + rotate_left(unsigned(a) + unsigned(f) + unsigned(K(i)) + unsigned(W(g)), to_integer(unsigned(R(i)))));
pipe_p : process(CLOCK_50, SW, a, b, c, d, i)
if SW(17) = '0' then
-- ak <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(K(2)) + unsigned(BB));
-- akw <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(W(0)) + 1 + unsigned(K(2)) + unsigned(BB));
b_tmp <= BB;
elsif rising_edge(CLOCK_50) and state = state_1 then
if i = 0 then
ak <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(K(0)) + unsigned(a));
elsif i = 1 then
ak <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(K(1)) + unsigned(a));
akw <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(W(0)) + unsigned(ak));
elsif i = 2 then
ak <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(K(2)) + unsigned(a));
akw <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(W(1)) + unsigned(ak));
b_tmp <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(b) + (rotate_left(unsigned(akw) + unsigned(f), to_integer(unsigned(R(0))))));
ak <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(K(i)) + unsigned(a));
akw <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(W(g_arr(i-1))) + unsigned(ak));
b_tmp <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(b) + (rotate_left(unsigned(akw) + unsigned(f), to_integer(unsigned(R(i-2))))));
end if;
end if;
end process pipe_p;
md5_f_p : process(state, a, b, c, d, i)
case state is
when state_1 =>
if i = 0 or i > 4 then
f <= (b and c) or ((not b) and d);
g <= g_arr(i);
end if;
when state_2 =>
f <= (d and b) or ((not d) and c);
g <= g_arr(i);
when state_3 =>
f <= b xor c xor d;
g <= g_arr(i);
when state_4 =>
f <= c xor (b or (not d));
g <= g_arr(i);
when others =>
f <= x"00000000";
g <= 0;
end case;
end process md5_f_p;
md5_p : process(CLOCK_50, SW, a, b, c, d, f, g)
if SW(17) = '0' then
state <= start;
i <= 0;
a <= AA;
b <= BB;
c <= CC;
d <= DD;
W <= (others => x"00000000");
pad_str <= (others => x"00");
--tmp_b := BB;
elsif rising_edge(CLOCK_50) then
case state is
when start =>
pad_str(0) <= in_str(0);
pad_str(1) <= in_str(1);
pad_str(2) <= in_str(2);
pad_str(3) <= in_str(3);
pad_str(4) <= in_str(4);
pad_str(5) <= in_str(5);
state <= padding;
when padding =>
pad_str(6) <= "10000000";
pad_str(56) <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(in_str'length*8, 8));
state <= init_w;
when init_w =>
W(0) <= pad_str(3) & pad_str(2) & pad_str(1) & pad_str(0);
W(1) <= pad_str(7) & pad_str(6) & pad_str(5) & pad_str(4);
W(14) <= pad_str(59) & pad_str(58) & pad_str(57) & pad_str(56);
state <= state_1;
when state_1 =>
if i = 16 then
state <= state_2;
if i > 2 then
--tmp_b := b;
a <= d;
c <= b;
d <= c;
b <= b_tmp;
-- d <= c;
-- b <= b_tmp;
-- c <= b;
-- a <= d;
end if;
i <= i + 1;
end if;
when state_2 =>
if i = 32 then
state <= state_3;
d <= c;
b <= b_tmp;
c <= b;
a <= d;
i <= i + 1;
end if;
when state_3 =>
if i = 48 then
state <= state_4;
d <= c;
b <= b_tmp;
c <= b;
a <= d;
i <= i + 1;
end if;
when state_4 =>
if i = 64 then
res_A <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(AA) + unsigned(a));
res_B <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(BB) + unsigned(b));
res_C <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(CC) + unsigned(c));
res_D <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(DD) + unsigned(d));
state <= done;
d <= c;
c <= b;
b <= b_tmp;
a <= d;
i <= i + 1;
end if;
when done =>
state <= done;
when others =>
state <= done;
end case;
end if;
end process md5_p;
end architecture md5core_rtl;
Using this code, I get correct values for b in the first stage of round 0, but thereafter nothing seems to fit. As seen in this simulation, first stage in round 0 is correct, but thereafter not. This is when using a in this expression:
ak <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(K(0)) + unsigned(a)); -- using a
But... If I understand the second document correctly I should be using c instead of a (data forwarding), but then the first stage in round 0 doesn't work either. I.e when I do this, the first stage in round 0 gets the wrong numbers too.
ak <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(K(0)) + unsigned(c)); -- changed to c
For the particular string in the code (helloo) the following values are correct (all stages).
i:0 => a:271733878, b:3679623978, c:4023233417, d:2562383102, f:2562383102, g:0
i:1 => a:2562383102, b:268703616, c:3679623978, d:4023233417, f:3421032412, g:1
i:2 => a:4023233417, b:566857930, c:268703616, d:3679623978, f:4291410697, g:2
i:3 => a:3679623978, b:2813098031, c:566857930, d:268703616, f:3658619808, g:3
i:4 => a:268703616, b:3540887984, c:2813098031, d:566857930, f:831002506, g:4
i:5 => a:566857930, b:1416558949, c:3540887984, d:2813098031, f:2748069994, g:5
i:6 => a:2813098031, b:1417573490, c:1416558949, d:3540887984, f:4086081834, g:6
i:7 => a:3540887984, b:412978483, c:1417573490, d:1416558949, f:3614439904, g:7
i:8 => a:1416558949, b:2667121787, c:412978483, d:1417573490, f:1417573494, g:8
i:9 => a:1417573490, b:3587014656, c:2667121787, d:412978483, f:1486847027, g:9
i:10 => a:412978483, b:2424005293, c:3587014656, d:2667121787, f:2631470387, g:10
i:11 => a:2667121787, b:3779826569, c:2424005293, d:3587014656, f:2663976018, g:11
i:12 => a:3587014656, b:2371593944, c:3779826569, d:2424005293, f:2496594569, g:12
i:13 => a:2424005293, b:2829036837, c:2371593944, d:3779826569, f:2439758509, g:13
i:14 => a:3779826569, b:1652927941, c:2829036837, d:2371593944, f:3378230920, g:14
i:15 => a:2371593944, b:343664023, c:1652927941, d:2829036837, f:2917117725, g:15
i:16 => a:2829036837, b:3610776431, c:343664023, d:1652927941, f:1109108165, g:1
i:17 => a:1652927941, b:2356907245, c:3610776431, d:343664023, f:1450852695, g:6
i:18 => a:343664023, b:1950114052, c:2356907245, d:3610776431, f:3346765549, g:11
i:19 => a:3610776431, b:1998115502, c:1950114052, d:2356907245, f:1551601028, g:0
i:20 => a:2356907245, b:2811855282, c:1998115502, d:1950114052, f:1948049836, g:5
i:21 => a:1950114052, b:1476613917, c:2811855282, d:1998115502, f:655922090, g:10
i:22 => a:1998115502, b:1051434612, c:1476613917, d:2811855282, f:3498136348, g:15
i:23 => a:2811855282, b:2313778686, c:1051434612, d:1476613917, f:2123093565, g:4
i:24 => a:1476613917, b:2391742621, c:2313778686, d:1051434612, f:782884220, g:9
i:25 => a:1051434612, b:2587925491, c:2391742621, d:2313778686, f:2412476830, g:14
i:26 => a:2313778686, b:1270631524, c:2587925491, d:2391742621, f:2386958835, g:3
i:27 => a:2391742621, b:2967137637, c:1270631524, d:2587925491, f:449612646, g:8
i:28 => a:2587925491, b:4275359302, c:2967137637, d:1270631524, f:3523005797, g:13
i:29 => a:1270631524, b:221196138, c:4275359302, d:2967137637, f:4208389445, g:2
i:30 => a:2967137637, b:1826025400, c:221196138, d:4275359302, f:1309552482, g:7
i:31 => a:4275359302, b:4266766346, c:1826025400, d:221196138, f:1845489448, g:12
i:32 => a:221196138, b:3855169043, c:4266766346, d:1826025400, f:2678616280, g:5
i:33 => a:1826025400, b:1648727666, c:3855169043, d:4266766346, f:2001627553, g:8
i:34 => a:4266766346, b:3280661187, c:1648727666, d:3855169043, f:2044530795, g:11
i:35 => a:3855169043, b:933955932, c:3280661187, d:1648727666, f:1141263010, g:14
i:36 => a:1648727666, b:1316709518, c:933955932, d:3280661187, f:2523166189, g:1
i:37 => a:3280661187, b:1172621265, c:1316709518, d:933955932, f:3126494993, g:4
i:38 => a:933955932, b:638303819, c:1172621265, d:1316709518, f:1010084355, g:7
i:39 => a:1316709518, b:2518531516, c:638303819, d:1172621265, f:764681492, g:10
i:40 => a:1172621265, b:1723348322, c:2518531516, d:638303819, f:4126327846, g:13
i:41 => a:638303819, b:1796634879, c:1723348322, d:2518531516, f:3601741461, g:0
i:42 => a:2518531516, b:1242042285, c:1796634879, d:1723348322, f:2612260897, g:3
i:43 => a:1723348322, b:3271112123, c:1242042285, d:1796634879, f:1202078256, g:6
i:44 => a:1796634879, b:171818493, c:3271112123, d:1242042285, f:3823583977, g:9
i:45 => a:1242042285, b:4279516322, c:171818493, d:3271112123, f:2194442219, g:12
i:46 => a:3271112123, b:1084087837, c:4279516322, d:171818493, f:936424676, g:15
i:47 => a:171818493, b:4055665426, c:1084087837, d:4279516322, f:3048496962, g:2
i:48 => a:4279516322, b:4279453145, c:4055665426, d:1084087837, f:2975995202, g:0
i:49 => a:1084087837, b:1002426141, c:4279453145, d:4055665426, f:248508137, g:7
i:50 => a:4055665426, b:2580293036, c:1002426141, d:4279453145, f:3236739620, g:14
i:51 => a:4279453145, b:429799967, c:2580293036, d:1002426141, f:2723377331, g:5
i:52 => a:1002426141, b:969799177, c:429799967, d:2580293036, f:1142038355, g:12
i:53 => a:2580293036, b:4081959629, c:969799177, d:429799967, f:1717683268, g:3
i:54 => a:429799967, b:424965883, c:4081959629, d:969799177, f:3466605028, g:10
i:55 => a:969799177, b:2878206675, c:424965883, d:4081959629, f:742112562, g:1
i:56 => a:4081959629, b:3289205483, c:2878206675, d:424965883, f:3068889352, g:8
i:57 => a:424965883, b:932769765, c:3289205483, d:2878206675, f:1294088508, g:15
i:58 => a:2878206675, b:3877873675, c:932769765, d:3289205483, f:3019351302, g:6
i:59 => a:3289205483, b:3573278773, c:3877873675, d:932769765, f:3362476794, g:13
i:60 => a:932769765, b:2755809458, c:3573278773, d:3877873675, f:1004294196, g:4
i:61 => a:3877873675, b:2328479269, c:2755809458, d:3573278773, f:1747304387, g:11
i:62 => a:3573278773, b:198924010, c:2328479269, d:2755809458, f:261064541, g:2
i:63 => a:2755809458, b:3186462216, c:198924010, d:2328479269, f:3509991882, g:9
By the way, AKM in the document is akw in the code.
Any tips or suggestions on bringing me in the right direction would be very appreciated. Code would be ideal. If something is unclear, I'll edit the question and try to rectify that.
the problem is, that you have a pipeline of two in your "b-path" (--> 1st stage is b_tmp, 2nd stage is b) while the allocation pipeline has one stage (e.g. a<=d) only. I did some changes to the code and marked them with "--***". with this code, you get the first results right...
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity md5core is
port (
CLOCK_50 : in std_logic;
SW : in std_logic_vector(17 downto 17)
end entity md5core;
architecture md5core_rtl of md5core is
type r_array is array(0 to 64) of std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
constant R : r_array := ( x"07", x"0c", x"11", x"16", x"07", x"0c", x"11", x"16", x"07", x"0c", x"11", x"16", x"07", x"0c", x"11",
x"16", x"05", x"09", x"0e", x"14", x"05", x"09", x"0e", x"14", x"05", x"09", x"0e", x"14", x"05", x"09",
x"0e", x"14", x"04", x"0b", x"10", x"17", x"04", x"0b", x"10", x"17", x"04", x"0b", x"10", x"17", x"04",
x"0b", x"10", x"17", x"06", x"0a", x"0f", x"15", x"06", x"0a", x"0f", x"15", x"06", x"0a", x"0f", x"15",
x"06", x"0a", x"0f", x"15", others => x"00");
type k_array is array(0 to 66) of std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
constant K : k_array := (x"d76aa478", x"e8c7b756", x"242070db", x"c1bdceee",
x"f57c0faf", x"4787c62a", x"a8304613", x"fd469501",
x"698098d8", x"8b44f7af", x"ffff5bb1", x"895cd7be",
x"6b901122", x"fd987193", x"a679438e", x"49b40821",
x"f61e2562", x"c040b340", x"265e5a51", x"e9b6c7aa",
x"d62f105d", x"02441453", x"d8a1e681", x"e7d3fbc8",
x"21e1cde6", x"c33707d6", x"f4d50d87", x"455a14ed",
x"a9e3e905", x"fcefa3f8", x"676f02d9", x"8d2a4c8a",
x"fffa3942", x"8771f681", x"6d9d6122", x"fde5380c",
x"a4beea44", x"4bdecfa9", x"f6bb4b60", x"bebfbc70",
x"289b7ec6", x"eaa127fa", x"d4ef3085", x"04881d05",
x"d9d4d039", x"e6db99e5", x"1fa27cf8", x"c4ac5665",
x"f4292244", x"432aff97", x"ab9423a7", x"fc93a039",
x"655b59c3", x"8f0ccc92", x"ffeff47d", x"85845dd1",
x"6fa87e4f", x"fe2ce6e0", x"a3014314", x"4e0811a1",
x"f7537e82", x"bd3af235", x"2ad7d2bb", x"eb86d391", others => x"00000000");
type g_array is array(0 to 64) of integer range 0 to 15;
constant g_arr : g_array := (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
1, 6, 11, 0, 5, 10, 15, 4, 9, 14, 3, 8, 13, 2, 7, 12,
5, 8, 11, 14, 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 2,
0, 7, 14, 5, 12, 3, 10, 1, 8, 15, 6, 13, 4, 11, 2, 9, 0);
type w_array is array(0 to 15) of std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal W : w_array;
constant AA : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"67452301";
constant BB : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"EFCDAB89";
constant CC : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"98BADCFE";
constant DD : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"10325476";
signal res_A : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"00000000";
signal res_B : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"00000000";
signal res_C : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"00000000";
signal res_D : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"00000000";
type in_str_t is array(0 to 5) of std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
constant in_str : in_str_t := (x"68", x"65", x"6c", x"6c", x"6f", x"6f");
type pad_str_t is array(0 to 63) of std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal pad_str : pad_str_t;
type state_t is (start, padding, init_w, state_1, state_2, state_3, state_4, done);
signal state : state_t;
signal a, b, c, d, f : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"00000000";
signal i : integer range 0 to 64 := 0;
signal g : integer range 0 to 15 := 0;
--signal tmp_b : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal akw : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal ak : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal b_tmp : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
--tmp_b <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(b) + rotate_left(unsigned(a) + unsigned(f) + unsigned(K(i)) + unsigned(W(g)), to_integer(unsigned(R(i)))));
pipe_p : process(CLOCK_50, SW)--*** removed: , a, b, c, d, i)
if SW(17) = '0' then
-- ak <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(K(2)) + unsigned(BB));
-- akw <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(W(0)) + 1 + unsigned(K(2)) + unsigned(BB));
b <= BB;--*** changed, was: b_tmp
elsif rising_edge(CLOCK_50) and state = state_1 then
if i = 0 then
ak <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(K(0)) + unsigned(a));
elsif i = 1 then
ak <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(K(1)) + unsigned(d));--*** changed, was: unsigned(a));
akw <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(W(0)) + unsigned(ak));
elsif i = 2 then
ak <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(K(2)) + unsigned(c));--*** changed, was: unsigned(a));
akw <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(W(1)) + unsigned(ak));
b <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(b) + (rotate_left(unsigned(akw) + unsigned(f), to_integer(unsigned(R(0))))));--*** changed, was: b_tmp
ak <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(K(i)) + unsigned(c));--*** changed, was: unsigned(a));
akw <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(W(g_arr(i-1))) + unsigned(ak));
b <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(b) + (rotate_left(unsigned(akw) + unsigned(f), to_integer(unsigned(R(i-2))))));--*** changed, was: b_tmp
end if;
end if;
end process pipe_p;
md5_f_p : process(state, a, b, c, d, i)
case state is
when state_1 =>
-- if i = 0 or i > 4 then----*** removed
f <= (b and c) or ((not b) and d);
g <= g_arr(i);
-- end if;----*** removed
when state_2 =>
f <= (d and b) or ((not d) and c);
g <= g_arr(i);
when state_3 =>
f <= b xor c xor d;
g <= g_arr(i);
when state_4 =>
f <= c xor (b or (not d));
g <= g_arr(i);
when others =>
f <= x"00000000";
g <= 0;
end case;
end process md5_f_p;
md5_p : process(CLOCK_50, SW)----*** removed: , a, b, c, d, f, g)
if SW(17) = '0' then
state <= start;
i <= 0;
a <= AA;
-- b <= BB; ----*** removed
c <= CC;
d <= DD;
W <= (others => x"00000000");
pad_str <= (others => x"00");
--tmp_b := BB;
elsif rising_edge(CLOCK_50) then
case state is
when start =>
pad_str(0) <= in_str(0);
pad_str(1) <= in_str(1);
pad_str(2) <= in_str(2);
pad_str(3) <= in_str(3);
pad_str(4) <= in_str(4);
pad_str(5) <= in_str(5);
state <= padding;
when padding =>
pad_str(6) <= "10000000";
pad_str(56) <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(in_str'length*8, 8));
state <= init_w;
when init_w =>
W(0) <= pad_str(3) & pad_str(2) & pad_str(1) & pad_str(0);
W(1) <= pad_str(7) & pad_str(6) & pad_str(5) & pad_str(4);
W(14) <= pad_str(59) & pad_str(58) & pad_str(57) & pad_str(56);
state <= state_1;
when state_1 =>
if i = 16 then
state <= state_2;
if i > 1 then----*** changed, was: --if i > 2 then
--tmp_b := b;
a <= d;
c <= b;
d <= c;
-- b <= b_tmp; --*** removed
-- d <= c;
-- b <= b_tmp;
-- c <= b;
-- a <= d;
end if;
i <= i + 1;
end if;
when state_2 =>
if i = 32 then
state <= state_3;
d <= c;
-- b <= b_tmp;--*** removed
c <= b;
a <= d;
i <= i + 1;
end if;
when state_3 =>
if i = 48 then
state <= state_4;
d <= c;
-- b <= b_tmp;----*** removed
c <= b;
a <= d;
i <= i + 1;
end if;
when state_4 =>
if i = 64 then
res_A <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(AA) + unsigned(a));
res_B <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(BB) + unsigned(b));
res_C <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(CC) + unsigned(c));
res_D <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(DD) + unsigned(d));
state <= done;
d <= c;
c <= b;
-- b <= b_tmp;----*** removed
a <= d;
i <= i + 1;
end if;
when done =>
state <= done;
when others =>
state <= done;
end case;
end if;
end process md5_p;
end architecture md5core_rtl;
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity md5core is
port (
CLOCK_50 : in std_logic;
SW : in std_logic_vector(17 downto 17)
end entity md5core;
architecture md5core_rtl of md5core is
type r_array is array(0 to 64) of std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
constant R : r_array := ( x"07", x"0c", x"11", x"16", x"07", x"0c", x"11", x"16", x"07", x"0c", x"11", x"16", x"07", x"0c", x"11",
x"16", x"05", x"09", x"0e", x"14", x"05", x"09", x"0e", x"14", x"05", x"09", x"0e", x"14", x"05", x"09",
x"0e", x"14", x"04", x"0b", x"10", x"17", x"04", x"0b", x"10", x"17", x"04", x"0b", x"10", x"17", x"04",
x"0b", x"10", x"17", x"06", x"0a", x"0f", x"15", x"06", x"0a", x"0f", x"15", x"06", x"0a", x"0f", x"15",
x"06", x"0a", x"0f", x"15", others => x"00");
type k_array is array(0 to 66) of std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
constant K : k_array := (x"d76aa478", x"e8c7b756", x"242070db", x"c1bdceee",
x"f57c0faf", x"4787c62a", x"a8304613", x"fd469501",
x"698098d8", x"8b44f7af", x"ffff5bb1", x"895cd7be",
x"6b901122", x"fd987193", x"a679438e", x"49b40821",
x"f61e2562", x"c040b340", x"265e5a51", x"e9b6c7aa",
x"d62f105d", x"02441453", x"d8a1e681", x"e7d3fbc8",
x"21e1cde6", x"c33707d6", x"f4d50d87", x"455a14ed",
x"a9e3e905", x"fcefa3f8", x"676f02d9", x"8d2a4c8a",
x"fffa3942", x"8771f681", x"6d9d6122", x"fde5380c",
x"a4beea44", x"4bdecfa9", x"f6bb4b60", x"bebfbc70",
x"289b7ec6", x"eaa127fa", x"d4ef3085", x"04881d05",
x"d9d4d039", x"e6db99e5", x"1fa27cf8", x"c4ac5665",
x"f4292244", x"432aff97", x"ab9423a7", x"fc93a039",
x"655b59c3", x"8f0ccc92", x"ffeff47d", x"85845dd1",
x"6fa87e4f", x"fe2ce6e0", x"a3014314", x"4e0811a1",
x"f7537e82", x"bd3af235", x"2ad7d2bb", x"eb86d391", others => x"00000000");
type g_array is array(0 to 64) of integer range 0 to 15;
constant g_arr : g_array := (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
1, 6, 11, 0, 5, 10, 15, 4, 9, 14, 3, 8, 13, 2, 7, 12,
5, 8, 11, 14, 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 2,
0, 7, 14, 5, 12, 3, 10, 1, 8, 15, 6, 13, 4, 11, 2, 9, 0);
type w_array is array(0 to 15) of std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal W : w_array;
constant AA : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"67452301";
constant BB : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"EFCDAB89";
constant CC : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"98BADCFE";
constant DD : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"10325476";
signal res_A : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"00000000";
signal res_B : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"00000000";
signal res_C : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"00000000";
signal res_D : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"00000000";
type in_str_t is array(0 to 5) of std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
constant in_str : in_str_t := (x"68", x"65", x"6c", x"6c", x"6f", x"6f");
type pad_str_t is array(0 to 63) of std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal pad_str : pad_str_t;
type state_t is (start, padding, init_w, state_1, state_2, state_3, state_4, done);
signal state : state_t;
signal a, b, c, d, f : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"00000000";
signal i : integer range 0 to 65 := 0;--**** changed, was: to 64
signal g : integer range 0 to 15 := 0;
--signal tmp_b : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal akw : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal ak : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal b_tmp : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
--tmp_b <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(b) + rotate_left(unsigned(a) + unsigned(f) + unsigned(K(i)) + unsigned(W(g)), to_integer(unsigned(R(i)))));
pipe_p : process(CLOCK_50, SW)--*** removed: , a, b, c, d, i)
if SW(17) = '0' then
-- ak <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(K(2)) + unsigned(BB));
-- akw <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(W(0)) + 1 + unsigned(K(2)) + unsigned(BB));
b <= BB;--*** changed, was: b_tmp
elsif rising_edge(CLOCK_50) then --**** removed: and state = state_1 then
--**** added start
if state = done then
--**** added stop
elsif i = 0 then
ak <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(K(0)) + unsigned(a));
elsif i = 1 then
ak <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(K(1)) + unsigned(d));--*** changed, was: unsigned(a));
akw <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(W(0)) + unsigned(ak));
elsif i = 2 then
ak <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(K(2)) + unsigned(c));--*** changed, was: unsigned(a));
akw <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(W(1)) + unsigned(ak));
b <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(b) + (rotate_left(unsigned(akw) + unsigned(f), to_integer(unsigned(R(0))))));--*** changed, was: b_tmp
ak <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(K(i)) + unsigned(c));--*** changed, was: unsigned(a));
akw <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(W(g_arr(i-1))) + unsigned(ak));
b <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(b) + (rotate_left(unsigned(akw) + unsigned(f), to_integer(unsigned(R(i-2))))));--*** changed, was: b_tmp
end if;
end if;
end process pipe_p;
md5_f_p : process(state, a, b, c, d, i)
case state is
when state_1 =>
-- if i = 0 or i > 4 then----*** removed
f <= (b and c) or ((not b) and d);
-- g <= g_arr(i);--**** removed
-- end if;----*** removed
when state_2 =>
f <= (d and b) or ((not d) and c);
-- g <= g_arr(i);--**** removed
when state_3 =>
f <= b xor c xor d;
-- g <= g_arr(i);--**** removed
when state_4 =>
f <= c xor (b or (not d));
-- g <= g_arr(i);--**** removed
when others =>
f <= x"00000000";
-- g <= 0; --**** removed
end case;
end process md5_f_p;
md5_p : process(CLOCK_50, SW)----*** removed: , a, b, c, d, f, g)
if SW(17) = '0' then
state <= start;
i <= 0;
a <= AA;
-- b <= BB; ----*** removed
c <= CC;
d <= DD;
W <= (others => x"00000000");
pad_str <= (others => x"00");
--tmp_b := BB;
elsif rising_edge(CLOCK_50) then
case state is
when start =>
pad_str(0) <= in_str(0);
pad_str(1) <= in_str(1);
pad_str(2) <= in_str(2);
pad_str(3) <= in_str(3);
pad_str(4) <= in_str(4);
pad_str(5) <= in_str(5);
state <= padding;
when padding =>
pad_str(6) <= "10000000";
pad_str(56) <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(in_str'length*8, 8));
state <= init_w;
when init_w =>
W(0) <= pad_str(3) & pad_str(2) & pad_str(1) & pad_str(0);
W(1) <= pad_str(7) & pad_str(6) & pad_str(5) & pad_str(4);
W(14) <= pad_str(59) & pad_str(58) & pad_str(57) & pad_str(56);
state <= state_1;
when state_1 =>
if i = 17 then--**** changed, was: 16
state <= state_2;
end if; --****added
-- else --**** removed
if i > 1 then----*** changed, was: --if i > 2 then
--tmp_b := b;
a <= d;
c <= b;
d <= c;
-- b <= b_tmp; --*** removed
-- d <= c;
-- b <= b_tmp;
-- c <= b;
-- a <= d;
end if;
i <= i + 1;
-- end if;--**** removed
when state_2 =>
if i = 33 then--**** changed, was: 32
state <= state_3;
end if; --****added
-- else --**** removed
d <= c;
-- b <= b_tmp;--*** removed
c <= b;
a <= d;
i <= i + 1;
-- end if;--**** removed
when state_3 =>
if i = 49 then--**** changed, was: 48
state <= state_4;
end if; --****added
-- else--**** removed
d <= c;
-- b <= b_tmp;----*** removed
c <= b;
a <= d;
i <= i + 1;
-- end if;--**** removed
when state_4 =>
if i = 65 then--**** changed, was: 64
-- res_A <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(AA) + unsigned(a));--**** removed
-- res_B <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(BB) + unsigned(b));--**** removed
-- res_C <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(CC) + unsigned(c));--**** removed
-- res_D <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(DD) + unsigned(d));--**** removed
state <= done;
end if; --****added
-- else--**** removed
d <= c;
c <= b;
-- b <= b_tmp;----*** removed
a <= d;
i <= i + 1;
-- end if;--**** removed
when done =>
res_A <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(AA) + unsigned(a));--****added
res_B <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(BB) + unsigned(b));--****added
res_C <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(CC) + unsigned(c));--****added
res_D <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(DD) + unsigned(d)); --****added
state <= done;
when others =>
state <= done;
end case;
end if;
end process md5_p;
end architecture md5core_rtl;
