According to the docs (, I should be able to get all resource instances expanded with a matching extension. Say that I want to get all users which have an open extension identified by the name XXX. How can I achieve that? I've tried the following:
$filter=Extensions/any(f:f/id eq 'assistenciasExtensions')
&$expand=Extensions($filter=id eq 'assistenciasExtensions')
But it didn't work. The docs ( have a section called Filter for resource instances expanded with a matching extension which gives some examples and says that
"The above syntax shows some common ways to identify a resource instance or collection, in order to get an extension from it. All other syntax that allows you to identify these resource instances or collections supports getting open extensions from them in a similar way."
So, can I get all the users that have an extension or is it limited to the examples shown in the docs?
Luis, Top level filter ($filter=Extensions/any(f:f/id eq 'assistenciasExtensions')) is not currently available for directory related entities (user/group/device). Please suggest the feature on user voice -
I want to limit the keywords that are reported in the output.xml / log.html
Something like, I don't want to log keywords like SET VARIABLE or QUERY, etc., but log only specific keywords that create a meaningful test report
checked multiple questions on StackOverflow
How can I prevent the logging of all keywords except Log keyword in robot framework?
How can I tell robot framework not to log a keyword?
This provides a very close answer at the end, but it is not working and getting into the LOGGER is perhaps not my cup of tea
Have tried FlattenKeywords, removekeywords options, but they dont completely help, as I need more dynamic control over the logging
Tried the SET LOG LEVEL keyword also, but that just removes the information within the keyword, does not remove the whole keyword
Expected results should log only the specific keywords that i mention in the script, something like only the checkpoints are reported and not all the steps
If --removekeywords and --flattenkeywords don't work for you, I can think of two possible solutions.
For one, you could write your own script to filter out all the keywords you don't want from output.xml, and then generate the log.html and report.html after you've run the filter.
You could also create your own log file. You can create a listener that can decide at runtime whether a keyword should be logged or not. You can then write the keyword information to your own custom log file.
I am currently trying to track down a problem in another persons agent. The agent crashes when it performs a lookup with a certain view in another database (I do not have designer access to it). In order to see whats wrong I wanted to take a look at the view and see if its empty or not. Problem is that I only have the "real name" of the view and navigation in Notes only gives me the "display name" which is totally different.
I searched the entire client if is possible to navigate to the view by "real name" but I did not find anything. Does anyone know?
If you have a properly installed Notes client, and a version of Windows which includes PowerShell, you can do the following after you open a Powershell prompt:
$ns = New-Object -COM Lotus.NotesSession
$db = $ns.GetDatabase("Server", "Filepath")
$db.Views | sort Name | ft Name, Aliases -auto
If the Notes type library is properly installed, you should execute the first command without issues.
If the client is properly installed and you entered the right password, the Notes session should have been properly initialized.
If the server and filepath are correct, the third instruction should execute without issues.
If all goes well, you will get a sorted list of all the views in the database, with their corresponding aliases (I think you are referring to the alias of a view when you refer to the "real name").
Edit: I should clarify that "all the views in the database" only includes the views that are visible for you. The database ACL may block you from accessing some views.
You can use the NotesPeek tool. It will let you explore everything in the database that you have rights to see, using a tree-style UI.
I hope this two tips will help you:
Shortcuts to open also hidden views in the database:
How to display hidden views in a Notes/Domino database
Or if point 1. does not help you try to make a toolbar action with the following formula:
OpenView #Command
and then, open the database where you think the view is and run the toolbar action.
If you are not familiar how you can make toolbar action mabye this link will help you:
Customize toolbar functionality and buttons
You know view's "real name" (= alias).
Create a button or agent somewhere with following LotusScript code:
Dim workspace As New NotesUIWorkspace
Call workspace.OpenDatabase("yourServer", "yourDatabasePath", "yourViewRealName")
or with following formula:
#Command([FileOpenDatabase]; "yourServer" : "yourDatabasePath"; "yourViewRealName")
and execute it in Notes Client. It will open the view.
As an alternative, copy the database to Local with the option "Application design only" and without option "Access Control List" and explore it in Designer.
I am creating a website using CakePHP that requires translation not only into multiple languages but also multiple phrases per language depending on the type of the logged in user. This will allow the same functionality but with more formal or more friendly language without duplication.
As a very simple example:
Type 1: "Customer", "purchase","shopping cart"
Type 2: "Client", "buy", "basket"
Type 3: "User", "order","invoice"
Each of these types would be available in multiple languages.
I've got the standard localization working in CakePHP (one of the reasons I chose it!) and have the appropriate default.po files in the /Locale/[lang]/LC_MESSAGES/ directory and all is working fine there (thank you to the user who noted on this site that ger needed to be deu to work ;) ).
Before I get too far into the app I'd like to add the phrasing so I can set e.g. the language as French and phrasing as type2. If I was doing this outside of a framework I'd have a matrix look-up to find the correct string based on language and phrase keys but am unsure of how to do this within CakePHP's localization.
Currently I'm using the standard __([string]) convention but as this is early in the development cycle it would be trivial to change if necessary.
I was considering using __d([phrase],[string]) but can't see how to set this without creating my app as a plugin and then I'm back to the same problem with /Locale/
I have been unable to find any example of this in my searches on SO or the cakePHP community sites so would be grateful for any suggestions.
Is there a standard way to do this within cakePHP? if not, what would be a good "best practice" way to implement this?
Edit - following the answer below here's how it was implemented:
in /app/Locale/[lang]/LC_MESSAGES/ I created a new .po files with the new phrasing in them as phrase1.po, phrase2.po etc.
Where I set the language I also set the phrasing where the phrase file matches the name of the po file:
Configure::write('Config.language', 'deu');
Configure::write('App.langDomain', 'phrase1');
and all strings were wrapped with:
__d(Configure::read('App.langDomain', 'string')
And it just works.
Use __d() like this:
__d(Configure::read('App.langDomain'), 'Some string');
In bootstrap.php check the conditions and set App.langDomain based on whatever you need.
__d() has nothing to do with plugins, you can use it everywhere.
And alternative would be to wrap your translations with a custom method, something like
__dd(Configure::read('App.langDomain'), array('foo' => __('String1', 'bar' => __('String2'));
The array is an array of langDomain => stringForThatDomain mappings. Your __dd() method would take the one that is passed in the first argument.
If I want to translate the role to other language, how do I do it?
I can change that to other language as the default but I would like to use English so I don't have to deal with UTF8 issue in my code with Asian charactors.
if(in_array("administer nodes", $user->roles))
I have tried to find it from translation module but this seems not translatable as other text in Drupal.
So I'm assuming you've already tried using the t() or st() functions?
If that's so, you may need to try a client-side AJAX translation solution. One way you might do this is to create a vocabulary of terms (corresponding to the English role names), and have the Asian character translation as a secondary field. Then use views to create a view of this vocabulary, and create a lightweight module that:
1) loads a Drupal AJAX script on every page (or every page where role names might be utilized)
2) the script looks for a list of specified containers by id that you know will contain role names
3) searches the view you created for the English pattern, and replaces it in the container with any positive matches
Drupal API's example AJAX module
You could then expand the module/AJAX script to solve other similar translate fails on your site.
I have created a site with multiple languages in sitecore... I the content editor (system > languages) I have specified three languages (Dutch, English and German). No I have 2 problems.
When an item has, for example: an English version but no German and Dutch version and I type the address to the German site: I get the German site, but without content. In this case I want a 404 page to be shown.
Another problem is when I go to language that is not specified in system > language and also on the item is still get an empty site. In this case I also want a 404 page to be shown. Sitecore shows the page as long as it is a valid ISO-code.
I'm using Sitecore 6.4
Does anybody has a solution for these problem(s)?
Thanks in advance!
My LinkManager is specified as follows in the Web.config:
<add name="sitecore" type="Sitecore.Links.LinkProvider, Sitecore.Kernel" addAspxExtension="true" alwaysIncludeServerUrl="false" encodeNames="true" languageEmbedding="asNeeded" languageLocation="filePath" shortenUrls="true" useDisplayName="false"/>
Unfortunately you have to manage both of these scenarios manually in Sitecore, they both have quite simple solutions but will require some development on your part.
For the first (accessing of pages without translations) I think you would need to extend the current ItemResolver within Sitecore and have it explicitly check that a version exists for the language that has been selected. I haven't implemented that myself but that's how I'd look at handling it.
The second (only accepting certain languages) is something I have handled, and it really bothered me that Sitecore couldn't handle it itself (though perhaps it does and I missed it). For this I created a step in the pipeline immediately after the LanguageResolver called PermissableLanguageChecker. This checks to see if the current language of the request is one of certain allowable values, and if it isn't it sets the language back to the default language, or in your case throw a 404.
For the "allowable values", I read them from the site config with a new property there:
<site name="website" ... permissableLanguages="pl-PL,en" language="pl-PL" ... />
That permissableLanguages property is handy as we can also use it later on in the site when presenting a language selection control to the user.
You may want to take a look at the Language Fallback module in the Sitecore Shared Source Library. As it covers some of your scenarios.