ClickOnce deployment: Is it possible to register application for Active Directory Federation Service? - wpf

Is it possible to execute Windows PowerShell command to register an application to ADFS using ClickOnce deployment?
I am working on a WPF rich client application. The application using REST API to authenticate and get data. The authentication will be performed by Active Directory Federation Services. As to authenticated and to get token, I have to register the client application with ADFS, can I execute PowerShell command through clickOnce setup to register application to ADFS?

You can register the client in ADFS using powershell, but that is something that is done only once in the ADFS server itself. So I don't see the benefit of including that registration through clickOnce. This document describes your scenario (WPF client + OAuth + ADFS), you can find more information there: Developing Modern Applications using OAuth and Active Directory Federation Services


SSO Implementation for Desktop and Web Application with Windows Credential

I have a windows application and a web application. Both are having a different login screen. Is there a way to implement SSO with the help of windows credential so that user don't need to login again for accessing the applications.
Note : I am new to ADFS , Domain Controller and SSO so don't have much idea on how that works.
Any leads is appreciated.
you can implement SSO for your corporate/internal/on-premises application using Windows Active Directory and Windows Authentication. A Domain Controller stores the Windows Active Directory database. ADFS will help you extend your Identity and SSO capabilities trusting 3ra party Identity providers. E.g. Azure AD. With this you will be able to access applications in both networks with a single set of credentials.

Using Device Authentication to Authenticate to an Azure Registered Application

I am currently trying to utilize device authentication using a PRT through ADFS and Azure to successfully authenticate to an Azure registered application. I am using a .net mvc web app to test this. I have already configured and registered the machine to receive the PRT token and have registered the application to Azure. However, when I open the application I still have to enter credentials which should not be the case with device authentication. Are there any code configurations that I need to make to enable the use of device authentication for my application?

RethinkDB + Horizon with Windows Authentication (Active Directory SSO)

Is there a way to secure a Horizon app (with RethinkDB) using Windows Authentication (SSO) with an internal Active Directory?
I would like to be able to restrict access based on the Windows/Domain user and also load the AD profile info somehow in my single page web app?
The catch: Everything needs to run on premise. So no cloud or any external providers. Just the local company Active Directory and Windows environment.
There's no built-in way to do that right now, but you could embed Horizon into a node app and handle the authentication yourself.

How do I configure ADFS 3.0 Relying Party Trust and update my AngularJS & ASP.NET Web API applications to use ADFS with my company’s Active Directory?

I am a beginner with ADFS and do not know where to begin. I have an AngularJS 1.4.9 application which makes Ajax calls to an ASP.NET Web API 2.2 service.
Both applications are hosted within IIS under the same site and both use Windows Authentication on my company’s intranet. I’d like to modify them to use ADFS so that these applications can be accessed from the internet without a VPN.
You are better off looking into using the web application proxy (WAP)functionality for now. WAP allows publishing internal resources and making them internet accessible.
Once you get AD FS and WAP deployed, see step 3 in
You can then look to slowly updating your applications to use federated authentication with AD FS.

Authenticate from active directory for remote users through SAML or WS-FED using OKTA?

We have an instance based web app on IIS which uses active directory for authentication.
This web app has an external public web address for remote users to work with.
OKTA provides Active directory integration which sync directory and provide SSO for users inside the active direcory domain.
But for remote users as far as i know OKTA can provide SSO through their SWA (secure web application) type of application but which means using a browser plugin from OKTA for remote users.
Is there any other way for us to authenticate from active directory
for remote users through SAML or WS-FED using OKTA?
Okta supports SAML 2.0 for this use case. Please reference the documentation at for details on how to configure this.
Also note that there's a sample app demonstrating SAML integration via the Spring framework (if the app in question is Java-based).
