I am reading some articles regarding computer security and malware. I jumped into a graph relating the # of potentially malicious applications with the # of antiviruses. The graph's caption said Applications utilizing obfuscated libraries. As expected, the more antiviruses the less was the chance of malicious applications.
The tag "obfuscation" in SO says:
Obfuscation is the process by which the code is altered so that a developer finds it much harder to understand clearly what the intended program does or how it operates. The larger the program the greater the obfuscation, as code becomes intertwined linking different segments through out the program.
So is it just a matter of syntax, deliberately making the code more difficult for the programmer to understand? I suppose obfuscated libraries pertains to the same thing?
To my mind there are two types of obfuscaton
A. "Manual Obfuscation": Where the programmer purposefully obfuscates the code, either to prevent it being understood, or for some other reason such as attempting to make the compiled binary smaller, like this amazing piece of C code that is a working chess program
B,i,y,u,b,I[411],*G=I,x=10,z=15,M=1e4;X(w,c,h,e,S,s){int t,o,L,E,d,O=e,N=-M*M,K
=78-h<<x,p,*g,n,*m,A,q,r,C,J,a=y?-x:x;y^=8;G++;d=w||s&&s>=h&&v 0,0)>M;do{_ o=I[
p=O]){q=o&z^y _ q<7){A=q--&2?8:4;C=o-9&z?q["& .$ "]:42;do{r=I[p+=C[l]-64]_!w|p
==w){g=q|p+a-S?0:I+S _!r&(q|A<3||g)||(r+1&z^y)>9&&q|A>2){_ m=!(r-2&7))P G[1]=O,
K;J=n=o&z;E=I[p-a]&z;t=q|E-7?n:(n+=2,6^y);Z n<=t){L=r?l[r&7]*9-189-h-q:0 _ s)L
!(I[p+1]^n)+l[n&7]*9-386+!!g*99+(A<2))+!(E^y^9)_ s>h||1<s&s==h&&L>z|d){p[I]=n,O
-O|i-n|p-b|L<-M))P y^=8,u=J;J=q-1|A<7||m||!s|d|r|o<z||v 0,0)>M;O[I]=o;p[I]=r;m?
*m=*g,*g=0:g?*g=9^y:0;}_ L>N){*G=O _ s>1){_ h&&c-L<0)P L _!h)i=n,B=O,b=p;}N=L;}
!r&&++C*--A));}}}Z++O>98?O=20:e-O);P N+M*M&&N>-K+1924|d?N:0;}main(){Z++B<121)*G
++=B/x%x<2|B%x<2?7:B/x&4?0:*l++&31;Z B=19){Z B++<99)putchar(B%x?l[B[I]|16]:x)_
x-(B=F)){i=I[B+=(x-F)*x]&z;b=F;b+=(x-F)*x;Z x-(*G=F))i=*G^8^y;}else v u,5);v u,
called Toledo Nanochess developed by Mexican Oscar Toledo GutiƩrrez, a five-time winner of the International Obfuscated C Code Contest (IOCCC).
B. "Automated Obfuscation": This is where code which compiles using just-in-time compilation, code that can be decompiled exactly, undergoes an automatized process of "complexifying" and obfuscating the code without affecting the codes performance at runtime.
I hope this helps.
I have the compiled C code in text format. I need to extract the source code by decompiling the machine code. How to do that?
"True" decompiling is, basically, impossible. Foremost, you can't "decompile" local names (in functions and source code files / modules). For those, you'll get something like, for int local variables: i1, i2... Of course, unless you also have debug information, which is not often the case.
Decompiling to "something" (which might not be very readable) is possible, but it usually relies on some heuristics, recognizing code patterns that compilers generate and can be fooled into generating strange (possibly even incorrect) C code. In practice that means that a decompiler usually works OK for a certain compiler with certain (default) compile options, but, not so nice with others.
Having said that, decompilers do exist and you can try your luck with, say Snowman
As Srdjan has said, in general decompilation of a C (or C++) program is not possible. There is too much information lost during the compilation process. For example consider a declaration such as int x this is 'lost' as it does not directly produce any machine level instruction. The compiler needs this information to do type checking only.
Now, however it is possible to disassembly which is taking the compiled executable back up a level to assembly language. However, interpretation of the assembly might (will ?) be difficult and certainly time consuming. There are several disassemblers available, if you have money IDA-Pro is probably the industry standard in disassemblers, and if you are doing this type work, well worth the several thousand dollars per license. There are a number of open source disassemblers available, google can find them.
Now, that being said there have been efforts to create a decompilers, IDA-Pro has one, and you can look at http://boomerang.sourceforge.net/ in addition to Snowman linked above.
Lastly, other languages are more friendly towards decompilation then C or C++. For example a C# programs is decompilable with tools like dotPeek or ilSpy. Similarly with Java there are a number of tools that can convert Java bytecode back into Java source.
Please post a sample of the "compiled C code in text format."
Perhaps then it will be easier to see what you are trying to achieve.
Typically it is not practical to reverse engineer assembly language into C because much the human readable information in the form of Labels and variable names is permanently lost in the compilation process.
All over the web, I am getting the feeling that writing a C backend for a compiler is not such a good idea anymore. GHC's C backend is not being actively developed anymore (this is my unsupported feeling). Compilers are targeting C-- or LLVM.
Normally, I would think that GCC is a good old mature compiler that does performs well at optimizing code, therefore compiling to C will use the maturity of GCC to yield better and faster code. Is this not true?
I realize that the question greatly depends on the nature of the language being compiled and on other factors such that getting more maintainable code. I am looking for a rather more general answer (w.r.t. the compiled language) that focuses solely on performance (disregarding code quality, ..etc.). I would be also really glad if the answer includes an explanation on why GHC is drifting away from C and why LLVM performs better as a backend (see this) or any other examples of compilers doing the same that I am not aware of.
Let me list my two biggest problems with compiling to C. If this is a problem for your language depends on what kind of features you have.
Garbage collection When you have garbage collection you may have to interrupt regular execution at just about any point in the program, and at this point you need to access all pointers that point into the heap. If you compile to C you have no idea where those pointers might be. C is responsible for local variables, arguments, etc. The pointers are probably on the stack (or maybe in other register windows on a SPARC), but there is no real access to the stack. And even if you scan the stack, which values are pointers? LLVM actually addresses this problem (thought I don't know how well since I've never used LLVM with GC).
Tail calls Many languages assume that tail calls work (i.e., that they don't grow the stack); Scheme mandates it, Haskell assumes it. This is not the case with C. Under certain circumstances you can convince some C compilers to do tail calls. But you want tail calls to be reliable, e.g., when tail calling an unknown function. There are clumsy workarounds, like trampolining, but nothing quite satisfactory.
While I'm not a compiler expert, I believe that it boils down to the fact that you lose something in translation to C as opposed to translating to e.g. LLVM's intermediate language.
If you think about the process of compiling to C, you create a compiler that translates to C code, then the C compiler translates to an intermediate representation (the in-memory AST), then translates that to machine code. The creators of the C compiler have probably spent a lot of time optimizing certain human-made patterns in the language, but you're not likely to be able to create a fancy enough compiler from a source language to C to emulate the way humans write code. There is a loss of fidelity going to C - the C compiler doesn't have any knowledge about your original code's structure. To get those optimizations, you're essentially back-fitting your compiler to try to generate C code that the C compiler knows how to optimize when it's building its AST. Messy.
If, however, you translate directly to LLVM's intermediate language, that's like compiling your code to a machine-independent high-level bytecode, which is akin to the C compiler giving you access to specify exactly what its AST should contain. Essentially, you cut out the middleman that parses the C code and go directly to the high-level representation, which preserves more of the characteristics of your code by requiring less translation.
Also related to performance, LLVM can do some really tricky stuff for dynamic languages like generating binary code at runtime. This is the "cool" part of just-in-time compilation: it is writing binary code to be executed at runtime, instead of being stuck with what was created at compile time.
Part of the reason for GHC's moving away from the old C backend was that the code produced by GHC was not the code gcc could particularly well optimise. So with GHC's native code generator getting better, there was less return for a lot of work. As of 6.12, the NCG's code was only slower than the C compiled code in very few cases, so with the NCG getting even better in ghc-7, there was no sufficient incentive to keep the gcc backend alive. LLVM is a better target because it's more modular, and one can do many optimisations on its intermediate representation before passing the result to it.
On the other hand, last I looked, JHC still produced C and the final binary from that, typically (exclusively?) by gcc. And JHC's binaries tend to be quite fast.
So if you can produce code the C compiler handles well, that is still a good option, but it's probably not worth jumping through too many hoops to produce good C if you can easier produce good executables via another route.
One point that hasn't been brought up yet is, how close is your language to C? If you're compiling a fairly low-level imperative language, C's semantics may map very closely to the language you're implementing. If that's the case, it's probably a win, because the code written in your language is likely to resemble the kind of code someone would write in C by hand. That was definitely not the case with Haskell's C backend, which is one reason why the C backend optimized so poorly.
Another point against using a C backend is that C's semantics are actually not as simple as they look. If your language diverges significantly from C, using a C backend means you're going to have to keep track of all those infuriating complexities, and possibly differences between C compilers as well. It may be easier to use LLVM, with its simpler semantics, or devise your own backend, than keep track of all that.
Aside form all the codegenerator quality reasons, there are also other problems:
The free C compilers (gcc, clang) are a bit Unix centric
Support more than one compiler (e.g. gcc on Unix and MSVC on Windows) requires duplication of effort.
compilers might drag in runtime libraries (or even *nix emulations) on Windows that are painful. Two different C runtimes (e.g. linux libc and msvcrt) to base on complicate your own runtime and its maintenance
You get a big externally versioned blob in your project, which means a major version transition (e.g. a change of mangling could hurts your runtime lib, ABI changes like change of alignment) might require quite some work. Note that this goes for compiler AND externally versioned (parts of the) runtime library. And multiple compilers multiply this. This is not so bad for C as backend though as in the case where you directly connect to (read: bet on) a backend, like being a gcc/llvm frontend.
In many languages that follow this path, you see Cisms trickle through into the main language. Of course this won't happy to you, but you will be tempted :-)
Language functionality that doesn't directly map to standard C (like nested procedures,
and other things that need stack fiddling) are difficult.
If something is wrong, users will be confronted with C level compiler or linker errors that are outside their field of experience. Parsing them and making them your own is painful, specially with multiple compilers and -versions
Note that point 4 also means that you will have to invest time to just keep things working when the external projects evolve. That is time that generally doesn't really go into your project, and since the project is more dynamic, multiplatform releases will need a lot of extra release engineering to cater for change.
So in short, from what I've seen, while such a move allows a swift start (getting a reasonable codegenerator for free for many architectures), there are downsides. Most of them are related to loss of control and poor Windows support of *nix centric projects like gcc. (LLVM is too new to say much on long term, but their rhetoric sounds a lot like gcc did ten years ago). If a project you are hugely dependent on keeps a certain course (like GCC going to win64 awfully slow), then you are stuck with it.
First, decide if you want to have serious non *nix ( OS X being more unixy) support, or only a Linux compiler with a mingw stopgap for Windows? A lot of compilers need first rate Windows support.
Second, how finished must the product become? What's the primary audience ? Is it a tool for the open source developer that can handle a DIY toolchain, or do you want to target a beginner market (like many 3rd party products, e.g. RealBasic)?
Or do you really want to provide a well rounded product for professionals with deep integration and complete toolchains?
All three are valid directions for a compiler project. Ask yourself what your primary direction is, and don't assume that more options will be available in time. E.g. evaluate where projects are now that chose to be a GCC frontend in the early nineties.
Essentially the unix way is to go wide (maximize platforms)
The complete suites (like VS and Delphi, the latter which recently also started to support OS X and has supported linux in the past) go deep and try maximize productivity. (support specially the windows platform nearly completely with deep levels of integration)
The 3rd party projects are less clear cut. They go more after self-employed programmers, and niche shops. They have less developer resources, but manage and focus them better.
As you mentioned, whether C is a good target language depends very much on your source language. So here's a few reasons where C has disadvantages compared to LLVM or a custom target language:
Garbage Collection: A language that wants to support efficient garbage collection needs to know extra information that interferes with C. If an allocation fails, the GC needs to find which values on the stack and in registers are pointers and which aren't. Since the register allocator is not under our control we need to use more expensive techniques such as writing all pointers to a separate stack. This is just one of many issues when trying to support modern GC on top of C. (Note that LLVM also still has some issues in that area, but I hear it's being worked on.)
Feature mapping & Language-specific optimisations: Some languages rely on certain optimisations, e.g., Scheme relies on tail-call optimisation. Modern C compilers can do this but are not guaranteed to do this which could cause problems if a program relies on this for correctness. Another feature that could be difficult to support on top of C is co-routines.
Most dynamically typed languages also cannot be optimised well by C-compilers. For example, Cython compiles Python to C, but the generated C uses calls to many generic functions which are unlikely to be optimised well even by latest GCC versions. Just-in-time compilation ala PyPy/LuaJIT/TraceMonkey/V8 are much more suited to give good performance for dynamic languages (at the cost of much higher implementation effort).
Development Experience: Having an interpreter or JIT can also give you a much more convenient experience for developers -- generating C code, then compiling it and linking it, will certainly be slower and less convenient.
That said, I still think it's a reasonable choice to use C as a compilation target for prototyping new languages. Given that LLVM was explicitly designed as a compiler backend, I would only consider C if there are good reasons not to use LLVM. If the source-level language is very high-level, though, you most likely need an earlier higher-level optimisation pass as LLVM is indeed very low-level (e.g., GHC performs most of its interesting optimisations before generating calling into LLVM). Oh, and if you're prototyping a language, using an interpreter is probably easiest -- just try to avoid features that rely too much on being implemented by an interpreter.
Personally I would compile to C. That way you have a universal intermediary language and don't need to be concerned about whether your compiler supports every platform out there. Using LLVM might get some performance gains (although I would argue the same could probably be achieved by tweaking your C code generation to be more optimizer-friendly), but it will lock you in to only supporting targets LLVM supports, and having to wait for LLVM to add a target when you want to support something new, old, different, or obscure.
As far as I know, C can't query or manipulate processor flags.
This answer is a rebuttal to some of the points made against C as a target language.
Tail call optimizations
Any function that can be tail call optimized is actually equivalent to an iteration (it's an iterative process, in SICP terminology). Additionally, many recursive functions can and should be made tail recursive, for performance reasons, by using accumulators etc.
Thus, in order for your language to guarantee tail call optimization, you would have to detect it and simply not map those functions to regular C functions - but instead create iterations from them.
Garbage collection
It can be actually implemented in C. You can create a run-time system for your language which consists of some basic abstractions over the C memory model - using for example your own memory allocators, constructors, special pointers for objects in the source language, etc.
For example instead of employing regular C pointers for the objects in the source language, a special structure could be created, over which a garbage collection algorithm could be implemented. The objects in your language (more accurately, references) - could behave just like in Java, but in C they could be represented along with meta-information (which you wouldn't have in case you were working just with pointers).
Of course, such a system could have problems integrating with existing C tooling - depends on your implementation and trade-offs that you're willing to make.
Lacking operations
hippietrail noted that C lacks rotate operators (by which I assume he meant circular shift) that are supported by processors. If such operations are available in the instruction set, then they can be added using inline assembly.
The frontend would in this case have to detect the architecture which it's running for and provide the proper snippets. Some kind of a fallback in the form of a regular function should also be provided.
This answer seems to be addressing some core issues seriously. I'd like to see some more substantiation on which problems exactly are caused by C's semantics.
There's a particular case where if you're writing a programming language with strong security* or reliability requirements.
For one, it would take you years to know a big enough subset of C well enough that you know all the C operations you will choose to employ in your compilation are safe and don't evoke undefined behaviour. Secondly, you'd then have to find an implementation of C that you can trust (which would mean a tiny trusted code base, and probably wont be very efficient). Not to mention you'll need to find a trusted linker, OS capable of executing compiled C code, and some basic libraries, all of which would need to be well-defined and trusted.
So in this case you might as well either use assembly language, if you care about about machine independence, some intermediate representation.
*please note that "strong security" here is not related at all to what banks and IT businesses claim to have
Is it a good idea to compile a language to C?
...which begs one obvious question: why do some still think compiling via C is a good idea?
Two big arguments in favour of misusing C in this fashion is that it's stable and standardised:
For GCC, it's C or bust (but there is work underway which may allow other options).
For LLVM, there's the routine breaking of backwards-compatibility in its IR and APIs - what would you prefer: spending time on improving your project or chasing after LLVM?
Providing little more than a promise of stability is somewhat ironic, considering the intended purpose of LLVM.
For these and other reasons, there are various half-done, toy-like, lab-experiment, single-site/use, and otherwise-ignominious via-C backends scattered throughout cyberspace - being abandoned, most have succumbed to bit-rot. But there are some projects which do manage to progress to the mainstream, and their success is then used by via-C supporters to further perpetuate this fantasy.
But if you're one of those supporters, feel free to make fantasy into reality - there's that work happening in GCC, or the resurrected LLVM backend for C. Just imagine it: two well-built, well-maintained via-C backends into which the sum of all prior knowledge can be directed.
They just need you.
Many results in computability theory (such as Kleene's second recursion theorem) ensure that it is possible to construct programs that can operate over their own source code. For example, in Michael Sipser's "Introduction to the Theory of Computation," he proves a special case of the Recursion Theorem, which states that any program representing a function that accepts two strings and produces a string can be converted into an equivalent program where the second argument is equal to the program's own source code. Moreover, this process can be done automatically.
The construction that one uses to produce programs with access to their own source code is well-known (most theory of computation books contain it) and is often used to generate quines. My question is whether someone has written a general-purpose tool that accepts as input a program in some language (perhaps C, for example) that contains some placeholder for the source of the program, then processes the program to produce a new program with access to its own source code. This would make it possible, for example, to generate quines automatically, or to write programs that can introspect on their syntax trees (possibly enabling reflection in languages that don't already support it). If not, I was planning on writing my own version of such a tool, but I don't want to reinvent the wheel if this has already been done.
EDIT: Based on #Henning Makholm's suggestion, I decided to just sit down and implement such a program. The resulting program (which I've dubbed "kleene") accepts as input a C++ program and produces a new C++ program that can access its own source code by calling the function kleene::MySource(). This means that you could transform this very simple program into a Quine using the kleene program:
#include <iostream>
int main() {
std::cout << kleene::MySource() << std::endl;
If you're curious to check it out, it's available here on my website.
Lots of examples at the Wikipedia article and links therefrom. After looking at one or two it should be obvious how to build a quine generator a given language that takes an arbitrary piece of payload code as input.
One problem with your reflection idea is that the program cannot, in general, know that what it has constructed is its own source code.
Our DMS Software Reengineering Toolkit is a program transformation system, that will accept programs in arbitrary syntax (described to DMS in an explicit parameter called a "domain description"), parse them to ASTs, carry out analyses and transformations of the ASTs, and can regenerate revised program text from the modified version.
DMS is of course coded in a language (actually as set of domain-specific languages) for which there are already DMS-domain descriptions. So, DMS can read itself, and we use that capability to bootstrap additional DMS capabilities and optimize its performance.
So while we aren't producing quines, we are building programs with self-enhancing code.
And yes, your observation about such a tool providing reflection for arbitrary langauges is smack on. Most reflection facilities provided in languages allow only access to those things the language-compiler folks thought of paramount importance to access at runtime, such as "method names". Things they weren't interested in, of course, aren't accessible; ever seen a reflection mechanism that will tell you what's in an expression? In a comment?
DMS provides complete access to all the details of the source code, by virtue of inspecting the code from outside, using general purpose, complete mechanisms. If your language doesn't have reflection, DMS is the way to access the code and reason arbitrarily about it. Even if your langauge has reflection, DMS can reason about programs in your language in ways that your language cannot, because it can't get access to its own detailed structure.
I have a requirement for porting some existing C code to a IEC 61131-3 compliant PLC.
I have some options of splitting the code into discrete function blocks and weaving those blocks into a standard solution (Ladder, FB, Structured Text etc). But this would require carving up the C code in order to build each function block.
When looking at the IEC spec I realsied that the IEC Instruction List form could be a target language for a compiler. The wikepedia article lists two development tools:
But these seem to be targeted compiling IEC languages to C, not C to IEC.
Another possible solution is to push the C code through a C to Pascal translator and use that as a starting point for a Structured Text solution.
If not any of these I will go down the route of splitting the code up into function blocks.
As prompted by mlieson's reply I should have mentioned that the C code is an existing real-time control system. So the programs algorithms should already suit a PLC environment.
Maybe this answer comes too late but it is possible to call C code from CoDeSys thanks to an external library.
You can find documentation on the CoDeSys forum at http://forum-en.3s-software.com/viewtopic.php?t=620
That would give you to use your C code into the PLC with minor modifcations. You'll just have to define the functions or function blocks interfaces.
My guess is that a C to Pascal translator will not get you near enough for being worth the trouble. Structured text looks a lot like Pascal, but there are differences that you will need to fix everywhere.
Not a bug issue, but don't forget that PLCs runtime enviroment is a bit different. A C applications starts at main() and ends when main() returns. A PLC calls it main() over and over again, 100:s of times per second and it never ends.
Usally lengthy calculations and I/O needs to be coded in diffent fashion than a C appliation would use.
Unless your C source is many many thousands lines of code - Rewrite it.
It is impossible. To be short: the IL language is a 4GL (i.e. limited to
the domain, as well as other IEC 61131-3 languages -- ST, FBD, LD, SFC).
The C language is a 3GL.
To understand the problem, try to answer the question, which way to
express in IL manipulations with a pointer? for example, to express call a
function by a pointer. What about interrupts? Low level access to the
peripherial devices?
(really, there are more problems)
BTW, there is the Reflex language, aka "C with processes". Reflex is a 4GL for the
control domain with C-like syntax. But the known translators produce
C-code and Python-code.
If the amount of code to convert is a few thousand lines, recoding by hand is probably your best bet.
If you have lots of code to convert, then an automated tool might be very effective.
Using the DMS Software Reengineering Toolkit we've built translators to map mechanical motion diagrams into RLL (PLC) code. DMS also has full C parser/analyzers/front ends. The pieces are there to build a C to RLL code.
This isn't an easy task. It likely takes 6-12 man-months to configure DMS to something resembling what you want. If that's less than what it takes to do by hand, then its the right way to do it.
There are a few IEC development environments and target hardware that can use C blocks... I would also take a look at the reasons why it HAS to be an IEC-61131 complaint target. I have written extensively on compliance and why it doesn't mean squat.
SOFTplc corp can help I'm sure with user defined loadable modules... and they can be in C..
Schneider also supports C function blocks...
Labview too!! not sure why IEC is important that's all!! the compiler if existed would create bad code for sure:)
Your best bet is to split your C code into smaller parts which can be recoded as PLC functional blocks and use C to PASCAL convertor for each block which you will rewrite in structured text. Prepare to do a lot of manual work since automated conversion will probably disappoint you.
Also take a look at this page: http://www.control.com/thread/1026228786
Every time I've done this, I just parsed and converted it by hand from C directly to ST. I only ran into a few functions that required complete rewrites, although there was very little that dealt with pointers, which is something that ST generally chokes on, unfortunately.
Using the existing C code as blocks that are called by the PLC program would have the added advantage that the C blocks could run at the same periodicity that they did before, and their function is likely already well documented and tested. This would minimize any effect on changes from the existing control system. This is an architecture for controls with software PLCs that I have seen used before.
So, I have a penchant for Easter Eggs... this dates back to me being part of the found community of the Easter Egg Archive.
However, I also do a lot of open source programming.
What I want to know is, what do you think is the best way to SYSTEMATICALLY and METHODICALLY obfuscate code.
Examples in PHP/Python/C/C++ preferred, but in other languages is fine, if the methodology is explained properly.
Compile the code with full optimization. Completely strip the binary.
Use a decompiler on the code.
I can guarantee the result will be so utterly unreadable that you won't even be able to read it ;)
In that case, you should use/write an "obfuscator". A program that does the job for you.
The Salamander Obfuscator can be used to obfuscate .Net programs, but it is more to prevent decompilation, thus not exactly what you need.
A good place to learn about obfuscation in C is International Obfuscated C Code Contest
In the spirit of renaming symbols: overuse scope and visibility rules by naming different variables with the same name.
The question is how to create seemingly non-obfuscated code in plain sight (open source) without it appearing to perform another function.
Some obvious methods:
remove comments and as much whitespace as you can without breaking things
join lines
rename variables and functions to be meaningless (preferably 1 character)
For systematic and methodical obfuscation of code, you cannot beat Perl. If you want something that compiles to a binary, there is always APL.
If you are targeting the .NET framework, put your easter egg source code in a resource file as a binhex string. Then you can have one of your initialisaing routines fetch it, decode it and compile it into memory. You can invoke it using reflection.
If you need help with the technical aspects of compiling into memory and calling into the resultant assembly I can give you I library I wrote and a sample program that uses it.
You can use this technology to load plug-ins, which is a legit thing to do and reasonable in an initialiser.