SWRL for choosing the right value? - owl

I'm trying to create an ontology of latin squares and make the reasoner solve it (starting with a simple 2x2 square and going from there) without much success.
The major problem I'm having is writing a rule in a way that sees what values are missing from the square.
I'm using dataProperty hasValue as an integer.
Something like:
Cell(?cell1) ^ hasValue(?cell1,?number1) ^
Cell(?cell2) ^ hasValue(?cell2,?number2) ^
Cell(?cell3) ^ hasValue(?cell3,?number3) ^
Cell(?cell4) ^ differentFrom(?number1, ?number2)
hasValue(?Cell4,"desired result")
Thanks in advance.


Is it possible to insert a matrix bigger than 10x10 in LaTeX? [duplicate]

I have a 3x12 matrix I'd like to input into my LaTeX (with amsmath) document but LaTeX seems to choke when the matrix gets larger than 3x10:
\textbf{e} =
The error: Extra alignment tab has been changed to \cr. tells me that I have more & than the bmatrix environment can handle. Is there a proper way to handle this? It also seems that the alignment for 1's and the -1's are different, is that also expected of the bmatrix?
From the amsmath documentation (texdoc amsmath):
The amsmath package provides some
environments for matrices beyond the
basic array environment of LATEX. The
pmatrix, bmatrix, Bmatrix, vmatrix and
Vmatrix have (respectively) ( ), [
], { }, | |, and ∥
∥ delimiters built in. For naming
consistency there is a matrix
environment sans delimiters. This is
not entirely redundant with the array
environment; the matrix environments
all use more economical horizontal
spacing than the rather prodigal
spacing of the array environment.
Also, unlike the array environment,
you don’t have to give column
specifications for any of the matrix
environments; by default you can have
up to 10 centered columns. (If you
need left or right alignment in a
column or other special formats you
must resort to array.)
i.e. bmatrix defaults to a 10 column maximum.
A footnote adds
More precisely: The maximum number of
columns in a matrix is determined by
the counter MaxMatrixCols (normal
value = 10), which you can change if
necessary using LATEX’s \setcounter or
\addtocounter commands.
If you came to this page looking for the exact command (thanks to Scott Wales for the answer), you want this in your preamble:
Where you can replace 20 with the maximum number of columns you want.
The answer by Scott is correct, but I've since learned you can override the alignment. Taken from http://texblog.net/latex-archive/maths/matrix-align-left-right/
\renewcommand*\env#matrix[1][c]{\hskip -\arraycolsep
\array{*\c#MaxMatrixCols #1}}
Now allows the command:
\begin{bmatrix}[r] ....
to have right-alignment!
Instead of a bmatrix you can use +bmatrix from the tabularray package:
\textbf{e} =

protege DataProperties compare

I have defined a class named "accelerate", set "Equivalent To" function as follow:
currentSpeed some xds:int [ < minSpeed ]
currentSpeed and minSpeed are DataProperties, and these value are assignmented by instance,
for example, create instance currentSpeed=25 minSpeed=30, compare them we know, currentSpeed is less than minSpeed, so I want protege can infer accelerate.
however it does not work, please help me.
Open protege swrltab
Add rule:
car(?c) ^ currentSpeed(?c, ?x) ^ minSpeed(?c, ?y) ^ swrlb: greaterThan(?y, ?x) -> accelerate(?c)

Bison Flex reduce/reduce conflict on dangling else with mid action

I am currently moving a fun-project of mine over to bison/flex as parser and have trouble solving a reduce/reduce conflict:
// https://github.com/X39/yaoosl/blob/master/code-gen/yaoosl.y#L761-L766
ifthen: YST_IF YST_ROUNDO expression code_ifstart YST_ROUNDC codebody code_ifendnoelse
| YST_IF YST_ROUNDO expression code_ifstart YST_ROUNDC ifthen_clsd YST_ELSE code_ifelse ifthen code_ifendelse
ifthen_clsd: codebody
| YST_IF YST_ROUNDO expression code_ifstart YST_ROUNDC ifthen_clsd code_ifelse YST_ELSE ifthen_clsd code_ifendelse
Note: stuff prefixed with code_ are the mid-actions
Could somebody explain to me how to solve this properly and why the "go-to" solution is either wrong or did not worked?
Thanks, X39
Since the two rules are identical up to the code_ifelse (and assuming code_ifelse is an empty rule, like an in-rule action), it can't tell whether to reduce code_ifelse before or after the YST_ELSE. You might be able to fix it by making the two rules consistent with the order of code_ifelse and YST_ELSE.
Some rules-of-thumb for grammars:
Don't use symblic names for single char tokens like '(' and ')' -- it just obfuscates things and makes the grammar hard to read and understand.
Don't use in-rule actions unless absolutely necessary -- it's better to create a single token rule with an end-rule action that does what you need.

SWRL - Unable to substract date time by duration

I'm trying to implement a rule that substract 1 years to a datetime and asign it to a data property using only SWRL
I've got an entity Product which got a data property creationDate equal to 2019-07-15T00:00:00.
My SWRL rule is the following :
Product(?p) ^ creationDate(?p, ?cd) ^ swrlb:yearMonthDuration(?dur, 1, 0)
^ swrlb:subtractYearMonthDurationFromDateTime(?result, ?cd, ?dur)
-> Product(?p) ^ yearBeforeCreation(?p, ?result)
I expect to get yearBeforeCreation equal to 2018-07-15T00:00:00
Right now I've tried the SWRL with Pellet and Drools
Thanks for your help !
I manage to make my SWRL work, look like it was something with protege. I've close/open, rewrite my rule and it work.

setting object properties value for object array in matlab

I have created an array of objects and I would like assign a property value in a vector operation without using a for loop. Unfortunately I get an error.
A simplified example of the problem.
classdef clsMyClass < handle
function obj = clsMyClass()
And when running
vecMyArray = clsMyClass.empty(100,0);
vecMyArray(100) = clsMyClass;
vecMyArray.dblMyProperty1 = 1:100;
We get the following error:
??? Incorrect number of right hand side elements in dot name
assignment. Missing [] around left hand side is a likely cause.
Any help would be appreciated.
I see what you're trying to do now. Use disperse from the MATLAB File Exchange:
>> [vecMyArray.dblMyProperty1] = disperse(1:100);
>> vecMyArray(1).dblMyProperty1
ans =
>> vecMyArray(10).dblMyProperty1
ans =
You can use the deal function for exactly this purpose:
[vecMyArray.dblMyProperty1] = deal(1:100);
See: http://www.mathworks.com/company/newsletters/articles/whats-the-big-deal.html
Edit: No you can't, actually; that'll set them to all be the vector 1:100.
I think you'll find your answer here in "Struct array errors." Even though this is a class, similar rules apply.
Unfortunately missing [] is not the cause, since adding them causes more errors. The cause is that you cannot assign the same value to all fields of the same name at once, you must do it one at a time, as in the following code:
So you'll need:
for ii=1:100
vecMyArray(ii).dblMyProperty1 = ii;
I know it's not satisfying, but I think it at least helps us to definitively understand this error.
