Sum of all the elements of 3 different arrays - arrays

I want and optimized algorithm to find sum of each and every element of array.
for example let 3 array:
a = [1,2,3,4];
b = [5,6];
c = [8,9];
then final sum will be equal to:
I tried doing but the algorithm I used had time complexity O(n^3), so I want anything less than this complexity.
Here is my algorithm:
sum = 0
sum = sum+a[i]+b[j]+c[k];

For this example, a, b and c have 4, 2 and 2 elements respectively. If you want to add them in every combination, there will be 4 * 2 * 2 = 16 terms to add. In those terms, each element of a will appear 4 times, because it will be added to 2 * 2 = 4 combinations of elements of b and c. Similarly, each element of b (or c) will appear 8 times, because it will be added to each 4 * 2 = 8 combinations of each elements of a and c (or b).
So, in the final sum, each element of a will appear 4 times and each element of b and c will appear 8 times. Once you figure that out, you can do fewer number of multiplications and additions to get the result.(Just sum of elements of individual arrays and then multiply these sums by 4 , 8 and 8 respectively).

Each element of a will appear in sums with each element of b and each element of c.
This means that every element in a will appear in a number of sums equal to b.length * c.length.
This is also easy to see from the brute force pseudo-code: (modified for readability)
for i = 0 to a.length
for j = 0 to b.length // happens once for each i
for k = 0 to c.length // happens b.length times for each i
sum += a[i] + ... // happens b.length * c.length times for each i
Generalising this, we come up with the following algorithm:
Sum all elements a, multiply the result by b.length * c.length.
Sum all elements b, multiply the result by a.length * b.length.
Sum all elements c, multiply the result by a.length * b.length.
Return the above three values added together.
This is an O(n) algorithm, where n is the total number of elements or average number of elements per array.


How to iterate through a circular array multiple times in python?

I want to circle through the array multiple times. When I reach the last index, the next index should be the first one.
For example, I have an array of 6 elements
array1 = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
and I have K = 4. K will be the number of elements that I will skip.
In the above example, I will start from array1[0] and skip K elements including the array1[0] element.
So if I skip 4 elements, I will reach array1[4]. If I skip K elements once more, I should skip array1[4], array1[5], array1[0] and array1[1] and reach array1[2]. This process will repeat itself N times.
I tried searching for the solution online because I cannot think of a way to move through the array in circle. I found one solution that says to use modulo operator like this
print a[3 % len(a)]
but I cannot understand this since I am just starting out with python.
Understanding what modulo is will be helpful
To sum up, in this exercise you don't care how many times you went through the array. You only care about "at which position of the current iteration you are" lets say. Therefore, a modulo operation using the length of the array as modulo will give you the remainder of such division, which is exactly what you are looking for.
arr = [1,2,3,4,5]
k = 27
arrlength = len(arr) # 5
reminder = k % arrlength # 27 % 5 = 2
arr[reminder] # 3
So, the modulo operator returns the remainder from the division between two numbers.
6 % 2 = 0 # because 6/2 = 3 with no remainder
6 % 5 = 1 # because 6/5 = 1 (integer part) plus remainder 1
6 % 7 = 6 # because 7 doesn't fit in 6, so all the dividend goes into the remainder
So your problem can be solved by something like this:
arr = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
N = 5
step = 4
for i in range(5):
where N is the number of elements you want to print
This is the same as creating an extended list such as:
b = arr * 1000
and print each element in range(step,(N+1)*step,step).
Of course this method is not optimal since you don't now how many arrays arr you have to concatenate in order not to go out of bounds.
Hope it helped

Number of ways to fill an array of size n , such that the mexium is greater than every element of the array?

We have given an empty array of size n , we need to fill it with natural numbers (we are allowed to repeat).
The condition that must follow is the mex of the array must be greater than all the elements we fill in the array .
Can someone pls help me with the number of ways to do so ?
(Different arrangements of same set of numbers are also considered distinct)
PS:- by mex of a sequence I mean the smallest non negative number that doesn't occur in the sequence
Number of such arrays is equivalent to the number of ordered distributions of values 1..N into buckets (so [A],[B,C] and [B,C][A] are distinct ones). And number of such distributions is described by ordered Bell numbers 1,3,13,75....
Example for N=3
1 1 1 //1 permutation
1 1 2 //3 permutations
1 2 2 //3 permutations
1 2 3 //6 permutations
//13 variants
Generation of distributions themselves for reference. Note that for N values every value might fall into part 1..K, where K is in range 1..N, so numbers of parts corresponding to all values form continuous sequence without holes (cf. your mex)
To calculate number of such distributions, we can use recurrence from Wiki, Python code:
def cnk(n, k):
k = min(k, n - k)
if k <= 0:
return 1 if k == 0 else 0
res = 1
for i in range(k):
res = res * (n - i) // (i + 1)
return res
def orderedbell(n):
a = [0]*(n+1)
a[0] = 1
for m in range(1, n+1):
for i in range(1, m+1):
a[m] += cnk(m, i) * a[m - i]
return a[n]
for i in range(1,10):

Maximum number of subsegments in a circle array

There are n positive numbers (A1 , ... An) on a circle, how do we divide this circle into subsegments with sum greater or equal to m so that number of subsegments are maximum in O(n) , or O(nlogn)
eg :
n = 6 m = 6
3 1 2 3 6 3
ANS = 3
since we can divide the array into three subsegments{[2,4],[5,5],[6,1]}
If there is at least one number greater or equal to m in the array, just cut the array into smallest possible pieces starting from one of these numbers. Otherwise (and if sum of numbers is at least 2*m) use a pointer-chasing algorithm.
This algorithm uses 2 additional arrays: L for chain lengths (initially zero) and S for starting indices (initially equal to own indices: 0, 1, 2, ...). And 2 array indices: F and B (initially zero).
Increment F while sum between F and B is less than m. Then increment B while sum between F and B is greater than m (but stop when is is still greater or equal to m).
Update arrays: L[F] = 1 + L[B], S[F] = S[B].
Repeat steps 1,2 while F<n. While incrementing F on step 1, copy most recently updated values to L[F] and S[F].
Reset F to zero.
Increment F while sum of elements before F and after B is less than m. Then increment B while sum before F and after B is greater than m (but stop when is is still greater or equal to m).
If F <= S[B] use L[B] + 1 to update maximum number of subsegments.
Repeat steps 5,6 while B<n.

Counting according to query

Given an array of N positive elements. Lets suppose we list all N × (N+1) / 2 non-empty continuous subarrays of the array A and then replaced all the subarrays with the maximum element present in the respective subarray. So now we have N × (N+1) / 2 elements where each element is maximum among its subarray.
Now we are having Q queries, where each query is one of 3 types :
1 K : We need to count of numbers strictly greater than K among those N × (N+1) / 2 elements.
2 K : We need to count of numbers strictly less than K among those N × (N+1) / 2 elements.
3 K : We need to count of numbers equal to K among those N × (N+1) / 2 elements.
Now main problem am facing is N can be upto 10^6. So i can't generate all those N × (N+1) / 2 elements. Please help to solve this porblem.
Example : Let N=3 and we have Q=2. Let array A be [1,2,3] then all sub arrays are :
[1] -> [1]
[2] -> [2]
[3] -> [3]
[1,2] -> [2]
[2,3] -> [3]
[1,2,3] -> [3]
So now we have [1,2,3,2,3,3]. As Q=2 so :
Query 1 : 3 3
It means we need to tell count of numbers equal to 3. So answer is 3 as there are 3 numbers equal to 3 in the generated array.
Query 2 : 1 4
It means we need to tell count of numbers greater than 4. So answer is 0 as no one is greater than 4 in generated array.
Now both N and Q can be up to 10^6. So how to solve this problem. Which data structure should be suitable to solve it.
I believe I have a solution in O(N + Q*log N) (More about time complexity). The trick is to do a lot of preparation with your array before even the first query arrives.
For each number, figure out where is the first number on left / right of this number that is strictly bigger.
Example: for array: 1, 8, 2, 3, 3, 5, 1 both 3's left block would be position of 8, right block would be the position of 5.
This can be determined in linear time. This is how: Keep a stack of previous maximums in a stack. If a new maximum appears, remove maximums from the stack until you get to a element bigger than or equal to the current one. Illustration:
In this example, in the stack is: [15, 13, 11, 10, 7, 3] (you will of course keep the indexes, not the values, I will just use value for better readability).
Now we read 8, 8 >= 3 so we remove 3 from stack and repeat. 8 >= 7, remove 7. 8 < 10, so we stop removing. We set 10 as 8's left block, and add 8 to the maximums stack.
Also, whenever you remove from the stack (3 and 7 in this example), set the right block of removed number to the current number. One problem though: right block would be set to the next number bigger or equal, not strictly bigger. You can fix this with simply checking and relinking right blocks.
Compute what number is how many times a maximum of some subsequence.
Since for each number you now know where is the next left / right bigger number, I trust you with finding appropriate math formula for this.
Then, store the results in a hashmap, key would be a value of a number, and value would be how many times is that number a maximum of some subsequence. For example, record [4->12] would mean that number 4 is the maximum in 12 subsequences.
Lastly, extract all key-value pairs from the hashmap into an array, and sort that array by the keys. Finally, create a prefix sum for the values of that sorted array.
Handle a request
For request "exactly k", just binary search in your array, for more/less thank``, binary search for key k and then use the prefix array.
This answer is an adaptation of this other answer I wrote earlier. The first part is exactly the same, but the others are specific for this question.
Here's an implemented a O(n log n + q log n) version using a simplified version of a segment tree.
Creating the segment tree: O(n)
In practice, what it does is to take an array, let's say:
A = [5,1,7,2,3,7,3,1]
And construct an array-backed tree that looks like this:
In the tree, the first number is the value and the second is the index where it appears in the array. Each node is the maximum of its two children. This tree is backed by an array (pretty much like a heap tree) where the children of the index i are in the indexes i*2+1 and i*2+2.
Then, for each element, it becomes easy to find the nearest greater elements (before and after each element).
To find the nearest greater element to the left, we go up in the tree searching for the first parent where the left node has value greater and the index lesser than the argument. The answer must be a child of this parent, then we go down in the tree looking for the rightmost node that satisfies the same condition.
Similarly, to find the nearest greater element to the right, we do the same, but looking for a right node with an index greater than the argument. And when going down, we look for the leftmost node that satisfies the condition.
Creating the cumulative frequency array: O(n log n)
From this structure, we can compute the frequency array, that tells how many times each element appears as maximum in the subarray list. We just have to count how many lesser elements are on the left and on the right of each element and multiply those values. For the example array ([1, 2, 3]), this would be:
[(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3)]
This means that 1 appears only once as maximum, 2 appears twice, etc.
But we need to answer range queries, so it's better to have a cumulative version of this array, that would look like:
[(1, 1), (2, 3), (3, 6)]
The (3, 6) means, for example, that there are 6 subarrays with maxima less than or equal to 3.
Answering q queries: O(q log n)
Then, to answer each query, you just have to make binary searches to find the value you want. For example. If you need to find the exact number of 3, you may want to do: query(F, 3) - query(F, 2). If you want to find those lesser than 3, you do: query(F, 2). If you want to find those greater than 3: query(F, float('inf')) - query(F, 3).
I've implemented it in Python and it seems to work well.
import sys, random, bisect
from collections import defaultdict
from math import log, ceil
def make_tree(A):
n = 2**(int(ceil(log(len(A), 2))))
T = [(None, None)]*(2*n-1)
for i, x in enumerate(A):
T[n-1+i] = (x, i)
for i in reversed(xrange(n-1)):
T[i] = max(T[i*2+1], T[i*2+2])
return T
def print_tree(T):
print 'digraph {'
for i, x in enumerate(T):
print ' ' + str(i) + '[label="' + str(x) + '"]'
if i*2+2 < len(T):
print ' ' + str(i)+ '->'+ str(i*2+1)
print ' ' + str(i)+ '->'+ str(i*2+2)
print '}'
def find_generic(T, i, fallback, check, first, second):
j = len(T)/2+i
original = T[j]
j = (j-1)/2
#go up in the tree searching for a value that satisfies check
while j > 0 and not check(T[second(j)], original):
j = (j-1)/2
#go down in the tree searching for the left/rightmost node that satisfies check
while j*2+1<len(T):
if check(T[first(j)], original):
j = first(j)
elif check(T[second(j)], original):
j = second(j)
return fallback
return j-len(T)/2
def find_left(T, i, fallback):
return find_generic(T, i, fallback,
lambda a, b: a[0]>b[0] and a[1]<b[1], #value greater, index before
lambda j: j*2+2, #rightmost first
lambda j: j*2+1 #leftmost second
def find_right(T, i, fallback):
return find_generic(T, i, fallback,
lambda a, b: a[0]>=b[0] and a[1]>b[1], #value greater or equal, index after
lambda j: j*2+1, #leftmost first
lambda j: j*2+2 #rightmost second
def make_frequency_array(A):
T = make_tree(A)
D = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
for i, x in enumerate(A):
left = find_left(T, i, -1)
right = find_right(T, i, len(A))
D[x] += (i-left) * (right-i)
F = sorted(D.items())
for i in range(1, len(F)):
F[i] = (F[i][0], F[i-1][1] + F[i][1])
return F
def query(F, n):
idx = bisect.bisect(F, (n,))
if idx>=len(F): return F[-1][1]
if F[idx][0]!=n: return 0
return F[idx][1]
F = make_frequency_array([1,2,3])
print query(F, 3)-query(F, 2) #3 3
print query(F, float('inf'))-query(F, 4) #1 4
print query(F, float('inf'))-query(F, 1) #1 1
print query(F, 2) #2 3
You problem can be divided into several steps:
For each element of initial array calculate the number of "subarrays" where current element is maximum. This will involve a bit of combinatorics. First you need for each element to know index of previous and next element that is bigger than current element. Then calculate the number of subarrays as (i - iprev) * (inext - i). Finding iprev and inext requires two traversals of the initial array: in forward and backward order. For iprev you need to traverse you array left to right. During the traversal maintain the BST that contains the biggest of the previous elements along with their index. For each element of original array, find the minimal element in BST that is bigger than current. It's index, stored as value, will be iprev. Then remove from BST all elements that are smaller that current. This operation should be O(logN), as you are removing whole subtrees. This step is required, as current element you are about to add will "override" all element that are less than it. Then add current element to BST with it's index as value. At each point of time, BST will store the descending subsequence of previous elements where each element is bigger than all it's predecessors in array (for previous elements {1,2,44,5,2,6,26,6} BST will store {44,26,6}). The backward traversal to find inext is similar.
After previous step you'll have pairs K→P where K is the value of some element from the initial array and P is the number of subarrays where this element is maxumum. Now you need to group this pairs by K. This means calculating sum of P values of the equal K elements. Be careful about the corner cases when two elements could have share the same subarrays.
As Ritesh suggested: Put all grouped K→P into an array, sort it by K and calculate cumulative sum of P for each element in one pass. It this case your queries will be binary searches in this sorted array. Each query will be performed in O(log(N)) time.
Create a sorted value-to-index map. For example,
[34,5,67,10,100] => {5:1, 10:3, 34:0, 67:2, 100:4}
Precalculate the queries in two passes over the value-to-index map:
Top to bottom - maintain an augmented tree of intervals. Each time an index is added,
split the appropriate interval and subtract the relevant segments from the total:
indexes intervals total sub-arrays with maximum greater than
4 (0,3) 67 => 15 - (4*5/2) = 5
2,4 (0,1)(3,3) 34 => 5 + (4*5/2) - 2*3/2 - 1 = 11
0,2,4 (1,1)(3,3) 10 => 11 + 2*3/2 - 1 = 13
3,0,2,4 (1,1) 5 => 13 + 1 = 14
Bottom to top - maintain an augmented tree of intervals. Each time an index is added,
adjust the appropriate interval and add the relevant segments to the total:
indexes intervals total sub-arrays with maximum less than
1 (1,1) 10 => 1*2/2 = 1
1,3 (1,1)(3,3) 34 => 1 + 1*2/2 = 2
0,1,3 (0,1)(3,3) 67 => 2 - 1 + 2*3/2 = 4
0,1,3,2 (0,3) 100 => 4 - 4 + 4*5/2 = 10
The third query can be pre-calculated along with the second:
indexes intervals total sub-arrays with maximum exactly
1 (1,1) 5 => 1
1,3 (3,3) 10 => 1
0,1,3 (0,1) 34 => 2
0,1,3,2 (0,3) 67 => 3 + 3 = 6
Insertion and deletion in augmented trees are of O(log n) time-complexity. Total precalculation time-complexity is O(n log n). Each query after that ought to be O(log n) time-complexity.

Smallest number that cannot be formed from sum of numbers from array

This problem was asked to me in Amazon interview -
Given a array of positive integers, you have to find the smallest positive integer that can not be formed from the sum of numbers from array.
Array:[4 13 2 3 1]
result= 11 { Since 11 was smallest positive number which can not be formed from the given array elements }
What i did was :
sorted the array
calculated the prefix sum
Treverse the sum array and check if next element is less than 1
greater than sum i.e. A[j]<=(sum+1). If not so then answer would
be sum+1
But this was nlog(n) solution.
Interviewer was not satisfied with this and asked a solution in less than O(n log n) time.
There's a beautiful algorithm for solving this problem in time O(n + Sort), where Sort is the amount of time required to sort the input array.
The idea behind the algorithm is to sort the array and then ask the following question: what is the smallest positive integer you cannot make using the first k elements of the array? You then scan forward through the array from left to right, updating your answer to this question, until you find the smallest number you can't make.
Here's how it works. Initially, the smallest number you can't make is 1. Then, going from left to right, do the following:
If the current number is bigger than the smallest number you can't make so far, then you know the smallest number you can't make - it's the one you've got recorded, and you're done.
Otherwise, the current number is less than or equal to the smallest number you can't make. The claim is that you can indeed make this number. Right now, you know the smallest number you can't make with the first k elements of the array (call it candidate) and are now looking at value A[k]. The number candidate - A[k] therefore must be some number that you can indeed make with the first k elements of the array, since otherwise candidate - A[k] would be a smaller number than the smallest number you allegedly can't make with the first k numbers in the array. Moreover, you can make any number in the range candidate to candidate + A[k], inclusive, because you can start with any number in the range from 1 to A[k], inclusive, and then add candidate - 1 to it. Therefore, set candidate to candidate + A[k] and increment k.
In pseudocode:
candidate = 1
for i from 1 to length(A):
if A[i] > candidate: return candidate
else: candidate = candidate + A[i]
return candidate
Here's a test run on [4, 13, 2, 1, 3]. Sort the array to get [1, 2, 3, 4, 13]. Then, set candidate to 1. We then do the following:
A[1] = 1, candidate = 1:
A[1] ≤ candidate, so set candidate = candidate + A[1] = 2
A[2] = 2, candidate = 2:
A[2] ≤ candidate, so set candidate = candidate + A[2] = 4
A[3] = 3, candidate = 4:
A[3] ≤ candidate, so set candidate = candidate + A[3] = 7
A[4] = 4, candidate = 7:
A[4] ≤ candidate, so set candidate = candidate + A[4] = 11
A[5] = 13, candidate = 11:
A[5] > candidate, so return candidate (11).
So the answer is 11.
The runtime here is O(n + Sort) because outside of sorting, the runtime is O(n). You can clearly sort in O(n log n) time using heapsort, and if you know some upper bound on the numbers you can sort in time O(n log U) (where U is the maximum possible number) by using radix sort. If U is a fixed constant, (say, 109), then radix sort runs in time O(n) and this entire algorithm then runs in time O(n) as well.
Hope this helps!
Use bitvectors to accomplish this in linear time.
Start with an empty bitvector b. Then for each element k in your array, do this:
b = b | b << k | 2^(k-1)
To be clear, the i'th element is set to 1 to represent the number i, and | k is setting the k-th element to 1.
After you finish processing the array, the index of the first zero in b is your answer (counting from the right, starting at 1).
process 4: b = b | b<<4 | 1000 = 1000
process 13: b = b | b<<13 | 1000000000000 = 10001000000001000
process 2: b = b | b<<2 | 10 = 1010101000000101010
process 3: b = b | b<<3 | 100 = 1011111101000101111110
process 1: b = b | b<<1 | 1 = 11111111111001111111111
First zero: position 11.
Consider all integers in interval [2i .. 2i+1 - 1]. And suppose all integers below 2i can be formed from sum of numbers from given array. Also suppose that we already know C, which is sum of all numbers below 2i. If C >= 2i+1 - 1, every number in this interval may be represented as sum of given numbers. Otherwise we could check if interval [2i .. C + 1] contains any number from given array. And if there is no such number, C + 1 is what we searched for.
Here is a sketch of an algorithm:
For each input number, determine to which interval it belongs, and update corresponding sum: S[int_log(x)] += x.
Compute prefix sum for array S: foreach i: C[i] = C[i-1] + S[i].
Filter array C to keep only entries with values lower than next power of 2.
Scan input array once more and notice which of the intervals [2i .. C + 1] contain at least one input number: i = int_log(x) - 1; B[i] |= (x <= C[i] + 1).
Find first interval that is not filtered out on step #3 and corresponding element of B[] not set on step #4.
If it is not obvious why we can apply step 3, here is the proof. Choose any number between 2i and C, then sequentially subtract from it all the numbers below 2i in decreasing order. Eventually we get either some number less than the last subtracted number or zero. If the result is zero, just add together all the subtracted numbers and we have the representation of chosen number. If the result is non-zero and less than the last subtracted number, this result is also less than 2i, so it is "representable" and none of the subtracted numbers are used for its representation. When we add these subtracted numbers back, we have the representation of chosen number. This also suggests that instead of filtering intervals one by one we could skip several intervals at once by jumping directly to int_log of C.
Time complexity is determined by function int_log(), which is integer logarithm or index of the highest set bit in the number. If our instruction set contains integer logarithm or any its equivalent (count leading zeros, or tricks with floating point numbers), then complexity is O(n). Otherwise we could use some bit hacking to implement int_log() in O(log log U) and obtain O(n * log log U) time complexity. (Here U is largest number in the array).
If step 1 (in addition to updating the sum) will also update minimum value in given range, step 4 is not needed anymore. We could just compare C[i] to Min[i+1]. This means we need only single pass over input array. Or we could apply this algorithm not to array but to a stream of numbers.
Several examples:
Input: [ 4 13 2 3 1] [ 1 2 3 9] [ 1 1 2 9]
int_log: 2 3 1 1 0 0 1 1 3 0 0 1 3
int_log: 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
S: 1 5 4 13 1 5 0 9 2 2 0 9
C: 1 6 10 23 1 6 6 15 2 4 4 13
filtered(C): n n n n n n n n n n n n
number in
[2^i..C+1]: 2 4 - 2 - - 2 - -
C+1: 11 7 5
For multi-precision input numbers this approach needs O(n * log M) time and O(log M) space. Where M is largest number in the array. The same time is needed just to read all the numbers (and in the worst case we need every bit of them).
Still this result may be improved to O(n * log R) where R is the value found by this algorithm (actually, the output-sensitive variant of it). The only modification needed for this optimization is instead of processing whole numbers at once, process them digit-by-digit: first pass processes the low order bits of each number (like bits 0..63), second pass - next bits (like 64..127), etc. We could ignore all higher-order bits after result is found. Also this decreases space requirements to O(K) numbers, where K is number of bits in machine word.
If you sort the array, it will work for you. Counting sort could've done it in O(n), but if you think in a practically large scenario, range can be pretty high.
Quicksort O(n*logn) will do the work for you:
def smallestPositiveInteger(self, array):
candidate = 1
n = len(array)
array = sorted(array)
for i in range(0, n):
if array[i] <= candidate:
candidate += array[i]
return candidate
