readQuery not working with pagination in Apollo & GraphQL app - reactjs

I've got the following setup for my app. I have a LinkList component that renders a list of Link components. Then I also have a CreateLink component to create new links. Both are rendered under different routes with react-router:
<Route exact path='/create' component={CreateLink}/>
<Route exact path='/:page' component={LinkList}/>
The Link type in my GraphQL schema looks as follows:
type Link implements Node {
url: String!
postedBy: User! #relation(name: "UsersLinks")
votes: [Vote!]! #relation(name: "VotesOnLink")
comments: [Comment!]! #relation(name: "CommentsOnLink")
I'm using Apollo Client and want to use the imperative store API to update the list after new Link was created in the CreateLink component.
await this.props.createLinkMutation({
variables: {
update: (store, { data: { createLink } }) => {
const data = store.readQuery({ query: ALL_LINKS_QUERY }) // ERROR
console.log(`data: `, data)
The problem is that store.readQuery(...) throws an error:
proxyConsole.js:56 Error: Can't find field allLinks({}) on object (ROOT_QUERY) {
"allLinks({\"first\":2,\"skip\":10})": [
"type": "id",
"id": "Link:cj3ucdguyvzdq0131pzvn37as",
"generated": false
"_allLinksMeta": {
"type": "id",
"id": "$ROOT_QUERY._allLinksMeta",
"generated": true
Here is how I am fetching the list of links in my LinkList component:
export const ALL_LINKS_QUERY = gql`
query AllLinksQuery($first: Int, $skip: Int) {
allLinks(first: $first, skip: $skip) {
postedBy {
votes {
_allLinksMeta {
export default graphql(ALL_LINKS_QUERY, {
name: 'allLinksQuery',
options: (ownProps) => {
const { pathname } = ownProps.location
const page = parseInt(pathname.substring(1, pathname.length))
return {
variables: {
skip: (page - 1) * LINKS_PER_PAGE,
fetchPolicy: 'network-only'
}) (LinkList)
I am guessing that the issue somehow has to do with my pagination approach, but I still don't know how to fix it. Can someone point me into the right direction here?

How to read a paginated list from the store depends on how you do the pagination. If you're using fetchMore, then all the data will be stored under the original keys of the query, which in this case I guess was fetched with { first: 2, skip: 0 }. That means in order to read the updated list from the store, you would have to use the same parameters, using { first: 2, skip: 0 } as variables.
PS: The reason Apollo does it this way is because it still allows you to relatively easily update a list via a mutation or update store. If each page was stored separately, it would be very complicated to insert an item in the middle or the beginning of the list, because all of the pages would potentially have to be shifted.
That said, we might introduce a new client-side directive called #connection(name: "ABC") which would let you explicitly specify under which key the connection is to be stored, instead of automatically storing it under the original variables. Happy to talk more about it if you want to open an issue on Apollo Client.


GraphQL on component load, Query will sometimes return populated properties as null

I am using graphQl with react with apollo client and mongoose. Sometimes when I click on a component. rand om data will return from this useQuery as null.
// must define novel as a state to use useEffect correctly
const [novel, setNovel] = useState({});
const { loading, data } = useQuery(GET_NOVEL, {
variables: { _id: novelId }
// use effect ensures that all novel data is completely loaded
// before rendering the SingleNovel page
useEffect(() => {
// if there's data to be stored
if (data) {
}, [data, loading, novel]);
export const GET_NOVEL = gql`
query getNovel($_id: ID!) {
novel(_id: $_id) {
user {
reviews {
Specifically, the novel.user.username and reviews.rating property come back as null. On reload of the page however, the data seems to populate the fields normally.
How can I fix this?
Heres the resolver
novel: async (parent, { _id }) => {
// returns single novel from the novel id given
const novel = await Novel.findOne({ _id })
// populate the reviews for the novel but also populate
// the info within the reviews of the user who made each review.
path: 'reviews',
populate: {path: 'user'}
return novel;

Gatsby: Creating Pages from Contentful Fields

Each of my posts on Contentful has some associated 'categories' with it. For example, one post might contain:
major: "HCD"
year: "1st Year"
tools: ["R", "Python", "Wordpress"]
These are just fields called major, year etc. with these values but they are treated as individual categories.
On the website, they are displayed as such:
I am trying to create a page for each of these categories. For example, if a user clicks on Photoshop, they should be taken to a page tags/photoshop and all posts containing that tag should be listed out.
Fortunately, I was able to find this guide to help me do this. However, the guide is not for Contentful data so I'm having a bit of trouble on how to do this. I have created the tagsTemplate.jsx and but I'm stuck at creating the actual pages.
For example, this is what I did to try and create pages for tools:
My gatsby-node.js file looks like this:
const path = require(`path`)
const _ = require('lodash');
exports.createSchemaCustomization = ({ actions }) => {
const { createTypes } = actions
const typeDefs = `
type contentfulPortfolioDescriptionTextNode implements Node {
description: String
major: String
author: String
tools: [String]
files: [ContentfulAsset]
contact: String
type ContentfulPortfolio implements Node {
description: contentfulPortfolioDescriptionTextNode
gallery: [ContentfulAsset]
id: ID!
name: String!
related: [ContentfulPortfolio]
slug: String!
major: String!
files: [ContentfulAsset]
author: String!
tools: [String]!
year: String!
thumbnail: ContentfulAsset
url: String
contact: String
exports.createPages = ({ graphql, actions }) => {
const { createPage } = actions
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
portfolio: allContentfulPortfolio {
nodes {
`).then(({ errors, data }) => {
if (errors) {
if (data && data.portfolio) {
const component = path.resolve("./src/templates/portfolio-item.jsx"){ slug }) => {
path: `/${slug}`,
context: { slug },
const tools =;
const tagTemplate = path.resolve(`src/templates/tagsTemplate.js`);
let tags = [];
// Iterate through each post, putting all found tags into `tags`
tags = tags.concat(tools);
// Eliminate duplicate tags
tags = _.uniq(tags);
// Make tag pages
tags.forEach(tag => {
path: `/tags/${_.kebabCase(tag)}/`,
component: tagTemplate,
context: {
console.log("Created Pages For" + tags)
My tagsTemplate is minimal right now, since I don't know how to query the data:
import React from 'react';
import Layout from "../layouts/Layout"
const Tags = ({ data }) => {
return (
export default Tags;
The problem: When I visit the page for one of the tags I know exists (like photoshop), I get a 404. Why are these pages not being created?
What am I doing wrong and how can I fix it? How can this be generalized for three of my 'categories'?
According to what you said in the comments:
I tried console.log(tags) but is shows it as undefined
I did that and it is just a blank space. Does that mean there is nothing in tags at all?
Your contact function looks good, the approach is good since you are adding the tools (list of tags) into a new array to clean it up and leaving unique values (uniq). Once done, you loop through the unique tags and create pages based on that array.
That said, there are a few weak points where your house of cards can fall apart. Your issue start in this line:
const tools =;
And propagates through the code.
nodes is an array so, to get any value you should do:
const tools = data.portfolio.nodes[0].tools;
To get the first position and so on...
Since tools is never populated, the rest of the code doesn't work.
You can easily fix it looping through the nodes and populating your tags array with something similar to:
const toolNodes = data.portfolio.nodes;
const tagTemplate = path.resolve(`src/templates/tagsTemplate.js`);
let tags = [];
// Iterate through each post, putting all found tags into `tags` => tags.push(;
// if the fetched data is still an array you can do => tags.push(;
// Eliminate duplicate tags
tags = _.uniq(tags);
// Make tag pages
tags.forEach(tag => {
path: `/tags/${_.kebabCase(tag)}/`,
component: tagTemplate,
context: {
console.log("Created Pages For" + tags)

ApolloClient v3 fetchMore with nested query results

I'm using ApolloClient 3 the GitHub GraphQL API to retrieve all releases from a repo.
This is what the query looks like:
query ($owner: String!, $name: String!, $first: Int, $after: String, $before: String) {
repository(owner: $owner, name: $name) {
releases(orderBy: {field: CREATED_AT, direction: DESC}, first: $first, after: $after, before: $before) {
nodes {
pageInfo {
This is what the result payload looks like:
This returns me the first x entries (nodes). So far, all good.
I need to implement pagination and I make use of the fetchMore function provided by ApolloClient useQuery. Calling fetchMore fetches the next x entries successfully but these are not displayed in my component list.
According to the ApolloClient Pagination documentation, it seems necessary to handle the merging of the fetchMore results with the ApolloClient caching mechanism. The documentation is understandable for simple situations but I am struggling to implement a solution for the situation where the actual array of results that needs to be merged togeher is deeply nested in the query result (repository -> releases -> nodes).
This is my implementation of the InMemoryCache options merge:
const inMemoryCacheOptions = {
addTypename: true,
typePolicies: {
ReleaseConnection: {
fields: {
nodes: {
merge(existing, incoming, options) {
const previous = existing || []
const results = [...previous, ...incoming]
return results
The results array here contains the full list, including the existing entries and the new x entries. This is essentially the correct result. However, my component list which is using the useQuery and fetchMore functionality does not get the new entries after the fetchMore is called.
I have tried various combinations in the inMemoryCacheOptions code above but so far I have been unsuccessful.
To add more context, this is the related component code:
export default function Releases() {
const { loading, error, data, fetchMore } = useQuery(releasesQuery, {
variables: {
owner: "theowner",
name: "myrepo",
first: 15
if (loading) return null;
if (error) {
return null;
if (data) {
const handleFetchMore = () => {
variables: {
first: 15,
after: data?.repository?.releases?.pageInfo?.endCursor
return (
{data?.repository?.releases?.nodes?.map(release => (
<li key={}>{}</li>
<button onClick={handleFetchMore}>Fetch More</button>
After fetchMore the component doesn't rerender with the new data.
If anyone has any other ideas that I could try, I'd be grateful.
I finally managed to solve this. There was no change to the react component code but the InMemoryCacheOptions now looks like this:
const inMemoryCacheOptions = {
addTypename: true,
typePolicies: {
Repository: {
fields: {
releases: {
keyArgs: false,
merge(existing, incoming) {
if (!incoming) return existing;
if (!existing) return incoming;
const { nodes, } = incoming;
// We only need to merge the nodes array.
// The rest of the fields (pagination) should always be overwritten by incoming
let result = rest;
result.nodes = [...existing.nodes, ...nodes];
return result;
The main change from my original code is that I now define the typePolicy for the releases field of the Repository type. Previously I was trying to get directly to the nodes field of the Release type. Since my Repository type the root of the gql query and used in the component, it now reads the merged results from the cache.
If I specified the typePolicy for Query as mentioned in the docs, I would not be able to specify the merge behaviour for the releases field because it would be one level too deep (i.e. Query -> repository -> releases). This is what lead to my confusion in the beginning.

How to query Wordpress relational fields with GraphQL?

I am facing an issue while trying to query Custom Post Type of type "relation ship" from Wordpress with GraphQL.
When I try to query this kind of field of type "post" it just results into this error, and it breaks all the query:
"message": "Abstract type WpPostObjectUnion must resolve to an Object type at runtime for field WpPage_HomepageContent_heroSlider.buttonLink with value { typename: "ActionMonitorAction" }, received "undefined". Either the WpPostObjectUnion type should provide a "resolveType" function or each possible type should provide an "isTypeOf" function.",
This is the part of the query making troubles:
query HomePageQuery {
allWpPage(filter: {slug: {eq: "home"}}) {
nodes {
homepage_content {
heroSlider {
buttonLink {
... on WpPost {
Any idea about how to solve this or a direction to do some researches ?
I found a solution to get the datas I need for Acf field of type "Relational : Link to page or article" like that:
exports.createSchemaCustomization = ({ actions }) => {
const { createTypes } = actions
const typeDefs = `
type WpPage_HomepageContent_heroSlider implements Node {
buttonLink: WpPost
exports.createResolvers = ({ createResolvers }) => {
const resolvers = {
Query: {
allButtonLink: {
type: ["WpPage_HomepageContent_heroSlider"],
resolve(source, args, context, info) {
return context.nodeModel.getAllNodes({ type: "ActionMonitorAction" })
But it's an heavy solution and I think that would involve do the same for each Acf field of this type...
The best solution: I finnaly decided to set our ACF link field to type "Relational: Link".
This way it's simpler, I don't need any "createSchemaCustomization" or "createResolvers" workaround to get my slug in my buttonLink field in GraphQL and contributors can still easely select articles in Wordpress backoffice.
buttonLink now return me:
"buttonLink": {
"url": "/2020/09/04/article-test/",
"target": "",
"title": "Article test avec image en avant"
And that's all what I need

How to query relational data with GraphQL, Firebase and Gatsby

I'm building a Gatsby.js site.
The site uses the gatsby-source-firestore plugin to connect to the Firestore data source.
My question is this. How can I query relational data? As in, fetch data from two models at once, where modelA[x] = modelB[y]
I don't really understand resolvers. I don't think I have any.
Note, I am not considering currently. I'd like to stick with Firebase. I will do the relational data matching in pure JS if I have to (not GraphQL).
Here is what my gatsby-config.js looks like:
resolve: 'gatsby-source-firestore',
options: {
credential: require('./firebase-key.json'),
databaseURL: '',
types: [
type: 'Users',
collection: 'users',
map: user => ({
firstName: user.firstName,
lastName: user.lastName,
ownsHat: user.ownsHat,
hatId: user.hatId
type: 'Hats',
collection: 'hats',
map: hat => ({
hatType: hat.hatType,
hatUserId: hat.hatUserId,
hatId: hat.hatId
This pulls in two flat data models. I can query like this in-page:
export const query = graphql`
query {
allUsers {
edges {
node {
What I'm looking for is a query that lets me write one query inside another i.e. a relational data query within a query.
export const query = graphql`
query {
allUsers {
edges {
node {
...UserFragment {
hats (user.userId == hat.userId){
As you can understand, this amounts to: How to run multiple GraphQL queries of relational data.
Given the nature of Firestore's flat JSON, this makes the relational aspect of GraphQL difficult.
I'm really keen to understand this better and would really appreciate being pointed down the right path.
I am really keen on sticking with GraphQL and Firebase.
I'm not sure this works in graphql but in Gatsby you can use gatsby-node to create and alter your nodes and inject hats to each user node. Here's an example code I'm using to add authors to a Post node:
const mapAuthorsToPostNode = (node, getNodes) => {
const author = getPostAuthorNode(node, getNodes);
if (author) node.authors___NODES = [];
exports.sourceNodes = ({actions, getNodes, getNode}) => {
const {createNodeField} = actions;
getCollectionNodes('posts', getNodes).forEach(node => {
mapAuthorsToPostNode(node, getNodes);
This is one way to do it provided the records are not in huge numbers. If they are, you should create a hats page to display user hats where you query just the hats filtered by user id which is received via a paceContext param such as user id.
export const pageQuery = graphql`
query($userId: String) {
hats: allHats(
filter: {
userId: {eq: $userId}
) {
edges {
node {
