Did you see the first page of IDM (Internet Download Manager)??
IDM first form
Now i'm trying to build some buttons like these buttons(above picture) but I don't know how I must start? Is there any software for it? These buttons change their mode when hover mouse on them.
Have nice day
Start with a ToolStrip control and add a Button to it using the DropDown control on it. Change the DisplayStyle to ImageAndText, and TextImageRelation to ImageAboveText. Now change the Image property to your Icon image, and ImageScaling to None.
On the ToolStrip itself, change GripStyle to Hidden.
So here's the idea of it...
I have an application that I am designing with WPF. It has a Main Window with a frame inside to navigate through pages. The navigation aspect is done through the window (kind of like a template with a footer that has the navigation controls) and the pages have the individual content. On certain pages I would like to have an ADD (+) button that causes a popup that has a form inside to add personal information to the database (First name, last name, address, .etc) While this popup is open I would not like them to be able to access any other part of the application until they press OK or CANCEL. I'd like to be able to call this popup from the individual pages unless there is another workaround.
Any ideas or assistance would be appreciated!
some wpf popups Here and Here.
Like the title said,how may i turn the grid(or page) and the components in it into background gray and unable and show a new component in foreground.
It's a common effect in the web page,but i cannot do that with a xaml.
Please answer in detail better with sample code if you do.Thanks in advance.
Here's an example of using a Popup to display a UserControl when a Page is navigated to. The OnNavigatedTo function creates a popup, binds a Click event to the UserControl, and then shows the UserControl over the entire page. If the correct password is entered, ("password" in the example) the control disappears. You'll need to modify it for your own requirements, but it should definitely get you started.
You'll want to use the VisualStateManager and create some animation transitions to switch between the old and new components. I won't paste the code here for brevity, but if you check out:
You'll see a simple example of switching between two UI components on a single page within a Windows Phone 7 PhoneApplicationPage. In your scenario, you'd use this paradigm to create 2 animation storyboards, one for showing an overlay control and one for settings the 'disabled' property on the main grid.
I have an intranet (office) website in which I am using telerik tooltip to guide users about every link, buttons etc, it is a little help system that allows the new users to know what this link do and what that link do. I was thinking that while it will be helpful to new users it will be a hindrance for old users so it will be better if user can toggle the tooltip system so I placed a checkbox below with label "Enable Help System", but I can't seem to figure out the logic through which I can disable the tooltip to appear as user uncheck the box, the Enabled = false property is not working and tooltip still appearing even after postback.
Any ideas/advices ?
You could either set Visible=false (in which case, the tooltip control will not be rendered on the page at all), or as an alternative - you could set ShowEvent=FromCode (in case you are using some other event to show the tooltip - OnMouseOver etc.)
there's "show all files" check button in solution explorer tab in visual studio. How can I make such a button ? /* give me a class */
My manager wants exactly the same button and it's behavior ..
Or is it not "free" button ?
Edit: I see some people didn't understand my question. Some explainations:
I need a check button exactly like in visual studio (like "show all files" button). I need a "check" bahavior when I clicked a button it shows some half-transparent blue layer on a button image. And I need a mouse hover behavior when a half-transparent blue layer added to a button image. I hope you understand my english
It is a button. Create a button, assign an image (if you want the pretty picture) and put an OnClick event handler in. In your event handler, you'll need to add the code to do what is required.
Solution Explorer provides you with an organized view of your projects and their files in treeview.You can do this
by implementing your own treeview and showing all the files and folders inside the root folder.
you can check this thread to get started with treeview
I need a check button exactly like in visual studio (like "show all files" button).
I'm assuming you need a button that looks like the button in VS, not a button that behaves like the button in VS.
It's a toolbar button. Add a Toolstrip to your form, add a button to the toolstrip, set the CheckOnClick property to true and add a custom image.
I am looking for a way to once I see a form by Name add a button to that form and when the user clicks the added button, pull information from the form. For example, if I see the for title - "Stack Overflow - Wnidows Internet Explorer" I would add a button "MyButton" on the form, and when that button is clicked, I would "pull" the information from the "search" box. It should work on Web or Win forms.
Any help would be greatly appreicated.
I found my answer
You need to get the window handle to the form in question.
To put the button on another form you need to create the button and set its owner to the other window and set the buttons window position.
You can use the same window handle to enumerate the child windows to get the text if its an edit control.