Is it possible to implement Fingerprint authentication in React.js - reactjs

I am using React.js to build mobile application. But I don't know how to implement fingerprint authentication like iPhone or android in React.js. I found there are a few plugin for React-Native. But I need it for react.js.
Can anybody help me to give a good advice or guideline for ReactJs?

You can try using webauthn . Webauthn gives the option to use the fingerprint .

I haven't tried myself but perhaps use a js library like this?


How to do Google signIn integration in react native without firebase (in Android)?

Here I'm just start learning react native(latest version). I almost cover all the basic in react-native, Now I want to use Google Authentication in my app without firebase. I read almost every documents which is present on google but still not able to find how to do this or may be I'm not able to get these documents correctly.
Here Is anyone who guide me how to Google Authentication in React Native in simple way?
i am not an expert react native developer but i have some experience doing React.js. I faced the same problem and the solution below helped me :
Give it a try it may help :)

How can I add Dropbox component to React Native application?

I tried to implement it through Dropbox but was not able to do it because of the crappy documentation. Can you please help with this?
there is open source sample project for dropbox implementation in react native
check this

Can I develop chrome extension using native react js?

I am very new to reactjs and native react. I need some suggestions and well-explained tutorial links about these. My question is can I develop web google chrome extension using native react? Can this extension will run on all platforms? If yes, then how? If no, then what is an alternative to this? I want to build platform independent web google chrome extension using native react. Please provide me some simple tutorial links for this.

Integrate reactjs with postgraphile

Am new to reactjs trying to integrate postgres with reactjs. Is there any way to integrate postgraphile with reactjs.
If so, please help me with a code or tutorial link.
Here are a collection of app examples using PostGraphile, some of these involve React:
Also check out and
While there's already an accepted answer here, it missed stating something obvious: the way you "integrate reactjs and postgraphile" is by using a GraphQL client library (eg. Apollo, Relay, Lokka, etc.) in your React application to access the API that postgraphile creates.

Can I use Bootstrap for developing PWA & React

I am going to develop a cross platform mobile app using PWA and React and as I am new to these technologies I wonder what is the best and simplest way to make it responsive.
I know that it's possible to use Media Query.
But it seems more works to be done comparing to Bootstrap but unfortunately I couldn't find any document guiding me that is it possible to use these three in the same project or if there will be any conflict.
I would appreciate to have any advice regarding the best way to make a PWA and React project, responsive.
You can use Bootstrap, React, AngularJS or whatever library or framework that you prefer, there's some rules and you have to implement them in your application to make it PWA.
