Multiple AngularJS services auth token in a centralized place/ component - angularjs

For multiple AngularJS services that makes it's own Web API calls, we need to store the authentication token in a centralized place and it shouldn't be repeated. Where should we save the authentication token? I guess we need to write a authentication AngularJS service that would be responsible for log-in/log-out and it stores the generated token in client local storage so this token can be sent with each request to access secure resources on the back-end API. Kindly answer me if my understanding in correct.


How to keep authentication token safe in js web apps?

I am not sure if I should create it here on StackOverflow or another stackexchange channel, but let's try here.
We have a web api made in core which uses the basic authentication where another web app post some login data to the api and it respond a token for the next requests. The client app stores this token and the next request to get/post data uses this token key for authentication. It works fine from the api perspective.
The point here is our web app. We are building it using react.js and the point how to keep the authentication token safe. We store the token on the current app (which is executed in a web browser). We have a feeling about store it on the browser because bad users can access the console on devTools and investigate how to to get the token from the global variables on the react app (just a sample). Given this point the questions are: How to deal with it to keep the back-end and front-end safe? How make sure the users cannot get the auth token and use it on another apps?
We were thinking in creating a kind of server-side channel just to store the authentication token like the picture bellow:
The web browser app make requests to server-side channel to get/post some data;
The server-side channel make a new request the API defining the authentication token and repassing the get/post data;
The api process the request and respond;
The server-side channel get a response from api and send it to the browser;
The web browser app get the final response.
It could work and keep it safe, but another question is: How computationally expensive is that?
Is there any possible solutions or suggestions how to deal with it?
Thank you.
Use JWT access tokens against your API and authenticate your SPA with an identity provider using an Open ID Connect flow (OIDC).
There are lots of examples of this, Identity Server is a common OIDC implementation with examples,
Once you've gone through the OIDC flow and acquired an access token for the user, you can store this client side safely, as
The access token has an inbuilt lifetime and once it's expired can no longer be used. Good practice is to keep this lifetime short (thus limiting the attack vector) and provide some sort of token refresh logic to automatically keep the user working against the API, as long as they keep the SPA open.
Your netcore web api has all the libraries it needs to do token validation / lifetime valdiation etc. This has been made very simple at the API layer
NB: I mention safely as there is still an attack vector, someone who acquires the JWT can act as that user for the lifetime of the token against your API, they are the bearer of the token. It's up to you to make sure the lifetimes of your tokens are sane and the the process for acquiring a new token is as secure as possible
There are a lot of examples on how to implement this, and whether or not you want to use your own Identity Server or use a solution such as Auth0.
Don't try and roll your own security solution. Stick to the specs and standards and adhere to all the industry best practices, making use of battle-tested libraries.
store token in local storage in web browser in encrypted form

LoopBack 3 and SPA - where should I store the token?

I have some questions about the login process in LoopBack 3 and modern SPA
The access token generated from users/login is JWT?
How to properly (safely) store a token generated from users/login on the modern SPA side? Just save them in localStorage or Cookies and after reading, attach them to API queries?
The accessToken generated by Loopback is not a JWT. It does not contain encrypted user data.
You could store it as a cookie on the browser and attach it to subsequent API queries.
Usually I use Redis to store my accesstokens so that the server can be stateless. This is a better solution if you have autoscaling configured.

How can multiple services re-use the authentication cookie?

I want to understand how a static site with no backend can use okta with other custom API services hosted on other platforms.
Website is a angluar/reactjs that is hosted as a "static" website.
I'm assuming when you authenticate using okta in e.g. react/angular website I am able to store the okta session id in local storage or cookie.
How say I create a web service and host that on heroku, how can I figure out if the user has authenticated or not and re-use the session?
The scenario where you have:
A JavaScript frontend application, hosted statically
A backend web service (API), that the JavaScript app makes API requests to
is a classic single-page app (SPA) scenario. The recommended authentication flow is the OpenID Connect implicit flow.
In plain English, you are:
Setting up your JavaScript app to talk to Okta (or another OpenID Connect identity provider)
Getting an access token from the identity provider
Attaching the access token to an API request to authorize it
Your API service could be running on Heroku, or somewhere else. In your API service code, you have to validate the access token before you decide to accept the request. The API service can go back and talk to the identity provider to determine if the user's access token is still valid.
How the API service validates the token depends on what language you are using to build your API service. But, that's basic idea: the access token is what authorizes the user's requests.

OAuth implict grant flow and refresh token

For now I have Asp.Net WebAPI and client application (Angular) on separate hosts. As for authentication, WebAPI uses default external OAuth provider (Google) implementation with middlewares, external bearer token and cookie. Since web application is being hosted separately, for security reasons it is using Implicit grant flow, so access_token is being returned after hash symbol in URI. Also, it means that refresh token can not be implemented.
Here comes the part I am a bit confused about.
As for my WebAPI I am using Local accounts, which have to be created for every new user that comes to my application externaly (from Google) using basic information it provides. So the external bearer token and cookie are only used till I register the user, sign him in and provide LOCAL AUTHORITY bearer token which can be used to access secured API endpoints. It means I still have the LOCAL AUTHORITY provider which lives in my WebAPI and manages access_tokens.
Does it mean that I can implement refresh token?
If I understand correctly refresh token is not valid between Google and my app (because it is using implicit grant flow), but it is viable between my WebAPI and Client application without leaving security holes?
I am a bit confused about the refresh token here. Is it possible?
Thanks for your time.
Kind of Solution
Read this answer for the solution

Can JWT be used across different AngularJS Apps?

I have a Laravel 5.1 API that is connected to an AngularJS Frontend.
Can I do this..
Have one (hosted on mydomain/public) AngularJS App with the sole purpose of authenticating the user and getting a JWT token from the Laravel API Backend
Somehow passing this same Token to a second (hosted on mydomain/secure) AngularJS in order to authenticate the user and the access the App.
I know the token is saved on the local storage so I don't see a reason why I can not or would I have to merge the two apps together.
Yeah. They are not related to the number of Ng-App or instances of Angular apps you define.
How JSON Web Tokens Work ??
A browser or mobile client makes a request to the authentication server containing user login information. The authentication server generates a new JWT access token and returns it to the client. On every request to a restricted resource, the client sends the access token in the query string or Authorization header. The server then validates the token and, if it’s valid, returns the secure resource to the client.
So server logic is not dependent on if your front end is single page or multi page.
You can read this post for more clarity:
