There is limit on google cloud projects and firebase projects? - google-app-engine

I build websites, maybe 100 per year maybe more and I start to use Firebase and Google cloud for my hosting and as a backend but after some projects on blade for firebase I am not able to create new projects.
I make project quota to increase my projects but I don't have any response
My point is there is any alternative for hosting angular 2 apps with node.js

There are lot more of hosting options available on google cloud than only firebase.
Google App Engine(Standard) is one of them. They even give you a predefined run time environment. If you want to use node.js in the background you just have to mention node as your runtime environment in the application configuration file.
Then there is Google App Engine(flexible)
If you want to create your own virtual machine and create your own servers you can choose Google Compute Engine


Do I need to enable App Engine Admin API for deployment?

On GCP, I run Cloud Build from one project and deploy code to App Engine in another project. It looks like the project where build runs from needs to have App Engine Admin API enabled. Is it a real request or I missed the real configurations?
App Engine Admin API is required as it is used for any App Engine-related management operations
Also, based on the link above:
The Admin API provides you with:
An integration point for your development and build tools.
Tighter control around deploying new versions, including the ability to automate traffic
migration between two versions or traffic splitting across one or more versions.
The ability to programmatically manage applications across multiple Google Cloud projects.
So yes, if you plan on deploying code to App Engine using Cloud Build, you need GAE Admin API enabled.

Why can't I deploy a React app to Google Cloud Storage?

In the past when I've created a client-side web app using a framework like React, I can create a browser build and push it to a static hosting platform like AWS S3.
For Google Cloud Platform, it seems like the go-to approach is to deploy it to App Engine. If I'm understanding correctly, GAE is a combination of storage and compute resources.
Why can't I simply host the JavaScript app as prepared by webpack?
Google Cloud Storage (GCS) would be the way to go to host your static website on Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Notice that in order to use GCS you'll need to have a domain as well as a GCP project. The documentation is very straightforward on how to achieve this. Here you can find some examples and other useful information.
You could also host your static website on Google App Engine (GAE). But in this case you'll need to cleverly build your app.yaml file in order to manage your URL handlers, as well as structuring your project in a particular way. Simply uploading the JS app as prepared by webpack won't work. You can find all the useful information here in order to use GAE to host your static website.

Multiple App Engine apps inside the same Google Cloud project

I have one App Engine app inside a Google Cloud Platform project. How can I create a second App Engine app inside the same project?
I tried to create a new application on but it seems to create a new Google Cloud Platform Project.
I believe there is a 1:1 relationship between App Engine apps and Cloud projects, but you can create up to 20 (at time of writing) App Engine services (previously modules) within the same Cloud project.
It depends how much you want the apps / services to be able to share data / task queues, etc. Services will share the same Datastore, for example.
You can also have multiple Cloud projects associated with the same billing account.

How credential and google cloud storage work?

I am just starting to develop GAE web application. I am trying to get a list of bucket of google cloud storage. I found some code from web site.
there are 3 ways on the web what I found.
using Google storage API
using Json liblary
but thsi sample needs to configure domain verification for bucket.
using python
our exisiting application is developped by gae for Java. I do not think thie python way can include in Java application.
then I would like to fix No1 way.
It show credential error. Buckets are authorized to everyone (All Authenticated Users )for now. I think I need to understand how the credential works. I have read the google developer page about 0Auth2. I could find a sample of bigquery. if you have a sample or good web sites about credential and google cloud storage, it will be great helpful.
the errors;
what i did at API console:
creating client id (web application, service account, installed application each)
creating Simple API Access ( new server key , new browser key)
what I did at local machine;
Set ACL with gsutil
my developing environment
eclipse 3.6 helios ( Japanese language pack)
gae java for eclipse
gae 1.8.0
java 1.6.31
google storage API
google client library
windows 7 English with Japanese language pack
Your first attempt (number 1) is the best way to focus on getting this to work. The code sample Marc provided uses the built-in App Engine App Identity module to securely identify the App Engine app to other Google APIs:
However, there are 2 gotchas to check:
The App Identity module will not work using the local devserver. When running locally there is no way for the local server to securely identity itself to Google production APIs - so you should either look at using a service account with a downloadable key for local testing, or, easiest option (and what I'd recommend for now), is to deploy into a production App Engine environment to test.
Make sure the App Engine service account email address is added to the access control list for the Google Cloud Storage bucket that you are trying to access. Get this email address by looking under the Admin Console (for your App Engine app) -> Application Settings:
Service Account Name:
To add this to a Google Cloud Storage access control list, either add it to the project team for the project that owns the Google Cloud Storage bucket, or, if you're not using the default access control settings, add it directly to an ACL:
Service accounts with downloadable key - use this for local testing if you can't test in a production App Engine environment:

Project created from App Engine Console comes with less features compared with project created from Cloud Console

When I create a new Application from App Engine Console,
the application also appears on Cloud Console
However, clicking into the project shows that only these features are included:
App Engine
Cloud Datastore
Compared with Project created directly from Cloud Console:
App Engine
Compute Engine
Cloud Storage
Cloud Datastore
Cloud SQL
That leads to problem that App Engine project is missing access to many features and there seems no obvious way to add them back later.
Any idea what's wrong here?
1,This only implies that when you create an application from app engine console, it directly creates 3 types of projects: app engine app, datastore instance and big query(i think you need to enable the api first) with the same project id. This does not mean you cannot use the other features. It only means you need to separately enable them and give project ids.
2, If you create a project from cloud console, then it will automatically create projects under all the 7 different categories with the same project ID
Finally I found how to do this:
Go to
Open your app
Open Administration / Application Settings
Click the button in the "Cloud Integration" section
