Versions -
"react-router": "5.0.0",
"react-router-dom": "5.0.0"
In my app container component, I am using withRouter to access location and history props. I use it like -
export default withRouter(connect(mapStateToProps)(AppContainerComponent));
The result is, I get a blank page. No errors, just a blank page.
If I remove the withRouter HOC, it works.
Also, it used to work in v4.0.0-beta.8.
I import the withRouter as -
import { withRouter } from 'react-router';
Not sure what the problem is.
Note - I have gone through this link which talks about how the shouldCOmponentUpdate method does not take into account the context changes (which react-router uses now), and it suggests to wrap the component with 'withRouter' HOC, but it is itself not working for me.
Update -
Following is the route path I am using -
index.js -
<Provider store={store}>
<AppContainerComponent />
appcontainer.component (its redux connected) renders following component -
<AppRoutes isAuthenticated={isAuthenticated} />
appRoutes.component.ts - This component renders the 'UnauthenticatedRoute' and 'AuthenticatedRoute' custom HOC like -
isAuthenticated={isAuthenticated} />
isAuthenticated={isAuthenticated} />
The 'UnauthenticatedRoute' and 'AuthenticatedRoute' HOC will render the passed component if the user has been successfully authenticated, otherwise it will redirect to '/signup' path using react-router's Redirect component.
The AppComponent has bunch of routes defined by Route component as -
<Route exact
Another update -
Came across this link which talks exactly about the problem I am facing, but the solution - using withRouter. Maybe I am not importing something from right location? Something similar here
I am using react-router and react-router-dom with preact (8.4.2), preact-cli (v2.2.1) and preact-compact (3.18.4). I am not sure if this is the root cause? Isn't the react-router supported out of the box for preact?
I have set up this link to demonstrate the issue.(issue_example branch)
Try wrapping just AppContainerComponent with your withRouter, like this:
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(withRouter(AppContainerComponent));
I managed to solve the issue by creating custom withRouter hoc which takes in a Component to render and wraps that component inside a Router component. Router component has the props I need (history, location) and I pass them down to the component I am rendering, eliminating the use of RRD's withRouter completely.
import { Route } from 'react-router-dom';
const withRouter = (ConnectedComponent) => {
const witRouterComponent = (props) => (
<Route render={routeProps =>
<ConnectedComponent {...routeProps} {...props} />} />
return witRouterComponent;
export default withRouter;
To use it in (for ex. AppContainerComponent)
const ConnectedComponent = connect(mapStateToProps)(AppContainerComponent);
export default withRouter(ConnectedComponent);
More on this here.
I'm trying to set up a history listener at the topmost level so that every time the location changes, some code is executed (Google Analytics tracking in my case).
Currently, my App.js looks like this:
render() {
return (
<Route path="/" exact component={Home}/>
<Route path="/" component={MainLayout}/>
As I understand, I can only use history inside BrowserRouter, but it can only have one child, so I can only put it inside Switch, but then I'll have to put it inside every component under Switch, which I can't do since I want it to run only once. If I just add a custom component under Switch without wrapping it into a Router, there's no history.
What should I change to make it work? Is it possible to get an instance of history in the App.js code? Is it possible to achieve using a custom component or a HOC?
You need to add a Route which will get rendered unconditionally.
Try something like this:
render() {
return (
<Route component={HistoryListenerComponent}/>
<Route path="/" exact component={Home}/>
<Route path="/" component={MainLayout}/>
So HistoryListenerComponent is always rendered and you can listen from its componentDidMount.
Heres what worked for me:
import {withRouter} from 'react-router-dom';
Now just wrap the component where you are using React-ga with withRouter like this:
ReactGa.initialize('00000'); //enter id
ReactGa.pageview(window.location.pathname +;
this.props.history.listen(location => {
ReactGa.set({ page: location.pathname }); // Update the user's current page
ReactGa.pageview(location.pathname); // Record a pageview for the given page
render (){
return (
<Route ....>
export default withRouter(ComponentName)
Remember without wrapping withRouter , you cant use this.props.history property.
You cant use custom history listener to BrowserRouter component. It has an inbuilt history prop (i.e this.props.history).
It is possible using history package, instead of relying on the default one created by react router.
For instance, using history.listen:
history.listen((location) => {
ReactGA.pageview(location.pathname +;
In my exemple, I use react-ga, as a way to standardize our GA Instrumentation across projects.
Found out that the easiest option is the Update component --
I am having trouble changing the view in react with routing. I only want to show a list of users, and clicking on each user should navigate to a details page. Here is the router:
import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { BrowserRouter } from 'react-router-dom';
import Users from "./components/Users";
import { Router, Route } from "react-router";
import Details from "./components/Details";
<Route path="/" component={Users} />
<Route path="/details" component={Details} />
), document.getElementById('app'))
When I use the url /details my browser navigates to that url, but does not change the view. Any other route throws 404 so it seems to recognize the route but not update.
You need to specify the attribute exact for your indexRoute, otherwise for even /details route it will still match with / . Also try to import Route from react-router-dom
import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { BrowserRouter, Route } from 'react-router-dom';
import Users from "./components/Users";
import Details from "./components/Details";
<Route exact path="/" component={Users} />
<Route path="/details" component={Details} />
), document.getElementById('app'))
Another thing that you need to do is to attach your component Users with withRouter. You need to make use of withRouter only when your component is not receiving the Router props,
This may happen in cases when your component is a nested child of a component rendered by the Router or you haven't passed the Router props to it or when the component is not linked to the Router at all and is rendered as a separate component from the Routes.
In Users.js add
import {withRouter} from 'react-router';
export default withRouter(Users)
You just have to wrap the components inside withRouter.
<Route exact path="/mypath" component={withRouter(MyComponent)} />
Here is a sample App.js file:
import { BrowserRouter as Router, Route, Switch, withRouter } from "react-router-dom";
import Home from "./pages/Home";
import Profile from "./pages/Profile";
class App extends Component {
render() {
return (
<Route exact path="/" component={withRouter(Home)} />
<Route exact path="/profile" component={withRouter(Profile)} />
export default App;
If you are using react router, componentWillReceiveProps will get called whenever the url changes.
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
var currentProductId = nextProps.match.params.productId;
var nextProductId = nextProps.match.params.productId; // from the new url
Alternatively, you may also wrap the component in withRouter before exporting, but then you have to ensure a few other things. I usually skip this step.
export default withRouter(Profile)
I had the same issue and discovered that it was because I had a nested router. Once I removed the nested router, and simply put my component-specific routes within a switch component--the issue was resolved without having to use withRouter or make any additional changes.
<Router> // <--Remove nested Router
<Route exact path="/workflows" component={ViewWorkflows} />
<Route path="/workflows/new" component={NewWorkflow} />
Yusufbek is describing a similar issue. I think it's a lot cleaner to store the component related routes at a view level versus storing all of them in one main router. In a production app, that's going to be way too many routes to easily read through and debug issues.
React Router v5 doesn't work with React 18 StrictMode
I have faced the same problem but I fixed it. I have placed the home page as the last. It works for me. Just like below.
import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { BrowserRouter } from 'react-router-dom';
import Users from "./components/Users";
import { Router, Route } from "react-router";
import Details from "./components/Details";
<Route path="/details" component={Details} />
<Route path="/" component={Users} />
), document.getElementById('app'))
I had a similar issue but with different structure. I've added one Router that will handle all routes, I've used Switch component to switch views. But actually, it didn't. Only URL changed but not view. The reason for this was the Link component used inside of SideBar component which was outside of the Router component. (Yes, I've exported SideBar with "withRouter", not worked).
So, the solution was to move my SideBar component which holds, all Link components into my Router.
The problem is in my linkers, they are outside of my router
<div className="_wrapper">
<SideBar /> // Holds my all linkers
<Route path="/" component={Home} />
<Route path="/users" component={Users} />
Solution was moving my linkers into my router
<div className="_wrapper">
<SideBar /> // Holds my all linkers
<Route path="/" component={Home} />
<Route path="/users" component={Users} />
I had the same issue with react-router-dom 5
The problem was caused by the history package.
The version I was using was 5.0.0 but they don't work together.
Fixed by downgrading history to 4.10.1
Related issue:
BrowserRouter fails to maintain history in your case. Use "Router" instead, Usage of this with custom history as props may help resolve your problem.
import {Router, Route, Switch, withRouter } from "react-router-dom";
import Home from "./pages/Home";
import Profile from "./pages/Profile";
import {createBrowserHistory} from 'history';
export const customHistory = createBrowserHistory(); //This maintains custom history
class App extends Component {
render() {
return (
<Router history={customHistory}>
<Route exact path="/" component={Home} />
<Route exact path="/profile" component={Profile} />
export default App;
Then in your components, import customHistory from 'App' and use that to navigate.
Hope This help! :)
When using Redux and I had similar issues where the url was updating in the address bar but the app was not loading the respective component. I was able to solve by adding withRouter to the export:
import { connect } from 'react-redux'
import { withRouter } from 'react-router-dom'
export default withRouter(connect(mapStateToProps)(MyComponentName))
According to this issue here, react-router-dom isn't compatible with React 18 because BrowserRouter is a child of StrictMode.
So to resolve the issue.
Instead of this:
Do this:
It worked for me this way, I hope it helps.
In my case, I'd mistakenly nested two BrowserRouters.
You need to add exact to the index route and rather than enclosing those Route components by div, use Switch from react-router-dom to switch between the routes.
import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { Route, Switch } from 'react-router-dom';
import Users from "./components/Users";
import Details from "./components/Details";
<Route path="/" component={Users} exact/>
<Route path="/details" component={Details} />
), document.getElementById('app'))
I Tried adding "exact" in front of the home path
like this
<Route exact path="/" component={Home}></Route>
It is working fine...
I had similar issue with React Router version 4:
By clicking <Link /> component, URL would change but views wouldn't.
One of views was using PureComponent rather than Component (imported from react) and that was the cause.
By replacing all route rendered components that were using PureComponent to Component, my issue was resolved.
(Resolution source:
None of the answers here solved my issue, turns out I had to add a dependency to my useEffect hook. I had something like this:
const { id } = useParams();
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
I had a button to change to another product, which would only update the :id on the url, I could see the url changed, but no effect on the page. This change fixed the issue:
const { id } = useParams();
useEffect(() => {
}, [id]); // add 'id' to dependency array
Now when the id changes, it trigger a function to update the data and works as expected.
Hmm there no any SWITCH to actually switch views.
this is how i use router to switch from landin page to main site
ReactDOM.render( (<BrowserRouter><App/></BrowserRouter>), document.getElementById('root') );
return <div>
<Route exact path='/' component={Lander}/>
<Route path='/vadatajs' component={Vadatajs}/>
ups i found you use different router ..sorry then maybe this fiddle be for you useful
maybe key of solution is hiden in line for main render function .., function(Handler) {
React.render(<Handler />, document.getElementById('container'));
I was facing similar issue I resolve to like this please have a look I hope it's working.
You need to use componentWillReceiveProps function in your component.
clicked a link first time by calling url componentDidMount() is run.
Now when you click another link say same component is called but this time prop changes and you can access this new prop under componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) which you can use to call API Or make state blank and get new data.
//call your API and update state with new props
For me, I had:
export MyClass extends React.Component
export default withRouter(MyClass)
Meanwhile, in my App.js, I had:
import { MyClass } from './MyClass'
Those playing the home game can see my problem. I was not getting the import with the Router passed into the child classes. To clean this up, I moved the withRouter call into the Route component declaration:
<Router exact path={'/myclass'} component={withRouter(MyClass)} />
Back in MyClass, I changed it to a default export:
export default MyClass extends React.Component
And then finally, in App.js, I changed my import to:
import MyClass from './MyClass'
Hopefully this helps someone. This ensures I didn't have two ways to export the same class, thus bypassing the withRouter prepend.
I also had the same problem. Although it is not a very effective solution, I solved it with a cunning method.
The ComponentDidMount method works every time our url changes.
Within the method we can compare the previous url with the current url and we can the state change or page refresh.
componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
if (this.props.match.url !== prevProps.match.url) {
//this.props.history.go(0) refresh Page
//this.setState(...) or change state
<Route exact path="/" component={Users} />
<Route exact path="/details" component={Details} />
I was also facing the same issue which was resolved using the exact attribute. try to use the exact attribute.
I met trouble too.
And I have tried the solutions metioned by Shubham Khatri, but It doesn't work.
I solved this problem, maybe can help you.
According the above guide document, when you use PureComponent or use with state management tools like redux, mobx ... It may block the update of your route. Check your route component, ensure you did't block the rerender od your component.
You should check this out:
Therefore it's definitely not Users or Details, because they are directly rendered by <Route>, and the location will get passed to props.
I am wondering, why do you need the <div> between <BrowserRouter> and <Route>? Remove that and let me know if it works.
I had a similar issue with a conditional Layout:
class LayoutSwitcher extends Component {
render () {
const isLoggedIn = this.props.isLoggedIn
return (
{ isLoggedIn
? <MainLayout {...this.props} />
: <Login />
and rewrote the conditions like so:
render () {
const isLoggedIn = this.props.isLoggedIn
if (isLoggedIn) {
return <MainLayout {...this.props} />
return <Login />
This solved it. In my case, it seems that the context was lost.
I get the same Issue.
I don't think that in this case he needs to add the prop withRouter,
just check in your NavLink you write the good path name as details.
for the route try to start from the specific route to the general one like
<Route path="/details" component={Details} />
<Route path="/" component={Users} />
in your NavLink it should be something like this
<NavLink className="nav-link" to="/details">
details<span className="sr-only">(current)</span>
a remarque for the import its better to start by importing all stuff related to React after that import the other module
like this one:
import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { BrowserRouter } from 'react-router-dom';
import Users from "./components/Users";
import { Router, Route } from "react-router";
import Details from "./components/Details";
come like this:
import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { BrowserRouter } from 'react-router-dom';
import { Router, Route } from "react-router";
import Users from "./components/Users";
import Details from "./components/Details";
In my case, switching to HashRouter instead of BrowserRouter solved my issue
I was accidentally using a BrowserRouter around my Link's.
<Link to="/" component={Users} />
<Link to="/details" component={Details} />
If you just started having this issue recently, take a look at
The issue is with react-router-dom 5+ and the history dependency.
If you installed it separately using yarn install history you need to uninstall it, do yarn install history#4.10.1
In my case it wasn't working because I imported Browser Router as Router, Like This:
<div> <Navbar/></div>
<Route exact path="/" element={<Pageone/>}></Route>
<Route path="/home" element={<Home/>}></Route>
<Route path="/about" element={<About/>}></Route>
<Route path="/contact" element={<Contact/>}></Route>
<div><Footer /></div>
Then It was fixed by adding BrowserRouter instead:
<div> <Navbar/></div>
<Route exact path="/" element={<Pageone/>}></Route>
<Route path="/home" element={<Home/>}></Route>
<Route path="/about" element={<About/>}></Route>
<Route path="/contact" element={<Contact/>}></Route>
<div><Footer /></div>
Hope this helps someone!
Try this,
import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import Users from "./components/Users";
import { Router, Route } from "react-router";
import Details from "./components/Details";
<Route path="/" component={Wrapper} >
<IndexRoute component={Users} />
<Route path="/details" component={Details} />
), document.getElementById('app'))
I had the same issue and I fixed it importing the history from the #types folder in node_modules. I imported it from npm (npm i #history)