Request cached when using HTTP/2 - angularjs

I have a strange behaviour I can't explain with http/2:
During an oauth authentication process, I'm trying to login on A.domain, using B.domain provider. When both servers have HTTP/2 enabled, and using the same ssl cert (a wildcard), on the same IP (so with TLS SNI) the request to B.domain (I have the url B.domain in the address bar, and the headers) is sent to A.domain!
I could reproduce this with firefox and chrome, but not safari.
We're using angular 1.6, but I doubt it's a JS issue.
If the domain is different, the problem goes away.
Could it be a bug in the http/2 implementation in chrome and firefox?

Under HTTP/2 connections can be reused under a process known as coalescing.
This is to allow full HTTP/2 benefits even when sharding has been used to improve performance for HTTP/1.1 connection - which is no longer necessary under HTTP/2 and in fact is bad for performance (since the setting up of additional connections takes resources on both client and server).
This blog post gives much more detail about HTTP/2 connection coalescing and how the different browsers coalesce differently:
However I am confused when you say it "is sent to A.domain". The connection should be reused but the web server should then process it under the appropriate domain. If this is not happening then it sounds like a bug in the HTTP/2 implementation on the web server you are using.


Requests NOT passing through Cloudflare's network?

From my understanding of Cloudflare - the service is supposed to act as a reverse proxy for your server/website. I have added my site to Cloudflare, assigned my nameservers to Cloudflare's nameservers, and have enabled my DNS records to be proxied. The issue I'm having is that requests sent to my site are NOT coming from Cloudflare? The requests are just coming from regular IP addresses. I can see the requests on Cloudflare's WAF event logger, but when the request gets to my actual site - it's just the persons IP address. How can I set it up to where all requests come directly from Cloudflare? I tried adding rules in my .htaccess to allow Cloudflare IPs, and block all other requests, but that just returns an HTTP 403 Forbidden error. Any ideas on what I may have messed up in my Cloudflare configuration, or how to fix this?
I tried adjusting firewall settings on the server, and various changes in .htaccess to force requests only from Cloudflare's network
I think you're mixing two things:
If you add your site to Cloudflare DNS, it will just reply to dns queries, but the traffic from each client will go directly to your site.
If you want Cloudflare to proxy all the traffic to your site, you should use something like Cloudflare tunnels.

How to prevent the software like Fiddler from intercepting requests and intercepting requests sent out in electron

From the request made in electron, I don't want the software like Fiddler to see how it should be done. Any help is very grateful
You can't. Such information is ultimately public (if the traffic is not encrypted by HTTPS, but Fiddler can also read this because it acts as a man in the middle), and there is even more sophisticated software, like Wireshark which lets you read any network traffic which is flowing through your LAN.
In case you are not using HTTPS: Use HTTPS with valid, non-self-signed certificates (like the free Let's Encrypt certificates) and enable certificate checking in Electron if you have it disabled (it's enabled by default) because Electron will then reject the self-signed certificate Fiddler uses for HTTPS traffic and thus will not make any request, which ultimately prevents Fiddler from reading them.
However, I would not bother about this issue at all. Anyone with access to the connection can sniff on it and even on HTTPS traffic if all secrets are accessible (i.e. the one sniffing sits on the same system or has access to it), so there really is no way to keep request/response information "secret" with some third party having access to all the secret stuff.

$ cross domain request not working in Internet explorer (Network Error 0x80070005, Access is denied)

When I make an $ request and set the "withCredentials" property to true.
My request works fine in Chrome and Fiefox. However, I'm getting the error below in IE:
XMLHttpRequest: Network Error 0x80070005, Access is denied.
I noticed that if I enable the "Access data resources across domains" setting in IE, The error gets resolved. However I need to find an alternative solution because I can't ask the users to enable that setting obviously.
I noticed that a $http.get request to the same domain is working in IE with no issue, the issue is only with the $ request, the Options request is getting a 500 internal server and I see the request and response headers below:
I do have the necessary custom headers, and I can see them in Chrome when the OPTIONS request succeeds. The headers that I see in Chrome are listed below:
Could you please let me know if I'm missing something that would make the request work in IE without having to enable Access data sources across domains?
Internet Explorer 9 doesn't support cookies in CORS requests. The withCredentials property of the $http arguments attempts to send cookies. I don't think there's any way to fix it with headers. IE10+ should work by default, just be sure that you are not in compatibility mode. CORS isn't fully implemented in IE10 either, but the type of request you are trying to do should work.
You didn't mention what the nature of your web app is, but it impacts the type of workaround you will need for IE9. If possible, see if you can refactor your code to use a GET request instead (again, I don't know what you are trying to do via AJAX so this may be impossible).
You may be able to use Modernizr or something similar to detect if the browser supports CORS. If it is not supported, send the request without AJAX and have a page refresh.
Another alternative if you really want to use AJAX is to set up a proxy on your web server, i.e. the server on the same domain. Instead of making the cross-origin request directly, you make the AJAX request to your same-origin server, which then makes the request to the cross-origin server for you. The server won't have CORS issues. This solution assumes, of course, that you have some server-side scripting going on such as PHP, Node or Java.

HTTP Proxy Server keep-alive connection support

I am currently working on a multi threaded proxy server that supports keep-alive connections. I see some weird issues while handling requests from firefox browser. I connect to my local proxy using localhost:10001/http://url, and I can access all the links on this host. The process is as below.
1. Create a socket bind it to port 10001
2. Accept connections and if a client is connected fork()
3. Keep on processing the client request as persistent connection.
Now the problem is that when I open a new tab in firefox to access a second url with different host with using localhost:10001/http://url2, the strange thing is that that request goes to my client socket connection created during first connection. I initially thought that it might be due to my code, but then i tried to do the same using telnet and all the new connections would create a separate process. Are there any specific settings that is making firefox browser do this??
HTTP keep-alive is a way to reuse an underlying TCP connection for multiple requests so that one can skip the overhead of creating a new TCP connection all the time. Since the target of the connection is the same all the time in your case it makes sense for the browser to reuse the same TCP connection. The comparison with telnet is flawed since with telnet you do a new TCP connection all the time.
If HTTP keep-alive gets used is specified by the HTTP version the Connection header and on the behavior of both server and client. Both server and client can decide to close the idle connection any time after a request was done, i.e. they are not required to keep it open after the request is done. Additionally they can signal that they like to have the connection open by using the Connection: keep-alive HTTP header or that they like to close after the request with Connection: close. These headers have default values depending on the HTTP version, i.e. keep-alive is on with HTTP/1.1 while off with HTTP/1.0 unless explicitly specified.
Apart from that the "proxy" you are implementing with the use of URL's like http://proxy/real-url is not a real HTTP proxy. A real HTTP proxy would be configured as a proxy inside the browser and the URL's you use would stay the same which also means that no URL rewriting would need to be done by the proxy. Worse is that your idea of a proxy effectively merges all hosts inside the same origin (i.e. origin is the proxy) and thus effectively disables a major security concept of the browser: the same-origin policy. This means for example that some rogue advertisement server would share with your implementation the origin with ebay and thus could get access to the ebay cookies and hijack the session and misuse it for identity theft
HTTP persistent connection is also used with the proxy, not only with the destination.
For firefox you could try to alter the behavior with the proxy by setting network.http.proxy.version to 1.0. But you'll have to enhance your proxy (and perhaps rethink completely its inner workings) to be able to deal with these reused connections. I'm sure it's not limited to Firefox.
Also make sure your proxy doesn't answer with HTTP/1.1 because it's not.

How to hide data received via HTTP requests?

I am currently designing a web application using AngularJS. In this I am fetching and posting data via Rest API(s) with different methods. The data I retrieving is fetched in the form of JSON.
Issue here is, while I am using https, the data sent and received via HTTP requests can still be seen in proxy tool or traffic monitors. All the JSON can be easily read from this.
Each of my request has a token attached in it's header which takes care of authentication. However, once authorized, there is some part I don't want to be displayed in/ caught in such monitoring tools.
This data is stored in an encrypted way in database and all, however while coming via HTTP request, it is first decrypted and then sent. How can I hide/protect this data?
You can't.
If you give it to the client, then the client has to be able to see it.
If the user has configured their browser to proxy requests, then the proxy is the client.
Once the data leaves your server in an HTTP response then anyone/anything thing the user of the client wants to trust with that data can access it. You don't have control at that point.
proxy tool or traffic monitors will see https data only if the client has accepted the man-in-the-middle (MITM) by installing the ssl certificate used by the MITM:
To see the content (other than the host name) of an https connection, someone who is neither the client or the server must do a MITM.
If someone do a MITM with a certificate not trusted by the client, the client will reject the connection.
WARNING: If the server do NOT use HSTS, the person doing the MITM can do an SSLSTRIP attack if the first connection is http. In that case, the MITM do not need a trusted certificate because the connection will stay in plain text (http)
