ExtJS6: How to prevent grid rows from scrolling into focus when clicking - extjs

I have a grid with a checkbox selection model and tall cells due to custom html renderers. The problem is when any cell is clicked the grid jerks because the selected cell is scrolled into the focus.
Here is a fiddle with the problem, try scrolling the table manually halfway first and then clicking on the cells to see the grid jumping (it's not consistent, might need to try a few times): https://fiddle.sencha.com/#view/editor&fiddle/1vma
Is there a way to disable row focusing on click, or disable row selection on click if thats the root cause (so you would have to use checkboxes to select rows).

If your grid row contains text that needs to be editable/selectable you can use:
viewConfig: {
navigationModel: {}

I have found that returning false from the "beforecellmousedown" event listener function prevents the behavior you are trying to avoid.
listeners: {
beforecellmousedown: function () {
return false;
Here is the fiddle: https://fiddle.sencha.com/#view/editor&fiddle/1vq3

Suggested earlier answers work for Modern Toolkit only.
For Classic this code helps:
listeners: {
cellclick: function () {


Kendo UI grid for AngularJS detail row automatically collapse after inserting itmes into detail data source

I am using Kendo UI grid for AngularJS. The scenario is; I have expanded one master row which contains another grid in its detail template. When I insert new item in the detail template grid, the master row automatically collapsed. what I want is when I making changes to detail template grid than there must be no affect on master row(I mean should not be collapsed). any help will be appreciated.
I know the question is old but I have faced the same scenario and come up with this, when you rebind/refresh grid by any mean, the grid get re rendered and thus you got collapse your row. apparently this behavior is of kendo ui. the only thing you can do is take that expanded row id and then rebind grid, after rebind expand that row again
Try adding a dataBinding function to the grid to cancel the default action on the item Change event.
Example Below:
navigatable: true,
sortable: true,
dataBinding: function (e) {
if (e.action == "itemchange") {

ExtJS 4 - how to disable checkbox in a specific row

I have a grid of data in ExtJS 4 which contains a checkbox column. I need to disable the checkbox programmatically after the grid has loaded, following an external AJAX call. (Basically, after making the AJAX call, I need to stop users from changing the checkbox. This is not a store update). I do have a reference to the row itself.
I have seen several similar questions, but they all seem to deal with disabling a row or cell edit when the data is initially loaded.
If I understand you correctly you wan't to stop users editing your grid inline. In order to do this use the processEvent function on your grid and return false so any edit they try to make is immediately returned.
xtype: 'checkcolumn',
dataIndex: 'someModelReference',
// Prevents toggling the checkbox inline
processEvent: function() {
return false;

Kendo Grid Checkbox dirty flags are inconsistent

I am having a issues with a checkbox column in a grid.
I have a grid with multiple checkbox columns. When I check the box, the dirty tick is not there, however when I click on the cell that contains the checkbox, but not the check box and then click the checkbox, I get the dirty tick mark.
Has anyone see this before? I would like it to be a bit more consistent because after a few clicks the dirty marks for some rows disappear.
This just seems odd.
Indeed first you need to click on the cell to enter 'edit' mode and then you can check/unched the actual checkbox. For better user experience you can implement your checkboxes just the same way they are implemented in this code library article. (If you are not using ASP.NET MVC wrappers - no worries just open the project go under Views/Home/Index.cshtml and you can copy/paste the code - it is all JavaScript.
The code library also includes how to create checkboxe 'Select all' in the column header.
The way I solved it was to make the fields in the model to be non-editable, so it forces the click event to fire and then I just update the values and set the dirty property. The thing was if you clicked the cell, the edit event was fired vs the click and vice versa, so instead of having two things fire, I just disabled one. Some would call it a hack, but I can't see how else to prevent both events from firing.
Please try this one:
//Cell click Checkbox select
$('#grd' + gridName).on("click", "td", function (e) {
var selectedTd = $(e.target).closest("td");
var grdChkBox = selectedTd.parents('tr').find("td:first").find('input:checkbox');
grdChkBox.prop('checked', !grdChkBox.prop('checked'));
Yes, I see this quite often: depends on how you implemented the checkboxes. If you tick directly a checkbox you modify the input but not the model. If you tick the cell and then the checkbox then Kendo UI toggle to edit mode and (in background) it replaces the checkbox with an editable version of the checkbox that is managed (event handler) by Kendo UI that allows to modify the model.
EDIT: If you want your checkbox always clickable then you might do:
var grid = $("#stocks_tbl").kendoGrid({
dataSource: new kendo.data.DataSource({
schema: {
model: {
id : "id",
fields: {
active: { type: "boolean" }
editable : "incell",
columns : [
field : "active",
title : "Active",
template: '<input type="checkbox" data-bind="source: active" #= active ? checked="checked" : ""# />'
Here, you define an input that is always clickable.
$(document).on("change", "[type='checkbox']", function(ev) {
var item = grid.dataItem($(this).closest("tr"));
item.set("active", ev.srcElement.checked);
with this, we define a handler for intercepting changes on the input and reflect them in the model.
This saves you having to play with editable

Extjs: How to prevent checkboxModel from deselecting rows on pagingtoolbar page change?

Why does CheckboxModel deselect all selected rows on page change when using paging toolbar? How do I stop the deselection of rows on page change?
I see there is a pruneRemoved which can be used to prevent the pruning of nodes, I set it to false, but the deselect is still fired. Not sure what else to try.
I'm assuming checkboxmodel registers with the store or maybe pagingtoolbar to be notified when the store changes...then deselects everything? Why? I need to prevent that.
The reason I don't want the deselectAll to be fired is; I attach a handler on select and deselect. Select adds rows to another grid, deselect removes them. So when the user checks a checkbox that row is added to another grid, when they uncheck it it is removed from that grid. By the grid firing a deselectAll, when the store changes, I lose all my saved rows in the other grid.
I'm not sure if this is the correct way to do this but it's working for me.
What I did was create my own Ext.grid.View. I extended ext.view.Table and over-road the onMaskBeforeShow method. This is the method that was calling deselect all on the grids selection model. As you can see I commented it out here
Ext.define('Ext.grid.SteveView', {
extend: 'Ext.view.Table',
alias: 'widget.stevegridview',
onMaskBeforeShow: function(){
var me = this,
loadingHeight = me.loadingHeight;
if (loadingHeight && loadingHeight > me.getHeight()) {
me.hasLoadingHeight = true;
me.oldMinHeight = me.minHeight;
me.minHeight = loadingHeight;
Include the above script, then when you create a grid, change the viewType to stevegridview, or whatever you decide to name it
xtype: 'grid',
store:'some store'
The new view type will be used a the new onMaskBeforeShow() will be called.

EXTJS 4 Grid selection model row

I have a grid and when I click on a button in the toolbar of the panel I want to check if a row in the grid is selected.
If true I need de value of one cell of that row, so I can put it behind a url.
But I have no idea how I can use the selection model to get the cell value of a selected row in EXT JS 4.
Perhaps try something like:
This will return an array of all selected records withing the grid.
Then, you can iterate over the selection, find your row and call row.get('PropName') to get the value.
Hope this helps.
You're approaching the issue backwards though. You want to register for the 'selectionchange' event from the grid.
thisController.control ({'#mygrid':
function:onSelectionChange(model, selected, eOpts )
//do work here
So basically you want to create an event driven model.
