Drupal 7 create node with Date Repeat Entity programmatically - drupal-7

I'm using module date repeate entity. I already have had start/end datetime, rrule. How do I create repeating nodes from them programmatically?
With admin interface, I can create repeating nodes correctly. How do I do without using the admin interface?

Try node clone module.
It provides function to clone from a node programatically.


Cakedc users plugin new table entry

I am using Cakedc Users plugin and I want to add a small entry to the Users table which is "Balance" (integer)
I read the extending part in the documentation and I honestly got dizzy from all the modifications that I have to do
I don't want to rewrite the whole thing just for a small entry, Is there anyway I can add it to the table with minumum modification or rename another entry that I don't need, like "tos_date" or something
Well, let me try to help about how extending the model should be:
Modify the users table (via migrations or manually) and add the columns you want.
Copy the template files with the forms, from the plugin itself to your app under the folder src/Template/Plugin/CakeDC/Users/name_of_the_controller/name_of_the_action, then modify the forms to add a new control for your custom column
You're done

Drupal 7 questionnaire webform

What is the best method to create a questionnaire in drupal 7?
We use multiple choice questions. (+/- 20)
Is it possible to have one question per page? How?
Is there a way to give the user the end-score of this questionnaire? How?
You will need to install a Field Group module and Views module.
Add a content type "Test1"
To the Test1, add a Text field, "Question1"
Also, add a List (text) field, enter
q1|Answer one
q2|Answer two
Repeat for more questions
Use Field Group module to divide questions by pages.
To take the test, add Test1 "/node/add/test1".
To create an answer sheet, take the test and use the Node ID of the test for the next step.
Create a view, using Views. Match any taken test against the Node Id of the answer sheet. You can do so, by including a link at the end of the test, which links to "/score/%NID%", %NID% being the Node ID of the current TEST1. Create a page in views, with "/score/%" as a path. Use the Contextual Filter to get the NID from the path and match it against the NID of the cheat sheet.
You can get it more advanced by using referencing fields, via Entity API and Entity Reference modules.

Salesforce: Create timer on objects - is it possible?

The company needs to know how much time each worker spends on each part of each project part.
The following resembles some custom objects that were defined for this app:
Custom Project
Custom Project Part
Custom Time Entry
Now we need to customize our salesforce app in such a way that a worker can open the project part and click "Start..." and later "Stop...".
These buttons would create a time entry with a start date and update the time entry with a stop date respectively.
Is this possible to do in the custom objects themselves? (ideal)
Should we be creating new pages?
Yes. Create two custom Buttons for your custom object eg. "Start" and "Stop". Then put some JavaScript to the buttons to update your custom fields:
var YourCustomObject = new sforce.SObject("YourCustomObject__c");
YourCustomObject.Id = '{!YourCustomObject__c.Id }';
YourCustomObject.Start__c = '{!NOW()}';
updateStartTime = sforce.connection.update([YourCustomObject]);
Then insert these buttons to the page layout.

Drupal 7: Form for node maintenance

I have a content type which will contain just one node.
I need a form for the maintenance of this node, with the following logic:
If the node exists, show a form populated with the fields content, and a "update" buttom;
If not exists, show a clear form with a "insert" buttom.
What is the Drupal correct way to do this?
Thanks for any help!
if the content type will contain one node why will drupal need to check weather the node exists?
Drupal rules http://drupal.org/project/rules coupled with the core triggers and actions modules can help you setup up system logic events

Creating a up reverse node reference list of a node in Drupal 7

What we are trying to do in Drupal 7: create a block that can be attached to a node view or taxonomy term view. In this block, a user can add links. These links can point to contacts, documents, links to other websites or taxonomy terms.
In the back-end, a user can select a contact, document or link. The user then gets a list of all nodes where this link is used. If the link is changed, it is updated in all the nodes where it is used.
In other words, a node reference that works in both directions, for multiple nodes. Any ideas are mightily appreciated :)
Hi have you tried to use Corresponding node references module? http://drupal.org/project/cnr
You can use:
It works for both node reference & entity reference modules automatically.
