Sum of elements on the way to largest leaf in BST - c

I am trying to sum all the nodes on the way to the largest leaf in a binary search tree. The nodes contain only positive numbers.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <time.h>
typedef int ElType;
typedef struct Tree {
ElType key;
struct Tree *left;
struct Tree *right;
} Tree;
Tree* InsertBST(Tree* t, int k)
if (t == NULL) {
Tree* w = (Tree*) malloc(sizeof(Tree));
w->key = k;
w->left = NULL;
w->right = NULL;
return w;
if (k <= t->key)
t->left = InsertBST(t->left, k);
t->right = InsertBST(t->right, k);
return t;
int SumMaxOfBST(Tree* t, int *sum_max)
if (t == NULL) {
*sum_max = -1;
return *sum_max;
if (t->right == NULL) {
*sum_max += t->key;
return *sum_max;
*sum_max += t->key;
*sum_max += SumMaxOfBST(t->right, sum_max);
return *sum_max;
int main()
int i;
srand (time(NULL));
Tree* t = NULL;
for (i = 0; i < 20; i++)
t = InsertBST(t, rand() % 1000);
int sum_way = 0;
int a = SumMaxOfBST(t, sum_way);
printf("Sum on the way to the largest leaf %d:\n", a);
return 0;
This exits with non-zero status. My strong suspicion is that I have botched the use of pointers, however, after several rewrites and videos on the use of pointers I still don't seem to grasp what's going on. If I understand correctly,*sum_max += x should increment the value of sum_max by x. At which point is my use of pointers off?

I don't get why you take a pointer to int as a paramter for SumMaxOfBST, I think the function written like this is simpler.
int SumMaxOfBST(Tree* t)
if (t == NULL) {
return 0;
if (t->right == NULL) {
return t->key;
return t->+key + SumMaxOfBST(t->right);
Furthermore in your main, you're passing sum_way that is an int, while SumMaxOfBST expects an int*. You should pass &sum_way instead.


C function to count amount of same Parent Child values

i'm working new with binary tree and just trying to write this Function,
which give the number of node with the same Parent value, the problem with my code that it
give 0 as result or wrong number!
int x=0;
int amountSameParentChild(TreeNode *node){
if((node!=NULL) && (node->left!=NULL || node->right!=NULL)){
if (node->data==node->left->data||node->data==node->right->data){
return x;
int main()
int upperLimit = 10;
int entries[upperLimit];
int *results = malloc(sizeof(int));
for (int i = 0; i < upperLimit; i++)
int randomEntry = rand() % (5);
entries[i] = randomEntry;
TreeNode *root = newNode(0);
root = createRandomTree(entries, root, 0, upperLimit);
printAsTree(root, 10);
printf("%d\n", amountSameParentChild(root));
int amountSameParentChild( TreeNode *node ) {
return 0;
By definition, the answer will always be zero...
By definition, values of all 'left subtree' nodes are LESS THAN the parent/root node, and 'right subtree' values GREATER THAN.
No child node can/will have the same value as its parent...

How can build a Binary Search Tree from an array of integers in C?

I try to write a function which is used to build a BST from an array of integers. It takes 2 arguments: pointer to the array and the size of the array
create the BST with successive inserts and return the pointer to the tree
if size is 0, return NULL
int a[3] = {2,1,3};
return build(a, 3);
My work is here, but there is a problem in the recursion part, I cannot find my mistake, actually I know that I cannot use for loops correctly, but cannot solve.
In my code, firstly I changed format of array in an ascending order, then took the middle number, and made it root, then for left and right parts, I should do same things.
By the way, I have an insert function implementation, but I am not sure, can we need or use it in build function.
typedef struct TreeNode{
int val;
struct TreeNode *left;
struct TreeNode *right;
} TreeNode;
TreeNode* build(int *array, int size) {
TreeNode *root = malloc(sizeof(TreeNode));
int a,i,j;
int mid = size/2;
return NULL;
else {
for(i=0;i<size;i++) {
for(j=i+1;j<size;j++) {
if(array[i] > array[j]) {
a = array[i];
array[i] = array[j];
array[j] = a;
root->val = array[mid];
root->left = build(array, mid);
root->right = build(array, mid);
return root;
Modify according to your concept:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct TreeNode{
int val;
struct TreeNode *left;
struct TreeNode *right;
} TreeNode;
TreeNode* build(int *array, int size) {
if(size == 0)
return NULL;
else {
TreeNode *root = malloc(sizeof(TreeNode));//in the case of return NULL there is before if-block, cause of memory leak
int i, j, mid;
int swap = 1;
j = size-1;
while(swap){//To deter a repeat of the sort
swap = 0;
for(i = 0; i < j; ++i) {
if(array[i] > array[i+1]) {
int temp = array[i];
array[i] = array[i+1];
array[i+1] = temp;
swap = 1;
root->val = array[mid = size / 2];
root->left = build(array, mid);
root->right = build(array + mid + 1, size - mid -1);
return root;
void print(TreeNode *p){
printf("%d ", p->val);
int main(void){
int a[] = {1,5,9,2,6,4,8,3,7,0};
TreeNode *root = build(a, 10);
return 0;

Find sum of shortest root to leaf path in a binary tree

I am trying to implement a function which will return the sum of the shortest path in a binary tree. I am getting the incorrect answer of 8 instead of 4 for the following tree.
/ \
2 3
/ \
4 5
int sumOfShortestPath(BinaryTreeNode *root, std::vector<int> vec) {
if(!root) return 0;
static int minPathLength = INT_MAX;
static int pathLength = 0;
static int sum = 0;
vec.push_back(root -> data);
if(root -> left == NULL and root -> right == NULL) {
if(pathLength < minPathLength){
minPathLength = pathLength;
sum = sum_vector(vec);
pathLength = 0;
sumOfShortestPath(root -> left, vec);
sumOfShortestPath(root -> right, vec);
return sum;
I believe my logic is correct but i'm unsure where i'm going wrong. Basically, if I encounter a smaller path, I update minPathLength and sum and reset pathLength back to 0 for the next path exploration.
You're kind of on the right track, but I think the static variables are tripping you up some here. Also, I don't see a reason to keep a list of the values. You only need just enough information to determine if the left or right branches are the shortest.
Here's my revised version:
#include <stdio.h>
class node
node *left, *right;
int value;
node (int v) : left(nullptr), right(nullptr), value(v) { }
int sumOfShortestPath(node *root, int *cnt)
if (!root)
*cnt = 0;
return 0;
int lcnt;
int rcnt;
int lsum = sumOfShortestPath(root->left, &lcnt);
int rsum = sumOfShortestPath(root->right, &rcnt);
if (lcnt < rcnt)
*cnt = lcnt + 1;
return root->value + lsum;
*cnt = rcnt + 1;
return root->value + rsum;
node *buildTree()
node *root = new node(1);
root->right = new node(3);
root->left = new node(2);
root->left->left = new node(4);
root->left->right = new node(5);
return root;
void main(void)
node *tree = buildTree();
int work = 0;
int val = sumOfShortestPath(tree, &work);
printf("Result: %d\r\n", val);
There are probably much more optimal ways of counting tree lengths than this, but this gets the job done at the end of the day.

Segmentation fault upon insertion into binary search tree

I wrote the following code to insert into binary search tree which can have duplicate entries but i get segmentation fault for larger inputs like greater than 30 ....plz help!! The duplicate entries are stored in the right branch of the node
typedef struct vertex{
int num;
struct vertex* r;
struct vertex* l;
} node;
void insert(node* T,int x)
if(x < T->num)
if(T->l == NULL)
T->l = (node*)malloc(sizeof(node));
T->l->num = x;
printf("%4d ",x);
else if(x >= T->num)
if(x == T -> num)
if(T->r == NULL)
T->r = (node*)malloc(sizeof(node));
T->r->num = x;
printf("%4d ",x);
srand((unsigned int)time(NULL));
int i,n,m,x;
node* T;
printf("n = ");
printf("\nm = ",&m);
printf("\n\n\n+++ Inserting %d random integers between 1 and %d\n",n,m);
x = 1 + rand() % m;
T = (node*)malloc(sizeof(node));
T->num = x;
printf("%4d (1)",x);
x = 1+rand() % m;
if(i%8 == 7)
malloc() does not initialize memory, so set other member to NULL after allocation or use calloc(). Without this you will be accessing random memory when you do T->l or T->r.
T = malloc(sizeof(node));
T->num = x;
T->l = NULL;
T->r = NULL;
T = calloc(1, sizeof(node));
T->num = x;
Do this in all places where you use malloc()
malloc(noofbytes) function only allocate noofbytes space only does not initialize with NULL .
This is the problem with your code.
When you allocate memory
T->l = (node*)malloc(sizeof(node));
T->l->num = x;
you allocated memory of size of structure node but it is not initialized . Means
T->l->l and T->l->r is not NULL and have some garbage value.
when you traverse it T->l== NULL or T->r==NULL condition not get satisfied and so it gives segmentation fault.

Prim's algorithm for MST, Adjacency List Implementation in C

I have this question for my programming class which I have been struggling to complete for the past day ... and I have no real idea what to do.
I understand the basic concept of Prim's algorithm:
1. Start at an arbitrary node (the first node will do) and
add all of its links onto a list.
2. Add the smallest link (which doesn't duplicate an existing path)
in the MST, to the Minimum Spanning Tree.
Remove this link from the list.
3. Add all of the links from the newly linked node onto the list
4. repeat steps 2 & 3 until MST is achieved
(there are no nodes left unconnected).
I have been given this implementation of a Graph (using an Adjacency List) to implement Prim's algorithm on. The problem is I don't really understand the implementation. My understanding of the implementation so far is as follows:
Being an adjacency list, we have all the nodes in array form: Linked to this is a list of links, containing details of the weight, the destination, and a pointer to the rest of the links of the specific node:
Something that looks a bit like this:
[0] -> [weight = 1][Destination = 3] -> [weight = 6][Destination = 4][NULL]
[1] -> [weight = 4][Destination = 3][NULL]
and so on...
We also have an "Edge" struct, which I think is supposed to make things simpler for the implementation, but I'm not really seeing it.
Here is the code given:
GRAPH.h interface:
typedef struct {
int v;
int w;
int weight;
} Edge;
Edge EDGE (int, int, int);
typedef struct graph *Graph;
Graph GRAPHinit (int);
void GRAPHinsertE (Graph, Edge);
void GRAPHremoveE (Graph, Edge);
int GRAPHedges (Edge [], Graph g);
Graph GRAPHcopy (Graph);
void GRAPHdestroy (Graph);
int GRAPHedgeScan (Edge *);
void GRAPHEdgePrint (Edge);
int GRAPHsearch (Graph, int[]);
Graph GRAPHmst (Graph);
Graph GRAPHmstPrim (Graph);
#define maxV 8
GRAPH.c implementation:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "GRAPH.h"
#define exch(A, B) { Edge t = A; A = B; B = t; }
#define max(A,B)(A>B?A:B)
#define min(A,B)(A<B?A:B)
typedef struct node *link;
struct node {
int v;
int weight;
link next;
struct graph {
int V;
int E;
link *adj;
static void sortEdges (Edge *edges, int noOfEdges);
static void updateConnectedComponent (Graph g, int from, int to, int newVal, int *connectedComponent);
Edge EDGE (int v, int w, int weight) {
Edge e = {v, w, weight};
return e;
link NEW (int v, int weight, link next) {
link x = malloc (sizeof *x);
x->v = v;
x->next = next;
x->weight = weight;
return x;
Graph GRAPHinit (int V) {
int v;
Graph G = malloc (sizeof *G);
// Set the size of the graph, = number of verticies
G->V = V;
G->E = 0;
G->adj = malloc (V * sizeof(link));
for (v = 0; v < V; v++){
G->adj[v] = NULL;
return G;
void GRAPHdestroy (Graph g) {
// not implemented yet
void GRAPHinsertE(Graph G, Edge e){
int v = e.v;
int w = e.w;
int weight = e.weight;
G->adj[v] = NEW (w, weight, G->adj[v]);
G->adj[w] = NEW (v, weight, G->adj[w]);
void GRAPHremoveE(Graph G, Edge e){
int v = e.v;
int w = e.w;
link *curr;
curr = &G->adj[w];
while (*curr != NULL){
if ((*curr)->v == v) {
(*curr) = (*curr)->next;
curr= &((*curr)->next);
curr = &G->adj[v];
while (*curr != NULL){
if ((*curr)->v == w) {
(*curr) = (*curr)->next;
curr= &((*curr)->next);
int GRAPHedges (Edge edges[], Graph g) {
int v, E = 0;
link t;
for (v = 0; v < g->V; v++) {
for (t = g->adj[v]; t != NULL; t = t->next) {
if (v < t->v) {
edges[E++] = EDGE(v, t->v, t->weight);
return E;
void GRAPHEdgePrint (Edge edge) {
printf ("%d -- (%d) -- %d", edge.v, edge.weight, edge.w);
int GRAPHedgeScan (Edge *edge) {
if (edge == NULL) {
printf ("GRAPHedgeScan: called with NULL \n");
if ((scanf ("%d", &(edge->v)) == 1) &&
(scanf ("%d", &(edge->w)) == 1) &&
(scanf ("%d", &(edge->weight)) == 1)) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
// Update the CC label for all the nodes in the MST reachable through the edge from-to
// Assumes graph is a tree, will not terminate otherwise.
void updateConnectedComponent (Graph g, int from, int to, int newVal, int *connectedComponent) {
link currLink = g->adj[to];
connectedComponent[to] = newVal;
while (currLink != NULL) {
if (currLink->v != from) {
updateConnectedComponent (g, to, currLink->v, newVal, connectedComponent);
currLink = currLink->next;
// insertion sort, replace with O(n * lon n) alg to get
// optimal work complexity for Kruskal
void sortEdges (Edge *edges, int noOfEdges) {
int i;
int l = 0;
int r = noOfEdges-1;
for (i = r-1; i >= l; i--) {
int j = i;
while ((j < r) && (edges[j].weight > edges[j+1].weight)) {
exch (edges[j], edges[j+1]);
Graph GRAPHmst (Graph g) {
Edge *edgesSorted;
int i;
int *connectedComponent = malloc (sizeof (int) * g->V);
int *sizeOfCC = malloc (sizeof (int) * g->V);
Graph mst = GRAPHinit (g->V);
edgesSorted = malloc (sizeof (*edgesSorted) * g->E);
GRAPHedges (edgesSorted, g);
sortEdges (edgesSorted, g->E);
// keep track of the connected component each vertex belongs to
// in the current MST. Initially, MST is empty, so no vertex is
// in an MST CC, therefore all are set to -1.
// We also keep track of the size of each CC, so that we're able
// to identify the CC with fewer vertices when merging two CCs
for (i = 0; i < g->V; i++) {
connectedComponent[i] = -1;
sizeOfCC[i] = 0;
int currentEdge = 0; // the shortest edge not yet in the mst
int mstCnt = 0; // no of edges currently in the mst
int v, w;
// The MST can have at most min (g->E, g->V-1) edges
while ((currentEdge < g->E) && (mstCnt < g->V)) {
v = edgesSorted[currentEdge].v;
w = edgesSorted[currentEdge].w;
printf ("Looking at Edge ");
GRAPHEdgePrint (edgesSorted[currentEdge]);
if ((connectedComponent[v] == -1) ||
(connectedComponent[w] == -1)) {
GRAPHinsertE (mst, edgesSorted[currentEdge]);
if (connectedComponent[v] == connectedComponent[w]) {
connectedComponent[v] = mstCnt;
connectedComponent[w] = mstCnt;
sizeOfCC[mstCnt] = 2; // initialise a new CC
} else {
connectedComponent[v] = max (connectedComponent[w], connectedComponent[v]);
connectedComponent[w] = max (connectedComponent[w], connectedComponent[v]);
printf (" is in MST\n");
} else if (connectedComponent[v] == connectedComponent[w]) {
printf (" is not in MST\n");
} else {
printf (" is in MST, connecting two msts\n");
GRAPHinsertE (mst, edgesSorted[currentEdge]);
// update the CC label of all the vertices in the smaller CC
// (size is only important for performance, not correctness)
if (sizeOfCC[connectedComponent[w]] > sizeOfCC[connectedComponent[v]]) {
updateConnectedComponent (mst, v, v, connectedComponent[w], connectedComponent);
sizeOfCC[connectedComponent[w]] += sizeOfCC[connectedComponent[v]];
} else {
updateConnectedComponent (mst, w, w, connectedComponent[v], connectedComponent);
sizeOfCC[connectedComponent[v]] += sizeOfCC[connectedComponent[w]];
free (edgesSorted);
free (connectedComponent);
free (sizeOfCC);
return mst;
// my code so far
Graph GRAPHmstPrim (Graph g) {
// Initializations
Graph mst = GRAPHinit (g->V); // graph to hold the MST
int i = 0;
int nodeIsConnected[g->V];
// initially all nodes are not connected, initialize as 0;
for(i = 0; i < g->V; i++) {
nodeIsConnected[i] = 0;
// extract the first vertex from the graph
nodeIsConnected[0] = 1;
// push all of the links from the first node onto a temporary list
link tempList = newList();
link vertex = g->adj[0];
while(vertex != NULL) {
tempList = prepend(tempList, vertex);
vertex = vertex->next;
// find the smallest link from the node;
mst->adj[0] =
// some helper functions I've been writing
static link newList(void) {
return NULL;
static link prepend(link list, link node) {
link temp = list;
list = malloc(sizeof(list));
list->v = node->v;
list->weigth = node->weight;
list->next = temp;
return list;
static link getSmallest(link list, int nodeIsConnected[]) {
link smallest = list;
while(list != NULL){
if((list->weight < smallest->weight)&&(nodeIsConnected[list->v] == 0)) {
smallest = list;
list = list->next;
if(nodeIsConnected[smallest->v] != 0) {
return NULL;
} else {
return smallest;
For clarity, file to obtain test data from file:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "GRAPH.h"
// call with graph_e1.txt as input, for example.
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
Edge e, *edges;
Graph g, mst;
int graphSize, i, noOfEdges;
if (argc < 2) {
printf ("No size provided - setting max. no of vertices to %d\n", maxV);
graphSize = maxV;
} else {
graphSize = atoi (argv[1]);
g = GRAPHinit (graphSize);
printf ("Reading graph edges (format: v w weight) from stdin\n");
while (GRAPHedgeScan (&e)) {
GRAPHinsertE (g, e);
edges = malloc (sizeof (*edges) * graphSize * graphSize);
noOfEdges = GRAPHedges (edges, g);
printf ("Edges of the graph:\n");
for (i = 0; i < noOfEdges; i++) {
GRAPHEdgePrint (edges[i]);
printf ("\n");
mst = GRAPHmstPrim (g);
noOfEdges = GRAPHedges (edges, mst);
printf ("\n MST \n");
for (i = 0; i < noOfEdges; i++) {
GRAPHEdgePrint (edges[i]);
printf ("\n");
GRAPHdestroy (g);
GRAPHdestroy (mst);
free (edges);
Thanks in advance.
files in full:
UPDATE: I have had another attempt at this question. Here is the updated code (One edit above to change the graph_client.c to use "GRAPHmstPrim" function that I have written.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "GRAPH.h"
#define exch(A, B) { Edge t = A; A = B; B = t; }
#define max(A,B)(A>B?A:B)
#define min(A,B)(A<B?A:B)
typedef struct _node *link;
struct _node {
int v;
int weight;
link next;
struct graph {
int V;
int E;
link *adj;
typedef struct _edgeNode *edgeLink;
struct _edgeNode {
int v;
int w;
int weight;
edgeLink next;
static void sortEdges (Edge *edges, int noOfEdges);
static void updateConnectedComponent (Graph g, int from, int to, int newVal, int *connectedComponent);
Edge EDGE (int v, int w, int weight) {
Edge e = {v, w, weight};
return e;
link NEW (int v, int weight, link next) {
link x = malloc (sizeof *x);
x->v = v;
x->next = next;
x->weight = weight;
return x;
Graph GRAPHinit (int V) {
int v;
Graph G = malloc (sizeof *G);
G->V = V;
G->E = 0;
G->adj = malloc (V * sizeof(link));
for (v = 0; v < V; v++){
G->adj[v] = NULL;
return G;
void GRAPHdestroy (Graph g) {
// not implemented yet
void GRAPHinsertE(Graph G, Edge e){
int v = e.v;
int w = e.w;
int weight = e.weight;
G->adj[v] = NEW (w, weight, G->adj[v]);
G->adj[w] = NEW (v, weight, G->adj[w]);
void GRAPHremoveE(Graph G, Edge e){
int v = e.v;
int w = e.w;
link *curr;
curr = &G->adj[w];
while (*curr != NULL){
if ((*curr)->v == v) {
(*curr) = (*curr)->next;
curr= &((*curr)->next);
curr = &G->adj[v];
while (*curr != NULL){
if ((*curr)->v == w) {
(*curr) = (*curr)->next;
curr= &((*curr)->next);
int GRAPHedges (Edge edges[], Graph g) {
int v, E = 0;
link t;
for (v = 0; v < g->V; v++) {
for (t = g->adj[v]; t != NULL; t = t->next) {
if (v < t->v) {
edges[E++] = EDGE(v, t->v, t->weight);
return E;
void GRAPHEdgePrint (Edge edge) {
printf ("%d -- (%d) -- %d", edge.v, edge.weight, edge.w);
int GRAPHedgeScan (Edge *edge) {
if (edge == NULL) {
printf ("GRAPHedgeScan: called with NULL \n");
if ((scanf ("%d", &(edge->v)) == 1) &&
(scanf ("%d", &(edge->w)) == 1) &&
(scanf ("%d", &(edge->weight)) == 1)) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
// Update the CC label for all the nodes in the MST reachable through the edge from-to
// Assumes graph is a tree, will not terminate otherwise.
void updateConnectedComponent (Graph g, int from, int to, int newVal, int *connectedComponent) {
link currLink = g->adj[to];
connectedComponent[to] = newVal;
while (currLink != NULL) {
if (currLink->v != from) {
updateConnectedComponent (g, to, currLink->v, newVal, connectedComponent);
currLink = currLink->next;
// insertion sort, replace with O(n * lon n) alg to get
// optimal work complexity for Kruskal
void sortEdges (Edge *edges, int noOfEdges) {
int i;
int l = 0;
int r = noOfEdges-1;
for (i = r-1; i >= l; i--) {
int j = i;
while ((j < r) && (edges[j].weight > edges[j+1].weight)) {
exch (edges[j], edges[j+1]);
Graph GRAPHmst (Graph g) {
Edge *edgesSorted;
int i;
int *connectedComponent = malloc (sizeof (int) * g->V);
int *sizeOfCC = malloc (sizeof (int) * g->V);
Graph mst = GRAPHinit (g->V);
edgesSorted = malloc (sizeof (*edgesSorted) * g->E);
GRAPHedges (edgesSorted, g);
sortEdges (edgesSorted, g->E);
// keep track of the connected component each vertex belongs to
// in the current MST. Initially, MST is empty, so no vertex is
// in an MST CC, therefore all are set to -1.
// We also keep track of the size of each CC, so that we're able
// to identify the CC with fewer vertices when merging two CCs
for (i = 0; i < g->V; i++) {
connectedComponent[i] = -1;
sizeOfCC[i] = 0;
int currentEdge = 0; // the shortest edge not yet in the mst
int mstCnt = 0; // no of edges currently in the mst
int v, w;
// The MST can have at most min (g->E, g->V-1) edges
while ((currentEdge < g->E) && (mstCnt < g->V)) {
v = edgesSorted[currentEdge].v;
w = edgesSorted[currentEdge].w;
printf ("Looking at Edge ");
GRAPHEdgePrint (edgesSorted[currentEdge]);
if ((connectedComponent[v] == -1) ||
(connectedComponent[w] == -1)) {
GRAPHinsertE (mst, edgesSorted[currentEdge]);
if (connectedComponent[v] == connectedComponent[w]) {
connectedComponent[v] = mstCnt;
connectedComponent[w] = mstCnt;
sizeOfCC[mstCnt] = 2; // initialise a new CC
} else {
connectedComponent[v] = max (connectedComponent[w], connectedComponent[v]);
connectedComponent[w] = max (connectedComponent[w], connectedComponent[v]);
printf (" is in MST\n");
} else if (connectedComponent[v] == connectedComponent[w]) {
printf (" is not in MST\n");
} else {
printf (" is in MST, connecting two msts\n");
GRAPHinsertE (mst, edgesSorted[currentEdge]);
// update the CC label of all the vertices in the smaller CC
// (size is only important for performance, not correctness)
if (sizeOfCC[connectedComponent[w]] > sizeOfCC[connectedComponent[v]]) {
updateConnectedComponent (mst, v, v, connectedComponent[w], connectedComponent);
sizeOfCC[connectedComponent[w]] += sizeOfCC[connectedComponent[v]];
} else {
updateConnectedComponent (mst, w, w, connectedComponent[v], connectedComponent);
sizeOfCC[connectedComponent[v]] += sizeOfCC[connectedComponent[w]];
free (edgesSorted);
free (connectedComponent);
free (sizeOfCC);
return mst;
edgeLink newEdgeList(void) {
return NULL;
edgeLink addEdgeList(edgeLink list, int node, link edge) {
edgeLink temp = list;
list = malloc(sizeof(edgeNode));
list->w = node;
list->v = edge->v;
list->weight = edge->weight;
list->next = temp;
return list;
edgeLink findSmallest(edgeLink waitList, int nodeIsConnected[]) {
edgeLink smallest = waitList;
int small = 99999;
while(waitList != NULL) {
if((waitList->weight < small)&&(nodeIsConnected[waitList->v] == 0)) {
smallest = waitList;
small = smallest->weight;
} else {
printf("\n\n smallest already used %d", waitList->v);
waitList = waitList->next;
if(nodeIsConnected[smallest->v] == 0){
return smallest;
} else {
printf("Returning NULL");
return NULL;
link addList(edgeLink smallest, link list, int v) {
link temp = list;
list = malloc(sizeof(node));
list->v = v;
list->weight = smallest->weight;
list->next = temp;
return list;
Graph GRAPHmstPrim (Graph g) {
Graph mst = GRAPHinit (g->V); // graph to hold the MST
int i = 0;
int v = 0;
int w = 0;
int nodeIsConnected[g->V]; // array to hold whether a vertex has been added to MST
int loopStarted = 0;
edgeLink smallest = NULL;
// initially all nodes are not in the MST
for(i = 0; i < g->V; i++) {
nodeIsConnected[i] = 0;
while((smallest != NULL)||(loopStarted == 0)) {
printf("v is : %d", v);
// add the very first node to the MST
nodeIsConnected[v] = 1;
loopStarted = 1;
// push all of its links onto the list
link vertex = g->adj[v];
edgeLink waitList = newEdgeList();
while(vertex != NULL) {
waitList = addEdgeList(waitList, v, vertex);
vertex = vertex->next;
// find the smallest edge from the list
// which doesn't duplicate a connection
smallest = findSmallest(waitList, nodeIsConnected);
// no nodes don't duplicate a connection
// return the current MST
if(smallest == NULL){
return mst;
// otherwise add the attributes to the MST graph
w = smallest->w;
v = smallest->v;
mst->adj[v] = addList(smallest, mst->adj[v], w);
mst->adj[w] = addList(smallest, mst->adj[w], v);
return mst;
Summary of changes:
- Added edgeList to hold the edges that may be entered into the MST
- Array nodeIsConnected[] to track whether a node is in the MST
- Function to select the smallest node. If there is no node which doesn't duplicate a link this returns NULL
Seeing as this seems homework, I'm not going to give the entire answer in code. Your code seems to be on the right track. The next step you need is indeed to add the smallest link from your temporary list to to your mst. By adding the smallest one from your list, you are actually connecting your (partially built) mst to a node that is not yet in your mst. The link with the smallest weight will always be the cheapest way to connect the nodes in your mst to the other nodes.
When you add the smallest link, you are adding a node to the partially built tree and you need to update your temporary list. You need to add all the links of your new node to the list. Once you've done that, your temporary list contains all links of all nodes in your partially built mst. You continue that process of adding nodes until all nodes are in your mst.
When adding the cheapest link, you need to check if you are connecting a new node to your mst. The cheapest link could be connecting 2 nodes that are already in your mst. If so, that link needs to be skipped and you take the next cheapest one. There are actually several ways of handling this. You could maintain a set/vector of nodes that are already in your mst, maintain a vector of booleans to track the status of a node or make sure your temporary list only contains links that connect new nodes (although this is the most intensive approach).
