I am trying to group my store on department name . Department name contains some null values also . when i am trying grouping along with sort function its result in multiple group from same name.
see this fiddel for details. I am not getting what i am doing wrong. Kindly advise.
Your sorterFn is wrong.
The sorterFn has to return three different values:
1 if the second argument is strictly greater than the first.
-1 if the second argument is strictly smaller than the first.
0 if both arguments are the same group.
Your sorterFn never returns 0. Try this one:
sorterFn: function(a, b) {
if(a.get('department')=="Management" && b.get('department')=="Management") return 0;
if(a.get('department')=="Management") return 1;
if(b.get('department')=="Management") return -1;
if(a.get('department') < b.get('department')) return 1;
if(a.get('department') > b.get('department')) return -1;
return 0;
Furthermore, your transform function is useless. It is called only from the original sorterFn, which you overwrite. You would have to account for null values in your sorterFn, if you wish so. (However, usually one would put fallback categories like "Others" in the end, not between "IT" and "Sales".)
Also, to write the department in the header line, you have to override the groupHeaderTpl template, e.g.
groupHeaderTpl: [
'<tpl if=\'name\'>{name}<tpl else>Others</tpl>'
Probably a noob Question: On my server, there is a filter which returns all available options if an array of the filter object has length.0 for certain options.
Now if say i have an input "All Options" from the user side, this option when clicked must somehow tell the array to have length.0, so the server returns all options .
I tried to set the Input to
<mat-option [value]= null >Alle</mat-option>
But that results in an array that has the value null instead of no length at all.
I also tried
If (data.array[1] == undefined){
data.array.length == 0
But that did not work
Leave the value to null and then do it like this:
if (!data.array) {
data.array = [];
I have a list of records that returns in the following format
Record(emailAddress=1234#gmail.com,Id=12313,optChoice=OUT, lastUpdateDate=2022-03-03T08:24:40.469898Z)
Record(emailAddress=56789#gmail.com,Id=12313,optChoice=in, lastUpdateDate=2022-04-03T08:24:40.469898Z)
I want to return my opt choice and everything else can be ignored. Any tips on how to do that?
You can use the map function. For example: list.map { it.optChoice } (where list is the name of your list variable) which will return you a list of the optChoice values. See for more info: https://kotlinlang.org/docs/collection-transformations.html#map
I’m a beginner in Laravel but have a problem at first. I wrote this query and I’m waiting for Sonya Bins as result but unexpectedly I see ["Sonya Bins"]. what’s the problem?
Route::get('products', function () {
return view('products',compact('articles'));
pluck will return array if you want to get only single value then use value
// will return array
//will return string
// output Sonya Bins
here is an example from the documentation:
if you don't even need an entire row, you may extract a single value from a record using the value method. This method will return the value of the column directly:
$email = DB::table('users')->where('name', 'John')->value('email');
Read more about it here
Hope it helps.
pluck() used to return a String before Laravel 5.1, but now it returns an array.
The alternative for that behavior now is value()
Try this:
Route::get('products', function () {
return view('products',compact('articles'));
I think it's easier to use the Model + find function + value function.
Route::get('products', function () {
$articles = User::find(2)->value('name');
return view('products',compact('articles'));
pluck will return the collection.
I think id is your primary key.
You can just get the first record, and call its attribute's name:
First thing is that you used invalid name for what you pass to view - you don't pass articles but user name.
Second thing is that you use get method to get results instead of first (or find) - you probably expect there is only single user with id = 2.
So to sum up you should use:
$userName = DB::table('users')->find(2)->name;
return view('products',compact('userName'));
Of course above code is for case when you are 100% sure there is user with id = 2 in database. If it might happen there won't be such user, you should use construction like this:
$userName = optional(DB::table('users')->find(2))->name;
($userName will be null if there is no such record)
$userName = optional(DB::table('users')->find(2))->name ?? 'No user';
in case you want to use custom string.
I am creating a test, and am trying to create a method that pulls a specific job posting ID when it matches the job posting title, the job type and the description, just in case that the case that there are more than one job posting with the same title.
I cannot get the select statement to pull the job posting ID out of the instance variable. Debugging shows that there is indeed the ID nested in the instance variable, but my conditions aren't being met because I am not doing it correctly.
#job_posting is the instance variable that contains the ID that I need, but I need my parameters in select to match so I can subsequently return the ID.
whenever I ONLY use posting title,such as:
target_postings = #job_postings.select{|posting|posting[:posting_title]}
it works and returns the ID I need, however I cannot do this:
def get_specific_posting_id_for_posting(posting_title, job_type, description)
expect(#job_postings.length > 0)
target_postings = #job_postings.select {|posting| posting[:posting_title] == posting_title; posting[:job_type] == job_type; posting[:description] == description}
expect(target_postings.length == 1)
target_posting = target_postings[0]
posting_id = target_posting[:posting_id]
It looks like
target_postings = #job_postings.select {|posting| posting[:posting_title] == posting_title; posting[:job_type] == job_type; posting[:description] == description}
should probably be
target_postings = #job_postings.select do |posting|
posting[:posting_title] == posting_title
&& posting[:job_type] == job_type
&& posting[:description] == description
Your version has three separate checks, the first two of which do nothing, only the last statement in the block is actually being used to determine whether the item matches.
As an aside, since it looks like you only want the single first element that matches your conditions, you might want to consider using find instead of select. It works the same except it will stop iterating and return as soon as it finds the first matching item.
I have an array, lets call it _persons.
I am populating this array with Value Objects, lets call this object PersonVO
Each PersonVO has a name and a score property.
What I am trying to do is search the array &
1 Find any VO's with same name (there should only be at most 2)
2 Do a comparison of the score propertys
3 Keep ONLY the VO with the higher score, and delete remove the other from the _persons array.
I'm having trouble with the code implementation. Any AS3 wizards able to help?
You'd better use a Dictionary for this task, since you have a designated unique property to query. A dictionary approach is viable in case you only have one key property, in your case name, and you need to have only one object to have this property at any given time. An example:
var highscores:Dictionary;
// load it somehow
function addHighscore(name:String,score:Number):Boolean {
// returns true if this score is bigger than what was stored, aka personal best
var prevScore:Number=highscores[name];
if (isNaN(prevScore) || (prevScore<score)) {
// either no score, or less score - write a new value
return true;
// else don't write, the new score is less than what's stored
return false;
The dictionary in this example uses passed strings as name property, that is the "primary key" here, thus all records should have unique name part, passed into the function. The score is the value part of stored record. You can store more than one property in the dictionary as value, you'll need to wrap then into an Object in this case.
you want to loop though the array and check if there are any two people with the same name.
I have another solution that may help, if not please do say.
childrenOnStage = this.numChildren;
var aPerson:array = new array;
for (var c:int = 0; c < childrenOnStage; c++)
if (getChildAt(c).name == "person1")
aPerson:array =(getChildAt(c);
Then trace the array,