Can I access my oracle database if I select the Desktop class when I install oracle database in my server - database

Can some body tell me that whether I can access my oracle database from my notebook, if I select the Desktop class when I install oracle database in my server.
And if I can, what I should do? (I just want to try to connect my oracle database in server from my notebook using SQL developer tool.)
enter image description here

Accessibility doesn't differ based on Server / Desktop class. This two class is basically for configuration. For example, if you select server class, then it is expected that you are installing it for production environment which may require to configure it with different options. So, if you select desktop class, it will take you to the simple screen with minimum configuration items. So, you can install desktop class on the server too.
To connect, you need connection string. Yes, you can connect from sqldeveloper too from your laptop. You need to create connection string by providing username, password, server ip/address, port, sid name.
Check the screen shot in this link:,P112_PREV_PAGE:11368&h=417&w=670&tbnid=oQJTUwkQNk7MDM:&tbnh=131&tbnw=211&usg=__5lgQ5gu8SrkZL9KoGkU0HP0mugk=&vet=10ahUKEwielOGHgvTTAhUTSI8KHTtJDOEQ9QEIJTAA..i&docid=d34NHq-Krt96NM&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwielOGHgvTTAhUTSI8KHTtJDOEQ9QEIJTAA


How to access Alfresco database via url?

in my file it says:
I want to know how to access this database in the browser?
The default PostgreSQL client application is psql. If you can't install this or if you want to use a GUI client, the PostgreSQL community maintains a list of GUI clients.
Every client either asks you for credentials or will present you a form where you can enter them.
The JDBC URL from your question is
My guess is that is equal to alfresco. So the complete JDBC URL would be
If you have installed Alfresco only your local computer, this would be the JDBC URL to use with a client that uses JDBC. If you have installed Alfresco on a different computer, you would have to replace localhost with the host name of this computer.
To connect to alfresco data base you can use any Postgresql client, by the way, alfresco install pgAdmin client.
To use this client you shoud open {alfresco_install_directory}/postgresql/bin/pgAdmin3, add new server and type database credentials(host, port ...) from
This is an example of configuration, you can find all what you need in
In case you have made the default installation(postgresql), you cant.
If you have switched the database to mysql you could use something like php admin or similar. Hope it helps.

Connect to SQL Express After Changing Computer Name and User Name

I have been running SQL Express on my local machine as part of a development environment for web development, but due to corporate requirements, recently had to change the computer name to join the new company domain. I also had to change my login/username as part of this process.
Because of this, I am no longer able to connect to my SQL Express instance, which i need to continue development. How can I migrate the existing SQL instance, which I connected to via Windows Authentication?
Let SQL Server engine works with Local System Account
as next:-
Press Window Button + R.
Type services.msc , then click Ok.
Select SQL Server Service , then choose properties.
Go to second tab Log On , then check Local System Account
Hope it helps.
Please try .\SQLEXPRESS instead of YourComputerName\SQLEXPRESS in server name.

How to use windows authentication with SQL server docker container

I have gone through all the examples I could find online for building docker container based applications. I would want to run two services running in two docker containers:
A windows container running ASP.NET
A windows container running SQL Server
Easy job and many examples. However, in all examples you need to use SQL authentication and to provide a hard-coded SA password as an environment variable when running the SQL server container. You also need to hard code the SA password into the connection string in the ASP.Net code (or also provide it in some other manner in a configuration file, etc.)
Bottom line in all examples the password is hard-coded somewhere.
In most applications we develop now, we actually use windows authentication instead or use a grouped managed service account instead. But as far as I know, you cannot add a windows container to a domain, thus the SQL server is not part of the windows domain so I don't see a way to use windows authentication here.
So does any one have an alternative to hard-coding passwords this way ?
I'm dealing exactly with the same problem.
Here is the most complete procedure that I found.
The trick is to use gMSA.
But, as JanneRantala says at the end, I'm having the same problem when trying to add a new User in the Database :
Msg 15401, Level 16, State 1, Line 3
Windows NT user or group 'YOUR_DOMAIN\gmsa$' not found. Check the name again.
Here is walkthrough how to make it work. Windows Containers Walkthrough
This will not work though if your SQL is also running in container since SQL server itself have to part of Active Directory to be able to utilize GMSA accounts.
Windows authentication is automatically enabled in Windocks SQL Server containers. See here for more details.
The SQL Server containers created in Windocks are SQL Server named instances created automatically from the default SQL Service that is already installed on the Windows Server (2012 R2 or 2016). Any Windows accounts in the default instance are automatically enabled in the container instances.

do i need to install sqlserver in another computer to access the database

I created a database using microsoft sqlserver and an application that use the database. The application would be deployed on the client's computer as well as the database.
Do i need to install microsoft sqlserver on my client's computer in order to the database to work?
no, you have just to configure your database to accept connection from other computer, and set the connection string for your server and databse
more explanation :
If I understand your edit, you want to Know if you have to install SqlServer in the Client Machine to run your application;
if this is your real question then yes, the sql server is relational database management system (an engine to manupulate your data base)
and in this case you have to update your string connexion related to the new sqlserver engine name and the path to this engine

How can I Upload my ASP.NET website(with database)?

this is my first project ^_^
and I have no previous experience.
I did create the database in my project from within the MVC.
Add New Item > SQL Server Database
then I use ADO.NET Entity DataModel
and I don't need to open my connection each time I deal with the database.. it's only the connection string in the Web.config..
my question is :
how can I upload my database?
is there any resource for such beginner as me :$ ?
I did Google it but I found it very hard for me to know if this is what I want or not, that's why I came here :$
It really depends on what type of access you have to your server.
If you have remote desktop access then run remote desktop (mstsc in run) and connect to your server.
This article shows how to install your web application in IIS on server.
This blog post from Scott Guthrie shows you how to deploy your sql database to your server.
In case you only have access to your server via a control panel (plesk) you should still be able to do the same via a different interface. (you need to go through the instructions given for the specific control panel you are using).
Hope this helps.
For ASP.Net website, just upload all files using FTP, in wwwroot folder of your hosting.
For SQL Server database there are following option.
Attach your MDF file on hosting database server (if you have remote desktop).
Generate a script of whole database with full data, schema, and indexes etc. and run the script in query editor of your hosting panel.
First of all create a database from your hosting panel and a user for your database then Use SQL Serer 2008 (R2 most preferable) and connect with your hosting SQL Server using hosting server name in Server name, your db user id in User Name, and same for password. And then connect, you will find a long list of databases including your own database. Now right click on your database and import data from your local database server to remote database server.
