Missing Toolbox Items in VS 2013 - winforms

I'm developing a WinForms application using Visual studio 2013. I have two user controls and 1 custom control in my project. Unfortunately for some reason they are not appearing in my toolbox at design. At one point they did briefly but disappeared and never returned. I have tried resetting the toolbox, checking the AutoPopulate option and made sure that my project is built. I've seen solutions about adding controls that exist in their own library but these exist within the same project. My classes also have a namespace and the ToolboxItem(True) attribute.


Devexpress report designer version conflicts

I'm trying to add a DevExpress Report Desginer Wizard to my WPF project but I keep getting an error about versions. I've posted a screenshot to simplify things
This project already contains references to DevExpress controls of a different version.
The current version is 15.2.4.
Incorrect reference: DevExpress.Data.v14.1 14.1.8
I've updated the project files per the DevExpress Upgrade notes but this hasn't changed anything.
You can try to execute "upgrade tool" from the visual studio menu
DevExpress -> Upgrade tool,
run this tool on the current solution/project, close the wpf window designer, rebuild solution/project, open your wpf window again in the designer, check that the toolbox contains WPF ReportDesigner v15.2 control and add it to the wpf window.
I resolved the error by removing all references to DevExpress components with a different version than the 15.2 that it was trying to use.
I had to clean and build my solution after doing this because they obstinately kept coming back and causing trouble so if you're here looking for a solution, be aware of that.

WinForms.net: a control for one project only

I want to make a composite control which I could drag to form multiple times, but this control should reside in one project only. I do not like the idea of making a control, and installing it to be visible to all projects in a Visual Studio 2010 Toolbox.
So, I assumed that the UserControl is what I needed. I created one, but now can't drag it to a form or find it in the Toolbox.
Tools > Options > Windows Forms Designer > AutoToolboxPopulate is set to True.
I had to compile the project to make UserControl appear in the Toolbox.

VS 2010 is missing CrystalReportViewer after Crystal is installed

I installed Crystal Reports for VS 13.0.2000 to work with VS 2010. I will need to use CR in a WinForm app.
To my utter surprise, I have no CrystalReportViewer in my VS Toolbox pane for WinForms. The CrystalReportViewer does show up in Toolbox for web forms though.
I could obviously add the viewer to my winform without using the toolbox, but I can not seem to figure out what do I need to reference to get it. I am already referencing all the usual dll's like CrystalReports.Engine and CrystalDecisions.Shared but it does not help.
Does anybody have any idea what I am missing?
You need to ensure that you're targeting the full framework, and not any subsets, such as the client profile

Unable to drag and drop telerik components on windows forms

I am trying to drag and drop Telerik RadGridView on my windows form. But instead of showing on the form(in designer view), it shows the control just below the designer i.e. the area where some of the controls like DataSet, Binding Source, FileDialog controls are shown when added to the form from the toolbox.
The same problem happens for any rad control like RadButton, RadLabel etc. I can work on the control by using the controls added to the form, but the problem is that in case of some controls like RadGridView, the smart tag is not available that makes a lot of things easier.
I think I am missing something, so that I am unable to drag-drop the controls. Can any one help me out?
Can also be caused by a version mismatch. I had the latest version installed but code base referenced previous version (specifically 2011 Q2).
An uninstall of latest and install of 20011.Q2 fixed it for me.
This is caused by missing design time assembly in your GAC. Uninstall the all telerik controls from your computer, reinstall them and then update your project references. This should solve the problem.
More info at this link.
you must ReInstall your telerik product then open your project and reload your toolbox.
this sometime happen like you update your visual studio or you install a new package of telerik.

How can I create a Windows Control Library project in Visual Studio?

i was trying to complete a tutorial on custom controls and all of the tutorials that ive found say that you have to choose a project template called "windows control library". I don't have that template as an option! I am using VS2010 professional. Any ideas?
The "Windows Control Library" project template is used to quickly get started creating custom controls for use in Windows Forms (WinForms) applications. It creates a project that is automatically populated with the necessary references and files.
To create a new project of this type, you first have to pick one of the .NET languages—it doesn't matter which—either C#, VB.NET or C++/CLI.
Then, select the "Windows" category to narrow down the scope of the project types that are listed.
Finally, select the project type called "Windows Forms Control Library".
