How to stop a running query? - sql-server

I use RODBC to send queries to an SQL-Server. Sometimes they take too much time to run, so I need to cancel them.
Clicking the red "stop" button in RStudio yields this error message:
R is not responding to your request to interrupt processing so to stop
the current operation you may need to terminate R entirely.
Terminating R will cause your R session to immediately abort. Active
computations will be interrupted and unsaved source file changes and
workspace objects will be discarded.
Do you want to terminate R now?
And if I click yes my session is indeed terminated. (note: using Rgui instead of RStudio doesn't make things better)
when I use another software (named "Query ExPlus") to connect to this same SQL-Server, I have a similar stop button, and clicking it instantly interrupts the query, without any crash.
when I connect to a PostgreSQL database using the RPostgres package I can also interrupt the query at any time.
These two points lead me to think that there should be a way to solve my problem. What can I do?
So far my workaround is:
withTimeout(mydf <- sqlQuery(myconnection, myquery), timeout=120)
Note: I don't have permission to kill queries from the database side.

I've just stumbled upon the odbc package. It allows to interrupt a query at any time.
Basic usage goes like this:
myconnection <- dbConnect(odbc::odbc(),
driver = "SQL Server",
server = "my_server_IP_address",
database = "my_DB_name",
uid = "my_user_id",
pwd = "my_password")
dbGetQuery(myconnection, myquery)
I don't have a deep understanding of what happens behind the scenes, but for what I've seen so far in my personal use this package has other advantages over RODBC:
really faster
get the column types from the DB instead of guessing them (see here)
no stringsAsFactors and arguments necessary

Most SQL Server users use SQL Server Management Studio (which is free and can be downloaded from Microsoft) to connect to SQL Server or execute commands from the command line via a tool called SQLCMD.
If you can determine the session id that the SQL Command is being run in you can kill the session which would stop any executing command(s). SQL Server will still need time (could be a 'long' time) to rollback any changes made during the execution of the command.
Terminating a session (depending on the software) can take a while to communicate to SQL Server that the session has been terminated. When I connected to DB2 from SQL Server using linked servers DB2 would buffer the terminate command and it would frequently take up to an hour for DB2 to realize the session had been terminated.
To determine what the session you are running in you can try:
select ##spid;
once you have the spid (lets say 86)
you can then issue (depending on if you have permission to do so)
kill 86;
but as Microsoft notes:
Terminates a user process that is based on the session ID or unit of work (UOW). If the specified session ID or UOW has a lot of work to undo, the KILL statement may take some time to complete, particularly when it involves rolling back a long transaction.

Try to close your "tab query" on SQL Server Management Studio
Then it will appear pop-up,
This Query is currently executing. Do you want to cancel this query ?
Cancel anyway, choose "yes".

try to set your connection prior to query:
sql = odbcConnect('Database name')
Then use same line to run your query:
mydf <- sqlQuery(sql, " myquery ")
Note: The running time is dependant on both database and R server but setting up the connection this way should resolve termination problem.


Offline and online execution problem with multiples queries incoming

I have a SQL Server service and multiple Windows Service doing some backgrounds work on same server.
One of them (I'm calling it "A") have a routine executing "single_user/offline" and "online/multi_user" to active databases to do some backup operations at midnight. The another ones executes multiple queries over that databases (I'm calling it "B").
The problem is the following:
1.- Windows Service "A" executes SET ONLINE.
2.- Windows Service "B" executes a random SELECT.
3.- Windows Service "A" tries to execute SET MULTI_USER. This execution is dropped because there is an active connection made from Windows Service "B".
I've tried executing SET ONLINE and SET MULTI_USER on same CommandText of the SqlCommand, but this doesn't denies the incoming query from Windows Service "B", breaking my process and keeping the database locked (because the SINGLE_USER).
How can I make an ONLINE and MULTI_USER commands at same time on the Windows Service "A" to make Windows Service "B" being cancelled or wait the process finished? (It's not a problem that Windows Service "B" being cancelled)
Could be sp_dettach_db or sp_attach_db useful?
It sounds like Service A is closing it's connection after bringing the database into Single User mode. This frees up Service B to become the single user, at which point Service A can no longer change the mode until it can grab the single connection back, which it won't be able to do as long as Service B, or any other client for that matter, has it.
I can think of a couple of things you could do here:
Once your offline operations are complete, begin polling until Service A can become the single user again
Find the SPID of the connection from Service B and kill it.
See the limitations and restrictions section about single user mode at this link for more info.
Thanks to all, but I reanalyzed the problem I was having from the beginning, and concluded that the action "SET SINGLE_USER" was not necessary, since the process does not require actions in that mode, so finally with the action "SET OFFLINE" and "SET ONLINE" could prevent intermediate connection problems.

Error 17886 - The server will drop the connection

We are running a website on a vps server with sql server 2008 x64 r2. We are being bombarded with 17886 errors - namely:
The server will drop the connection, because the client driver has
sent multiple requests while the session is in single-user mode. This
error occurs when a client sends a request to reset the connection
while there are batches still running in the session, or when the
client sends a request while the session is resetting a connection.
Please contact the client driver vendor.
This causes sql statements to return corrupt results. I have tried pretty much all of the suggestions I have found on the net, including:
with mars, and without.
with pooling and without
with async=true and without
we only have one database and it is absolutely multi-user.
Everything has been installed recently so it is up to date. They may be correlated with high cpu (though not exclusively according to the monitors I have seen). Also correlated with high request rates from search engines. However, high cpu/requests shouldn't cause sql connections to reset - at worst we should have high response times or iis refusing to send response.
Any suggestions? I am only a developer not dba - do i need a dba to solve this problem?
Not sure but some of your queries might cause deadlocks on the server.
At the point you detect this error again
Open Management Studio (on the server, install it if necessary)
Open a new query window
Run sp_who2
Check the blkby column which is short for Blocked By. If there is any data in that column you have a deadlock problem (Normally it should be like the screenshot I attached, completely empty).
If you have a deadlock then we can continue with next steps. But right now please check that.
To fix the error above, ”MultipleActiveResultSets=True” needs to be added to the connection string.
via Event ID 17886 MSSQLServer – The server will drop the connection
I would create an eventlog task to email you whenever 17886 is thrown. Then go immediately to the db and execute the sp_who2, get the blkby spid and run a dbcc inputbuffer. Hopefully the eventinfo will give you something a bit more tangible to go on.
Use a "Instance Per Request" strategy in your DI-instantiation code and your problem will be solved
Most probably you are using dependency injection. During web development you have to take into account the possibility of concurrent requests. Therefor you have to make sure every request gets new instances during DI, otherwise you will get into concurrency issues. Don't be cheap by using ".SingleInstance" for services and contexts.
Enabling MARS will probably decrease the number of errors, but the errors that are encountered will be less clear. Enabling MARS is always never the solution, do not use this unless you know what you're doing.

Another ODBC Call Failed Topic

I am running Access 2010 FE and SQL Server 2005 BE.
I can execute pass through queries to my SQL Server succesfully by using DSNless connections.
During my testing phase sometimes I need to restore my database to get back to my original records so I can rerun my pass through queries. What I have found is when I run a pass through query, it creates an active connection on my SQL Server. I see the connection via the SQL Server Management Console under the MANAGEMENT | SQL Server Logs | Activity Monitor, select view processes. There I can see which process ID is being used and who is using it when I run my pass through query.
Now the only way for me to restore my database is to KILL the PROCESS e.g. Active connection
Now when I have my restored database in place and re-run the pass through query, I receive a ODBC -- Call Failed message box. I have attempted to run a procedure to refresh my querydefs but to no avail, I will still get the ODBC-- Call Failed message box when I click on those objects.
Now there are two options on how to fix this problem, which in either case I find not USER Friendly.
Restart my Access Application
Wait approx 5-10 minutes to rerun the Pass Through Query
I created a function to trap my ODBC Errors and this is what appears:
ODBC Error Number: 0
Error Description: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Communication link failure
ODBC Error Number: 3146
Error Description: ODBC--call failed.
So if for some reason, I need to restart my SQL server or kill a process (Active Connection) on my SQL server while the Access Application is currently connected via ODBC, the objects created via ODBC will not perform properly till I execute the 2 workaround solutions as stated above.
Can anyone shed some advice on a solution? I appreciate any insight.
I asked a similar question some time ago, and never got a satisfactory answer. My original question is here: Force SET IDENTITY_INSERT to take effect faster from MS Access
There is a registry setting documented here for ACE that controls the timeout behavior:
ConnectionTimeout: The number of seconds a cached connection can remain idle before timing out. The default is 600 (values are of type REG_DWORD).
So as a third workaround (in addition to the two you already listed) you can change that registry setting to a shorter timeout (like 10 seconds). This is the approach I took in my answer. One caveat is that shortening the timeout may cause performance or other issues. Your mileage may vary.
See my full answer to the original question for more info.

sql server 2005 deadlock times out in production, not in test environment: why?

In my development environment, I seek to recreate a production issue we
face with MSSQL 2005. This issue has two parts:
The Problem
1) A deadlock occurs and MSSQL selects one connection ("Connection X") as the 'victim'.
2) All subsequent attempts to use "Connection X" fail (we use connection pooling). MSSQL says "The server failed to resume the transaction"
Of the two, #2 if more serious: since "connection X" is whacked every
"round robin" attempt to re-use "connection x" fails--and mysterious
"random" errors appear to the user. We must restart the server.
Why I Write
At this point, however, I wish to recreate problem #1. I can create a
deadlock easily.
But here's my issue: whereas in production, MSSQL chooses one
connection (SPID) as the 'deadlock victim', in my test environment, the deadlock just hangs...and hangs and hangs. Forever? I'm not sure, but I left it hanging overnight and it still hung in the morning.
So here's the question: how can I make sql server "choose a deadlock victim" when a deadlock occurs?
Attempts so Far
I tried setting the "lock_timeout" parameter via the jdbc url ("lockTimeout=5000"), however I got a different message than in production (in test,"Lock request time out period exceeded." instead of in production "Transaction (Process ID 59) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim.")
Some details on problem #2
I've researched this "unable to resume the transaction" problem and found a
few things:
bad exception handling may cause this problem. E.g.: the java code does
not close the Statement/PreparedStatement and the driver's implementation
of "Connection" is stuck with a bad/stale/old "transaction ID"
A jdbc driver upgrade may make the problem go away.
For now, however, I just want to recreate a deadlock and make sql server
"choose a deadlock victim".
thanks in advance!
Appendix A. Technical Environment
sql server 2005 SP3 (9.00.4035.00)
driver: sqljdbc.jar version 1.0
Jboss 3.2.6
jdbc url: jdbc:sqlserver://<>;
sql server 2005 SP2 (9.00.3042.00)
driver: sqljdbc.jar version 1.0
Jboss 3.2.6
jdbc url: jdbc:sqlserver://<>;
Appendix B. Steps to force a deadlock
get connection A
get connection B
run sql1 with connection A
run sql2 with connection B
run sql1 with connection B
run sql2 with connection A
update member set name = name + 'x' WHERE member_id = 71
update member set name = name + 'x' WHERE member_id = 72
The explanation of why the JDBc connection enters the incorrect state is given here: The server failed to resume the transaction... Why?. You should upgrade to JDBC SQL driver v2.0 before anything else. The link also contains advice on how to fix the application processing to avoid this situation, most importantly about avoiding the mix of JDBC transaction API with native Transact-SQL transactions.
As for the deadlock repro: you did not recreate a deadlock in test. You just blocked waiting for a transaction to commit. A deadlock is a different thing and SQL Server will choose a victim, you do not have to set deadlock priority, lock timeouts or anything. Deadlock priorities are a completely different topic and are used to choose the victim in certain scenarios like high priority vs. low priority overnight batch processing.
Any deadlock investigation should start with understanding the deadlock, if you want to eliminate it. The Dedlock Graph Event Class in Profiler is the perfect starting point. With the deadlock graph info you can see what resources is the deadlock occuring on and what statements are involved. Most times the solution is either to fix the order of updates in application (always follow the same order) or fix the access path (ie. add an index).
The UPDATE .. WHERE key IN (SELECT ...) is usually deadlocking because the operation is not atomic. Multiple threads can return the the same IN list because the SELECT part does not lock anything. This is just a guess, to properly validate you must look at the deadlock info.
To validate your hand made test for deadlocks you should validate that the blocking SPIDs form a loop. Look at SELECT session_id, blocking_session_id FROM sys.dm_exec_requests WHERE blocking_session_id <> 0. If the result contains a loop (eg. A blocked by B and B blocked by A) adn the server does not trigger a deadlock, that's a bug. However, what you will find is that the blocking list will not form a loop, will be something A blocked by B and B blocked by C and C not in the list, which means you have done something wrong in the repro test.
You can specify a Deadlock priority ffor a the session using
See this MSDN link for details.
You can also use the following command to view the open transactions
This command may help you identify what is causing the deadlock. See MSDN for more info.
What are the queries being run? What is actually causing the deadlock?
You say you have two connections A and B. A runs sql1 then sql2, while B runs sql2 then sql1. So, what is the work (queries) being done? More importantly, where are the transactions? What isolation level are you using? What opens/closes the transactions? (Yes, this leads to questioning the exception processing used by your drivers--if they don't detect and properly process a returned "it didn't work" message, then you absolutely need to take them out back and shoot them--bullets or penicillin, your call.)
Understanding the explicit details underlying the deadlock will allow you to recreate it. I'd first try to recreate it "below" your application -- that is, open up two windows in SSMS, and recreate the application's actions step by step, by hand if/as necessary. Once you can do this, step back and replicate that in your application--all on your development servers, of course!
(A thought--are your Dev databases copies of your Production DBs? If Dev DBs are orders of magnitude smaller than Prod ones, your queries may be the same but what SQL does "under the hood" will be vastly different.)
A last thought, SQL will detect and process deadlocks automatically (I really don't think you can disable this), if yours are running overnight then I don't think you have a deadlock, but rather just a conventional locking/blocking issue.
[Posting this now -- going to look something up, will check back later.]
Interesting--SQL Server 2005 compact edition does not detect deadlocks, it only does timeouts. You're not using that in Dev, are you?
I see no way to "turn off" or otherwise control the deadlock timeout period. I hit and messed with deadlocks just last week, and some arbitrary testing then indicated that deadlocks are detected and resolved in (for our dev server) under 5 seconds. It truly seems like you don't have deadlocks on you Dev machine, just blocking. But realize that this stuff is hard for "armchair DBAs" to analyzed, you'd really need to sit down and do some serious analysis of what's going on within the system when this problem is occuring.
[ This is a response to the answers. The UI does not allow longer 'comments' on answers]
What are the queries being run? What is actually causing the deadlock?
In my test environment, I ran very simple queries:
UPDATE principal SET name = name + '.' WHERE principal_id = 71
UPDATE principal SET name = name + '.' WHERE principal_id = 72
Then executed them in chiastic/criss-cross order, i.e. w/o any commits.
This to me seems like a basic example of a deadlock. If this a "mere lock", however, and not a deadlock, please disabuse me of this notion.
In production, our 'problematic query' ("prodbad") looked liked this:
UPDATE post SET lock_flag = ?
WHERE thread_id IN (SELECT thread_id FROM POST WHERE post_id = ?)
Note a few things:
1) This "prod problem query" actually works. AFAIK it had a
deadlock this one time
2) I suspect that the problem lies in page locking, i.e. pessimistic locking due to reads elsewhere in the transaction
3) I do not know what sql this transaction executed prior to this query.
4 )This query is an example of "I can do that in one sql statement"
processing, which while seems clever to the programmer ultimately causes much more IO than running two queries:
queryM:SELECT thread_id FROM POST WHERE post_id = ?
queryN: UPDATE post SET lock_flag = ? WHERE thread_id = <>
*>(A thought--are your Dev databases copies of your Production DBs?
If Dev DBs are orders of magnitude smaller than Prod ones, your queries may be the same but >what SQL does "under the hood" will be vastly different.)*
In this case the prod and dev db's differ. "Prod server" had tons of data. "Dev db" had little data. The queries were very differently. All I wanted to do was recreate a deadlock.
*> The server failed to resume the transaction... Why?. You should upgrade to JDB
C SQL driver v2.0 before anything else.*
Thanks. We plan on this change. Switching drivers introduces a little bit of risk, so we'll need to run some test..
To recap:
I had the "bright idea" to force a simple deadlock and see if my connection was "whacked/hosed/borked/etc." The deadlock, however, behaved differently than in production.

SQL Server Backup Database over ODBC

I'm trying to write a program that is able to import and export a specific database, plus users and logins, from a Microsoft SQL Server database. I have an abstraction layer between my code and ODBC that much of our other software uses. The abstraction layer normally runs with autocommit off and handles transactions on its own, but since the BACKUP command doesn't like being run in any transaction, I"m using another method of the layer, called executeDirect, that runs it with autocommit on.
The method uses the SQLExecDirect function to run the BACKUP command. When it's done, the function returns SUCCESS_WITH_INFO, since the BACKUP command likes to give three lines of output. The code then attempts to get the output with SQLGetDiagField and is able to gather the first line from record #1, but there is no record #2.
The last thing the method wants to do is reset the connection to autocommit off, but when it attempts that, an error occurs, saying "Connection is busy with results from another command", SQL State is "HY000". So, obviously, the connection wants to remit the other two lines of output, but I don't know how to let it do so.
The BACKUP DATABASE command works as a batch, requiring a call to SQLMoreResults to continue with the backup.
