Serving ads to a specific device using mobile ad network - mobile

Is it possible to serve specific ads that will appear on a specific user's mobile phone when he is using a specific app? Is the user's IMEI required for this? (This is when you are not the owner of the APP)

Targeting a specific user
Here's a couple of quotes from DoubleClick AdExchange Buyer help page
IDFA (Identifier For Advertising) on iOS
Every iOS device comes with an identifier that allows developers and
marketers to track activity for advertising purposes. It may be used
by advertisers to run remarketing campaigns and record purchasing or
downloading conversions.
AAID (Google Advertising ID) on Android
Inventory bid requests from Android devices pass the AAID, which
provides the same type of device-specific, unique, resettable ID for
advertising as the IDFA. The ID for tablet devices with multiple users
may also be unique per user.
Targeting a specific app
Check out section 3.2.9. the OpenRTB spec, there's an App object
This object should be included if the ad supported content is a
non-browser application (typically in mobile) as opposed to a website.
A bid request must not contain both an App and a Site object. At a
minimum, it is useful to provide an App ID or bundle, but this is not
strictly required.


Unverified app screen in google Cloud

I am hosting some Web Applications in Google Cloud Platform using App Engine and those are for internal purpose only. One month ago I got a mail from Google Cloud Team, saying one of my apps needs verification. By based on their response I did some research and finally migrated all apps to the Organisation level as they mentioned in documentation (below link for reference).
But, yesterday also I got another notification regarding the same.
May I ignore this notification, or are there any further steps I need to complete?
As stated in this other documentation page:
If you're creating an internal web app for which [...] your project is
associated with a Cloud Organization that your users belong to, you
don't need to go through verification. Internal users of your
application won't see the unverified app screen.
If your application will only be used by internal users belonging to the same organization as where your project is located, you can ignore this message. It was probably triggered by the fact that your application is indeed not verified (although you do not need to do so).
So if that is the case, you will only need, as stated in the link you shared, to create an Organization and then migrate your existing project to that organization (then make sure that the users who will be accessing the app belong to the same organization).

Hybrid Mobile App Event tracking or analytics

I am developing an app built using Angular 2, so I'm constrained to platforms with Cordova plugins (that are available for Cordova Build) or JavaScript Web SDKs.
I have a few simple technical requirements
Track navigation of user or application flow (page views - user navigated to profile page)
Track custom events (user hit cancel when prompted to enter credit card)
Track custom user properties (dimensions - eg. Gender, Location, Age Range)
I'm Considering
Google Analytics - However i see it throws a lot metrics and numbers, but not what I need. I want details of an individual user or a individual application flow and how the user used his application, what was the flow etc, With respect to each device.
Any advice on a platform or SDK I can use to actually retrieve these important analytics which is device or user specific would be much appreciated.
angulartics has been rewritten to support angular 2. it supports google analytics. It should work in your angular 2 application. let me know if it works. I would like to play with it as well. There is a angularitics cordova plugin but it is not updated for angular2 yet.
We can do individual level event tracking with different plugins like Appsee and UXCam.
Appsee and UXCam also provides additional support of Video recording of the app and user interactions done by the user i.e, how the user used the application etc. In Addition to that Appsee also provides crash log and analytic support.
Links for Appsee - and
UXCam -

Collecting payments for mobile web apps

Bonus! 2 questions in 1:
We're building a mobile web app (not native) and would like to be able to collect payment for a real-world service. Since it's a mobile web app, we had assumed we wouldn't be restricted to any of the native in-app payments that Apple and Android impose, right?
Are there any services for CC payments? Even nicer would be one where the user could snap a pic of their CC and the app would capture their billing info and submit payment.
1) There's no restriction from Apple to web apps.
2) PayPal provides you the possibility to process payments from the web. It provides you a lot of ways to integrate payments to your website. For example, it redirects the customer after they place the purchase. And there's also IPN, which notifies a page of your website that a payment was placed and which items were bought.

How to uniquely identify a mobile device -

I am trying to log certain actions of users in my database, and I need to retrieve the same actions once the user gets back to my site (unable to support cookies) after a few days, is there a way I can get any mobile device's ID and use that as a unique identifier?
The solution needs to be applicable for iPhone,iPad,iPod,Android,Nokia and other mobile devices.

Can Windows Phone Apps see the User/Device ID?

I'm building a Windows Phone App that involves users talking to each other through a web service. Does Windows Phone expose the User or Device ID to the app that I can use to identify the different users? Better yet would be a federated login through Live ID.
There is a Device ID that you can use that is unique to each phone. You get it via the Device Information which you can read about here ->
And then you can read about it a little more on this blog post with a more full featured example.
