ASP Web API string parameter retrieves "null" - angularjs

In JavaScript I have the following code:
var form = new FormData();
form.append("SomeParam", value);
Here when debugging I see value is null.
The service looks like this:
this.importNonSalaryPacketExcel = function (data) {
return $http(
url: ...,
method: "POST",
data: data,
headers: {
'Content-Type': undefined
transformRequest: angular.identity
Web API code looks like this:
public HttpResponseMessage ImportNonSalaryPacketExcel(ImportNonSalaryPacketExcelParam param)
And the object:
public class ImportNonSalaryPacketExcelParam
public string SomeParam { get; set; }
Every field is assigned correctly except this one and it is being set to "null" rather than to null.
Can you help me identify possible problem?

Ok, the first simple solution is to check if param is null in javascript and not adding it to forms data at all.
The second problem is that there is custom media formatter involved FormMultipartEncodedMediaTypeFormatter which does not handle this case. I have just downloaded the source of the formatter and added support for this kind of situations.


Call .NET Core API from AngularJS using $https - 400 Bad Request

I'm trying to call a .NET Core API from AngularJS. In the AngularJS I'm calling the method like this:
method: 'POST',
url: '/api/message/transaction/' +,
data: { "transactionJson": "hello"}
.then(function (response) {
var r = response;
My .NET Core API method is like this:
public async Task<ActionResult<DeviceEventsTransactionmsg>> PostTransaction([FromBody] string transactionJson)
I'm getting a 400 Bad Request response back from the server. How do I fix it?
I realised the type for the parameter must be a type that has a property named TransactionJson, so I need to define a new C# type:
public class TransactionData() {
public string TransactionJson
Then in the API method:
public async Task<ActionResult<DeviceEventsTransactionmsg>> PostTransaction([FromBody] TransactionData transactionJson)
getting a 400 Bad Request response back from the server. How do I fix it?
To fix the issue, as your mentioned, one solution is modifying action parameter, like below.
public async Task<ActionResult<DeviceEventsTransactionmsg>> PostTransaction([FromBody] TransactionData transactionJson)
//code logic here
TransactionData class
public class TransactionData
public string TransactionJson { get; set; }
Besides, we can also implement and use a custom plain text input formatter to make PostTransaction action method that accepts a string-type ACTION parameter work well.
public class TextPlainInputFormatter : TextInputFormatter
public TextPlainInputFormatter()
protected override bool CanReadType(Type type)
return type == typeof(string);
public override async Task<InputFormatterResult> ReadRequestBodyAsync(InputFormatterContext context, Encoding encoding)
string data = null;
using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(context.HttpContext.Request.Body))
data = await streamReader.ReadToEndAsync();
return InputFormatterResult.Success(data);
Add custom formatter support
services.AddControllers(opt => opt.InputFormatters.Insert(0, new TextPlainInputFormatter()));
Test Result

Passing complex object from angular service to MVC controller

I am trying to pass complex object from angular service to MVC controller. Below is the code-:
Angular Controller
$scope.saveData = function () {
var resultData = new Object();
resultData.Name = $scope.Name;
resultData.Address = new Object();
resultData.Address = $scope.Address;
resultData.Address.Contact = $scope.Address.Contact;
var promiseOrganization = AngularService.saveResult(resultData);
promiseOrganization.then(function (result)
alert("Saved successfully.");
Angular Service
this.saveResult = function (resultData) {
return $"/Form/SaveData/" + resultData);
MVC Controller
public string SaveData([FromBody] resultData data)
//operation to perform
return "Data Reached";
When I try passing complex object from Angular service to mvc controller. It gives me null i.e. object becomes null.
Please suggest.
When using the $ method you need to pass the data object as the second paramenter. You can read up on it here
So your angular code should look like
$"/Form/SaveData/", data);
You then need a server side representation of the data you are passing the WebApi controller
public class MyCustomObject
public string Name { get; set; }
public MyCustomAddress Address { get; set; }
public class MyCustomAddress
public string AddressLine1 { get; set; }
public string AddressLine2 { get; set; }
public string Contact { get; set; }
You need to update your WebApi controller code to use the new server side class as the parameter. Note that I am not using the [FromBody] attribute as this link explains you only need to use the [FromBody] attribute when you want to force Web API to read a simple type from the request body(your type is a complex type)
To force Web API to read a simple type from the request body, add the [FromBody] attribute to the parameter
Updated WebApi Controller code without the [FromBody] attribute:
public string SaveData(MyCustomObject data)
//operation to perform
return "Data Reached";
Change your post function to something like this,
$'/Form/SaveData/', resultData)
.success(function (data, status, headers, config) {
.error(function (data, status, headers, config) {
You are wrong in your post command. It should be:
$"/Form/SaveData/",{resultData: resultData});
The problem is you need to add the following header -> 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
$'/Form/SaveData/', resultData, {headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}});

unable to pass complex objects to webapi from angularjs

I'm using below code to post data to webapi controller but complex data objects are coming as null in the API controller.However, if i pass object at a time i'm seeing results meaning it is sending over the flat objects but not complex objects.Can anyone please guide me what wrong i'm doing here or is there any other way to do this??
below are the data objects and code snippet that i'm using:
var portfolio={
..almost 15 fields in this object},
totalamount:'', also we have more than 10 objects}
Foo: {F1:'',F2:'',F3:''...}
Foo1: {F11:'',F12:'',F13:''...}
Angular service:
var get=funtion(portfolio){
return $'/api/values',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
webapi controller:
public class ValuesController : ApiController
public User Post([Frombody]portfolio model)
//logic here
Json is the default content type, so there is no need to neither specify that, nor stringify you object.
Assuming you are posting a valid json object, this should suffice:
var get = funtion(portfolio){
return $'/api/values', portfolio);

Passing Object in get Request to WebAPI 2

selectedLocation is always null on the Server
I am using Angular , what is the proper way of passing object to get method
This is Class that is defined on Server, which is being passed as parameter in get request
public class Location
public string LocationName { get; set; }
public string MFGName { get; set; }
This is the method in WebAPI that is being called.
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> RenewToken(Location selectedlocation)
The Captured Request looks like this(In google Chrome Developers Tool)
What am i doing wrong ?
Okay so from what i got from this
Why do we have to specify FromBody and FromUri in ASP.NET Web-API?
when the parameter of the method is a complex type is looks in the body of the request
since you're using GET the data gets put into the uri instead of the body
couple options you could do are
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> RenewToken(string LocationName, string MFGName)
you could always change your verb to a post or something that accepts data in teh body
You might try changing your get in angular to something like
method: "GET",
url: "/api/Account/RenewToken",
params: {
LocationName: "Guad",
MFGName: "Flex"
which will parameterize the data

Doing a GET passing a complex object with angular

I am using AngularJs and Resources module. I want to do a GET to obtain an object.. to do this GET I do not have to pass simply the ID to the server, but I should pass a complex object with different properties and values..
Here the code I am using:
$scope.getActivationStatus = function (event) {
if ($scope.segui_attivazione_form.$valid) {
$scope.activationStatus =
new SeguiAttivazioneService
request: $scope.activationStatus
}, function () { });
On server side I have:
public IHttpActionResult GetActivationStatus(MyComplexObject request)
//I will do something here later...
return Ok();
The problem is that "request" arrive on server equals to NULL...
I have solved the problem passing two strings to the server... in this way:
$scope.getActivationStatus = function (event) {
if ($scope.segui_attivazione_form.$valid) {
$scope.activationStatus =
new SeguiAttivazioneService
codiceFiscale: $scope.activationStatus.CodiceFiscale,
codiceRichiesta: $scope.activationStatus.CodiceRichiesta
}, function () { });
And server side:
public IHttpActionResult GetActivationStatus(string codiceFiscale, string codiceRichiesta)
return Ok();
In this way everything works... but I don't like this solution because I will have more than two input...
And this is a get, not a post (not a save, an update)...
How can I pass a complex object doing a GET?
Thank you...
It's best to use the POST method if you want to send data in the body of the request. While it's possible with Angular, some servers might ignore the body of GET requests.
This approach allows to send complex objects with arrays and sub objects:
url: '/myApiUrl',
method: 'GET',
params: { param1: angular.toJson(myComplexObject, false) }
public string Get(string param1)
Type1 obj = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize<Type1>(param1);
This is not an elegant solution but it works using HTTP GET:
$http.get(url + "?" + $.param(obj).replace(/%5b([^0-9].*?)%5d/gi, '.$1'))
It converts the complex object into a string with dot notation to define levels. Most of the server side frameworks like ASP.NET Core can bind it to complex objects.
This is an example of the string I send for a complex object:
Request body can only be sent by POST. With get you could at best URL Encode the OBJECT and then send it as query string params. But thats not the best solution to post some data to the server
