Protractor application get paused when system sleeps - selenium-webdriver

I am working in a large project. There are about minimum 160 specs to be executed with protractor, and it consumes more than one hour to finish automation testing. But issue is my system get sleeps in between it when no action is performed. Is there any way to make system alive until protractor finishes its execution.
So that I could run it without system sleep. I cant increase my sleep time because it had to be run in many sytem. Please let me know how could I handle it ?
I am using chrome for running the automation.

Would it be possible to let me know what OS you are using? So that I can give step by step information. For example: if you are using windows machine then
Goto --> Control Panel\Hardware and Sound\Power Options --> Change the Sleep settings make it to "Never"
It will remain open for your lifetime till you switchoff your computer.
By the way there is no relation this question to Protractor.


Windows Service with running some Process

I have a problem with windows service. I'd like to his level run the program in a given situation. Every minute check a certain value and if the value is to adopt "truth" is to me the program starts. Only at the moment this does not work ...
The problem is that when debugging the code executes correctly, it displays my window, but the service is run normally nothing happens ...
Link to movies about this all:
You need to jump through several hoops to launch interactive applications from a service. First, the service needs to be explicitly allowed to interact with the desktop. Then the service needs to specify the correct WindowStation for it to show on.
It may be simpler to just set your child application up as a scheduled task, as these can interact with the desktop for you

How to display information from processes which are running in session 0?

For those who don't know what SCCM is, a little information, to understand better what i want to know. SCCM is an application, with you can deploy software packages. It is also possible to create a so called "Task Sequence". A Task sequence can contain multiple packages, which will be installed one after the other.
The Task Sequence execution occurs in Session 0. Of course the packages query some processes, if they are running. If they are, a window will pop up, to ask the user to close the application.
Here comes the problem. If an administrator deploys packages using task sequences (and they do), the users won't see the window, and won't close the required process. If the process is not closed, the script execution aborts.
I found this Link, and created a simple exe, according to the description. This simple exe is able to start a process from session 0 in session 1(or above), where the user is logged on(i know the security risks). So far so good, but how do i get the packages to display their windows? Obviously i could change the command line, so my exe will start the installation of every package, but this is not an option. There would be to much work.
The ideal solution would be if my exe would be the first in the task sequence, it would do "something" so the windows could be visible.
And that's where i am stuck.
Does anyone has any idea how i could achieve what i want?
Thanks in advance!

Conflict with simulation cron

Community, I have the following problem. I am running an action every certain stretch of time, for example, 1 minute. The function, if the device is locked continues to run normally but there comes a time (about 5 minutes) fails, no error or any type of log to run, to keep track of the function check my log server as I check my webservice and receives more requests. I am occupying the interval function and as I said, it works well about 5 minutes and then with nothing to stop running calls.
setInterval(function(){update()}, 10000);
If anyone knows how to solve or a better way to simulate a cron on a device agradeceria.
Most likely the js runtime was unloaded from the device browser for your page (since the user is not looking at it and the device wants to save on battery), that is why it stops working, I don't think it is possible to overcome this completely
you could somewhat fake it by saving last run time in localStorage and running your code with windows.onfocus to determine what changes need to be made (did not test if it actually works tho I see no reason for it not to work)

Debugging an app launched through scheduled tasks

How do I debug an application which is launched via scheduled tasks?
I have a simple application which works fine when double clicked to launch, but it doesn't work when launched through scheduled tasks.
I know how to debug projects on a local computer, but this application has no issues running on a local computer or on a different computer if launched manually by the user by double clicking the executable file.
I need a way to debug the application when it's being launched by scheduled tasks. Is this possible?
I would primarily suggest putting in some decent logging so that you can diagnose problems without resorting to the debugger. However, to launch the debugger, you can either attach it to an existing process in Visual Studio (using Debug/Attach to process... menu), or change the code to include the Debugger.Launch() method which will launch the debugger and attach it to the process. Of course all of this is dependent on your program actually being executed by the scheduler. If the scheduler doesn't execute the program, then the debugger obviously can't attach to it

How to debug and detect hang issue

I am testing my application (Windows 7, WinForms, Infragistics controls, C#, .Net 3.5).
I have two monitors and my application saves and restores forms' position on the first or second monitors. So I physically switched off second monitor and disabled it at Screen Resolution on the windows display settings form. I need to know it is possible for my application to restore windows positions (for those windows that were saved on the second monitor) to the first one.
I switched off second monitor and press Detect to apply hardware changes.
Then Windows switched OFF the first monitor for a few seconds to apply new settings. When the first monitor screen came back, my application became unresponsive. My application was launched in debug mode, so I tried to navigate via stack and threads (Visual Studio 2008), paused application, started and did not find any thing that help me to understand why my application is not responsive. Could somebody help my how to detect the source of issue.
Download the Debugging Tools For Windows then run adplus in hang mode. The with the resulting .dmp file open in windbg and invoke:
!analyze -v -hang
You should provide more information about what you saw in the call stack and threads windows. Which threads were running? Did you see anything that was waiting in a sleep or join? Have you tried naming your threads so that it's clearer as to what's going on when you pause (though not necessary since you can get this info from the call stack anyway... it's a convenience thing).
