wpf localization - locbaml - file is being used by another process - wpf

I have been looking hours for a solution, but I donĀ“t find it.
I want to generate a satellite assembly with following command.
locbaml.exe /generate de/App.UI.resources.dll /trans:MeineRess_de.csv /out:de /cul:de
After executing I get following error:
The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070020)
Can anybody help me, Thx

Output to a separate folder try for example c:\ this would work
locbaml.exe /generate de/App.UI.resources.dll /trans:MeineRess_de.csv /out:c:\ /cul:de

For posterity:
The file name without any command line flag is the original input assembly. So you're reading in de/App.UI.resources.dll and then /out:de is trying to write to the same file in the same folder.
Probably you want to change de/App.UI.resources.dll to [UiCulture]/App.UI.resources.dll where [UiCulture] is the <UICulture> from your project file, which should match the NeutralResourcesLanguage attribute in your assembly (AssemblyInfo.cs normally).
Perhaps you legitimately want to overwrite the original DLL (though I don't think that makes sense), but this will not be possible as-is because locbaml will load the assembly from file, which holds the file handle open until the application exits. (Technically until the AppDomain is destroyed.)


Could not find file 'C:\Users\crims\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\10.0\ProjectAssemblies\...\MonitoringSystemDatabase.mdb'

I have a Menu Form and it has 7 UserControls every time I execute my program I keep seeing this error.
I have no idea what error is this. I tried searching but there are no error close related to mine. Then I compare my error with this Project Assemblies error
Can anyone help me with this? I have no idea what causes this error.
The error is caused by your code looking for the MS Access database file called:
...is located at path:
...but it is not.
Locate file MonitoringSystemDatabase.mdb (perhaps with +E to Search), note the actual path of the file, and correct the path in MainMenu.vb.
The error message is very clear, so why all the searching?
Either the file isn't there, or the application can't see it where it expects to find it.
Try moving the file to:
and adjust you project accordingly.

Allegro load_bitmap not working

i'm trying to load bitmap like this:
BITMAP *image = load_bitmap("picture.bmp", NULL);
when I test it:
if (image == NULL)
printf("No image loaded\n");
it prints No image loaded so load_bitmap doesn't work ... i have also tried absolute path but still nothing.
Im using Ubuntu and allegro 4.2
Some suggestions?
Did you try placing the image on the same location as the executable? After that is solved check this things also if still getting the error:
Is really a *.bmp file? A file of a different type can not be converted by just renaming it.
Is the file you are trying to read actually called like that? Check for spelling both in code and in the file explorer.
Does the program run correctly if executed from the file explorer or command-line but not from the IDE? If that is the case, then you should change the configuration of the workspace or project you are currently using so that the execution directory is the same as the one where the image file is located.
If all else fails then try following the steps of the tutorial again, perhaps you made something wrong. By the way, if this is your first C++ project I recommend you that instead go to more basic stuff and stick to the command-line for a while until you get the hang of the facilities the language and its libraries have to offer.

I have a .c.save file. What is it? What does it do?

I am programming with C using Code::Blocks. My project is divided in 3, header, implementation and main.
Whenever I used a project, apart from the source files and the bin and obj folders I had a .depend and a .layout file. All good.
Now I created a new project, and just copied -> pasted everything new in source files. I did this twice.
For each case, I have a .c.save file, which has the same name of the implementation file (ie. the implementation file is called imp, then the file is called imp.c.save). I asked a friend of mine what it might be, and he said I need to beware as he had two random files created, which prevented him from building correctly (he got a stupid error). When the files were deleted everything went back to normal.
I did a short test of the program and I can find nothing different. I am hesitant to delete it since this cropped up twice in two cases, but I don't want to compromise my coding.
Tried to google and I didn't find much. Any help?
Well, it didn't cause any problems so I assuming it is an autosave file.

Lua loadfile not finding a file

I had some lua code with the following line:
JSON = loadfile("JSON.lua")()
The file JSON.lua is in the same directory as the lua code that line came from. This code worked for me for a while, and then, without my changing either the lua source, or the JSON.lua, or permission of any of the files, or the directory from where I was running the lua code, I started getting a nil error on that line. (I simply recall NO relevant changes that could have any impact on the lua code.)
Adding an assert revealed that the error was caused by the file not being found. Playing with file permissions, restarting my machine didn't resolve the issue, and pulling back code that I had checked in and was working perfectly did not resolve the error.
I resolved the error by changing the line above to provide the absolute path to that JSON.lua file.
Is there anything explaining why the code without the absolute path could have worked for a while and then stopped working?
Note: This behavior of working and then not working happened to me twice over a week. I am puzzled and though I have now found a fix, I am really curious as to the explanation for that intermittent behavior.
Lua uses package.path, whose default value comes from the environment variable LUA_PATH if it is set, as the list of directories to search. You can put . of the front of this list to load files from the current directory, or you can put your files in a path on the list.
A late answer on this, as I found exactly the same problem.
First, contrary to the previous answer, loadfile doesn't use the package.path search path. It only looks in the specified directory. And if you don't specify a directory, it only look in the 'current directory'. I can't explain exactly why it stopped working for you, but probably your Lua code is somehow being run with a different 'current directory' than previous.
There are two possible fixes: One is to specify an absolute path to loadfile.
JSON = loadfile("c:\\my_folder\\JSON.lua")()
The alternative fix depends on the particular library you're using, which I suspect is Jeffrey Friedl's Lua JSON lilbrary. Because this supports the newer Lua module mechanism, you can just load the module with require, which does support the package.path search path.
JSON = require("JSON")

How to find the "current" source file in Python 3?

What's the simplest way to find the path to the file in which I am "executing" some code? By this, I mean that if I have a file foo.py that contains:
I would like to see /some/path/foo.py (I realise that in practice what file is "being executed" is complicated, but I think the above is well defined - a source file that contains some function that, when executed, gives the path to said file).
I have needed this in the past to make tests (that require some external file) self-contained, and I am currently wondering if it would be a useful way to locate some support files needed by a program. But I have never found a good way of doing this. The inspect module sounds like it should work, but you seem to need a class or function that is defined in that module.
In particular, the module instances contain __file__ attributes, but I can't see how to get the "current" module. Objects have a __module__ attribute, but that's the module name, not a module instance.
I guess one way is to throw and catch an exception and inspect the contents, but that seems like hard work. Surely there is a simple, easy way that I have missed?
To get the absolute path of the current file:
import os
To get content of external file distributed with your package you could use pkg_util.get_data()(stdlib) or pkg_resources.resouce_string() (setuptools) to support execution from zip-archives or standalone executables created by py2exe, PyInstaller or similar, example.
