Generic Template Image Does not Appear in App Messenger Bot - facebook-messenger

I am loading image for the generic template from my database, the image is shown in web version of messenger but is not loaded in the Android App.
I am loading the image from my site hosted on app engine and the site has a SSL certificate


NodeJS Forge viewer error on Google App Engine

I've deployed my Forge viewer app based on the View BIM 360 & Fusion models tutorial, and I'm having trouble with authentication on Google App Engine.
Having set my callback URL to, the autentication does not work.
Is this because I need to set my ID, secret, & callback URL in the app.yaml file that App Engine uses to deploy? Or am I way off track?
I tried run your app, but got Error : 400 - Invalid redirect_uri, which means that the Callback URL on the Developer Portal is different from the one your specified on your app.
On the tutorial, at Create an app section, we use http://localhost:3000/api/forge/callback/oauth, but when creating the Forge app that you'll use on your live app, you should use the live version, in this case (which is different from what you specified on your question, so please adjust).
To summarize, the callback url MUST match on Forge app registration and on your app live (assuming you have Nodejs, on the FORGE_CALLBACK_URL environment variable). Sorry I don't have experience deploying to Google App Engine.

Using Bluemix Mobile Services dashboard and foundation download code gives error

I am using the mobile services dashboard and trying to deploy a mobile app to a Mobile Foundation Server. After I build my application using mobile app builder I select "Get Code". One of my options is to "Deploy to Foundation", but when I select it I can't get it to deploy to a V8 server and if I select Download code from that same pop up I get a 404 error.
In my foundation settings I am putting "" as the publish location. When I push the Deploy button it seems to do something (spinner over Deploy Button spins twice), but nothing is deployed. I have been able to get this to work when I deploy a mobile app to a V7.1 MFP Server.
It looks like you have the wrong publish location. Here are how my settings looked when I deployed to a V8 MFP Server successfully:

missing jsf textfields in my dynamic web application when deployed to Google App Engine

I´m developing a dynamic web project using JSF components in the web application and when I test it in Eclipse running with tomcat 7 server, it displays the jsf components(such as textfields) normally. When I publish it to Google App Engine, my jsf textfields dissappear.
it´s in this link:
and the xhtml is fine after you inspect code. Am I missing something on my web.xml?

How to build a native mobile app for a joomla site

I am about to build a mobile app using html5 with phonegap. So that i can easily install it on any platform. Android, Blackberry or ios.
I want this app to be able to perform CRUD - in close connection with my joomla site.
The Joomla site is already completed, its a social network. I need this app to be able to retrieve information such as profile pictures, messages e.t.c and then be able to upload pictures, send messages and use the geolocation api.
My question is i dont know how to make the app connect or communicate with my Joomla db.
Well i found the answer, just in case anyone needs it.
To build a mobile using Joomla as the server, what you need is
1. Jquery
2. Build an extension on your Joomla site
3. Using the jquery ajax methods + Joomla's native method to provide data in Json format, you can build an api to send and receive data from your mobile app to your joomla website.

Using with GAE

I want to try using
We have a Web App and using GAE.
How can we test our Web App with
I see that on the "WEB" section of the toolkit there's only a spot for "Heroku".
Is it possible?
Do we need to migrate?
How can i test our web app with android? I couldn't find a place to direct it to our index.html.
Thanks a lot.
The web section in the Toolkit basically lets you deploy your mobile app as a mobile website, based on Node.js.
If you have an existing web app that you'd like to use as the backend for a mobile app, then it's a case of exposing some sort of HTTP API which your mobile app then interacts with.
Having the mobile app just receive JSON from GAE, build its HTML views and present them to the user works really well.
