ionic slides with ng-repeat causing issues (slide-box) - angularjs

In ion-slide-box ionic
The first time I try to populate a slide-box using ng-repeats the slidebox pager doesn't show when the page is loaded, when trying to debug on chrome (desktop) and open the inspector, the slidebox gets fixed automatically.
Is there a way to force a reload of the slide-box after page load?
<ion-slide ion-slide-tab-label="Work Order Progress" class="form-bg">
<ion-scroll direction="y">
<div ng-if="pieMenuList.length > 0">
<div ui-sref="{{wopc.state}}({filter:'{{wopc.params}}'})" class="chart-color" ng-repeat="wopc in pieMenuList">
<div class="arrow_box" style="color: {{wopc.color}};background-color:currentColor">
<span style="color:#fff;">{{}}</span>
<span ng-bind="wopc.count" class="wo-count" style="background-color:{{wopc.color}};"></span>

For anyone, who still looking for the solution to this problem
In your controller inject ionSlideBoxDelegate
.controller('MyCtrl', function($scope, $ionSlideBoxDelegate) {
//after populating your data in slide just call


Weird sliding behaviour in Angular UI bootstrap carousel

Im working on a project where I want to use a carousel to display some different content. I will not create the slides dynamically using an ng-repeat, this is because I have to move some of the content from other parts of the DOM into the slide.
I want to have some links with title connected to each slide, so if I click that link it should scroll to that slide. I have managed to do this, but the sliding behaviour is not as expected. Here is a plunker in which the weird behaviour is displayed:
<div ng-controller="CarouselDemoCtrl as car">
<a ng-click=" = 0">Slide 1</a>
<a ng-click=" = 1">Slide 2</a>
<a ng-click=" = 2">Slide 3</a>
<uib-carousel ng-model="" active="" interval="0" no-wrap="true" no-transition="false">
<uib-slide index="0">
<div style="background:blue; height:600px;">
Some content in here
<uib-slide index="1">
<div style="background:red; height:600px;">
Some content in here as well
<uib-slide index="2">
<div style="background:green; height:600px;">
Some cool content in here
Any thoughts of why this happens, and how I can solve it?
Note: Im using angular 1.5.0 and ui-bootstrap 1.2.4
Best regards,
have you install ng animation,
or you don't want to sliding you could edit the transition="true" to disable it
<uib-carousel ng-model="" active="" interval="0" no-wrap="true" no-transition="true">
Issue seems to be in the angular-ui code itself;
In the $watch of 'active' "currentIndex = index;" is set before "[index]);" is run, by moving it down after it it'll work

AngularJS data-ng-repeat with ng-click

So I'm writing a thumbnail display using the Bootstrap css template.
<div class="col-xs-6 col-md-3">
<a href class="thumbnail" data-ng-repeat="(key, value) in vm.photosOfUser" ng-click="vm.doStuff($index)">
<img data-ng-src="data:image/png;base64, {{value}}" data-err-src="./images/icon.png"><!--alt="{{key}}"-->
The images are being displayed perfectly. However, when I click each image link, nothing happens. I know it's kind of tricky dealing with ng-repeat with ng-click. I'm new to Angular so I was wondering if anyone could help :)
Thanks in advance!

Ng-repeat and Native scrolling creating issue with scope loading

I am creating hybrid application and i am facing issue in ng-repeat with native scrolling.
Below are my template file code
<ion-view align-title="center">
<ion-content class="ionic headerWithNav" overflow-scroll='true'>
<li ng-repeat="lessondata in AllLessonComing" ng-class="{true: 'showBg', false: ''}[(AllLessonComing).length>0]" ng-click="lessondetailsPage('{{}}')">
<div class="lesson-wrap">
<div class="lesson-img">
<div class="lession-price"> <span>{{lessondata.price}}</span> </div>
<div class="lessonImg-wrap"><img image-lazy-src="{{lessondata.image}}" lazy-scroll-resize="true" image-lazy-loader="bubbles" class="ink" on-finish-render="ngRepeatFinished"/></div>
<div class="lessonInfo">
<div class="row">
<div class="col col-67">
<div class="lesson-status">{{lessondata.category_name}}</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col lesson-location">{{lessondata.City}}</div>
<div class="col">
<div class="lesson-rating"><img src="img/start-rating.jpg"></div>
<div class="col padr-none">
<div class="trainnerImg-wrap">
<div class="trainee-img"> <img src="{{lessondata.coach_image}}"> </div>
<div class="trainee-name">{{lessondata.coach_name}}</div>
<li ng-show="(AllLessonComing).length == 0">
<div class="inner-container"><div class="no-results">No Lesson Found</div></div>
As you can see i am using "overflow-scroll='true'" for native scrolling and ng-repeat for the showing my lessons.
This is an image when scope data render first time--
when scope data render first time
And this is an image when i scroll speedily when i scroll speedily
ISSUE:- I don't know why these images and text are reloading or flickering when i scroll speedily
My Code is correct.
ng-repeat was creating issue with the ionic 1.0. Now ionic released new version that is ionic 1.2 and you will see that this issue has been resolved by ionic's developers.
you can update your ionic version easily.
If you are using NPM then use this command
ionic lib update
Check brower.JSON file in www/lib/ionic/ folder. if brower.JSON exists then remove this file.
you will see the mazik of ionic 1.2.
This issue happens on hybrid app. The longer list (and images) the more lag it has. As I can see you are using Ionic, try to use ion-list instead. It could help create a better list view.
p/s: sorry I was not able to made a comment (not enought rep point). So I post it here. Hope it help!
Two more suggestion:
Use angular bindonce to reduce $watchers and faster render
If you are building your app using ionic build for Android, you could use built-in Crosswalk for a stronger webview of your app

toggle extra detail for a record inside an ngRepeat

I'm working on a project where the client has supplied a pile of html where I need to plugin the data from our database and have hit a problem that I'm finding difficult to solve....
So first problem is with routing
<div ng-repeat="class in vm.classes">
<div class="class-overview">
<a href="#">
<span class="class-title">{{class.description}}</span>
... more stuff here
<div class="class-information collapse">
<div class="full-width">
he has supplied some javascript to handle the click on class-overview
$('.class-overview a').on('click',function(e) {
$('.class-overview').on('click',function() {
and i have a line like this in my state provider
// default route
So the problem is that the ui-router handles the click and sends me back to the home page.
The ideal solution is to leave as much of his markup intact, so can anyone tell me how I stop ui-router handling the click?
or failing that, how I might use ng-click and ng-show to get the same effect, i.e. hiding and showing the class-information div...
If I understand well your question, you want to display the .class-information div when you click on the .class-overview element.
That can be done by using a variable in a ng-show like this:
<div ng-repeat="class in vm.classes">
<div class="class-overview">
<a href="#" ng-click="display = !display">
<span class="class-title">{{class.description}}</span>
... more stuff here
<div class="class-information" ng-show="display">
<div class="full-width">
The display variable will be falsy when you land on the page, therefore the ng-click will be executed, this variable will be set to true.
I see that you are using a collapse class to hide the content if it is collapsed. Then you could use angular ng-class to put the collapse class when the display variable is false. Your div.class-information would look like this:
<div class="class-information" ng-class="{collapse: !display}">
<div class="full-width">

My directive stopped working when I started using ng-repeat with a different controller. What am I doing wrong?

So I followed this guide so I could have a nav bar on every page:
And it was working, until I created a separate controller to populate my bootstrap carousel. The thing is, my ng-repeat works fine, but when it does I can't see my navbar on that page. I can see it just fine on other pages. I believe this is a scoping issue, but I am not sure where.
This is what I have in the main body of this page:
<!-- Carousel Start -->
<div id="main-carousel" class="carousel slide container" data-ride="carousel">
<!-- Wrapper for slides -->
<div class="carousel-inner">
<!--Must set this by hand-->
<div class="item active">
<img alt="" src="../Revamp/Images/carousel/1.jpg">
<!--Repeat through the rest-->
<div ng-controller="carouselPhotoController">
<div class="item" ng-repeat="source in source">
<img alt="" ng-src="{{source.source}}">
And my controller looks like this:
var carouselPhotoController=angular.module("revampApp", []);
carouselPhotoController.controller("carouselPhotoController", function($scope, $http){
//Carousel photos
$scope.source = photos;
And the directive is identical to the one in that walk through, just with a different template. So how to I get it so my nav bar will show up AND I can use ng-repeat?
Make sure you are not recreating the app.
This creates a new app:
var carouselPhotoController=angular.module("revampApp", []);
But this only accesses an app already created (note the absence of the second parameter):
var carouselPhotoController=angular.module("revampApp");
Change the above line and it should work.
