ODI-10017 on import Master repository - oracle-data-integrator

Importing Master repository XML files that were exported from SQL Server into Oracle using ODI Studio on Windows gets,
ODI-23049: Error detected during Repository installation.
oracle.odi.setup.RepositorySetupException: com.sunopsis.tools.core.exception.SnpsSimpleMessageException: ODI-10017: This import is forbidden: the text 2,000 has a different origin in the repository and in the import file.
at oracle.odi.setup.support.MasterRepositorySetupImpl.internalCreateMaster(MasterRepositorySetupImpl.java:152)
etc. ...
What does this message mean? Any ideas how to resolve this?
The ODI studio runs with
JDK 1.6.0_45
Oracle is supported with ODI

Import master repository succeeded after changing ID from 0 to 1 (and after restoring fresh database backup)


How to Change Pentaho Repository

I'm using Pentaho Spoon to Data iteration now, and I want to Change Repository Database of Pentaho.
As I know Pentaho repository server is HsqlDB, and I want to change HsqlDB to MSSQL
So I searched about this, and I followed page 'https://help.hitachivantara.com/Documentation/Pentaho/8.0/Setup/Installation/Archive/Start_Pentaho_Server' , but it didn't work out.
Is there any way to change repository of Pentaho?
I assume that you install archive version of Pentaho Server from your link so you can follow the steps to config MS SQL Server as a repository database from here but if you install manual version of Pentaho Server you can follow from here

BACPAC from SQL Azure Error when import it

I tried to import my db from SQL Azure, but I am getting the next error in SQL Server Management Studio from each version that I specified:
SQL Server Management Studio v17.9.1:
Could not load schema model from package. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Dac)
Internal Error. The database platform service with type Microsoft.Data.Tools.Schema.Sql.Sql150DatabaseSchemaProvider is not valid.
You must make sure the service is loaded, or you must provide the full type name of a valid database platform service.
SQL Server Management Studio v18.0 Preview 5:
Failed to retrieve data for this request. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Sdk.Sfc)
There is already an open DataReader associated with this Command which must be closed first. (System.Data)
The version when I am trying to import SQL Server is
Uninstall SQL Server Management Studio 2018, then install SSMS v17.9.1. Re-import the Bacpac and you will have better results.
For this import error, you can try this way :
Install Microsoft SQL Server Data-Tier Application Framework (February 2015) ( Both the x64 and x86 versions).
Here is the link may be useful for you:
Unable to import SQL Azure V12 BACPAC: "type Microsoft.Data.Tools.Schema.Sql.SqlAzureV12DatabaseSchemaProvider is not valid"
I've actually been having a very similar problem.
Although I had a slightly different error message for MSSMSv17 (in regards to the additional information).
But the same error for MSSMSv18 (Preview 6).
So after trying many different things until I had irreversible damaged my SQL server installations to the point where I had to reinstall Windows, the first thing I installed was SQL Server 2017 & MSSMSv18. Which produced the same error as before. But MSSMSv17 worked, soo... yay?

The 'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.16.0' provider is not registered on the local machine. (System.Data)

I have Windows 10 pro x64,
Excel 2016 32 bit
and Sql server 2017.
I want to import excel file to sql server, I need to use 32-bit wizard because Microsoft Excel is not shown in 64-bit version, but I face this error:
The 'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.16.0' provider is not registered on the local machine. (System.Data)
If you are having problems installing the engine because components are already installed, do this (from Microsoft):
If Office 365 is already installed, side by side detection will prevent the installation from proceeding. Instead perform a /quiet install of these components from command line. To do so, download the AccessDatabaeEngine_x64.exe to your PC, open an administrative command prompt, and provide the installation path and switch Ex: C:\Files\AccessDatabaseEngine_x64.exe /quiet
I had success doing the following (I use Excel 2016 and SSMS 2017)
From Excel
File -> Export -> Change File Type -> Excel 97- 2003 (*.xls)
If you have OS(64bit) and SSMS(64bit) and already install the AccessDatabaseEngine(64bit) and you still received an error, try this following solutions:
1: direct opening the sql server import and export wizard.
if you able to connect using direct sql server import and export wizard, then importing from SSMS is the issue, it's like activating 32bit if you import data from SSMS.
Instead of installing AccessDatabaseEngine(64bit) , try to use the AccessDatabaseEngine(32bit) , upon installation, windows will stop you for continuing the installation if you already have another app installed , if so , then use the following steps. This is from the MICROSOFT. The Quiet Installation.
If Office 365 is already installed, side by side detection will prevent the installation from proceeding. Instead perform a /quiet install of these components from command line. To do so, download the desired AccessDatabaseEngine.exe or AccessDatabaeEngine_x64.exe to your PC, open an administrative command prompt, and provide the installation path and switch Ex: C:\Files\AccessDatabaseEngine.exe /quiet
or check in the Addition Information content from the link below,
Use this link to download the 64 bit version of the Microsoft Access Database Engine 2016 Redistributable:
Once installed you can open the import export wizard 64 bit and you will have a data source option for excel.
This is a workaround solution. Ultimately, converting the Excel document to a CSV and using the Tasks/Import Data/Flat File Source option imported my data (although, I was not able to successfully map my datatypes in the import, which I can fix with CAST() later). On upload, change File type to CSV from TXT.
I have Office 365. I used a CSV and gave up on XLSX because:
When I ran the 32 bit version of the AccessDatabaseEngine.exe, I received this error:
When I ran the 64 bit version of AccessDatabaseEnginex64.exe, I received this error:
If you have the Microsoft Access Database Engine and still are facing the same issue make sure that you are accessing the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio as Administrator.
Instead of using the import/export tasks provided under the database, I utilized "SQL Server 2016 Import and Export Data (64-bit)" service comes with MS SQL Server 2016 installation as per suggested here. In windows 10 you can find it under SQL Server 2016 app. In your case, find SQL Server 2016 Import and Export Data (32-bit) service available in same location.

How to automatically import daily log files into SQL Server database table

I have a folder where my log files are getting dumped 4-6 times a day. Each log file name begins with 'Order...' e.g. 'Orders20180216-011402-756.txt'. I am able to up import this file through the Import Wizard.
How can I automatically upload the new log files onto the SQL Server? I don't mind these being uploaded just once a day, and I plan to move the '.txt' file to archive folder. So the logic that I though was "Any Order*.txt file in the folder -> upload it to the database and then move the file to archive folder.
Any suggestions/help would be greatly appreciated.
SQL Server Native Client 11.0
Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 14.0.17177.0
Microsoft Analysis Services Client Tools 14.0.806.134
Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 10.0.15063.0
Microsoft MSXML 3.0 6.0
Microsoft Internet Explorer 9.11.15063.0
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0.30319.42000
Operating System 6.3.15063
There are many options available for such kind of task:
schedule a sql server agent job with bulk insert into db from your
log files
create sql server integration services package
You can easily find the details and step-by-step guides, for example here:
bulk insert
ssis package

importing SQL Server .bacpac file

I've been trying (and failing) to import a SQL .bacpac file to SQL 2014 Express. Does anyone know if it's even possible to import these to Express? I haven't found anything online saying otherwise, but thinking of just getting the developer edition to try that instead. For info here is the error I get
Internal Error. The database platform service with type Microsoft.Data.Tools.Schema.Sql.Sql130DatabaseSchemaProvider is not valid. You must make sure the service is loaded, or you must provide the full type name of a valid database platform service. (Microsoft.Data.Tools.Schema.Sql)
This did not work because the version of SqlPackage.exe, SSMS or the Data-Tier Application Framework that you're using to import the bacpac file to your server is too old and therefore doesn't know about SQL Server 2016. If you install the latest version of SSMS (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/ssms/download-sql-server-management-studio-ssms) you should be able to import that bacpac file.
However -- do note that if your bacpac file contains any object that isn't supported in SQL Server 2014 (for example, a temporal table), then the import operation will fail.
The '130' database level is SQL 2016, but you are attempting to restore it to a SQL 2014 database. SQL Server backups have never been backward compatible.
