Excel 2016 Complex Nested IF - sql-server

I'm working with an Excel sheet with more than 2,000 rows. The image I've attached shows the problem. I've checked the questions on StackOverflow & I don't see anything addressing this situation:
I need a formula to calculate the percentage in column E (E is formatted as a percentage). I can do this by hand logically but it takes upwards of 15 minutes and the report needs to be produced daily. The list comes from SQL Server and I can't get my SQL query to handle this either, nor can I make it work in VBA for Excel.
Logic for Cell E3:
If C2='house' and C3='house' and C4='house', then '100'
If C2='house' and C3='house' and C4='prospect', then 'C3/SUM(C3:C4)'
If C2='house' and C3='prospect' and C4='house', then 'C3/SUM(C2:C3)'
If C2='house' and C3='prospect' and C4='prospect', then 'C3/SUM(C2:C3)'
If C2='prospect' and C3='prospect' and C4='prospect', then '100'
If C2='prospect' and C3='house' and C4='house', then, '100'
If C2='prospect' and C3='house' and C4='prospect', then 'C3/SUM(C3:C4)'
If C2='prospect' and C3='prospect' and C4='house', then '100'
Thank you, in advance, for any assistance!

Obviously there was a typo in your question, you meant to calculate with numbers on column D not C, i.e D3/Sum(D3:D4) etc.
You could try to simply write that logic with nested if's... But I realize that the rule, which looked like a digital logic exercise, is actually much simpler. In summary the equation should detect the flip from "House" to "Prospect", if any.
Try this formula at E3 and copy it down:
=D3/(D3+ (D2*(C2="House")*(C3="Prospect")) + (D4*(C3="House")*(C4="Prospect")))


Google Data Studio : how to obtain a SUM related to a COUNT_DISTINCT?

I have a dataset including 3 columns :
ID transac (The unique ID of the transaction - Dimension)
Source (The source of the transaction - Dimension)
Amount € (The amount of the transaction - Stat)
screenshot of my dataset
To Count the number of transactions (for one or more sources), i use COUNT_DISTINCT function
I want to make the sum of the transactions amounts (for one or more sources). But i don't want to additionate the amounts of the transactions with the same ID !
Is there a way to do this calcul with a DataStudio function ?
Thanks for your answers. :-)
EDIT : I saw that we could do this type of calculation via SQL here and I would like to do this in DataStudio (so that I don't have to pre-calculate the amounts per source.)
IMO, your dataset contains wrong data. Each value should be relative only to that line, but this is not the case: if the total is =20, each line should describe the participation of that line to the total. With 4 sources, each line should be =5 or something else that sums 20.
To solve it in DataStudio, you need something like CALCULATE function in PowerBI, but currently DataStudio doesn't support this feature.
But there are some options to consider to repair your data:
If you're sure there are always 4 sources, just create a new calculated field with the expression Amount/4 and SUM it. It is not an elegant solution, but it works.
If your data source is Google Sheets, you can easily repair the data using formulas, like in this example:
Link to spreadsheet
For this spreadsheet, I used this formula in adjusted_amount column: =C2/COUNTIF(A:A,A2). With this column in DataStudio, just use the usual SUM aggregation function to summarize it correctly.

Ssrs reports Windows 2008

I'm fairly new to SQL and I have been issued my first report to build. I have written an SQL query to give me a set of results that I would like to publish in a report.
I have unioned about 20 small queries all containing the correct amount of columns. One column is a misc column with about 15 different descriptions in (this is what I want to count).
I have uploaded my data set and now want to be able to choose a cell in my report to bring back a certain description.
At the minute I'm using
and it's giving me the whole count, about 200.
I would like to know if there is any kind of "where clause" (filter) which I can use to state which description results I want to bring back.
You can use am expression to count the misc.value you need. It will work like a count using a where clause:
=Sum(iif(Fields!misc.Value ="Some description",1,0))
For count the FSMethod with MethodOne as value I used this expression:
=Sum(iif(Fields!FSMethod.Value ="MethodOne",1,0))
Note the expression sums by 1 if the FSMethod.Value is MethodOne.
For count the rows with FSMethod column with MethodTwo value.
=Sum(iif(Fields!FSMethod.Value ="MethodTwo",1,0))
Let me know if this can help you.

Crystal Reports- use other records for condition?

I am somewhat new to crystal reports and the syntax involved, and cannot seem to find the specifics by searching.
The problem is,
I need to check a condition of another record (linked as in image) for when Op No=10 in table Route, I must then check the Date Complete of this record in table WO Route Schedule for the same OP (see image for how they are linked) with a date input by user when the report is ran.
Table links
The jist is, im trying to show the font of a field in red when Date Complete>=FDate (user) (FOR OP 10), but since the actual list i am generating is of OPs that are not 10, I cannot seem to point crystal to look for when Op No=10, which is linked to the current OP by Route_ID and Work Order_ID! I have been trying many If statements, as well as using a case statement for when Op_No=10, but to no avail.
As a novice, I am not entirely sure of what other information is needed. Hopefully the images help explain my motive, but please ask for more info if you think this problem can be solved.
EDIT: More context if it helps (first comment)
Yeah it's hard to explain without overdoing the details, but each work order (WO) has around 100 operations (OPs). Now, crystal reports generates a list of OPs which are still active on the shop floor, but firstly it must check if a certain OP has been completed FOR THAT work order, which then produces a field with red font for when OP number 10 is completed. Now, if I was to simply put If {WO_Route_Schedule.Date_Complete}>={?FDate} , it would use the current OPs complete date, not OP No 10 for that Work order!
ok try below solution:
Place below condition in record selection formula .
to find record selection formula go to File--> selectin formula ---> record
Place the op field OP No in detail section,
Now right click the op no field go to Format field ---> Tab Font ---> formula editor of color
write below condition there
if Op No=10
then crRed
else crBlack
Let me know how it goes

Increment a row in SQL Server database after the LAST row within a range

I have tried looking for an answer for my question but due to lack of proper knowledge in databases, I thought some genius here could help me out.
I'm trying to add rows into a database table starting from the number 800 and onwards in a sequential order. The database currently has records from 1 up until 300.
This record in the table is not automatically incremented, but assigned manually.
I basically want to start another batch of numbers, but rather than incrementing them from where the program left off (i.e. from 300) I would like to start them from 800.
I tried different SQL statements but got nothing concrete to go with. I'm using PHP to enter these rows.
I feel like this shouldn't be so hard but I'm a novice and it kills!
I thought maybe adding one record that starts from 800 and then executing a statement like
would be the way to go.
Any help, advice?
You can obtain the highest numbered record with the MAX aggregate function. The following will find the next highest number that is between 800 and 899.
SELECT MAX(my_assigned_number) + 1 as next_number
FROM my_table
WHERE my_assigned_number > 800 AND my_assigned_number < 899;

SQL Server query to Crystal Reports

I am trying to move reports that currently run in SQL Server to Crystal Reports.
Essentially the statement I want to reproduce is:
Count the occurrence of records that match a criteria, grouped by date.
I have used the Selection Expert to generate a equivalence relation (to evaluate the records) and would like to use the datepart function in a group by statement. I have gotten the GROUP BY selection expert to group by date - but it is the full timestamp (SS:HH:DD:MM) not by specific day i.e. March 1 2010.
I am sure there is a way to achieve what I want but have yet to find a tutorial explaining this scenario.
Any help you could lend would be appreciated
As with any other SDK/Language, there are many ways to do this. Here is the first one that I can think of:
Get the raw data into Crystal. (Sounds like you already did this)
In Crystal, make a new formula, call it "GroupByDate". In the formula editor, enter:
Go into the Group Expert. Group your report by GroupByDate.
Make a new formula, call it "AddMe". In the formula editor, enter:
Drag & drop your AddMe formula into the details section. Right-click on it to Insert->Summary. Set your summary location as the group footer.
Preview your report and you should see the total counts in every group footer. To simplify the appearance of the report, you can also suppress the display of the detail and grouper header sections.
Again, there are many ways to do this. You can also get creative with a Running Total function. The Crystal Formula Editor has very useful help files. Use the Functions pane to select a function, press F1, and you'll get criteria, examples, etc.
