how to angular JS get complex json - angularjs

i need to take child array in this json . i tried too many ways, how can i take kindC -> name . Plz help !!
Full map:
"direction": {
"book": "A",
"note": "B"
"prize": {
"kindA": [],
"kindB": [],
"kindC": [{
"name": "Target#1",
"_id": "32131"

Just access the prize object
if you need to access the 1st object
var data = [
"direction": {
"book": "A",
"note": "B"
"prize": {
"kindA": [],
"kindB": [],
"kindC": [
"name": "Target#1",
"_id": "32131"

var jsonObj = [
"direction": {
"book": "A",
"note": "B"
"prize": {
"kindA": [],
"kindB": [],
"kindC": [
"name": "Target#1",
"_id": "32131"


Add and update child arrays value in Mongo db

I want to add value in array of the following json structure in mongo db collection "Scdtls".
I need to add value only where "Type": "Fees" and "IsCurrentVersion": true.
"_id": ObjectId("60e71243b484cf3ec22a6845"),
"Item": "School",
"Text": "School Details",
"Types": [
"Type": "Library",
"Values": [
"IsCurrentVersion": false,
"KeyWords": [
"_id": ObjectId("611a4f113800d6af3fc4814f"),
"Value": "Physics"
"Type": "Fees",
"Values": [
"IsCurrentVersion": false,
"KeyWords": [
"_id": ObjectId("611a4f113800d6af3fc4814f"),
"Value": "Admission"
"_id": ObjectId("611a4f113800d6af3fc4814k"),
"Value": "Canteen"
"IsCurrentVersion": true,
"KeyWords": [
"_id": ObjectId("611a4f113800d6af3fc4814g"),
"Value": "Tution"
This is how I am trying
"Item": "School",
"Types.Type": "Fees",
"Types.Values.IsCurrentVersion": true
"$push": {
"Types.1.Values.$[].KeyWords": {
"_id": ObjectId(),
"Value": "Sports"
But it is also adding "Value": "Sports" in "Type" : "Fees" where "IsCurrentVersion": false.
Not able to understand the reason.
If I understand correctly, you can do the update you want using "arrayFilters", like this:
"Item": "School",
"Types.Type": "Fees",
"Types.Values.IsCurrentVersion": true
"$push": {
"Types.$[x].Values.$[y].KeyWords": {
"_id": ObjectId("deadbeafcafebabec0deface"),
"Value": "Sports"
"arrayFilters": [
{ "x.Type": "Fees" },
{ "y.IsCurrentVersion": true }
Try it on

How to parse complex data using react native?

Following is the DATA that needs to parse which can nested arrays and objects i need
help understanding the easiest way to parse this .
const country= [
"place": "sikkim",
"location": 2,
"Extension": "",
"Keys": {
"string": [
"ItemValues": {
"ItemData": [
"Name": "Enabled",
"Data": {
"Rows": {
"Row": {
"Values": {
"Type": false
"Name": "Value",
"Data": {
"Rows": {
"DataRow": {
"Values": {
"anyType": "100"
"place": "assam",
"location": 1,
"Extension": "",
"Keys": {
"string": "MinValue"
"ItemValues": {
"ItemData": {
"Name": "nValue",
"Data": {
"Rows": {
"DataRow": {
"Values": {
"anyType": "1"
In this array 2 objects are there i need to parse this complex array of object and
show like this -
OUTCOME should be -
"place": "sikkim",
"location": 2,
"Extension": "",
"Name": "Enabled",
"Type": false,
"Name": "Value",
"anyType": 100
assam:{.. so on}
code that i tried is displaying only keys -
const getValues = country =>
country === Object(country)
? Object.values(country).flatMap(getValues)
: [country];
OUTPUT from above code =
 ["sikkim", 2, "", "Enabled", "Disabled", "Enabled", false, "Value", "100",
"assam", 1, "", "MinValue", "nValue", "1"]
Need to write logic which is smart way to write to cover this logic because my data
is huge any leads?I can achieve the output but writing many for and if loops but that
creates lot of confusion.

Select specifics items from array objects in mongoose

I have an mongoDB objetc like :
"items": [
"title": "hello",
"options": [
"value": "A",
"image": "img1",
"des": "des1"
"value": "B",
"image": "img2",
"des": "des2"
When I retrieve data from the collection, I want to retrieve only value key from the options of the items array.
Output should look like :
"options" :[
{ "value" :"A" },
{ "value" :"B" },
How can i do this?
You can do it like this:
db.collection.find({}, { "items.options.value": 1})
Here is the working example:
Or you can do it like this:
"$project": {
"items.options.value": 1
Here is the working example:

Search in Embedded Documents in MongoDB?

I have document as shown
"Users": [
"Name": "Kartikey Vaish",
"_id": "1",
"Name": "Witcher Proxima",
"_id": "2",
"_id": "12",
"Users": [
"Name": "Witcher Proxima",
"_id": "2",
"Name": "Saga",
"_id": "4",
"_id": "13",
I want to search for those documents whose Users array has that particular ID
For Example if
ID == 1 // should return
"Users": [
"Name": "Kartikey Vaish",
"_id": "1",
"Name": "Witcher Proxima",
"_id": "2",
"_id": "12",
ID == 2 // should return
"Users": [
"Name": "Kartikey Vaish",
"_id": "1",
"Name": "Witcher Proxima",
"_id": "2",
"_id": "12",
"Users": [
"Name": "Witcher Proxima",
"_id": "2",
"Name": "Saga",
"_id": "4",
"_id": "13",
ID == 4 // should return
"Users": [
"Name": "Kartikey Vaish",
"_id": "1",
"Name": "Saga",
"_id": "4",
"_id": "13",
As you can see from above my query should return only those objects whose "Users" array contains an object with given ID. I tried this but it doesn't work.
const chats = await Chats.find({
Users: { $elemMatch: { _id: "1" } },
// this returns an empty array
const chats = await Chats.find({
Users: { $elemMatch: { Name: "Kartikey Vaish" } },
// this returns
"Users": [
"Name": "Kartikey Vaish",
"_id": "1",
"Name": "Witcher Proxima",
"_id": "2",
"_id": "12",
What am I doing wrong here?
Is it something related to _id paramter?
My Chats Schema looks like this -
const Chats = mongoose.model(
new mongoose.Schema({
Users: {
type: Array,
required: true,
default: [],
Update your schema as shown below
const Chats = mongoose.model(
new mongoose.Schema({
Users: [{
_id: {
type: String,
required: true, // Include only if needed!
unique: true // Include only if needed!
Name: {
type: String,
index: true // Include only if needed!
If you do not explicitly mention _id MongoDB will create _id field as ObjectId.

How can I get unique array from a collection of nested objects with lodash?

I have the following collection:
"items": [{
"id": 1,
"title": "Montrachet",
"imageUrl": "",
"imageUrls": [
"properties": [
{"description" : "Kırmızı Şaraplar Desc"},
{"region" :"Bordeaux"},
{"age": "16"},
{"producer" :"Kayra"},
"priceGlass": "1",
"priceBottle": "2",
"year": "1999"
"id": 2,
"title": "Montrachet2",
"imageUrl": "",
"imageUrls": [
"properties": [
{"description" : "Kırmızı Şaraplar Desc"},
{"region" :"Bordeaux"},
{"age": "16"},
{"producer" :"Kayra"},
"priceGlass": "1",
"priceBottle": "2",
"year": "1999",
I want to grab unique grapeTypes from that collection. The returning array shold be ["Chardonnay","Espadeiro"]
What is the best way to do it with lodash?
I think this combination of pluck, map and filter should do it:
var result = _.chain(obj.items).pluck('properties').map(function(obj) {
return _.filter(obj, function(prop) {
return prop.grapeType;
Check the demo run below.
// Code goes here
var obj = {
items: [{
"id": 1,
"title": "Montrachet",
"imageUrl": "",
"imageUrls": [
"properties": [{
"description": "Kırmızı Şaraplar Desc"
}, {
"region": "Bordeaux"
}, {
"age": "16"
}, {
"producer": "Kayra"
}, {
"grapeType": "Espadeiro"
"priceGlass": "1",
"priceBottle": "2",
"year": "1999"
"id": 2,
"title": "Montrachet2",
"imageUrl": "",
"imageUrls": [
"properties": [{
"description": "Kırmızı Şaraplar Desc"
}, {
"region": "Bordeaux"
}, {
"age": "16"
}, {
"producer": "Kayra"
}, {
"grapeType": "Chardonnay"
"priceGlass": "1",
"priceBottle": "2",
"year": "1999",
var result = _.chain(obj.items).pluck('properties').map(function(obj) {
return _.filter(obj, function(prop) {
return prop.grapeType;
<script src=""></script>
UPD. If grapeType can be missing from properties then the script should be
var result = _.chain(obj.items).pluck('properties').map(function(obj) {
return (_.filter(obj, function(prop) {
return prop.grapeType;
})[0] || {}).grapeType;
Here's one way to do it with lodash:
.map(function(item) {
return _.find(item, _.ary(_.partialRight(_.has, 'grapeType'), 1));
First, you get the properties arrays using pluck(). Next, you use find() to get the first object in this array that has a grapeType property. This is done using has(), and partially-applying the argument to build the callback function.
Next, you use pluck() again to get the actual property values. Finally, uniq() ensures there are no duplicates.
