Calling an Angular click in a controller from React - angularjs

I have an old Angular1.5 app, quite a large code base.
I'm now using ngReact to instance React from within an angular directive.
This is all working correctly. My new react 'sub-app' for want of a better phrase is working ok.
But now I need to call an ng-click in part of the old Angular app from React. The Angular ng-click then pops up a modal. The ng-click in the controller is in scope so it's available i.e. it's module is loaded into the browser.
Any ideas how to do this ?
I do have Redux instanced in Angular using ngRedux and available in React, could I dispatch from React and get the controller to respond to this dispatch / action ?
Does this seem ok ?

The answer to my question is yes, I can use Redux and subscribe to the redux state change in the angular controller with something like this
var unsubscribeRedux = $ngRedux.connect(this.mapStateToThis, fireAddTaskEvent )(this);
$scope.$on('$destroy', unsubscribeRedux);
this.mapStateToThis = function(state) {
console.log("fired from react");
return {
value: state.addTasks
It's crude at the moment, but works


Using NgRef on downgraded Angular 5 component in AngularJs 1.7.2

I am working on a project in Angular 1.7.2 that utilizes some components that were built in Angular 5/6. We are downgrading the components using the downgradeComponent tool and everything is working just fine.
We recently added a new component that we need to integrate with but we need to access the components properties as well. I was looking into the ngRef directive but that does not seem to be working and I'm unable to find any other ngRef examples outside of the Angular documentation. When I add the ngRef and bind it to a variable in the current scope, it never gets assigned. Any help would be appreciated!
Angular 5 component
export class ImportedComponent implements OnInit {
variable1: boolean = true;
variable2: boolean = false;
constructor(private certService: ImportedComponent) { }
ngOnInit() {
this.variable1 = true;
this.variable2 = false
Html - w/ AngularJS 1.7.2
<imported ng-ref="importedProperty" ></imported>
<custom-button ng-if="importedProperty.variable1" [disabled]="!importedProperty.variable2"></custom-button>
.module("blah", [])
downgradeComponent({ component: ImportedComponent }) as angular.IDirectiveFactory
The downgrading for the imported component is working because the HTML is showing up and I'm able to see the console.log()s occurring from their end but when I try to access importedProperty, I get undefined (or empty object if I initialize it as such in my scope prior)
I ended up working with the component owner who is now passing the data back as an event. I then listen for that event and use those properties accordingly

Why getting provider error when trying to inject resolved property in controller using ui-router?

I am unable to inject resolve property of ui-routing in controller.
It is giving
Error: $injector:unpr
Unknown Provider
When I'm using controller property in state definition object as following
.state('widget', {
url: '/widgets',
template: '<h1>{{name}}</h1>',
controller: function(widget, $scope) {
$ =;
resolve: {
// standard resolve value promise definition
widget: function() {
return {
name: 'myWidget'
// resolve promise injects sibling promise
features: function(widget) {
return ['featureA', 'featureB'].map(function(feature) {
Then it is working fine and I'm able to get the widget in controller and able to use in html.
Please see the fiddle for code.
Might be I'm making a silly mistake.
Before posting this question I have tried returning with simple object, promise object to the property.
Thanks In Advance.
You can not get resolved data in the directive with the code you did. Basically, you are trying to implement component based structure with an older version of angular 1.3.x.
You have two options to achieve this.
Create route controller then you can access resolve to the controller as local dependency then use that dependency as binding to the directive.
Here is example -
Upgrade angular version to 1.5.x and use "ui-router-route-to-components": "^0.1.0"
Here working example of your code -
In order for the controller to be able to use resolvers, it should be route component (only in UI Router 1.x) or route controller.
widget and features are local dependencies, they aren't registered in the injector and aren't available anywhere in the application except route controller/component.
As explained here, resolvers can be passed to nested components in UI Router 0.3.x and injected directly to route components in 1.x.

Mount reactjs component on ajax success

I am trying to mount a react component using jquery to a bootstrap modal body and then open the modal after a successful ajax request, however I cannot seem to get the react component to load. This is what I have so far:
After success I am calling the assignModal function, I am inside a parent react component.
assignModal: function(){
$('.assign-modal-body').html(<Cortex.VulnerabilityList.AssignModal parent={this}/>);
And here is the react component
Cortex.VulnerabilityList.AssignModal = React.createClass({
componentDidMount: function() {
console.log("Component mounted")
render: function() {
return (
From my experience, you're going to have trouble if you try to use both jQuery and React to manipulate the DOM. If it's at all an option for you, get rid of jQuery and fully embrace React's declarative programming paradigm.
But maybe you have jQuery widgets you want to use. In that case, try and design your app in such a way that jQuery never writes to the DOM within your React tree.
So a few options:
Use jQuery and React, but separately - Have your React app descending from some root <div> and have your modal in a sibling <div>. Then just use jQuery and normal HTML to render your modal without involving React.
Stop using jQuery - Use React to manage your modal. So instead of responding to assignModal by setting the innerHTML of a DOM element with jQuery, simply set some global state to showModal = true and in the render method of the modal if (!showModal) return null or something like that. I wrote a post about this recently.

How to $emit events from Angular 1.4 new router components to parent controller?

In new angular components, $scope cannot be injected so I can't use the standard $emit.
How to I emit a value from a component to parent controller?
I have this in appCtrl:
$scope.$on('eventName', function (event, args) {
this.pageTitle = args.pageTitle;
Usually I have done it using:
this.scope.$emit('eventName', { pageTitle: _this.campaign.title });
I have a similar issue. I need to do a $scope.apply() in a component.
Check this issue here How can we watch expressions inside a controller in angular 1.4 using angular-new-router
I am not sure if using / injecting $scope into a component is the way to go because of the migraiton path to Angular 2. Maybe there is a better way using zone.js

Angular js Routing

I am a rails developer new to angular js.
In MVC framework languages we can specify routes for an action or method in controller.
Is there any way to call a function of controller in angular js using angular ui-router
Well, you won't automatically fire a method by specifying correct routing, but you can manage it on your own, like this:
angular('app').config(function( $routeProvider ){
action: "ctrl.default"
angular('app').controller('ctrl', function($route) {
render = function() {
$scope.action = $route.current.action.split( "." );
$scope.$on("$routeChangeSuccess",function( $currentRoute, $previousRoute ){
Basicly, event gets fired every time elements in route are changed, meanwhile in render() method you can work on case switching correct action for provided parameters in $scope.action
As you can see, the variable action is the one, which holds info that is passed to controller.
Above code is written without testing, so beware :p
