Trouble with using For variables within for loop Batch - batch-file

I am having trouble with a bit of code, I don't really know how to describe it
but I can explain what doesn't work
FOR /D /r "%cd%\files\" %%G in ("*") DO (
echo In folder: %%~nxG
set /a count=1
echo %%~fG
For /R "%%~fG" %%B in ("*.mp3") do (
call :subroutine "%%~nB"
) & echo. >>%archive%.txt
just if you want to know what the subroutine does:
echo %count%:%1>>%archive%.txt
echo %count%: %1
set /a count+=1
GOTO :eof
I figured out that it doesn't read the %%~fG inside the second for loop.
Can someone please help me.
I am using SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
Thank you in advance.

Unfortunately you'll need another subroutine as for options are parsed before outer for tokens. Check the following example:
#echo off
echo :::ATTEMPT 1:::
for %%a in (z) do (
rem the expected delimiter is z and result should be ++::%%a
for /f "delims=%%a tokens=1,2" %%A in ("++z%%%%az--") do echo %%A::%%B
echo :::ATTEMPT 2:::
for %%a in (z) do (
call :subr "%%~a"
exit /b
rem the expected delimiter is z and result should be ++::%%a
for /f "delims=%~1 tokens=1,2" %%A in ("++z%%%%az--") do echo %%A::%%B
the output is:
:::ATTEMPT 1:::
:::ATTEMPT 2:::
As you can see in the first attempt the %%a symbols are taken as delimiters. But subroutine arguments are parsed imminently so they can be used.
To make your code work you can try with:
FOR /D /r "%cd%\files\" %%G in ("*") DO (
echo In folder: %%~nxG
set /a count=1
echo %%~fG
call ::innerFor "%%~fG"
exit /b %errorlevel%
For /R "%~1" %%B in ("*.mp3") do (
call :subroutine "%%~nB"
) & echo. >>%archive%.txt

For /R "%%~fG" %%B in ("*.mp3") do (
Sadly, for/r can't be run with a variable as the dirname.
I'd suggest
call :anothersubroutine "%%~fG"
For /R "%~1" %%B in ("*.mp3") do (
but I've not tried it. Perhaps you'd need to set %%~fG into a variable and use %var% (not tried that either...)


Batch IF command not running

I'm trying to grab a couple of lines in some files and store them in variables (line3 and line4).
Here is the code:
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir *.md /b /o:-n /a:-d') do (
call :getLines "%%a"
set /A cnt=2
for /f "skip=4 tokens=*" %%b in (%1) do (
set /A cnt+=1
set "line!cnt!=%%b"
if !cnt! == 4 (
set "filename=%~n1"
set "blogdate=!filename:~0,10!"
set "blogtitle=!filename:~11!"
echo hello
echo !line3!
echo !line4!
echo !filename!
echo !blogdate!
echo !blogtitle!
goto :eof
The above will not even echo hello. I can't see what's wrong.
This is what each file looks like:
# Title
Tags: word1 word2
First Sentence is here.
Filenames look like this:
You passed to call with quotes, so you should strip it first (or use usebackq).
Also when you are testing, don't use exit yet.
Try this, see if it works:
(Formatted so the structure is more clear, try comment #echo off to get more details.)
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir *.md /b /o:-n /a:-d') do (
call :getLines "%%a"
goto :eof
set /A cnt=2
for /f "usebackq skip=4 tokens=*" %%b in (%1) do (
set /A cnt+=1
set "line!cnt!=%%b"
if !cnt! == 4 (
set "filename=%~n1"
set "blogdate=!filename:~0,10!"
set "blogtitle=!filename:~11!"
echo hello
echo !line3!
echo !line4!
echo !filename!
echo !blogdate!
echo !blogtitle!
goto :eof
goto :eof
for will take the input with quotes as string not as file.
%~1 will strip %1's quotes.
Check for /? and call /? for more details.

How can we split string using windows bat

How can we split string using windows bat script?
for below .bat code snippet
#echo off & setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set j=0
for /f "delims=""" %%i in (config.ini) do (
set /a j+=1
set con!j!=%%i
call set a=%%con!j!%%
echo !a!
(echo !a!|findstr "^#">nul 2>nul && (
rem mkdir !a!
) || (
echo +)
rem for /f "tokens=2" %%k in(config.ini) do echo %%k
below config file
What's wrong when I del rem at the begin of rem for /f "tokens=2" %%k in(config.ini) do echo %%k
How can I get the /path/to/case and value as a pair?
for /f xxxx in (testconfig.ini) do (set a=/path/to/case1 set b=vaule1)
SET "sourcedir=U:\sourcedir"
SET "filename1=%sourcedir%\q43407067.txt"
set j=0
for /f "delims=""" %%i in (%filename1%) do (
set /a j+=1
set con!j!=%%i
call set a=%%con!j!%%
echo !a! SHOULD BE EQUAL TO %%i
(echo !a!|findstr "^#">nul 2>nul && (
echo mkdir !a!
) || (
echo +)
for /f "tokens=2" %%k IN ("%%i") do echo "%%k"
for /f "tokens=1,2" %%j IN ("%%i") do echo "%%j" and "%%k"
ECHO ----------------------------
SET con
You would need to change the setting of sourcedir to suit your circumstances.
I used a file named q43407067.txt containing your data for my testing.
(These are setting that suit my system)
SO - to address your problems:
because the ) on that line closes the ( on the previous. The ) on that line closes the ( on the one prior. (I changed the rem to an echo so that the code would produce something visible) The first ( on the (echo !a! line is closed by the ) on the line following the (now) two for /f commands. and the ( on the is closed by the final ) before the echo -----
You can't delete that ) because it's participating in a parenthesis-pair.
You need a space between the in and the (.
I've shown a way. See for /?|more from the prompt for documentation (or many articles here on SO)
In your code, !a! is the same as %%i - so I've no idea why you are conducting all the gymnastics - doubtless to present a minimal example showing the problem.
Note that since the default delimiters include Space then if any line contains a space in the /path/to/case or value then you'll have to re-engineer the approach.
I' not sure if I understand what exactly it is you need, so what follows may not suit your needs:
#Echo Off
SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
Set "n=0"
For /F "Delims=" %%A In (testConfig.ini) Do (Set "_=%%A"
If "!_:~,1!"=="#" (Set/A "n+=1", "i=0"
Echo=MD %%A
Set "con[!n!]!i!=%%A") Else (For /F "Tokens=1-2" %%B In ('Echo=%%A'
) Do (Set/A "i+=1"
Set "con[!n!]!i!=%%B"&&Set/A "i+=1"&&Set "con[!n!]!i!=%%C")))
Set con[
Timeout -1
remove Echo= on line 6 if you are happy with the output and really want to create those directories

The syntax of the command is incorrect : for loop batch

I'm making a batch script to stop several services , however i get the syntax is incorrect error at second FOR which loops in serviceList.TEMP
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
setlocal enableExtensions
::queryex output file
sc queryex>services.TEMP
find /i /N "DISPLAY_NAME: Hotspot" services.TEMP>tmp1.TEMP
FOR /F "skip=2" %%G in (tmp1.TEMP) do (
set num=%%G
set num=!num:~1,3!
echo !num!>serviceList.TEMP
FOR %%X in (serviceList.TEMP) do (
set /a "SKIP_LINES=%%G+7"
set secondForFilter="skip=%SKIP_LINES%"
FOR /F %secondForFilter% %%Z in (services.TEMP) do (
call debug.cmd REM debug.cmd -> echo debug pause>nul
set serv=%%Z
set "serv=!serv: =!" REM Extract PID
set "serv=!serv::=!" REM Extract PID
set procID=!serv!
taskkill /pid %procID% /f >>debug.txt 2>>debug.txt
goto secondLoopEnd
del /S *.TEMP >>debug.txt 2>>debug.txt
the problem is here:
FOR %%X in (serviceList.TEMP) do (
set /a "SKIP_LINES=%%G+7"
set secondForFilter="skip=%SKIP_LINES%"
FOR /F %secondForFilter% %%Z in (services.TEMP) do (
call debug.cmd REM debug.cmd -> echo debug pause>nul
the usual approach when you set value in brackets context is to use delayed expansion but it wont work for parametrized for options.
Here you'll need a subroutine.
And you have GOTO in the for loop. GOTO breaks for context and the loops will be not called after goto is executed.
And rem cannot be used on the same line as the code without "&"
Consider something like this (though I cannot check the logic of the bat):
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
setlocal enableExtensions
::queryex output file
sc queryex>services.TEMP
find /i /N "DISPLAY_NAME: Hotspot" services.TEMP>tmp1.TEMP
FOR /F "skip=2" %%G in (tmp1.TEMP) do (
set num=%%G
set num=!num:~1,3!
echo !num!>serviceList.TEMP
FOR %%X in (serviceList.TEMP) do (
call :subroutine %%G
del /S *.TEMP >>debug.txt 2>>debug.txt
exit /b %errorlevel%
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set /a skiplines=%~1+7
set "filter="skip=%skiplines%""
FOR /F %filter% %%Z in (services.TEMP) do (
call debug.cmd
set serv=%%Z
rem extract PID
set "serv=!serv: =!"
set "serv=!serv::=!"
set procID=!serv!
taskkill /pid !procID! /f >>debug.txt 2>>debug.txt
goto :break_for
exit /b
Should the > in your echo to serviceList.TEMP be a >> so that you append to the file?
echo !num!>>serviceList.TEMP
In which case, you should also ensure that the file is deleted prior to the appending operations.
Also, I assume you missed the /F from your FOR loop, as you're trying to read the lines of the serviceList.TEMP file, yes?
FOR %%X in (serviceList.TEMP) do (
Should be...
FOR /F %%X in (serviceList.TEMP) do (
Also, you can append to the same file with both std out and err by doing this...
someprocesshere 1> out.log 2>&1

Batch file to loop through a directory and create a variable based on each file

I have a text file with a list of server IP addresses and the code below (which I've scrapped together from other coding) loops through it and brings back a modified date of a named file for each server in the list...
FOR /f %%a IN (C:\Scripts\Servers.txt) DO (
CALL :getmod %%a
SET Server=%1
SET File=Abs_Client.exe
FOR %%i IN ("\\%Server%\C$\Com_Dir\%File%") DO SET modif_time=%%~ti
Echo %Server% %File% %modif_time% >> "C:\Scripts\Server_App_Mod_date.txt"
GOTO :eof
That works great...however, what I'd like to do is create another loop around it which creates a variable for each file in a directory and pass that into the code above instead of having to manually change the 'SET File' as shown above for individual files.
Something along the lines of;
FOR /D %VAR IN ("\\Network_Location\AppMedia\App Source Files\Prod Apps\Server_Update") DO (
FOR /f %%a IN (C:\Scripts\Servers.txt) DO (
CALL :getmod %%a
SET Server=%1
FOR %%i IN ("\\%Server%\C$\Com_Dir\%File%") DO SET modif_time=%%~ti
Echo %Server% %File% %modif_time% >> "C:\Scripts\Server_App_Mod_date.txt"
GOTO :eof
Clearly it's wrong so any ideas/help please?
haven't testet, but maybe a hint in the right direction:
FOR /F "TOKENS=*" %%F IN ('DIR "\\Network_Location\AppMedia\App Source Files\Prod Apps\Server_Update" /s /b /a:-d') DO (
FOR /F %%A IN (C:\Scripts\Servers.txt) DO (
CALL :getmod %%A "%%~nxF"
SET Server=%1
SET "tmpFile=%~2"
FOR %%I IN ("\\%Server%\C$\Com_Dir\%tmpFile%") DO ECHO %Server% %tmpFile% %%~tI >> "C:\Scripts\Server_App_Mod_date.txt"
As far as i know, FOR /D only executes for directorys and if i understand your question, you have files in "Prod Apps\Server_Update", for each you like to have the file-date/time from the target-server... right?
Maybe this works too:
FOR /F "TOKENS=*" %%F IN ('DIR "\\Network_Location\AppMedia\App Source Files\Prod Apps\Server_Update" /s /b /a:-d') DO (
FOR /F %%A IN (C:\Scripts\Servers.txt) DO (
FOR %%X IN ("\\%%A\C$\Com_Dir\%%~nxF") DO ECHO %%A %%~nxF %%~tX >> "C:\Scripts\Server_App_Mod_date.txt"
without the :getmod
Edit: /b-switch was missing from the first DIR-Command in 2nd suggestion
FOR /f %%a IN (C:\Scripts\Servers.txt) DO (
FOR /f "delims=" %%i IN ('dir /b/a-d "\\%%a\C$\Com_Dir\*"') DO Echo %%a %%i %%~ti >> "C:\Scripts\Server_App_Mod_date.txt"
Should work, IIUC. Can't test, I'm afraid...
[Edit - removed call to getmod - not required]

how to use batch file variable outside inner for loop

I am not familiar with batch script variable scoping. But I ran into scoping problem due to my lack of batch script experience.
for /f %%i in ('dir /s /b "%FolderLocation%"') do (
set fullpathandfilename=%%i ::
For %%A in ("%fullpathandfilename%") do (
Set File=%%~nxA
echo %%File :: this would work and print out only filename
echo %File% ::this will not have filename I extracted above
So how can i use %%File outside my inner for loop
Again, EnableDelayedExpansion:
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for /f %%i in ('dir /s /b "%FolderLocation%"') do (
For %%A in ("%%~i") do (
Set File=%%~nxA
echo !File!
:: This shows how "%" doesn't work but "!" does
Echo ^%File^%: %File% - ^!File^!: !File!
And that should work for you. Just remember to use !File! inside a for-loop and %File% outside.
