SQL to join nvarchar(max) column with int column - sql-server

I need some expert help to do left join on nvarchar(max) column with an int column. I have a Company table with EmpID as nvarchar(max) and this column holds multiple employee ID's separated with commas:
I wanted to join this column with Employee table where EmpID is int.
I did something like below, But this doesn't work when I have 3 empId's or just 1 empID.
A.*, B.empName AS empName1, D.empName AS empName2
[dbo].[Company] AS A
[dbo].[Employee] AS B ON LEFT(A.empID, 4) = B.empID
[dbo].[Employee] AS D ON RIGHT(A.empID, 4) = D.empID
My requirement is to get all empNames if there are multiple empID's in separate columns. Would highly appreciate any valuable input.

You should, if possible, normalize your database.
Read Is storing a delimited list in a database column really that bad?, where you will see a lot of reasons why the answer to this question is Absolutly yes!.
If, however, you can't change the database structure, you can use LIKE:
SELECT A.*, B.empName AS empName1, D.empName AS empName2
FROM [dbo].[Company] AS A
LEFT JOIN [dbo].[Employee] AS B ON ',' + A.empID + ',' LIKE '%,'+ B.empID + ',%'

You can give STRING_SPLIT a shot.
SQL Server (starting with 2016)
Names VARCHAR(50)
INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (2,'James')
INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (3,'Justin')
INSERT INTO #Test1 VALUES ('1,2,3,4')
SELECT Value,T.* FROM #Test1
INNER JOIN #Test T ON value = EID

It sounds like you need a table to link employees to companies in a formal way. If you had that, this would be trivial. As it is, this is cumbersome and super slow. The below script creates that linkage for you. If you truly want to keep your current structure (bad idea), then the part you want is under the "insert into..." block.
--clean up the results of any prior runs of this test script
if object_id('STACKOVERFLOWTEST_CompanyEmployeeLink') is not null
drop table STACKOVERFLOWTEST_CompanyEmployeeLink;
if object_id('STACKOVERFLOWTEST_Employee') is not null
drop table STACKOVERFLOWTEST_Employee;
if object_id('STACKOVERFLOWTEST_Company') is not null
drop table STACKOVERFLOWTEST_Company;
--create two example tables
create table STACKOVERFLOWTEST_Company
ID int
,Name nvarchar(max)
,EmployeeIDs nvarchar(max)
,primary key(id)
create table STACKOVERFLOWTEST_Employee
ID int
,FirstName nvarchar(max)
,primary key(id)
--drop in some test data
insert into STACKOVERFLOWTEST_Company values(1,'ABC Corp','1,2,3,4,50')
insert into STACKOVERFLOWTEST_Company values(2,'XYZ Corp','4,5,6,7,8')--note that annie(#4) works for both places
insert into STACKOVERFLOWTEST_Employee values(1,'Bob') --bob works for abc corp
insert into STACKOVERFLOWTEST_Employee values(2,'Sue') --sue works for abc corp
insert into STACKOVERFLOWTEST_Employee values(3,'Bill') --bill works for abc corp
insert into STACKOVERFLOWTEST_Employee values(4,'Annie') --annie works for abc corp
insert into STACKOVERFLOWTEST_Employee values(5,'Matthew') --Matthew works for xyz corp
insert into STACKOVERFLOWTEST_Employee values(6,'Mark') --Mark works for xyz corp
insert into STACKOVERFLOWTEST_Employee values(7,'Luke') --Luke works for xyz corp
insert into STACKOVERFLOWTEST_Employee values(8,'John') --John works for xyz corp
insert into STACKOVERFLOWTEST_Employee values(50,'Pat') --Pat works for XYZ corp
--create a new table which is going to serve as a link between employees and their employer(s)
create table STACKOVERFLOWTEST_CompanyEmployeeLink
CompanyID int foreign key references STACKOVERFLOWTEST_Company(ID)
,EmployeeID INT foreign key references STACKOVERFLOWTEST_Employee(ID)
--this join looks for a match in the csv column.
--it is horrible and slow and unreliable and yucky, but it answers your original question.
--drop these messy matches into a clean temp table
--this is now a formal link between employees and their employer(s)
insert into STACKOVERFLOWTEST_CompanyEmployeeLink
select c.id,e.id
--find a match based on an employee id followed by a comma or preceded by a comma
--the comma is necessary so we don't accidentally match employee "5" on "50" or similar
inner join STACKOVERFLOWTEST_Employee e on
0 < charindex( convert(nvarchar(max),e.id) + ',',c.employeeids)
or 0 < charindex(',' + convert(nvarchar(max),e.id) ,c.employeeids)
order by
c.id, e.id
--show final results using the official linking table
co.Name as Employer
,emp.FirstName as Employee
inner join STACKOVERFLOWTEST_CompanyEmployeeLink link on link.CompanyID = co.id
inner join STACKOVERFLOWTEST_Employee emp on emp.id = link.EmployeeID


SQL Server: Insert Into 2 Tables in one query

I have seen a few questions similar to this but none gave me the answer I was looking for.
So here is the example
[Table A]:
ID pk/auto-increment
[Table B]:
ID pk/auto-increment
FK_A_ID fk
I have an import of data that contains over 700 rows (and growing)
[Table Import]
Name / Age / ... / Comment
Is it possible to use a query similar to:
INSERT INTO [TABLE A] (Name, Age, ...), [Table B] (FK_A_ID, Comments)
Name, Age, ..., ##IDENTITY, Comment
[TABLE Import]
Or a shorter question, is it possible to insert into 2 tables in the same query referencing the first insert? - when I right it out like that it seems unlikely.
You can't. But you can use transaction, like this:
SELECT Name, Age, ... FROM tableImport;
SELECT A.ID, I.Comment
FROM tableA A INNER JOIN tableImport I
ON A.Name = I.Name AND A.Age = I.Age AND ...;-- (if columns not unique)
I think you can do it with some temporary tables, and the row_number feature, then perform separate inserts in to TABLE A and TABLE B from the temporary table
create table source
Name varchar(50),
age int,
comment varchar(100)
insert into source
(name, age, comment)
create table a
id int identity(1,1) not null,
name varchar(50),
age int,
rowid int
create table b
id int identity(1,1) not null,
comment varchar(50),
fkid int not null
declare #tempa table
RowID int,
Name varchar(50),
age int,
comment varchar(100)
insert into #tempa
(rowid, name, age, comment)
name, age, comment
FROM source
insert into a
(name, age, rowid)
select name, age, rowid
from #tempa
insert into b
(comment, fkid)
select t.comment,
a.id as fkid
from #tempa t inner join a a
on t.rowid = a.rowid
In my honest opinion, the best way to do this is create a stored procedure and rollback in case of failure. If you do so, you don't need a transaction because until you supply the "COMMIT" command nothing will be inserted.

Inner join in SQL Server based on lookup table

I have the following table structure:
create table table1( ID int,
assettype varchar(50));
create table t1( poolId int,
day_rate float);
create table t2( poolId int,
day_rate float);
create table lookuptable( tablename varchar(50),
assettype varchar(50));
insert into table1 values (1,'abs'), (2,'card');
insert into t1 values ( 1,5), ( 2,10);
insert into t2 values ( 1,15), ( 2,20);
insert into lookuptable values ('t1','abs'), ('t2','card');
For a given id based on the assetType field in table1 I need to perform a lookup in the lookup table so that I display if the assettype of the id is abs
poolId day_rate
1 5
2 10
else if the assettype of the id is card
poolId day_rate
1 15
2 20
The reason I have t1 and t2 tables because they have their own set of calculation and based on the asset type of the id i want to use t1 and t2
Would you be able to guide me with some query or steps to go in the right direction
I can think of the case when structure to this but in my case I have 100 entries in the lookuptable and that would mean a case when structure written for 100 times. Is there a better way of handling this?
Try this..
declare #table varchar(20)
select #table=tablename from lookuptable where assettype = 'card'
print #table
declare #query nvarchar(1000)
set #query = N'select * from [' + #table +']';
print #query
EXECUTE sp_executesql #query
Change the assettype in first query..
Are you just trying to get all the rows in table1 and then their day_rates depending on what type of asset they are? Couldn't you do something like this.
,(case when table1.assettype = 'abs' then t1.day_rate else t2.day_rate end) as
from table1
inner join t1 on table1.id = t1.poolId
inner join t2 on table1.id = t2.poolId
group by table1.ID, table1.assettype
Let me identify the perspective first.
First, you created this table1 as? well whatever, but this seems a lookup table as well to me.
create table table1(
ID int,
assettype varchar(50)
Next, this one is a lookup table as well because this one is your reference for calculation.
create table t1(
poolId int,
day_rate float
create table t2(
poolId int,
day_rate float
Lastly, is your direct lookup table depending on the assettype defines which table you will get the rate.
create table lookuptable(
tablename varchar(50),
assettype varchar(50)
So, i'll try to simplify this.
One is your table1 with an additional column
create table table1(
ID int,
assettype varchar(50),
day_rate float
insert into table1 values
I have no further reasons yet to split the table as One-To-Many table relationship as I don't see the lookuptable as "child" as well as t1 and t2. You could instead directly change the rates in table1 rate as desired.
Please put some comments so we can arrive at the same page. thanks

Get first record from duplicate records and use its identity in other tables

I have two temp tables in which there are duplicates. Two tables contains records as below.
DECLARE #TempCompany TABLE (TempCompanyCode VARCHAR(100), TempCompanyName VARCHAR(100))
INSERT INTO #TempCompany VALUES ('00516','Company1')
INSERT INTO #TempCompany VALUES ('00135','Company1')
INSERT INTO #TempCompany VALUES ('00324','Company2')
INSERT INTO #TempCompany VALUES ('00566','Company2')
SELECT * FROM #TempCompany
DECLARE #TempProduct TABLE (TempProductCode VARCHAR(100), TempProductName VARCHAR(100), TempCompanyCode VARCHAR(100))
INSERT INTO #TempProduct VALUES ('001000279','Product1','00516')
INSERT INTO #TempProduct VALUES ('001000279','Product1','00135')
INSERT INTO #TempProduct VALUES ('001000300','Product2','00135')
INSERT INTO #TempProduct VALUES ('001000278','Product3','00566')
INSERT INTO #TempProduct VALUES ('001000278','Product3','00324')
INSERT INTO #TempProduct VALUES ('001000304','Product4','00566')
SELECT * FROM #TempProduct
Company is master table and product is child table. Product contains reference of company. Now these are my temp tables and I need to insert proper values from these tables to my main table.
I want to insert records as following
DECLARE #Company TABLE(CompanyID INT IDENTITY(1,1), CompanyCode VARCHAR(100), CompanyName VARCHAR(100))
INSERT INTO #Company VALUES ('00516','Company1')
INSERT INTO #Company VALUES ('00324','Company2')
SELECT * FROM #Company
DECLARE #Product TABLE(ProductID INT IDENTITY(1,1), ProductCode VARCHAR(100), ProductName VARCHAR(100), CompanyID INT)
INSERT INTO #Product VALUES ('001000279','Product1',#IDOf00516)
INSERT INTO #Product VALUES ('001000300','Product2',#IDOf00516)
INSERT INTO #Product VALUES ('001000278','Product3',#IDOf00324)
INSERT INTO #Product VALUES ('001000300','Product4',#IDOf00324)
SELECT * FROM #Product
I have attached the following image for how it looks when running the queries.
Can anybody help?
I would probably first insert unique records from tempCompany to Company table, then do an insert from TempProduct with a lookup to the inserted Company tables.
I.e. first insert companies:
INSERT INTO #Company (CompanyCode, CompanyName)
SELECT temp.TempCompanyCode, temp.TempCompanyName
FROM #TempCompany AS temp
Then insert products using a join to find the companyid:
INSERT INTO #Product (ProductCode, ProductName, CompanyId)
SELECT temp.TempProductCode, temp.TempProductName, c.CompanyID
FROM #TempProduct AS temp
JOIN #Company AS c ON temp.TempCompanyCode = c.CompanyCode -- Lookup to find CompanyID
However this does not take into account duplicates and the possibility that the main tables already have the records inserted.
Adding duplicate and check for already existing records the end result could look like:
--1. insert records not already in company table:
INSERT INTO #Company (CompanyCode, CompanyName)
SELECT DISTINCT temp.TempCompanyCode, temp.TempCompanyName
FROM #TempCompany AS temp
LEFT JOIN #Company AS c ON temp.TempCompanyCode = c.CompanyCode -- Will match Companies that already exists in #Companies
WHERE c.CompanyID IS NULL -- Company does not already exist
ORDER BY temp.TempCompanyCode
--2. insert product records:
INSERT INTO #Product (ProductCode, ProductName, CompanyId)
SELECT DISTINCT temp.TempProductCode, temp.TempProductName, c.CompanyID
FROM #TempProduct AS temp
JOIN #Company AS c ON temp.TempCompanyCode = c.CompanyCode -- Lookup to find CompanyID
LEFT JOIN #Product AS p ON temp.TempProductCode = p.ProductCode AND temp.TempCompanyCode = c.CompanyCode -- Will match products that already exists in #Products
WHERE p.ProductID IS NULL -- Product does not already exists
ORDER BY c.CompanyID, temp.TempProductCode
--3. Check result
SELECT * FROM #Company
SELECT * FROM #Product
Note that i make use of LEFT JOIN and add a WHERE condition to check whether the record already exists in your main tables.
This could very well be achieved using the MERGE statement - but I'm accustomed to the slighty less readable LEFT JOIN/WHERE method :)
Only TempCompanyName is to be used for determining whether a row in TempCompany is unique. I.e. Company1 with CopmpanyCode 00135 should not be inserted.
To achieve this, I would make use of ROW_NUMBER in helping finding the company rows to insert. I've added an identity column to #TempCompany to make sure the first row inserted will be the row used (i.e. to make sure 00516 is used for Company1 and not 00135).
New #TempCompany definition:
DECLARE #TempCompany TABLE (TempCompanyId INT IDENTITY(1,1), TempCompanyCode VARCHAR(100), TempCompanyName VARCHAR(100))
And updated script with row_number added and an extra join from Product via TempCompany (on name) to Company. The extra join is to enable both Product1 with CompanyCode 00516 and CompanyCode 00135 to be handled correctly:
--1. insert records not already in company table:
;WITH OrderedTempCompanyRows AS (SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY TempCompanyName ORDER BY TempCompanyId) AS RowNo, TempCompanyCode, TempCompanyName FROM #TempCompany)
INSERT INTO #Company (CompanyCode, CompanyName)
SELECT DISTINCT temp.TempCompanyCode, temp.TempCompanyName
FROM OrderedTempCompanyRows temp
LEFT JOIN #Company AS c ON temp.TempCompanyName = c.CompanyName -- Will match Companies that already exists in #Companies
WHERE temp.RowNo = 1 -- Only first company according to row_number
AND c.CompanyID IS NULL -- Company does not already exist
ORDER BY temp.TempCompanyName
--2. insert product records:
INSERT INTO #Product (ProductCode, ProductName, CompanyId)
SELECT DISTINCT temp.TempProductCode, temp.TempProductName, c.CompanyID
FROM #TempProduct AS temp
JOIN #TempCompany tc ON temp.TempCompanyCode = tc.TempCompanyCode -- Find Companyname in #Tempcompany table
JOIN #Company AS c ON tc.TempCompanyName = c.CompanyName -- Join to #Company on Companyname to find CompanyID
LEFT JOIN #Product AS p ON temp.TempProductCode = p.ProductCode AND temp.TempCompanyCode = c.CompanyCode -- Will match products that already exists in #Products
WHERE p.ProductID IS NULL -- Product does not already exists
ORDER BY c.CompanyID, temp.TempProductName
--3. Check result
SELECT * FROM #Company
SELECT * FROM #Product

Using merge..output to get mapping between source.id and target.id

Very simplified, I have two tables Source and Target.
declare #Source table (SourceID int identity(1,2), SourceName varchar(50))
declare #Target table (TargetID int identity(2,2), TargetName varchar(50))
insert into #Source values ('Row 1'), ('Row 2')
I would like to move all rows from #Source to #Target and know the TargetID for each SourceID because there are also the tables SourceChild and TargetChild that needs to be copied as well and I need to add the new TargetID into TargetChild.TargetID FK column.
There are a couple of solutions to this.
Use a while loop or cursors to insert one row (RBAR) to Target at a time and use scope_identity() to fill the FK of TargetChild.
Add a temp column to #Target and insert SourceID. You can then join that column to fetch the TargetID for the FK in TargetChild.
SET IDENTITY_INSERT OFF for #Target and handle assigning new values yourself. You get a range that you then use in TargetChild.TargetID.
I'm not all that fond of any of them. The one I used so far is cursors.
What I would really like to do is to use the output clause of the insert statement.
insert into #Target(TargetName)
output inserted.TargetID, S.SourceID
select SourceName
from #Source as S
But it is not possible
The multi-part identifier "S.SourceID" could not be bound.
But it is possible with a merge.
merge #Target as T
using #Source as S
on 0=1
when not matched then
insert (TargetName) values (SourceName)
output inserted.TargetID, S.SourceID;
TargetID SourceID
----------- -----------
2 1
4 3
I want to know if you have used this? If you have any thoughts about the solution or see any problems with it? It works fine in simple scenarios but perhaps something ugly could happen when the query plan get really complicated due to a complicated source query. Worst scenario would be that the TargetID/SourceID pairs actually isn't a match.
MSDN has this to say about the from_table_name of the output clause.
Is a column prefix that specifies a table included in the FROM clause of a DELETE, UPDATE, or MERGE statement that is used to specify the rows to update or delete.
For some reason they don't say "rows to insert, update or delete" only "rows to update or delete".
Any thoughts are welcome and totally different solutions to the original problem is much appreciated.
In my opinion this is a great use of MERGE and output. I've used in several scenarios and haven't experienced any oddities to date.
For example, here is test setup that clones a Folder and all Files (identity) within it into a newly created Folder (guid).
DECLARE #FolderIndex TABLE (FolderId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER PRIMARY KEY, FolderName varchar(25));
INSERT INTO #FolderIndex
(FolderId, FolderName)
VALUES(newid(), 'OriginalFolder');
DECLARE #FileIndex TABLE (FileId int identity(1,1) PRIMARY KEY, FileName varchar(10));
DECLARE #FileFolder TABLE (FolderId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER, FileId int, PRIMARY KEY(FolderId, FileId));
(FolderId, FileId)
SELECT FolderId,
FROM #FolderIndex
CROSS JOIN #FileIndex; -- just to illustrate
DECLARE #sFile TABLE (FromFileId int, ToFileId int);
-- copy Folder Structure
MERGE #FolderIndex fi
USING ( SELECT 1 [Dummy],
FROM #FolderIndex [fi]
WHERE FolderName = 'OriginalFolder'
) d ON d.Dummy = 0
(FolderId, FolderName)
VALUES (newid(), 'copy_'+FolderName)
OUTPUT d.FolderId,
INTO #sFolder (FromFolderId, toFolderId);
-- copy File structure
MERGE #FileIndex fi
USING ( SELECT 1 [Dummy],
FROM #FileIndex fi
JOIN #FileFolder fm ON
fi.FileId = fm.FileId
JOIN #FolderIndex fo ON
fm.FolderId = fo.FolderId
WHERE fo.FolderName = 'OriginalFolder'
) d ON d.Dummy = 0
THEN INSERT ([FileName])
VALUES ([FileName])
OUTPUT d.FileId,
INTO #sFile (FromFileId, toFileId);
-- link new files to Folders
INSERT INTO #FileFolder (FileId, FolderId)
SELECT sfi.toFileId, sfo.toFolderId
FROM #FileFolder fm
JOIN #sFile sfi ON
fm.FileId = sfi.FromFileId
JOIN #sFolder sfo ON
fm.FolderId = sfo.FromFolderId
-- return
FROM #FileIndex fi
JOIN #FileFolder ff ON
fi.FileId = ff.FileId
JOIN #FolderIndex fo ON
ff.FolderId = fo.FolderId
I would like to add another example to add to #Nathan's example, as I found it somewhat confusing.
Mine uses real tables for the most part, and not temp tables.
I also got my inspiration from here: another example
-- Copy the FormSectionInstance
DECLARE #FormSectionInstanceTable TABLE(OldFormSectionInstanceId INT, NewFormSectionInstanceId INT)
;MERGE INTO [dbo].[FormSectionInstance]
fsi.FormSectionInstanceId [OldFormSectionInstanceId]
, #NewFormHeaderId [NewFormHeaderId]
, fsi.FormSectionId
, fsi.IsClone
, #UserId [NewCreatedByUserId]
, GETDATE() NewCreatedDate
, #UserId [NewUpdatedByUserId]
, GETDATE() NewUpdatedDate
FROM [dbo].[FormSectionInstance] fsi
WHERE fsi.[FormHeaderId] = #FormHeaderId
) tblSource ON 1=0 -- use always false condition
( [FormHeaderId], FormSectionId, IsClone, CreatedByUserId, CreatedDate, UpdatedByUserId, UpdatedDate)
VALUES( [NewFormHeaderId], FormSectionId, IsClone, NewCreatedByUserId, NewCreatedDate, NewUpdatedByUserId, NewUpdatedDate)
OUTPUT tblSource.[OldFormSectionInstanceId], INSERTED.FormSectionInstanceId
INTO #FormSectionInstanceTable(OldFormSectionInstanceId, NewFormSectionInstanceId);
-- Copy the FormDetail
INSERT INTO [dbo].[FormDetail]
(FormHeaderId, FormFieldId, FormSectionInstanceId, IsOther, Value, CreatedByUserId, CreatedDate, UpdatedByUserId, UpdatedDate)
#NewFormHeaderId, FormFieldId, fsit.NewFormSectionInstanceId, IsOther, Value, #UserId, CreatedDate, #UserId, UpdatedDate
FROM [dbo].[FormDetail] fd
INNER JOIN #FormSectionInstanceTable fsit ON fsit.OldFormSectionInstanceId = fd.FormSectionInstanceId
WHERE [FormHeaderId] = #FormHeaderId
Here's a solution that doesn't use MERGE (which I've had problems with many times I try to avoid if possible). It relies on two memory tables (you could use temp tables if you want) with IDENTITY columns that get matched, and importantly, using ORDER BY when doing the INSERT, and WHERE conditions that match between the two INSERTs... the first one holds the source IDs and the second one holds the target IDs.
-- Setup... We have a table that we need to know the old IDs and new IDs after copying.
-- We want to copy all of DocID=1
DECLARE #newDocID int = 99;
DECLARE #tbl table (RuleID int PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL IDENTITY(1, 1), DocID int, Val varchar(100));
INSERT INTO #tbl (DocID, Val) VALUES (1, 'RuleA-2'), (1, 'RuleA-1'), (2, 'RuleB-1'), (2, 'RuleB-2'), (3, 'RuleC-1'), (1, 'RuleA-3')
-- Create a break in IDENTITY values.. just to simulate more realistic data
INSERT INTO #tbl (Val) VALUES ('DeleteMe'), ('DeleteMe');
DELETE FROM #tbl WHERE Val = 'DeleteMe';
INSERT INTO #tbl (DocID, Val) VALUES (6, 'RuleE'), (7, 'RuleF');
SELECT * FROM #tbl t;
-- Declare TWO temp tables each with an IDENTITY - one will hold the RuleID of the items we are copying, other will hold the RuleID that we create
DECLARE #input table (RID int IDENTITY(1, 1), SourceRuleID int NOT NULL, Val varchar(100));
DECLARE #output table (RID int IDENTITY(1,1), TargetRuleID int NOT NULL, Val varchar(100));
-- Capture the IDs of the rows we will be copying by inserting them into the #input table
-- Important - we must specify the sort order - best thing is to use the IDENTITY of the source table (t.RuleID) that we are copying
INSERT INTO #input (SourceRuleID, Val) SELECT t.RuleID, t.Val FROM #tbl t WHERE t.DocID = 1 ORDER BY t.RuleID;
-- Copy the rows, and use the OUTPUT clause to capture the IDs of the inserted rows.
-- Important - we must use the same WHERE and ORDER BY clauses as above
INSERT INTO #tbl (DocID, Val)
OUTPUT Inserted.RuleID, Inserted.Val INTO #output(TargetRuleID, Val)
SELECT #newDocID, t.Val FROM #tbl t
WHERE t.DocID = 1
-- Now #input and #output should have the same # of rows, and the order of both inserts was the same, so the IDENTITY columns (RID) can be matched
-- Use this as the map from old-to-new when you are copying sub-table rows
-- Technically, #input and #output don't even need the 'Val' columns, just RID and RuleID - they were included here to prove that the rules matched
SELECT i.*, o.* FROM #output o
INNER JOIN #input i ON i.RID = o.RID
-- Confirm the matching worked
SELECT * FROM #tbl t

Best way to get multiple newly created key values from table inserts using SQL Server?

The function Scope_Identity() will provide the last generated primary key value from a table insert. Is there any generally accepted way to get multiple keys from an insertion of a set (an insert resulting from a select query)?
In SQL Server 2005 onwards, you can use the OUTPUT clause to get a returned set of values. From the linked article:
The following example creates the
EmployeeSales table and then inserts
several rows into it using an INSERT
statement with a SELECT statement to
retrieve data from source tables. The
EmployeeSales table contains an
identity column (EmployeeID) and a
computed column (ProjectedSales).
Because these values are generated by
the SQL Server Database Engine during
the insert operation, neither of these
columns can be defined in #MyTableVar.
USE AdventureWorks ;
IF OBJECT_ID ('dbo.EmployeeSales', 'U') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE dbo.EmployeeSales;
CREATE TABLE dbo.EmployeeSales
( EmployeeID int IDENTITY (1,5)NOT NULL,
LastName nvarchar(20) NOT NULL,
FirstName nvarchar(20) NOT NULL,
CurrentSales money NOT NULL,
ProjectedSales AS CurrentSales * 1.10
DECLARE #MyTableVar table(
LastName nvarchar(20) NOT NULL,
FirstName nvarchar(20) NOT NULL,
CurrentSales money NOT NULL
INSERT INTO dbo.EmployeeSales (LastName, FirstName, CurrentSales)
INTO #MyTableVar
SELECT c.LastName, c.FirstName, sp.SalesYTD
FROM HumanResources.Employee AS e
INNER JOIN Sales.SalesPerson AS sp
ON e.EmployeeID = sp.SalesPersonID
INNER JOIN Person.Contact AS c
ON e.ContactID = c.ContactID
WHERE e.EmployeeID LIKE '2%'
ORDER BY c.LastName, c.FirstName;
SELECT LastName, FirstName, CurrentSales
FROM #MyTableVar;
SELECT EmployeeID, LastName, FirstName, CurrentSales, ProjectedSales
FROM dbo.EmployeeSales;
Use the row count and last identity value....
DECLARE #Rows int
--your insert from a select here
--set of rows you want...
SELECT * FROM YourTable Where TableID>#LastID-#Rows AND TableID<=#LastID
