Login Failed due to Triger Execution - sql-server

Something! has happened and I cannot login anymore using SSMS to my local SQL Server Express and this is the error I get:
So I Googled it and found this website solution which I ran:
But then this is the error I get:
I also tried and put my computer name instead of LocalHost in that command, but again same error.


Issue getting rsDriver to work using RSelenium

I am having an issue with getting a server connection using the rsDriver function using this code:
driver <- rsDriver(browser = "chrome", chromever = "111.0.5563.19", port=free_port(),check=F, verbose=T)
I get this error:
Warning: Could not determine server status.[1] "Connecting to remote server" Could not open chrome browser. Client error message: Undefined error in httr call. httr output: Failed to connect to localhost port 14415 after 2229 ms: Connection refused Check server log for further details.
As suggested by other posts, I have tried deleting the LICENSE.chromedriver files which has not worked, as well as updating all dependencies of wdman. I have also attempted to revert wdman back to 0.2.5 from the current version but the old version will not install. While attempting to roll wdman back to v0.2.5 using
I get this error:
Downloading package from url: http://cran.us.r-project.org/src/contrib/Archive/wdman/wdman_0.2.5.tar.gz Installing package into ‘C:/Users/abc/AppData/Local/R/win-library/4.2’ (as ‘lib’ is unspecified) Warning message: In i.p(...) : installation of package ‘C:/Users/abc/AppData/Local/Temp/RtmpuCeY3j/remotes1aec32a03b15/wdman’ had non-zero exit status
I have also tried using firefox instead of chrome without success. This is on windows 10, with R 4.2.2, RSelenium 1.7.9.

Error communicating between BxlServer and client

I have been trying to upgrade SQL server 2017 to run Python 3.7. We have installed CU28 and the product version is 14.0.3430.2 which includes the C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL14.INSTANCENAME\PYTHON_SERVICES.3.7.
I have made sure all permissions are granted to the INSTANCENAME directory and pythonlauncher.config working directory is pointing to C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL14.INSTANCENAME\MSSQL\ExtensibilityData and launchpad service account has permissions to this directory.
I have done all this as an upgrade twice and got various errors, and a clean install. The error I am getting is
Msg 39004, Level 16, State 20, Line 0
A 'Python' script error occurred during execution of 'sp_execute_external_script' with HRESULT 0x80004004.
Msg 39019, Level 16, State 2, Line 0
An external script error occurred:
Invalid BXL stream
error while running BxlServer: caught exception: Error communicating between BxlServer and client: 0x000000e8
HRESULT 0x80004004 looks like E_ABORT
So no real clues what is wrong here. pythonlauncher.log does show the error;
[Error] Process::TryTerminate failed with error code: 5
Session 0E93E9D1-07A7-448A-8B1A-FCA5263A5F53 TryTerminate(1067) failed with 5
Also got this warning
[Warning] StaleDirectoryCleaner() failed to delete C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL14.INSTANCENAME\MSSQL\ExtensibilityData\FAMSQL17UAT01\8B97815A-E9EA-4FA0-98F3-0440D4180522 after 5 retries
So all up this looks there are still permission issues. Extremely frustrating as there is next to no help on this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
After another clean install - first checked Python 3.5.2 worked and it did. Upgraded to 3.7, and again got the same issue. A bit more digging around I find this...
The SQL Server Network Interface library could not register the Service Principal Name (SPN) [ MSSQLSvc/SERVERNAME.domain_name.com:INSTANCENAME ]
Login failed for user 'DOMAIN\SERVERNAME$'. Reason: Could not find a login matching the name provided.
We have a service account that is not part of the domain which is NT Service\MSSQL$INSTANCENAME. Why on this implementation expecting a windows authenticated user the same name as the server??? How can I go about remedy this?
I think what has happened is that MS have left debug code in their production release.
In the event log we are seeing
Faulting application:Python.exe: 3.7.1150.1013 Faulting module name:
pylink.pyd Faulting module path:c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL
Microsoft have confirmed that this is a bug. Their work around is below.
It's CU27 and CU28 that 3.7 is broken in - so you could use CU26 and still use Python 3.7. That version started at CU22... so CU22-26 work fine.
Or - it's only the pylink.pyd that is broken - you can simply grab the pylink.pyd from a CU22-26 installation for Python 3.7, and swap it into your CU27/CU28 files. This workaround will work now, and will also not cause any issues going forward once the fix does come. That is, on your next update, it shouldn't interfere and it should all go smoothly.

How to configure pgadmin4 (PostgreSQL)

When I finished installation postgresql-10.5 and ran pgadmin4 (that came installed with postgresql) I get a configuration error that says:
An error occurred initializing the application server:
Failed to launch application server, server thread existing
It then asks me to input a python path and an application path.
Can anybody help me and and advise what to do to run pgadmin4. I tried find problem solution, but nothing helped me(

SQL Server is unavailable when running unit test case from Jenkins workspace

I am running some SQL Server unit test cases from VS 2017(which are running fine), but when i run the same test cases from Jenkins they end up throwing error "Server is unavailable".
Even if I am opening the solution from Jenkins work space in VS 2017 and
running the tests they end up throwing the same error.
Building and testing the code in VS2017 from E:\somedir\mytest.sln runs fine but running the same mytest.sln from C:\ProgramFiles\Jenkins\Workspace\test\mytest.sln ends up throwing error Server is unavailable
Why am I getting this error when VS 2017 and Jenkins are installed on the same server, it's just the directories are different.
NOTE: I have already checked the network, user permissions and passwords but nothing worked for me.
Maybe it is related to a whitespace in your path?
Typically it is:
C:\Program Files\Jenkins\Workspace

Task failed to execute on Development server

On Development Server, whenever I add an taskqueue
taskqueue.add(queue_name='default', url='/_tasks/do_something', params={'key': 1})
The following error occurred
taskqueue_stub.py:1974] Task task1 failed to execute. This task will retry in 819.200 seconds
After getting some hint from this post:
I suspect it could be something to do with the hostname. I am using http://test.me:8088 (where test.me point to using host file). The problem goes away when I change the hostname (test.me) to "localhost".
I can't just use localhost due to some app configuration issue.
The code edit rogerthat.net point out is no longer valid.
Any other solution?
