Using a closure to encapsulate state for React components - reactjs

When passing data between two elements that are very far away from each other in the hierarchy of components, passing data through props can be tedious. In these use cases I've resorted to using Redux just because it is less to keep track of when there is a large amount of components.
What I've done in one little project is to use a closure to encapsulate state and export that variable and consume it elsewhere. I feel this is a an antipattern but it does work.
The way it works is by declaring some variable that is going to be modified within a component. This same variable is the imported from elsewhere and consumed from elsewhere.
Here is a small sample with what I am doing (just pretend there is a large component hierarchy):
So my questions are: is there a better way to achieve the same results? Should we use a Flux implementation for these use cases? Is it ok to just pass props around through a large hierarchy of components?

As you stated yourself, redux solves this problem by providing an "App state" that's global to your app, which allows you to connect any component you want to that state.
Your "closure" is merely a poor-man's Redux, it's also a global state, only it lacks any of the features provided by Redux(unless you write them specifically).
let's CompA needs to re-render based on a click event on CompB, how do you do that automatically with a closure? you'd have to add listeners, check if a relevant state was changed and then re-render.
all these things are done for free by Redux, so I don't see any added benefit(except for not using redux, which can be a benefit in it's own).
If it's that important not to use redux, this can be "fine", yet very dangerous and I'd say it won't scale well.


React Hook Concept Also Redux

can I use Use state instead of redux?
Can I Manage all the state by use state ?
This question has a long and complicated answer, but I would suggest the first port of call would be reading up on the redux docs about how you might want to organise the state within your application.
TL;DR, it entirely depends on your situation, take a look here
Both are valid, but both have cases where they are better to be used, for example if you have a state you want to manage one level below, and is not used by other components on different hierarchy, then passing the state and it's handler as a prop is the better solution.
But some cases are more complex and require a lot of passing down of a prop through the components until it reaches the child that actually uses it, and. the parents of that child do nothing but pass it down, that is a smell of bad code.
Here it is beneficial to have it in a global state where the child can access it directly, without needed all of its predecessors to pass it down as a prop (also known as prop-drilling). Another case where this is useful is when multiple components need to access the same state, in different part of the system. It would be much cleaner to have it stored in a global state available for every component that requires it.
TL;DR, depending on your case, one solution is better than the other. Assess your situation case-by-case.

useContext with immutableJS

I have an Object of data that I store as my context. It gets filled with API responses and I feel like performance-wise I'm doing something wrong.
I tried to look into ImmutableJS but there is no reference of combining ImmutableJS with ContextAPI. Is combining them together doesn't give any benefits? And if it does do have an example of to how develop such a thing?
Whether you use context directly, add redux or pass down props through your component makes no difference to how you use immutable. ImmutableJS simply makes sure that an object does not change unintentionally and that it can be checked for changes with fast reference equality.
The problem you describe could arise from the fact that your context object changes whenever any response data is modified. Therefore it would trigger a rerender on all context consumers (see caveats). I like Immutable and use it in a large project, but if I am correct, it won't make a difference, you would have to fix the root cause or handle changes with shouldComponentUpdate.
I suggest you look into redux (or some other context provider) or show us code.
Don’t try solving your problem by introducing a dependency. It won’t be a magic bullet.
From what you describe, your context object changes frequently and is causing your component tree to rerender too often.
Maybe try creating multiple contexts that are only relevant for parts of the app. That way rerenders will only happen with subtrees using specific context.

Is there a React (state related) event pub sub pattern when replacing Redux?

It seems to me the trend is replacing Redux with React Context API and useReducer.
I personally do not like a huge store at root with states from user data to if a dialog is opened all mixed together.
Switching to React Context API allowed me to push the state down and closer to where they will be used. However I can only push it down to the level that child components are either displaying or modifying that value. For example:
I have to have count on Parent and create a Context. Within the Context, I'll add the count value and an increaseCount method (or a state and a dispatch function when use reducer pattern). Then I provide the context to those 2 child components. Now one can display it and one can modify it.
Now what if I need another button located far from this part of the component tree that also need to change the count value? I have to lift the state up and maybe all the way to the root. That feels strange to me.
2nd issue is when states are scattered at multiple level along the path in the tree, when something happens say user click a button, you may need to call multiple functions from multiple contexts (or dispatch multiple actions, one for each state that may or may not change). Unlike when use Redux since everything is at the root, you just need to dispatch one action.
So what if instead I have an event pub/sub at the root level? I can have the counter state and code manipulate it pushed down even more to CounterDisplay. CounterDisplay need to subscribe to the pub/sub system and listen to the event and update counter correspondingly. And whichever component want to change the counter can just raise an event.
What am I missing in this pattern? Circular event loop? Raise conditions? Feels a good pub/sub library can prevent these. I looked around and did not find something existing. I looked at RxJS but don't feel that fits.
Thanks in advance for sharing your thoughts.
You've basically just described the exact reason for Redux to exist :)
Redux is "an event pub/sub at the root level", and can specifically be beneficial in cases where widely separated components need to make use of the same data.
You may want to read my post Redux - Not Dead Yet!, which describes how Redux fits into today's ecosystem (including comparisons vs context) and some of the reasons you might find it useful.
If you are put off redux by the amount of boilerplate.
I would suggest taking a look at redux-zero.
Under the hood. react-redux uses a context provider at the root.
When you use the connect Higher-Order-Component that is using the context.
Same with the redux hooks.
So it's quite normal to have the provider at the very top.
It would be the same for any library like the react-router to do the same.
I would suggest you keep trying without redux so you can learn more. Put the provider at the root. It won't impact performance in anyway.
Isolate the context you create and the provider to a singleton file and import it to the components you need

How to structure Redux for a highly de-coupled, plug-n-play complex component?

I'm pretty new to Redux and would like to use it my application but I'm stuck at architecture/design phase for the Redux part. Here are my requirements and my suppositions regarding the design.
Application details:
SPA with AngularJS. Other libs used ng-redux, reselect, rxjs.
Component details:
Re-usable grid component to render huge amounts of data.
My idea:
Create a plug-n-play kind of component-based architecture, where all the internal components of the grid are independent of the parent/composing component like search, sort, row, header, cell.
All the components will have their own set of reducer, action, selector, and slice of state from the store.
Because all the components have their own reducers and can be plugged-in on demand, I need them to be lazily registered to the store instead of being accumulated in one place.
Some of the components like search, sort along with having their own state, also can affect other components state. Ex: setting up of query parameters (searchText, sortOrder etc.) to fetch the grid data which would be handled by another component(s).
My thoughts:
For the 1st point, I'm looking into reselect for supplying the dependent slice of state.
For the 2nd point, I'm still confused about which to use combineReducers/replaceReducer for the lazy registration. I feel combineReducers will not fit if I want access to multiple parts of the state.
For the 3rd point, I'm thinking of following approaches:
a. Passing entire state via getState() wherever required to update multiple parts of the state. Though this approach gives me feeling of improper use of Redux.
b. Component A fires its own action which updates their part of the state, then another action is fired for the other component B to update its slice of state. This approach as well feels like breaking the whole idea of Redux, the concept of side-effect could be used here though I don't know how to use it, maybe redux-saga, redux-thunk etc.
NOTE: Use of either of the approaches shouldn't lead to the component knowing about the other components hence whatever has to be done will be done by passing a generic config object like { actionsToFire: ['UPDATE_B'] }.
I need state management while navigating back and forth between the pages of the application, but I don't require hot-reloading, action-replay, or pre-fetching application state from server-side.
Components will also be responsible to destroy their state when no longer required. And state will have a normalized structure.
I know the requirements might seem weird or not-seen-often but I would keep them that way.
Few things I already know are:
I don't need to use Redux like the classic article from Dan says, but I think I need it here in this case.
I know about the Smart and Dumb components, mostly my components might seem smart (i.e aware of application state) but that is how I want to keep them, I might be wrong.
Diagram of the grid component:
Grid Component Diagram
Redux's global store makes encapsulation and dynamic plug-and-play behavior more difficult, but it is possible. There's actually many existing libraries for per-component-instance state and dynamic registration of reducers. (That said, the libraries I've seen thus far for component management are React libraries - you'd have to study some of those and reimplement things yourself for use with Angular.)

Correct way to update owner state

I have two components, contact form, and input.
At this moment i pass onChangeEvent from contact to input as is described in many tutorials and its works fine - input update his owner state.
But there is way to pass 'this' from contact to input by prop, or context and then I can update owner state without passing onChangeEvent - but is this a good idea?
Is there another option to update owner state without passing onChangeEvent?
I believe you could technically do it, as a React component is a regular javascript object in the end, so you could pass it as a prop.
However, that's not a good idea in general, for various reasons:
It tightly couples the two components together. If you ever want to reuse the input component in another place, you'll need to pass in the exact same state.
Linked to this, it allows manipulation of the internal state of one component, by another component, which is a violation of good OO design.
You are right however, that things tend to become quite verbose when working like this. They also become hard to reason about when one has more complex trees of components passing props and change handlers between them.
One solution to the problem, is employing the Flux design pattern, and namely it's Redux implementation.
In Redux one has a single piece of global state, a plain object, of which components see pieces (sub objects). Components receive this state as props, and just render from it in a simple fashion. There's a set of actions which transform this state, and any component can issue such an action, as a result of user interaction. There's still the concept of "state", but it is reserved for truly local things, such as the state of a form before pressing the save button etc.
