angular-ui-tree complex to use in project . need guidance - angularjs

i try to use angular-ui-treeview library in my project available on below mentioned link :
on this , in ,
in Usage section following things mentioned ;
1.) Using bower to install it. bower install angular-ui-tree
2.) Download from github.
bower install angular-ui-tree exactly do what and if i need to download all the code from github and need to inject in my project then why i need to install angular-ui-tree
i am new to angular and github as well
Please provide guidance to use this treeview in project

what they're trying to say is that first you must install angular-ui-treeview and once it has been installed to your proyect they suggest you to download the example code for you to learn to implement it. All you have to do if you want to learn first is download the code from github and then run it in your machine and get along with it. And when you feel prepared you should install it in your project using bower.
Let me know if helps.


I want to use PayFort Sdk in react native with some libraries and getting error

I want to use PayFort in my React Native and luckily I found out two of these libraries 1 is RN-Payfort-SDK and the other one is react-native-payfort-sdk
and I am using it correctly but when I try to run the project both of the libraries throw me the same error
Could not find com.victor:lib:1.0.1.
Required by:project :app > project :react-native-payfort-sdk
After the error, I try to search a lot about this library and luckily found a problem that this library is not updated to mavenCenteral() as you all know jcenter() is not working anymore so the question is can someone help me regarding this library or any other method I'll be really thankful to you.
you can install react-native-payfort-sdk from my fork until this PR merge
just edit package.json
"react-native-payfort-sdk": ""
after adding this line, just do
yarn install or npm install
after installing node_modules, you should clear cache from the android studio like this
You can still use jcenter() to resolve the above old libary com.victor:lib:1.0.1 as JCenter is still readable for old versions. Your application will work unless there is a newer versions of a library that are not available on jcenter

How to setup OHIF on windows

Please what is the correct way to have this Running
i am trying to install this and get it running on windows using this documentation.
i have installed Meteor , and then navigated to the folder and typed meteor, as talked about from here and here
I am getting this as Error
run: You're not in a Meteor project directory.
To create a new Meteor project:
meteor create <project name>
For example:
meteor create myapp
For more help, see 'meteor --help'.
Please what am I not doing correctly.
If you want to use OHIF I suggest you upgrade to Version 3.
The setup is easier (with good documentation) and the code is more tidy:
I would also suggest to use docker.
This project helped me a lot setting up my instance:

Using Quick Install in Visual Studio doesn't actually add the packages to your project

Hello I'm trying to use the Visual Studio extension Quick Install Package to install packages via bower and npm. One example is angular-loading-spinner
When I give the command using the interface, I see that the package.json file is updated and or the bower.json file is updated with the package dependency, but I'm still unable to actually reference the packages as instructed in my html using the tags. No actual files are added to the project, so I feel like I'm really missing something here, or simply don't understand what this package installer is actually meant to do. There doesn't seem to be any clear tutorial on this I can find online, or any good information. It just all assumes it works fine. Can anyone please advise? Thanks]1
Mike, I'm glad to know that my answer was the correct. For future users that have the same concern, they need to look at the folder node_modules to find out all the libraries installed.
This was put in the node_modules folder as pointed out by Jonathan Brizio. The issue was that the files were hidden and had to be included in the project.

Deploy React components to many personal projects

I hope this is a reasonable forum for this question.
I have a library of React components that I've developed that I'd like to use in multiple personal projects. When I update/improve that library I'd like it to allow me to update in all projects where it is used.
I'm using Meteor as a build tool, which will prompt me when there is an update available for a dependency it's using, so I assume it'd be an NPM module or something. It is checked in to GitHub and I don't mind if it's public.
What would be the best way to achieve this?
I know two ways:
Publish your module on NPM
Link using npm link
For the first one, your module will be public unless you pay NPM for a private module.
The second one, make your module available locally only (It is used for a development purpose, but it fits your needs).
If you have your package published on GitHub, you can simply create dependency by linking to tarball/master. If your path is, just add to your dependencies in your project's package.json:
"my-package": ""
If you have your package well described (package.json file with name, main and version attributes) it should works after meteor npm install.
Of course it works for Meteor 1.3 and higher only, lower versions don't support npm.
I did not use is personally yet, but an frequently mentioned tool for this purpose is, which is e.g. used by create-react-app.

Is there an official nuget package for Angular 2?

I'm currently working in a work environment where I do not have access to npm / node. The npm download location is actually blocked so I can't get any packages.
I want to build an Angular 2 site. As I can't access npm, I want to use Nuget to get the files. Although I can see the Angular 1 packages, I cannot seem to see any Angular 2 packages. Is there one for Nuget?
Also, is populating the node_module folder and compiling the Typescript the only thing that npm does for Angular? If I can just get a copy of the node_module folder (from outside work) and get TypeScript working in my solution, can I basically bypass the need for npm?
In short; No.
You can see a list of all available NuGet package versions here, with the most recent being 1.5.3.
Even performing a generic search shows most recent versions as 1.5.3.
Sometimes they'll have beta versions of packages available that you can install with a command similar to: Install-Package EntityFramework -Version 6.1.3-beta1 -Pre, but it doesn't appear as if they have created any pre-release packages.
So, as #Michal Dymel mentioned, you could get it from a CDN or some other location.
