Angular-Material "md-datepicker" directive - "md-open-on-focus" issue - angularjs

As exampled in this fiddle, there's seems to be an inconsistency issue with opening the md-datepicker multiple times when using md-open-on-focus.
The problem occurs after opening and closing it for the first time (which works ok) - after that, it'll randomly open on click and become unstable.
<md-datepicker ng-model="timeModel" md-hide-icons="all" md-open-on-focus></md-datepicker>
Has anyone experienced the same behavior and found a solution? Thanks.

Currently, the problem with md-hide-icons="all" and md-open-on-focus used together is, when you click outside, the focus remains on the input. But, since there are no icons to click for and focus is already on the input, there is no way we can open the datepicker.
If you click outside, and click outside again, focus from the input is gone, and it will work normally from there on which should arguably be the expected behavior.
But if you don't want such behavior, we can do something to change it!
Now, having a look at the datePicker code, in the closeCalendarPane function, they have
which is responsible for keeping focus on input. If we remove it, it would lose focus while clicking outside (or selecting a date from the picker) which is exactly what we want. They have some code handling input when openOnFocus is true but not sure how that helps!
Forked jsfiddle (changed line is at #31449)
Also, changing the library code isn't what we would normally want to do. So, for now, you could have a workaround like having a callback on md-is-open and removing the focus from the input element inside callback using your favourite way (jQuery/angular.element or pure JS) [As mentioned by #quirimmo]
Hope that helps!

Unfortunately this functionality it's not implemented yet in angular material.
If you take a look to the official examples, you will see the same behavior in the one using md-open-on-focus.
You need a little workaround in order to make it works. Just changed your example code:
<md-datepicker ng-model="timeModel" md-hide-icons="all" md-is-open="isOpen" md-open-on-focus></md-datepicker>
angular.module('sandbox', ['ngMaterial'])
.controller('Ctrl', function($scope, $timeout) {
$scope.timeModel = new Date();
$scope.$watch('isOpen', function(newValue, oldValue) {
if (!newValue && oldValue) {
You can achieve also the same behavior defining a new directive and requiring the base datepicker of angular material, and open it on click.
But this solution is smaller effort.


How do I return focus to an element when the entire page changes?

I have a complicated setup. My application is driven by a set of "rules" which dictate what the user interface is. The UI is rendered by looping through the rules and creating the individual dropdowns. Initially, everything renders properly. However, once a user makes a change to the UI, other rules may be affected. In my application, an api call is made, which then returns a modified set of rules. In the attached plunker, I've simplified things such that only the new set of rules is applied, which causes the page to re-render. The problem is that my users would like to be able to tab between all of the entries on the page and make changes. However, once the page is re-rendered, the currently selected page element is now gone nothing has the focus. I've tried to put the focus back on the proper element by tracking a common Id, but to no avail.
Using either of these doesn't seem to work.
var el = document.getElementById(focusId);
I've also tried using the autofocus attribute on the dropdown that I want to have focus, but that didn't work either. I'm using angularjs 1.2. Any ideas are appreciated.
If you want to assign auto focus dynamically to a element on the DOM from angular you can use this:
var myEl = angular.element(document.querySelector('select'));
myEl.attr('autofocus',"attr val");
You can also pass in an id like: angular.element(document.querySelector('#focusId'));
You can look here for a prior answer which may be of some more help!
Problem here is, you are trying to focus the element before the blur event completes. So you need to execute the focus code after blur event. Async execution of your focus code would solve the problem. You can use either setTimeout or $timeout.
/* //or
var el = document.getElementById(focusId);
/* //or
var el = document.getElementById(focusId);
dont forgot to inject $timeout to your controller if you are using second code. Hope this helps :)

Strange behaviour with ng-model binding and checkbox

I'm trying to intercept a checkbox change so I can put a confirmation stage in the middle and I am experiencing strange behaviour.
When I click the checkbox preventDefault is stopping the UI from changing the checkbox, except the bound model will change once and then no longer be changeable.
Any ideas on how I can fix this? Am I approaching this wrong?
$scope.change = function(selected, $event){
edit: Answers to JB's questions below:
I am trying to intercept the checkbox change so I can put a confirmation step in the middle IE "Are you sure you want to change
this text box?"
Just updated to 1.47 (and updated jsfiddle link).
I'm using ng-click because ng-change doesn't pass the event
through which means I can't cancel the ui change via
See above.
I have modified your Fiddle to make it work:
Notice the change in HTML: ng-model="x.checked" to ng-checked="x.checked".
$scope.change = function(selected, $event){
$timeout(function () {
if (window.confirm('Are you sure?')) {
selected.checked = !selected.checked;
The key problem for me was to find out, how to prevent the checkbox status from changing until the user has confirmed the change. I don't know the best/right solution, but I resolved this so that the event handler just prevents the default behaviour, and the actual change is handled outside the event handler with the help of $timeout.
At least the Fiddle seems to work in a sane manner... :-)

Trying to create a keyboard shortcut for a button using Angular

I want to be able to set a keyboard shortcuts for buttons in an application I'm building. I'd like to be able to pass in the keyboard button code as a parameter to make it configurable. Here's what I have so far using the documentation before I got stuck. HTML:
<div ng-controller="BtnCtrl">
<button class="primary-btn" type="submit" ng-keypress="press($event, '12')">Button</button>
.controller('BtnCtrl', function ($scope) {
$ = function($event, hotKeyRef) {
if ($event.keyCode==hotKeyRef) {
//need some code here to trigger the button press
So using my approach, I'm unsure of a) how to trigger the button press from inside the function and b) whether this is the correct way of passing in the keyCode data.
I might also be taking completely the wrong approach, so any other guidance would be appreciated.
For the question a).
The main uses of a < button > html element is to fire an event on a click.
So if you want to use a keypress, why use this element ? I don't really see what you want to achieve. that seems controversal.
for b) :
By default, ng-keypress is intended to be used in an input element.
Otherwise, it seems that some posts, where I inquired, manage to make it work out.
You can see what it can look like, for example on this post (Is it possible to listen for arrow keyspress using ng-keypress?)
in which the person trying to setup the konami code.
Moreover, it seems that you can have trouble depending on which browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE) you uses. Be careful.
I hope this could help you.
hi there is an excellent plugin for your scenario u can check the below link
u can also check the below stackoverflow link
What is AngularJS way to create global keyboard shortcuts?

Using a variable for ng-required doesn't re-evaluate fields

I have a form where my intent is for required fields to not always be enforced. For example if the user is saving the document as a draft they can enter as little information as they like, if they try and publish the document then they have to enter all the required fields. I'm using a boolean on the controller which changes according to which button has been pressed e.g.
<input type="text" ng-model="field2" ng-required="enforceRequired" />
The problem is that the fields are not re-evaluated when the boolean changes so the form is submitted and then it becomes invalid. Please see this JSFiddle to see what I mean. If you fill in field1 and then click publish it will succeed on the first click and THEN become invalid.
How can I force the validation to run before the form is submitted?
Yarons is right, you are changing the value too late, by late I mean after the form validations has been run. What you can do as a workaround is, after changing the required value, let angular do another cycle and then show your alert. This can be done via $timeout service, although I must mention that it is usually not a good practise to change the flow of your digest actions. It gets pretty messy pretty soon.
Change your publish function like this (and don't forget to inject $timeout)
$scope.publish = function () {
$scope.enforceRequired = true;
$timeout(function () {
if ($scope.form.$valid) {
Working fiddle:
The problem is that you are changing the value of enforceRequired in the middle of the digest loop, so the watchers are not re-rendered before you check the input fields' validity (read about digest here).
If you want to get around it, I suggest one of the following methods:
change the value of enforceRequired before you call saveDraft or publish. see example.
call $scope.$apply() after you change the value of enforceRequired. see another example.

AngularUI ui-select2 causes "select" to be dirty

I am trying to have angular validation on my page.
I have a plunkr here that shows a normal select that behaves the way you would expect. It starts off not selected, when you select an option and then go back to the blank option, the error shows up:
However, if I change that to a ui-select2, it automatically makes it dirty and shows the error message on load. Any thoughts on a workaround for this? thanks in advance!
This is a known problem with angular-ui and select2.
Seems like it has been resolved, but I never got it working.
In my case I just moved to chosen.js.
I found this post and after some small changes I ended up with the following directive:
It is working great and not marking the form as dirty after initialization , and it looks better (you can still see the chosen options but they are great, line wrapping looks better).
