Fetch facebook post in Angularjs application - angularjs

I am new to angularjs. I would like to fetch my facebook post in Angularjs application.
Kindly advice me how to start up this process through Angularjs.
Thanks in advance!

Please start exploring all Facebook API's for authorizing in different domain.Below is the Facebook API document which might help you to understand on how to get authorized to use FB API's
https://developers.facebook.com/docs/javascript/howto/angularjs - it will create a setup like plugins inside your app after you include it in your angularjs app.
For AngularJs app please create a angular scaffolding templates using Yoeman
generator for project setup - cmd - 'yo angular' will help you to
create angularjs application.
To run your application locally / to create proxies/ to build and zip use -
To check your dependencies for your project use bower/npm
Basically you need angular, angular-route, angular-resources as your
dependency to your application.
Start exploring about angular route,angular module,controllers,services,directives in angularjs website.


Want to create hyperledger-composer front-end with ReactJS instead of AngularJS?

I am generating Front-end of my hyperledger-composer business network in angular4 by using the following command
yo hyperledger-composer:angular
Provided on their official website, in developer tutorial. But what I want is to generate a ReactJS front-end.
Any help/suggestion would be of great help!
If you want to create a React application using the yeoman app, you should either build a generator yourself or wait till somebody else does.

Reload AngularJS web app when file changed

I'm trying to create web using AngularJs framework, and I want to watch my changes on sass, js and html file (auto refreshing browser).
How can I do that?
You can use Yeoman generator for your Angular projects. This will provide
Provides a directory structure geared towards large Angular projects.
livereload for your project etc
cg-angular documention

Web project with Angular in frontend and Symfony2 in Backend

I would like to have a web app with Angular in Frontend and Symfony in Backend. I separated this into 2 single projects and now I want to let them communicate via REST.
Now here's the point I'm struggling a little. First of all, is the project separation the right approach? Also, I'm confused with building a REST-Service with the ngResource-factory in Angular. Can someone explain this to me, how to create a simple GET-Request (no params etc and just how to use the factory. Dependencies aren't a problem)? The tutorial on AngularJS doesn't really help. Do I need to create a JSON-File as well?
By the way, I'm new to these 2 frameworks.
Thanks in advance!
Disclaimer: I'm the author of API Platform
Take a look at API Platform. It's a solution to create REST API using Symfony (full stack).
The official tutorial explains how to create a REST API in a first project then an Angular client (using Restangular) in another project.

Embed yeoman created angularjs application in play framework

My target software architecture:
Backend-application (RESTful http API, responding JSON)
Play Framework (v2.3.8)
Frontend-application (requests the backend-application and renders the result)
AngularJS App
Yeoman scaffolded (angular-generator)
My question:
I want to host the angularjs inside the play application. How can I
achieve that?
(I don't want to create a second app and host it with grunt serve since this causes problems because of the 'same origin policy')
You could use Play Yeoman. Here is a small example application which shows a simple implementation.

Symfony 1.4 and angularJS

As mentionned in the title I want to use angularJS with Symfony1.4.
Is that possible? and How to integrate this framework with Symfony1.4?
Of course you can.
If you are familiar with AngularJS you should now that the important things to be considered is to import correctly the script files, and to declare correctly your app and controller.
The same has to be done in Symfony, importing scripts and declaring Angular app.
I'm actually using it, and it works great.
you dont need integrate Angular with Symfony because Angular is a Javascript framework (client) and Symfony its a PHP Framework (Server). simply you can make a API with symfony a simple static entry point for start the angular application and use the API from the Angular App
