Angular data binding within components not working when using jade - angularjs

I am using angular 1.6.4 and node 6.1 and I am trying to load a simple array that I have specified in the player-main component to the template but it does not get loaded correctly.
component('playerMain', {
templateUrl: '/player.php',
controller: function PlayListController() {
this.songs = [
id: 'one',
title: 'Rain',
artist: 'Drake',
url: ''
id: 'two',
title: 'Walking',
artist: 'Nicki Minaj',
url: ''
id: 'three',
title: 'Barrlping with Carl (',
artist: 'Akon',
url: ''
id: 'four',
title: 'Angry cow sound?',
artist: 'A Cow',
url: ''
id: 'five',
title: 'Things that open, close and roll',
artist: 'Someone',
url: ',%20close%20and%20roll.mp3'
When the template url is called 'player.php' express router redirects it to following jade template.
h5 Songs
li(ng-repeat='song in $ctrl.songs')
button(music-player='play', add-song='song') {( song.title )}
button(music-player='', add-song='song') +
button(play-all='songs') Play all
button(play-all='songs', data-play='false') Add all
But even though ng-repeat does iterate over the array 5 times, the
does not get evaluated, it simply print it as a string.


How to construct multiple dictionaries to array in react native

I am trying to show Expand/Collapse Flatlist data in react-native.
It is like single parent with multiple childs. So, If user tap on the cell, I have to show multiple rows for that expand/collapse.
But, I am getting data from server like following.
code: '1212',
name: 'Bajaj Model 1',
url: 'Some url',
category: 'Bike'
code: '1213',
name: 'Bajaj Model 2',
url: 'other url',
category: 'Bike'
code: '1454',
name: 'BMW Model 1',
url: 'Some url',
category: 'Car'
code: '1454',
name: 'BMW Model 2',
url: 'Some url',
category: 'Car'
So, All the Bike data, I have to show one place like Parent and child.
For that I have done filter.
const fundsFilterData = mapValues(groupBy(response, 'category'),
fundslist => => omit(item, 'category')));
And I am getting like following.
'Bike': [{
code: '1212',
name: 'Bajaj Model 1',
url: 'Some url'
code: '1213',
name: 'Bajaj Model 2',
url: 'other url'
'Car': [{
code: '1454',
name: 'BMW Model 1',
url: 'Some url'
code: '1454',
name: 'BMW Model 2',
url: 'other url'
But, I want to make it as array along with some pre added keys like following.
'Title': 'Bike',
'Values': [{
'code': '1212',
'name': 'Bajaj Model 1',
'url': 'Some url'
'code': '1454',
'name': 'Bajaj Model 2',
'url': 'other url'
'Title': 'Car',
'Values': [{
'code": '
1454 ',
'name": '
BMW Model 1 ',
'url": '
Some url '
'code': '1454',
'name': 'BMW Model 2',
'url': 'Some url'
So that I can show Titles in headers and once user tap on row, I can show child's data as expanded.
Any suggestions?
Use which returns an array, and not _.mapValues(). In the get the Title (the key) from the 2nd param. Use it and the values (after _.omit()) to construct an object for each group.
const { map, groupBy, omit } = _;
const response = [{"code":"1212","name":"Bajaj Model 1","url":"Some url","category":"Bike"},{"code":"1213","name":"Bajaj Model 2","url":"other url","category":"Bike"},{"code":"1454","name":"BMW Model 1","url":"Some url","category":"Car"},{"code":"1454","name":"BMW Model 2","url":"Some url","category":"Car"}];
const fundsFilterData = map(
groupBy(response, 'category'),
(list, Title) => ({
Values: => omit(item, 'category'))
<script src=""></script>

How to access Object in Array NODE JS

I have the following JSON data which comes from scraping the technology on a page, I have made a Json array called MyArray that is below:
{ url: '',
originalUrl: '',
[ { name: 'Font Awesome',
confidence: '100',
version: '',
icon: 'Font Awesome.png',
website: '',
categories: [Object] },
{ name: 'Google Analytics',
confidence: '100',
version: '',
icon: 'Google Analytics.svg',
website: '',
categories: [Object] },
{ name: 'jQuery',
confidence: '100',
version: '2.1.3',
icon: 'jQuery.svg',
website: '',
categories: [Object] } ] }
My question is how do I access the [Object] within categories using NODE? or any of the other things inside applications?
I can use myArray.url to get the URL but how do I get whats inside applications properly? I tried
Also i'm new.
Loop through applications and use index to access categories.
var myArray = { url: '',
originalUrl: '',
[ { name: 'Font Awesome',
confidence: '100',
version: '',
icon: 'Font Awesome.png',
website: '',
categories: [Object] },
{ name: 'Google Analytics',
confidence: '100',
version: '',
icon: 'Google Analytics.svg',
website: '',
categories: [Object] },
{ name: 'jQuery',
confidence: '100',
version: '2.1.3',
icon: 'jQuery.svg',
website: '',
categories: [Object] } ]
for(var i =0; i<myArray.applications.length;i++){
You can use forEach method to access each element of array.
var myArray = {
url: '',
originalUrl: '',
applications: [ { name: 'Font Awesome',
confidence: '100',
version: '',
icon: 'Font Awesome.png',
website: '',
categories: [Object] },
{ name: 'Google Analytics',
confidence: '100',
version: '',
icon: 'Google Analytics.svg',
website: '',
categories: [Object] },
{ name: 'jQuery',
confidence: '100',
version: '2.1.3',
icon: 'jQuery.svg',
website: '',
categories: [Object] }
myArray.applications.forEach(function(value, index, array){
console.log(value.categories); //Allow to access the array
//console.log(value.categories[0]); //Allows the first element in the array
console.log('Arrow function Solution');
//solution with arrow function
myArray.applications.forEach((value, index, array) => {
console.log(value.categories); //Allow to access the array
//console.log(value.categories[0]); //Allows the first element in the array
You can use lodash map function for that.
var lodash = require('lodash');
var categoriesArr =, (item) => item.categories);

How do I save this angularJS to HTML5 localStorage

Feel free to tell me to go away (I'm a newbie to angular and javascript), but how would I get started on saving this angularJS to localStorage? Is it something that can be done relatively painlessly by creating a saving function in the add()? I've seen that angular has its own local-storage but can this be done without that? Pen:
angular.module('app', []);
angular.module('app').controller("MainController", function(){
var vm = this;
vm.title = 'Movie Database';
vm.searchInput = '';
vm.shows = [
title: 'Game of Thrones',
actor: 'Dudes',
year: 2011,
favorite: true
title: 'Walking Dead',
actor: 'More dudes',
year: 2010,
favorite: false
title: 'The Goonies',
actor: 'The Coreys',
year: 2002,
favorite: true
title: 'Firefly',
actor: 'Dunno',
year: 2002,
favorite: false
title: 'Bullit',
actor: 'McQueen',
year: 2013,
favorite: true
vm.orders = [
id: 1,
title: 'Year Ascending',
key: 'year',
reverse: false
id: 2,
title: 'Year Descending',
key: 'year',
reverse: true
id: 3,
title: 'Title Ascending',
key: 'title',
reverse: false
id: 4,
title: 'Title Descending',
key: 'title',
reverse: true
vm.order = vm.orders[0]; = {};
vm.addShow = function() {
vm.shows.push(; = {};
The browser (the window object) has an object called localStorage, simple as that. If you want to save an object to the local storage you better stringify it first using json.
// inside your controller:
function saveMovie() {
var selectedMovieString = json.stringify(this.selectedMovie); // for example;
localStorage.setItem("selectedMovie", selectedMovieString);

Create a nested view template

I am new to AngularJs, and I'm creating the nested view template like this:
But the code I have is of different type. For routing, it uses this:
awfApp.config(function ($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {
var states = [
{ name: 'home', isDefault: true }, //TODO: Moure a awf
{ name: 'module1', module: { title: "Module 01", img: "modul1.png" } },
{ name: 'module2', module: { title: "Module 02", img: "modul2.png" } },
{ name: 'mainlist4', module: { title: "Main List4", img: "modul2.png" } },
{ name: 'mainlist2', module: { title: "Main List2", img: "modul2.png" } },
{ name: 'mainlist', module: { title: "Main List", img: "modul2.png" } }
if (appConfig.doLogin)
states.push({ name: 'articles', module: { title: "Articles", img: "articles.png" } });
Please tell me, how can create nested views in AngularJs using the code above.

Generating a dialog box with CheckBoxes when a Checkbox is selected in ExtJs

I am novice to Ext-js and referring for tutorials. I am trying to modify an existing application build in ext-js 2.2. It has in particular page following options for checkbox.
var assetPermissions = [
{ id: 'MF', name: 'Mutual Funds' },
{ id: 'ETF', name: 'ETFs' },
{ id: 'CE', name: 'Closed End Funds' },
{ id: 'ST', name: 'Stocks' },
{ id: 'VA', name: 'Variable Annuities' },
{ id: 'FI', name: 'Bonds' },
{ id: 'SMA', name: 'Separately Managed Accounts' },
{ id: 'MO', name: 'Models' },
{ id: 'MM', name: 'Managed Models' },
{ id: 'UD', name: 'User Defined' },
{ id: 'I:MD', name: 'Model Dashboard' },
{ id: 'I:SC', name: 'Screener' },
{ id: 'CUAS', name: 'Create Custom Assets & Folders' },
{ id: 'OA', name: 'Other Assets'}
Now I want that when a user selects the Other Assets option in the check box and another check box should be prompted something like this.
Name Select
Save | Cancel
I also want a Save and Cancel button for that dialog box and changes made to it are saved.
So can any one suggest how to do this in ExtJs. Thanks.
