Simple 2D array with calloc resulting in Segmentation fault - c

I'm getting a strange "Segmentation fault: 11" with this simple code and can't figure it out what is the problem. I just need to dynamically declare and array with size nrows x ncolumns.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int nrows = 3;
int ncolumns = 5;
int **array;
array = calloc(nrows, sizeof(int));
for(int i = 0; i < nrows; i++)
array[i] = calloc(ncolumns, sizeof(int));
if(array[i] == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "out of memory\n");
for(int i = 0; i < nrows; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < ncolumns; j++)
array[i][j] = 10;
printf("%d %d: %d\n",i,j, array[i][j]);
return 0;

You're mixing your metaphors. You declare your array to be a block of pointers to pointers, but then allocate int sized memory blocks. You might just get away with this where the size of a pointer is the size of an int, but it's still incorrect.
The simplest option is to make it a simple 1D array that you access with row and column strides (ie, array[row*ncolumns + column]), or to use pointers more thoroughly throughout.
Note that you can't use doubled up array syntax to access this sort of dynamically allocated 2D array, as the compiler does not know the size of the inner array, and because of that, the stride of the outer array.


parse 2d dynamic int array to Shared Memory

Im trying to build a program that parsing a 2d dynamic array to other program by using shared memory.I search a lot but im a bit confused because im not familiar at this one.
My code so far:
int main (int argc, char* argv []){
int rows,columns;
if( argc < 3 ){
printf("Need The size of the 2d array\n");
return 0;
rows = atoi(argv[1]);
columns = atoi(argv[2]);
time_t t;
srand((unsigned) time(&t));
key_t key = ftok(".",'a');
size_t size = sizeof(key_t) + (rows * columns + 2 + rows) * sizeof(int);
int shmid = shmget(key,size,IPC_CREAT|IPC_EXCL|S_IRWXU);
int *memory = shmat(shmid, NULL, 0);
printf("Shared Memory Key: %d\n", key);
int *argsflag = memory;
int *resflag= memory + 1;
int *res = memory + 2;
int **array = (int **) memory + (rows*columns);
for(int i = 0; i < rows ; i++) {
for(int j = 0; j < columns; j++) {
array[i][j] = rand() % 100;
for(int i = 0; i < rows ; i++) {
for(int j = 0; j < columns; j++) {
printf("%d ",array[i][j]);
Im getting a Segmentation fault (core dumped) and i dont know why.Also by searching i find a solution with struct but i dint get how i can build that.
You cannot have a int** point at a 2D array. It can only point to the first element in a 1D array of int*.
Furthermore, what's the logic of memory + (rows*columns)? You end up setting the pointer to the last item of the array, rather than the first.
Try this instead:
void* memory = shmat( ...
int (*array)[columns] = memory;
array[i][j] = ... ;
Where int (*array)[columns] is an array pointer, which ends up point at the first array in the 2D array.
For details, see Correctly allocating multi-dimensional arrays.

Dynamically allocating space for a 2D array

I am a novice C programmer trying to write a function that dynamically allocates space for a 2D array. I am getting a segmentation fault when running this code & i'm not sure why.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int allocate_space_2D_array(int **arr, int r, int c) {
int i,j;
arr = malloc(sizeof(int *) * r);
for (i = 0; i < r; i++)
arr[i] = malloc(sizeof(int *) * c);
for (i = 0; i < r; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < c; j++) {
printf("%p", arr[r][c]);
return arr;
I expected to be able to print out and see the contiguous memory locations of each spot in the array, but I am never reaching that point in my code, because when I run it, i get a segmentation fault. Would appreciate any help.
Seeing your program i see 3 errors one while you allocate memory for 2D-array,one while you're printing and another one is how you declare the function.
First malloc is ok,the second one is wrong cause you already allocated memory for r(size of row) pointers so it's just like if you have * arr[r],so to allocate memory correctly now you should allocate memory just for int and not for int*.
Second error while printing you put as index for row and column the values r and c,but r and c are the size of matrix , as we know the size of an array or 2D-array goes from 0 to size-1,in your case goes from 0 to r-1 and from 0 to c-1.
Third error you should declare the function not as int but as int** cause you want to return a matrix so the return type is not int but int**.
I change your code to make it work correctly,it should be work.
int** allocate_space_2D_array(int **arr, int r, int c) {
int i,j;
arr = malloc(sizeof(int *) * r);
for (i = 0; i < r; i++)
arr[i] = malloc(sizeof(int ) * c);
for (i = 0; i < r; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < c; j++) {
printf("%p", arr[i][j]);
return arr;

Allocating contiguous memory for a 3D array in C

I need to allocate contiguous space for a 3D array. (EDIT:) I GUESS I SHOULD HAVE MADE THIS CLEAR IN THE FIRST PLACE but in the actual production code, I will not know the dimensions of the array until run time. I provided them as constants in my toy code below just to keep things simple. I know the potential problems of insisting on contiguous space, but I just have to have it. I have seen how to do this for a 2D array, but apparently I don't understand how to extend the pattern to 3D. When I call the function to free up the memory, free_3d_arr, I get an error:
lowest lvl
mid lvl
a.out(2248,0x7fff72d37000) malloc: *** error for object 0x7fab1a403310: pointer being freed was not allocated
Would appreciate it if anyone could tell me what the fix is. Code is here:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int ***calloc_3d_arr(int sizes[3]){
int ***a;
int i,j;
a = calloc(sizes[0],sizeof(int**));
a[0] = calloc(sizes[0]*sizes[1],sizeof(int*));
a[0][0] = calloc(sizes[0]*sizes[1]*sizes[2],sizeof(int));
for (j=0; j<sizes[0]; j++) {
a[j] = (int**)(a[0][0]+sizes[1]*sizes[2]*j);
for (i=0; i<sizes[1]; i++) {
a[j][i] = (int*)(a[j]) + sizes[2]*i;
return a;
void free_3d_arr(int ***arr) {
printf("lowest lvl\n");
printf("mid lvl\n");
free(arr[0]); // <--- This is a problem line, apparently.
printf("highest lvl\n");
int main() {
int ***a;
int sz[] = {5,4,3};
int i,j,k;
a = calloc_3d_arr(sz);
// do stuff with a
Since you are using C, I would suggest that you use real multidimensional arrays:
int (*a)[sz[1]][sz[2]] = calloc(sz[0], sizeof(*a));
This allocates contiguous storage for your 3D array. Note that the sizes can be dynamic since C99. You access this array exactly as you would with your pointer arrays:
for(int i = 0; i < sz[0]; i++) {
for(int j = 0; j < sz[1]; j++) {
for(int k = 0; k < sz[2]; k++) {
a[i][j][k] = 42;
However, there are no pointer arrays under the hood, the indexing is done by the magic of pointer arithmetic and array-pointer-decay. And since a single calloc() was used to allocate the thing, a single free() suffices to get rid of it:
free(a); //that's it.
You can do something like this:
int ***allocateLinearMemory(int x, int y, int z)
int *p = (int*) malloc(x * y * z * sizeof(int));
int ***q = (int***) malloc(x * sizeof(int**));
for (int i = 0; i < x; i++)
q[i] = (int**) malloc(y * sizeof(int*));
for (int j = 0; j < y; j++)
int idx = x*j + x*y*i;
q[i][j] = &p[idx];
return q;
void deallocateLinearMemory(int x, int ***q)
for(int i = 0; i < x; i++)
I use it and works fine.

How to malloc 2D arrays? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Allocating 2-D array in C
(2 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I need to create a two dimensional array. Presently I created it as
int a[100][100]
but I need to allocate the memory dynamically using malloc in C language. I used the code
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(void)
int n=6, m=5, i, j;
int **a = malloc(n * sizeof(int *));
for(i = 0; i < m; i++)
a[i] = malloc(m * sizeof(int));
for( i = 1; i <= n; i++ )
for( j = 1; j <= m; j++ )
scanf("%d %d",&a[i][j]);
return 0;
but now while inputting the elements into the array it shows SEGMENTATION ERROR.
You say in the comments that n is the number of rows. So you need to allocate n rows each of length m. Therefore, the second for loop condition should be i < n. Also, you should check the return value of malloc for NULL in case it fails to allocate memory. I suggest the following change -
long long **a = malloc(n * sizeof(*a));
for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
a[i] = malloc(m * sizeof(*a[i]));
Please note that a multi-dimensional array is not a fundamentally new type. It's simply an array of elements where each element itself is an array (for a 2D array), an array of arrays (for a 3D) array and so on. If you are using C99, you can allocate your array cleanly and succinctly as
int nrow = 4; // number of rows
int ncol = 8; // number of columns
// define arr to be a pointer to an array of ncol ints, i.e.,
// arr is a pointer to an object of type (int[ncol])
int (*arr)[ncol] = malloc(sizeof(int[nrow][ncol]));
// check the result of malloc for NULL
if(arr == NULL) {
printf("malloc failed to allocate memory\n");
// handle it
// do stuff with arr
for(int i = 0; i < nrow; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < ncol; j++)
arr[i][j] = i + j;
// after you are done with arr
You should also go through this - How do I work with dynamic multi-dimensional arrays in C?
You have three errors: The first is that you allocate only 5 secondary arrays, but in the input you loop over 6 of them.
The second problem is that array indices are zero-based, i.e. the index start at zero and goes to the size minus one.
The third problem is that you scan for two numbers (why?), but you provide only one destination pointer to scanf.
you just need
long *a = malloc(100*100*sizeof(long));
if you want one single big block of memory.
if you want an array of long* pointers and then each array to be in a separate block of memory go like this:
long **a = malloc(100*sizeof(long*));
for (i=0; i<100; i++) {
a[i] = malloc(100*sizeof(long));
This creates 1 array of long* pointers, and then 1 array of 100 longs of each pointer, but I'm not sure now if you say a[10][15] for example if it would calculate position of the element as if its a continuous block. Check that out. :)
If you have C99 use Variable Length Array
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(void) {
unsigned rows, cols;
printf("Enter rows and columns: ");
scanf("%u%u", &rows, &cols);
int (*a)[cols]; // pointer to VLA
a = malloc(rows * cols * sizeof a[0][0]);
if (a) {
for (unsigned r = 0; r < rows; r++) {
for (unsigned c = 0; c < cols; c++) {
a[r][c] = r*c;
printf("the element at [4, 2] is %d\n", a[4][2]);
return 0;
Otherwise, you need to calculate the indexing manually.
There are many problems in your code
First, you need long long a[100][100] but you only allocate enough space for ints
a[i] = malloc(m * sizeof(int));
You're also accessing arrays out-of-bound. Indexes start from 0 to array_length-1.
Another problem is that you scanf 2 int values but only provide the address for 1.
scanf("%d %d",&a[i][j]);
You can allocate a 100-element array of pointers, each points to an array of another 100-element array but that's not good because it takes time to do 100 mallocs, and the resulting memory most probably isn't contiguous, which makes it cache unfriendly. There are also a small memory overhead too because the memory allocator must round it up to the nearest block size and this is most probably powers of 2, which may be large as you allocate more and more elements in the first dimension.
You should declare a 1D array of size 100*100 instead. This will be much faster and improve cache coherency. To get the element at a[i][j] just do a[i*WIDTH + j]
long long* a = malloc(WIDTH*HEIGHT*sizeof(long long));
for (i = 0; i < WIDTH*HEIGHT; i++)
scanf("%lld ",&a[i]);
for (i = 0; i < HEIGHT; i++)
for (j = 0; j < WIDTH; j++)
printf("%lld ", a[i*WIDTH + j]);

Erros in dynamically allocated array in C

I am trying to dynamically allocate a 2D array, put some values, and print output. However it seems that I am making mistake in getting input to program in atoi() function.
Basically when we assign a static 2D array, we declare it as say int a [3][3]. So 3*3 units if int, that much memory gets allocated. Is same thing holds for allocating dynamic array as well?
Here is my code:
int main(int arg,char* argv)
int rows = atoi(argv[1]);
int col = atoi(argv[2]);
int rows =3;
int col=3;
int i,j;
int (*arr)[col] = malloc(sizeof (*arr)*rows);
int *ptr = &(arr[0][0]);
int ct=1;
for (i=0;i<rows;i++)
printf("printing array \n");
for (i=0;i<rows;i++)
printf("%d \t",arr[i][j]);
return (0);
Program crashes in runtime. Can someone comment?
Try to change the third line to:
int main(int arg,char **argv)
The common method to use dynamic matrices is to use a pointer to pointer to something, and then allocate both "dimensions" dynamically:
int **arr = malloc(sizeof(*arr) * rows);
for (int i = 0; i < rows; ++i)
arr[i] = malloc(sizeof(**arr) * col);
Remember that to free the matrix, you have to free all "rows" in a loop first.
int rows = atoi(argv[1]);
int col = atoi(argv[2]);
int rows =3;
int col=3;
int i,j;
You are defining rows and col twice.... that would never work!
With traditional C, you can only have the array[][] structure for multiple dimension arrays work with compile time constant values. Otherwise, the pointer arithmetic is not correct.
For dynamically sized multi dimensional arrays (those where rows and cols are determined at runtime), you need to do additional pointer arithmetic of this type:
int *a;
int rows=3;
int cols=4;
a = malloc(rows * cols * sizeof(int));
for (int i = 0; i < rows; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < cols; ++j)
a[i*rows + j] = 1;
Alternatively, you can use double indirection and have an array of pointers each pointing to a one dimensional array.
If you are using GCC or any C99 compiler, dynamic calculation of multiple dimension arrays is simplified by using variable length arrays:
// This is your code -- simplified
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
int rows = atoi(argv[1]);
int col = atoi(argv[2]);
// you can have a rough test of sanity by comparing rows * col * sizeof(int) < SIZE_MAX
int arr[rows][col]; // note the dynamic sizing of arr here
int ct=1;
for (int i=0;i<rows;i++)
for(int j=0;j<col;j++)
printf("printing array \n");
for (int i=0;i<rows;i++)
for(int j=0;j<col;j++)
printf("%d \t",arr[i][j]);
return 0;
} // arr automatically freed off the stack
With a variable length array ("VLA"), dynamic multiple dimension arrays in C become far easier.
void f1(int m, int n)
// dynamically declare an array of floats n by m size and fill with 1.0
float *a;
a = malloc(m * n * sizeof(float));
for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j)
a[i*n + j] = 1.0;
With VLA you can write to do the same:
void f2(int m, int n)
// Use VLA to dynamically declare an array of floats n by m size and fill with 1.0
float a[m][n];
for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j)
a[i][j] = 1.0;
Be aware that unlike malloc / free VLA's handling of requesting a size larger than what is available on the stack is not as easily detected as using malloc and testing for a NULL pointer. VLA's are essentially automatic variables and have similar ease and restrictions.
VLA's are better used for smaller data structures that would be on the stack anyway. Use the more robust malloc / free with appropriate detection of failure for larger data structures.
If you are not using a fairly recent vintage C compiler that supports C99 -- time to get one.
